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Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer
Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer
Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer
Ebook169 pages1 hour

Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer

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Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer begins by walking you through the author’s unexpected journey through cancer. It then delves into how setting an intention to live can change the course of your survival. Finally, this book provides helpful strategies and opens the door to living an exceptional life after serious illness.

This book will teach you how to:
• Set an intention to live and renew it every day.
• Get healthy in your relationships.
• Feed your body exceptional food.
• Find more time for yourself and your loved ones.
• Stay connected to others during an illness.
• Let go of your emotional repression.
• Conquer your fear of dying.
• Change your perceptions and attitude toward illness.
• Live with passion and purpose.
• Give yourself permission to start living life fully engaged.

Taken together and practiced, these ten steps will transform your life and take you from stress and despair to joy and fulfillment.

PublisherGale O'Brien
Release dateSep 28, 2016
Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer

Gale O'Brien

Gale O'Brien is an award-winning author, motivational speaker, certified master coach, and a wellness advocate. As a life coach, she empowers others to explore opportunities for creating a fully engaged life. Her coaching specialities include work/life balance, health & wellness, retirement coaching, and cancer survivorship.Gale has received four certifications from the World Coach Institute: Certified Master Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Group Coach, and Certified Laser Coach. She is also an approved coach and member of the International Coach Federation.

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    Transformation - Gale O'Brien

    Praise for


    Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer

    "I had the privilege of knowing this courageous woman as a friend before we both moved from our community in the Bay Area to distant states. The title couldn’t be more appropriate—Gale chronicles her life changing bout with cancer in an emotionally charged account infused with knowledge and experience that helped turn her outlook around from bewildered despair to focused determination. This is a book of inspiration, finding hope in a seemingly hopeless situation and practical information for anyone seeking help in dealing with cancer or dealing with someone who is afflicted with this horrible disease. Hats off to Gale O’Brien—a gifted author."

    —NANCY JILL THAMES, Amazon Author Watch best-selling author, The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series

    "As a cancer survivor myself, I am very heartened by Gale’s positive approach and outlook to dealing with such a life threatening disease. Wish I had her book to guide me through the difficult time I experienced with prostate cancer. I would recommend this book for both men and women. The sincerity, compassion, and optimism of her words ring true."

    —ALFRED MASCY, retired NASA scientist and worldwide bicyclist

    "As Gale’s life coach during one of the most difficult times of her life, I watched her transform into a confident, assertive, happy woman with a purpose. Gale took her new life skills and summoned her strength and courage to become her own health advocate. She empowered her voice in her health care decisions, and she made her selfcare a number one priority. Gale is a champion and an inspiration. I highly recommend that you read Gale’s book. You will be inspired and educated, all at the same time!"

    —JANIS PULLEN, executive mastery coach: weight, wealth, and leadership

    "Your book is a companion…like having a good friend along, egging one forward to believe for a bright tomorrow and encouraging others to intentionally configure their life to bring that about. One can easily see the depth and variety of research you put into your book, making it not only one that is encouraging but also overflowing with resources. Your efforts have a far-reaching potential to bless so many others."

    —MARIA FISCHER, wife, mother, and caregiver

    "I couldn’t put this book down! Written from the perspective of her personal journey, Gale shares how she fought her fear by turning her attention to knowledge…this empowered her! She shares her ups and downs, good days and bad, but clearly illustrates how she moved forward with courage and a newfound love for living a healthier more vibrant life! You will want to read this book several times!"

    —BECKY J. HUNTER, retired manager, Sandia National Laboratory

    "In her heartfelt and compassionate account of this journey, Gale brings the reader to a new understanding and peacefulness in knowing that healthy living is attainable after cancer. An honest story that is compelling on many levels."

    —CLARE O’BRIEN, associate vice president, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

    "If I were to be diagnosed with cancer, I would want Gale O’Brien at my side. If that were not possible, then I would have her book. In straightforward language and personal insight as a cancer survivor, Gale sensitively addressed her journey from diagnosis through treatment and all that she (and her body) learned along the way. It is a powerful story of learning, redefining, surviving, and sharing…and one every person should read whether they have cancer or not."

    —PATRICIA HARRISON, president and owner, Innovative Admin Solutions

    "Gale is both an inspirational author and motivational speaker. Her level of authenticity adds immense credibility to her work."

    —PAT DE LAMBERT, retired organizational development consultant, Agilent Technologies

    "Gale is truly one of the most courageous people I know and I’m blessed to count her as a friend. Gale did not let the news of cancer keep her down. She made a conscious decision to face her illness head-on and transformed her life to LIVE. Understanding she could not do this alone, she sought support through counseling, support groups, friends, church, and most of all her faith in God. Through it all she has maintained a positive outlook and a sense of humor that has been such an inspiration to me. Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer has inspired me to seek my own life changes in food consumption and I am seeking to live the most nutritionally sound life possible."

    —MICHELLE MCKINNEY, senior cost/financial analyst, USAF contractor

    "Author Gale O’Brien puts her heart and mind into this book and has produced something very valuable. This is a good read, a great tool for anyone dealing with cancer."

    —DR. DEB CARLIN, social psychologist, author, speaker, Partners in Excellence, LLC



    Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer

    Gale M. O’Brien

    Revised Edition

    Copyright © 2014 Gale M. O’Brien

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2013 Gale M. O’Brien

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Published by Triple Ribbon Publishing, Albuquerque, New Mexico

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized without the written permission from the publisher, except as acknowledged quotes presented in literary articles, reviews, or research.

    Cover design by Estela Jia Ceyril Redulla

    Cover photography by Kyle Zimmerman

    eBook conversion: F + P Graphic Design

    Logo design by Hilary Klein

    Note: The information in this book is for educational purposes only and is not recommended as a means of diagnosing or treating an illness. All matters concerning physical and mental health should be supervised by a health practitioner knowledgeable in treating that particular condition. Neither the publisher nor author directly or indirectly dispense medical advice or assume any responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves.

    ISBN-10: 0692278397

    ISBN-13: 978-0692278390

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014918352

    North Charleston, South Carolina


    To my sons, Wes and Brad, I will love you always.


    The American Cancer Society estimates that about 1,665,540 new cancer cases will be diagnosed in 2014. By reading this, you are affirming that you or someone you care for has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Even though this is a very lonely place, I can assure you that you are not alone. Living with cancer involves much more than being able to identify the stage of the cancer or the best treatment options. This book provides a plan for those who journey this unfamiliar territory. You will learn not only how to survive following diagnosis and treatment, but also how to flourish and become a better you!

    Gale O’Brien and I met about five years ago at church. This beautiful, self-confident, personable, and cheerful woman graciously invited me into her circle of friends. Then the unimaginable happened. Gale was diagnosed with breast cancer and I watched her unravel, physically and emotionally. As a mammography technologist, educator on breast disease, and a breast cancer survivor myself, Gale’s response was all too familiar to me. The roller coaster of emotions is something that all women have in common at the time of diagnosis.

    Gale used her exceptional organizational skills to develop a plan of attack. She aggressively transformed her negative thinking and intentionally sought alternative methods of action. This book is a pathway to healing for all cancer patients. My only regret is that this exceptional resource was not available fifteen years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Instead, I stumbled through the extended healing process feeling hopeless and alone.

    Each of us can profoundly change our own life as documented by Gale’s actions. By carefully planning your time, seeking rewarding friendships, developing trust in your medical team, and connecting with your spiritual self, the cancer patient learns that the journey is not his or her own. Rather, the journey includes countless others who have come before you. A cancer survivor’s experiences and shared feelings are credible and highly valued because they offer hope to those who struggle. By sharing the contents of this book, the reader can personally help others diagnosed with cancer. Peace.


    Founder and Educational Director, RadComm, Inc.

    Mammography Technologist

    Breast Cancer Survivor


    Writing a book is not an easy process. It requires dedication, commitment, encouragement, and resources. This book was possible with the collaborative efforts of my medical team, my family, my friends, my life coaches, and the many cancer patients and survivors who shared their journey with me. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

    To my surgeon, Dr. Linda Ann Smith, for her wisdom and expertise in the field of breast cancer surgery. To my medical oncologist, Dr. Lovie Bey, for her kind and intuitive bedside manner. To Dr. Steven Gough, who calmed my fears and patiently answered all of my questions when I was facing prophylactic surgery. To my acupuncturist, Ann Losee, DOM, who restored my well being when I had wasted away with nausea, depression, and bone pain. To my physical therapists, Ada Portman and Melu Uriarte, whose tender touch and cavalry of exercises allowed me to regain full range of motion in both of my arms.

    To my family for their unwavering love and support. Thank you for making multiple trips to be with me during my surgeries and cancer treatments. I’m forever grateful to you for being there for me and relieving the loneliness that so often comes with a cancer diagnosis.

    To Jeanette Joyce, a rare friend and colleague whose generosity and listening ear can’t be match. Thank you

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