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The Book of Revelation Volume 1
The Book of Revelation Volume 1
The Book of Revelation Volume 1
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The Book of Revelation Volume 1

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An in-depth commentary on one of the most misunderstood spiritual books of all time. The Book of Revelation, or the Apocalypse, is the revealing of Jesus Christ to the world at the end of the age. The author, Cecil duCille, in this three volume series, will enlighten your understanding of how the Bible interprets itself and how you can come to understand the mysteries long hidden in this controversial, yet riveting book. Through his personal encounter with Jesus Christ, duCille has gained insight and wisdom on unlocking the spiritual pictures shown to John the Revelator while he was on the isle of Patmos over 2000 years ago. In this easy to read, easy to comprehend commentary the reader will receive a line upon line, precept upon precept appreciation for the book that is The Revelation.

Release dateOct 7, 2016
The Book of Revelation Volume 1

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    The Book of Revelation Volume 1 - Cecil J. duCille


    Book of Revelation

    Volume 1


    Cecil J. duCille

    ©1998 Cecil J. duCille

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is available in print at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes: Thank you for downloading this ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book please return to your favorite ebook retailer to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    Cover art is Four Horsemen of Apocolypse by Viktor Vasnetsov 1887



    As we have worked on this book about Revelation, we have rejoiced in the word that the Lord has brought to His church at this time. John 8:32 says, Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Our desire is that this book and the other two volumes will bring confirmation to your heart and strength for the hour that we live in.

    We are so thankful for the dedication that Brother and Sister duCille have shown. They have labored in love to bring this word to us. May the Lord bless them as they continue to serve Him.

    May your Kingdom come, Lord God, and may Your will be done! Amen!

    God bless you,

    Tom and Carol Trotter



    We wish to take this opportunity to thank the Lord Jesus Christ in the first place and the body of Christ here and all over the world for their faithfulness and the help and the strength they give us in accomplishing this gargantuan task in writing this book.

    The Lord Jesus Christ has been most gracious to us to give us workers in editing, and going through every detail, dotting the i's and crossing the t's with a fine tooth comb, dedicated and faithful brethren. Among those who gave their whole heart to this work for more than two years are Thomas and Carol Trotter, Catherine Trotter, Sidney and Sharon Kamprath, Steve and Fran Goodmon, and David Walter.

    We therefore send forth these volumes as a tool into the hands of the body of Christ trusting they might accomplish, in the name of Jesus, the perfect will of God for which they were ordained.

    "Write the vision, and make it plain upon

    tables, that he may run that readeth it.

    For the vision is yet for an appointed time

    but at the end it shall speak, and not lie:

    though it tarry, wait for it; because it will

    come, it will not tarry". Habakkuk 2:2



    We dedicate this book to our three sons Donovan, Lewin and Carl who spent all of their youth, from childhood to their teenage years working with us, being very involved in the gospel. Many times they would get the service started having everyone in prayer and worship before we arrived and acquired a very broad knowledge of the word. They had their share of suffering and learnt how to abase and abound. This created in them a fortitude and tenacity which has been invaluable in their endeavors.

    We commend them into the hand of the Lord and trust that this book will bless them as it blesses others.

    The enlightenment of this word first came to my husband approximately fifty years ago. When we found this treasure, this pearl of great price, we diligently sought the Lord together and sacrificed our careers: mine as an elementary school teacher, and his as an accountant with the Agricultural Department of Jamaica, dedicating our lives to labor in the Kingdom for the glory of God and have proven and are proving that God makes us stronger and more effective in the gospel in which we continue with exceeding delight. Matt. 13:45,46, Again the Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; who, when he had found one pearl of great price went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

    The word came piece by piece, line upon line, through days of prayer and meditation and sacrifice over these many years. We believe, according to the word, that God will reveal to the church all His mystery at this time. It is clearly stated in the Word that the Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached until Jesus comes in His fullness to His temple.

    We have come to understand that the full revelation of Christ in His body comes in three levels. The book The Pattern was a revelation on the first level. These three books of the Apocalypse are on the second level, with Seven seals (Mysteries), Seven trumpets (Messages), Seven angels (Messengers), Seven vials of the wrath of God. The third level of this revelation will come within the souls of men. If at the sounding of the seventh and final trumpet all the mystery of God shall be finished, then I feel this to be very close since the sixth seal which brings wars and rumors of war is already broken and the sixth trumpet is calling us into a place of safety. God is lifting the church, the Bride to a place of making herself ready for the Groom, thus the importance of these volumes.

    We commend this book to those who will be like the Berean brethren who diligently searched the Scriptures and made sure of truth, with no other intention but to bless the body of Christ. Pray for us and our family.

    Colossians 3:16, Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord, and whatever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.

    Mavis M. duCille


    Table of Contents



    Revelation Chapter One

    Revelation Chapter Two

    Revelation Chapter Three

    Revelation Chapter Four

    Revelation Chapter Five

    Revelation Chapter Six

    Revelation Chapter Seven

    Revelation Chapter Eight

    Revelation Chapter Nine

    Revelation Chapter Ten



    I first came in contact with the revelation of Jesus Christ when JESUS Himself walked into my room and introduced Himself to me. The veracity of what I relate here was proven by the change of life which occurred in me. In studying these writings, my readers may experience a measure of incredulity.

    For hundreds of years, the church has been preaching that Jesus Christ is alive, but many do not really believe it. Some preachers do not believe that Jesus Christ can talk to someone or manifest Himself in a vision or a dream. Much the less, would they believe He could come and stand and have a conversation with me for nine hours, but that was the reality of the situation. This was not an isolated incident, because He came back again and again over a period of seven months; from August of one year to February of the next.

    I knew nothing of God. I grew up in a nominal church system and had a very poor opinion of Christians. For me, there was no hope. I knew I was wicked, and I knew no one whom I could call righteous. I had no answer, either for my own wickedness or for their wickedness. I was an accountant doing very well in my field, but a demon of anger possessed my soul. It was a familiar spirit; that means it was a spirit that possessed my family which my father had and I understand my grandfathers had; both the grandfather from the African side of the family and the one from the French side of my family. For years I had struggled against these spirits of blind anger and unbridled wrath, but it only grew worse as the years went by. Whenever these spirits would take me, there was a sort of evil peace that I enjoyed. I could enter into a fight and be instructed blow by blow how to destroy the enemy. One of my six brothers and I fought almost every day, just for practice. To this day, we love each other dearly.


    I had moved away from my home in the city where I grew up and was now a civil servant working in a beautiful spot of God’s earth, in Jamaica. The battles of the mind are far more keenly fought than physical ones. Hell had finally maneuvered me to a point of crisis. Blind anger was raging through my being and I knew that soon I would be uncontrollable. I WAS NEAR THE EDGE. I could not stop myself from the murderous, reckless course I was being forced to take, except by one means. I decided on that course and prepared myself for 6 p.m. that afternoon. Some time before the clock struck six, Jesus came into my room. I had gone outside to take one last look at the fields when a dear servant of God challenged me. Go into your room, she said, and tell God I say He should SAVE YOU BY HIS BLOOD.

    I honestly thought this was some kind of a formula or some type of abracadabra (magical word). I was desperate enough to try anything. I figured if I said these magical words, something would happen. I was not prepared for what happened when I did say the words, for to me they were full of meaning and my only hope. I was motivated to take up this challenge and so I did exactly as she said. First, nothing happened inside of me. I cannot exactly describe the feeling, but after a few minutes I felt hilarity. I wanted to laugh. I resisted this laughter, since it seemed more like madness to me to laugh without any apparent reason. The thought of madness came to me and even the suggestion (because I had been such an avid reader and student) that I might have blown my circuits and might well have gone crazy.

    Now I know that was the voice of Satan, but then it seemed quite logical. Another voice came into my mind and said, If you think you are demented then give yourself a sober test. If you were mad, you would surely naturally tear this room apart. So tidy the room and if you are able to do this, then you are not mad. I did so. When the job was completed I set a vase with flowers, stepped back, looked at the room and said, I am not crazy. The moment I accepted the fact that SOMETHING GODLY and supernatural had happened to me, a flood of joy overwhelmed me, and I knew that something from God had somehow entered my being.


    I had no theological training, no understanding of what the name of the THING is that had happened to me. I grabbed an old Bible my mother had put in the suitcase and began to systematically analyze it, to find out if God speaks to people, for by this time I was hungry for the Word. I applied the process of analysis and, before daylight, came up with some astounding solutions. Yes, God speaks to thieves, murderers, and He will speak to me. It was simple to conclude. All I had to do was to get all the names of the men of God in the Bible and read how God dealt with them. I was thus convinced that this was a prayer-hearing and speaking God who would also speak to me. It was by then almost eight o’clock in the morning, time to go to work. I asked Jesus to meet me at four o’clock that day when I was off work.


    A few minutes to four, I was in my room waiting. At four, a man came through the door. I just barely had a glimpse of him and before I could get excited he was behind me. It was JESUS. This was the knowledge that came to me with His presence. The power of His presence was so great that it stilled the spirit of the warrior within me. For the first time in my life, I was at PERFECT PEACE. He began to show me the Bible. I wanted to ask Him about the errors in the Bible, but He calmly said, There are none. I was not allowed to verbalize my questions but as soon as they came into my mind He would answer them. For instance, I wanted to know why the Scriptures said,

    "He that believeth on Me,...out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water," (John 7:38). He answered, Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, (1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16) and immediately my understanding was opened to see He was talking about spiritual water out of a spiritual temple.

    This manifestation continued for seven months, from August to February, when He led me into the baptism into the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was then revealed to me as a person, a man whom I got to know and to love. He was gentle, but very firm. One day I was late for the usual four o’clock appointment with Him. I had gone to some city several miles away to register in the Bible school there, because some Christians brought me a message purportedly from the Lord that I should go to Bible school. When I entered the room, He was there standing with His back towards me and His face looking out the window. I was overjoyed to report to Him that I had obeyed Him. He began to turn around slowly to face me, and there was something awesome in His slow turn. Before this time, He had never spoken to me face to face, but would stand over my left shoulder while He spoke. Now He was turning to look at me face to face. His eyes were like a flame of fire and He put His finger into my face in a warning gesture and said, If you go to Bible school, then you have rejected Me as your teacher. This is one of the pictures that will live with me for the rest of my life.

    There are many skeptics who will say that I dreamed this or maybe I had a vision, but if it was a vision, then it was a serial vision in which I was not asleep and which lasted for seven months. It is possible that John did not see all the Revelation in one sitting or even two sittings but that the various visitations and visions came over a period of time. Because of this experience, I can relate to John the beloved who saw a vision of Jesus Christ while he was awake and open-eyed.


    John the beloved, so called because he was the closest to Jesus, is the writer of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He and James were the sons of Zebedee and Salome and were surnamed Boanerges, the sons of thunder. A fisherman by trade, he wrote the Revelation in his own tongue, which was Aramaic or Hebrew of that time. Someone else must have translated it into Greek because John was unlearned and did not know Greek. It was only the learned people of those days who understood the Greek language.

    The mysterious character of the Revelation has been preserved for us in a pure form, but it would seem that in our time each student of the Bible has his/her own opinion of what it should mean. God, however, has a time in which the truth of His Word must be revealed to the church. In order to receive it, we have to open our hearts and minds. It is the promise of God (John 7:l7) that if any man desires to know the will of God then the responsibility falls upon God to show it to him. It is then that God brings revelation down to the level of the honest believer. In the converse, this scripture would mean that those who do not receive the TRUTH are those who have either rejected it because of being filled with something else or not being honest in their seeking. I can either seek the Lord in spirit and in truth or be like the brother who went to God and asked for a wife, but ended his prayer with Please God, let it be Mary.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a vision and as a vision it needs to be interpreted. It cannot be interpreted by someone who is not qualified. We do NOT get qualified at Bible college or in the seminaries or by much study, but by seeking and hearing from the true and living God in spirit and in truth. To be qualified, then, is to learn from the Person who gave the vision who is Jesus Christ Himself, or from the Holy Spirit. Every servant of God laboring in the field of the Word knows that the book of Revelation cannot be accurately translated or explained by mental effort. It must be given by the Holy Spirit Himself. We are told by God that at the end of time all the hidden secrets in the Word would be revealed (Daniel 12:9 and Revelation 10:7), and the seals would be broken.

    The SEVEN SEALS are the SEVEN MYSTERIES OF THE GOSPEL which are being revealed to us or IN US, beginning with the mystery of salvation. No one can really tell you about salvation unless he or she has experienced it for himself.




    A. SANCTIFICATION which includes:

    1. baptism in water,

    2. baptism in the Holy Spirit, and finally

    3. baptism into Christ.

    B. CONSECRATION which means to put aside for the purpose of God alone that which has been sanctified.

    III. UNION WITH CHRIST which is man and God working together to bring forth the will of God.

    IV. FEEDING ON CHRIST in three dimensions

    A. Christ within,

    B. Christ in the Body, and

    C. Christ in our midst (amongst us).


    It is good for us to offer our bodies a living sacrifice to God which is very Scriptural and acceptable, but Jesus came to save our souls. The greatest, final offering of man to God is the offering of his soul. (Abraham offered his soul to God when he offered Isaac.)


    Dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty is a hiding place. When the sixth seal is broken and the sixth trumpet sounds and the sixth vial is poured out, man must find a place to hide and the only place is in Christ.


    The life-giving church completely incorporated by Christ. (All of these mysteries will be explained.)


    As children of Adam, we were all born in sin. This means that the child who was born an hour ago is just as much a sinner as the adult. Sin is an inbred quality of the human race and we all have sin. If we have no responsibility in being sinners, a just God would not send us to hell because we are sinners. Therefore, God, by His holiness, was bound to provide a way for us to escape from the wages of sin which is death. Death here means eternal separation from God in hell.


    God created the law of redemption, in which one soul can pay for the sin of the other, and He demonstrated this throughout the four thousand years from Adam to Jesus. Animals were offered up for sin because animals are not sinners. They are preprogrammed by God to act a certain way which we call instinct. They have no sin or responsibility for what they do. The quality then of the animal, which makes it appropriate for sacrifice and atonement for humans, is that they are SINLESS. Nevertheless, their blood was not efficacious to do a permanent work of atonement because they had no free-will choice. We needed a human person without sin.

    For four thousand years, there was never a man without sin, and Satan felt comfortable. Since it was God’s responsibility to redeem man, He had, with pre-knowledge, preordained that a virgin should bring forth a son taken from His own life-stream who would be sinless and qualified to die for our sins. The logistics of this action on the part of God is that His life would be planted in this Son of His and He should be crucified in such a manner that His blood would be drained from His body and liberate the life that was within Him for whomsoever will ask for this life. This life is then received by faith in His blood. For those who will believe and call upon His name, they shall receive.


    The blood of Jesus Christ touches the soul of the believer and immediately brings life to it. Because we were born of Adam, our soul was a dead area. That means it could not respond to God. When it is touched by the blood of Jesus Christ, it becomes a living being and can hear and respond to God of its own free will. This whole area which we call soul (mind, emotions, will, and desires) is redeemed. The price is paid for it to be set free, but it needs to be cleansed of the whole leaven. The process of cleansing is called sanctification. Sanctus in Latin means holy. Therefore, sanctification means to make holy. The process of making holy is symbolized by a wash basin, or a laver, used in the Tabernacle of Moses, designed to show three steps which is called baptism.

    1. baptism into water

    2. baptism into the Holy Ghost

    3. baptism into Christ


    Matthew 3:11, I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.

    The question of the necessity of the baptism into water is always one that arises among Christians. We only have to read the record to decide in our own hearts as to its necessity. The necessity of baptism in water can be likened to the necessity of a marriage ceremony, in which two parties covenant with each other before witnesses. It is the first step of a three-step plan of God to bring man into Christ.

    BASIC PLAN OF GOD’S DIVINE ORDER (1 Corinthians 15:46)

    "Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual."

    This three-dimension diagram shows the order:

    The first step in the things of God is always natural (1 Corinthians 15:46). The second step is always spiritual, and the third step is always the fullness or the final. It follows, therefore, if God wants to give us a lesson in being immersed in Him, He would begin with a natural immersion in water. Completely covered over by water signifies death to the old life and burial and rising back in the air, but totally covered or anointed with the water, is a type of what He has done when one is baptized in the Holy Ghost.

    Baptism in water is a covenant with God. It is a contract of death to self and life in the Spirit, and a contract to follow the Lord Jesus Christ through death, burial, and resurrection. This contract can only be made by spiritually alive people with a living God. If a person has been baptized before he or she was saved or quickened by the Spirit of God to a newness of life, then that contract is not valid. For this reason, GOD CANNOT make a contract with a dead man. He must first apply His blood to a man’s soul and make him alive before He introduces him to baptism. If one is baptized with a notion that it is some magical potion which will save him or give him some new lease on life, then this baptism is not according to the Word of God and, therefore, not valid. He must first repent of his sins and accept Jesus Christ as Saviour, receive Jesus Christ by the quickening of the Spirit (which is manifested in the believer by a change in his desires for sin to a desire for God and righteousness), have the sure knowledge that he has been born again (a new creation), that old things have passed away and newness of life has entered into him or her.


    Much fallacy and misconception crowds this work of grace in the human being but it is simple to understand when we look at the reason that God baptizes a person in His Spirit. When God made Adam, it was His intention to live in Adam, and to walk and talk in him. His intention never changed. Therefore, Jesus came to reconcile man to God and to bring us back to the place where we will be able to live in God and He in us. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is, therefore, the first step of the person of God entering into the human soul. After a person accepts Jesus Christ as his Saviour the blood of Jesus begins the work of the cleansing of the soul. The soul then begins to desire more and more of God and as it cries out for the living God, the Holy Spirit comes into the spirit of man.

    Romans 8:l6, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

    God meets man spirit to spirit. The Holy Spirit enters into the spirit of the believer. It was the blood of Jesus Christ which entered into the soul and made it a living soul. It is the Spirit of God which enters into the spirit of man and makes his spirit the first realm of man taken over completely by God, thus bringing heaven down to earth.

    Proverbs 20:27, The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly (or the soul).

    Where the Holy Spirit is, there is also Christ, and the Father, and that is heaven. The heaven of man’s spirit, soul, and body which God created for His dwelling place has begun to be possessed of Him.

    The work started on the day of Pentecost, almost 2,000 years ago, when the Holy Ghost entered the human spirit for the first time. This was prophesied by the prophet Joel approximately 800 years before Jesus Christ. On the day of Pentecost,Peter spoke to the crowd of various people who were gathered in front of the disciples in Jerusalem. When the disciples began to behave like drunken men, Peter explained that they were not drunk but that this was that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel.

    Acts 2:l7, And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

    From this verse we observe that when the Spirit of God comes into a person, he prophesies, has dreams, and sees visions of God. Of course, false prophets do the same, but they are not of God. The last days mentioned here are the last two thousand years, a thousand years for a day. The pouring out of the Spirit of God upon men and women began at Pentecost and will continue unto the coming of Jesus Christ. This gift of God to the human race is attended by speaking in prophecy.

    Revelation 19:10,"...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."

    Speaking in tongues, dreams and visions, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, discerning of spirits, and interpretation of tongues are all manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Remember though, that wherever there is the true, there is also the false. The test of whether it

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