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Sherlock Holmes On Jack Rippered Moriarty & Jules Vernian Treasure - (Part-1) -- & Dowry of Mrs Auda Fogg of Around World In 80 Days Great Epic Story
Sherlock Holmes On Jack Rippered Moriarty & Jules Vernian Treasure - (Part-1) -- & Dowry of Mrs Auda Fogg of Around World In 80 Days Great Epic Story
Sherlock Holmes On Jack Rippered Moriarty & Jules Vernian Treasure - (Part-1) -- & Dowry of Mrs Auda Fogg of Around World In 80 Days Great Epic Story
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Sherlock Holmes On Jack Rippered Moriarty & Jules Vernian Treasure - (Part-1) -- & Dowry of Mrs Auda Fogg of Around World In 80 Days Great Epic Story

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Inside Cover (Introductory) Notes:
One fine morning crowds gather shouting slogans as newspapers reported that Dr Moriarty arch enemy of Sherlock Holmes was found dead “Jack Rippered”. Moriarty was supposed to have died many years earlier in an incident in which Sherlock Holmes was also reportedly killed, but emerged alive later. Jack Ripper was a mysterious unknown person who killed scarlet women in streets of London decades earlier. One of those cases even mighty (to the public unfailing) Sherlock Holmes failed to resolve.
Instead of immediately setting out to solve Moriarty’s case and absolve himself of any and all suspicion of being murderer of Moriarty, Holmes has chosen to continue pondering over various other cases pending on his desk. And I Watson was almost angry when he personally agreed to investigate mainly that society Lady AudaFogg of Jules Verne’s famous tale “Around World In 80 Days” case of missing pink diamond.
Will Holmes solve either or both cases?

Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. For such necessary written permission from the copyright holder contract the publisher.

Part – II. –
Pre View of PART 2 Summary:
To be published later as a separate Novelette. Includes:-
Chapter 5.
Are Mr & Mrs Foggs great voyages only a cover for jewells smuggling Eh?
We discuss FoggsTravelogues for clues proving them guilty (of gems smuggling, theft etc?) or being real Heros.
- Outlines of The Foggs 2nd Great Voyage. Mediterranean honeymoon cruise escorted by Detective John Fixton. Defeating or evading Barbary Pirates, Tuareg Slave Raiders, Discovery of Pharanoiac Officers Tomb, Great Chaldean GreekTimbuktoo, Abyssenian, Alexandrian Library story, Black Sea and The Balkans and Italian and Corsican Mafia.
& Their 3rd Voyage My – Watson’s – Story of Accompanying The Foggs To Their repeated visit 1880s to India via Ottoman Turkish and Persian Empires and Afghanistan, trading in carpets, curio-ware and the like, reconciliation with Audasrelatives and her late pseudo husband the Maharajahs Kingdom.
Chapter 6:
Mr & Mrs Fogg and Company’s future Travel Plans – Cover for Stealing, Smuggling Jems like Pinkerton Diamond? Eh? NO!!....
Here Comeswith his lover lass Fiona Simpson The (criminal?) Grave Digger Bootleggers daughter; -- Jean Paspte son of Passporout – and Foggs 4th and 5th Great Voyages Stories.Their other great voyages and travellogues. On Trans Siberian Railway, Coasts of Africa, Great South Pacific and Sub Antartica Voyage Story.and Americas....
The Fogg Family’s now 1911, travel plans for future – by RMS Titanic in 1912 next year, and by financing 1914 or so Japanese Ship KomagataMaru planning to carry nearly 400 India migrants mostly Sikhs to Vancouver Canada despite racialistic White Canadian and British Objections; and around world tours pioneering by German or such Zeppelin Air Ship in 1915, by Luxury Passenger Submarine 1920, maybe they or their kids or grandkids may travel to Moon and Marsand Venus by 1930s.... wasting time in idle talk while serious criminal cases got forgotten?
Chapter 7.
and Watson Report on the very old Criminal Rake Grinsen and new Moriarty Rip Murder Case Investigations
All these Voyage Tales – Time Wasted For Finding Auda’s Friend PameliaHillarton’s Missing Diamond Finding Thrilling Story of Auda’s Dowry Treasure Mystery. Another intrusion into Holmes worries eh? Or Clearing Holmes of Moriarty’s Murder or being Jack The Ripper or his Mentor?

Chapter 8.
THE TWIN SOLUTIONS CLIMAX.....– Mrs AudaFogg’s 1872 Dowry Treasure Fantastic Story. As the solution to Moriarty Ripper Murder and Mrs Pam Hill’s Missing Diamond.
About The Missing Medicine Jars
And Thrilling story behind Audas Dowry –
Great Family Treasure Jewells
Epilogue -

Release dateOct 22, 2016
Sherlock Holmes On Jack Rippered Moriarty & Jules Vernian Treasure - (Part-1) -- & Dowry of Mrs Auda Fogg of Around World In 80 Days Great Epic Story

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    Book preview

    Sherlock Holmes On Jack Rippered Moriarty & Jules Vernian Treasure - (Part-1) -- & Dowry of Mrs Auda Fogg of Around World In 80 Days Great Epic Story - Spirit-Of-Shakespeare-Creations-Software S3C


    (= Dowry of Mrs Auda Fogg of Around World In 80 Days great famous epic).

    By : Spirit of Shakespeare Creations Software ………(S3-C)

    Published by ‘ Spirit Of Shakespeare Creations Software ………(S3-C)’ ; Distributed by Smashwords.

    Copyright © 2016

    All rights reserved. See notes at end of this ebook.

    = = = = = = = =

    An innovative approach to modern digital era reviving highly popular copyright expired over 85 years old great classics ……

    Smashwords Edition – Licence Notes:

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    -- And Missing Diamond Dowry Treasure of Mrs Auda Fogg of Jules Verne’s Around World In 80 Days famous storey.

    Part -1 of 2 Parts Novelettes.

    Introducing First novelette of A Series On Sherlock Holmes, Mr & Mrs Fogg’s World Wide Travelogues -- adaptable for Graphic Novels, Comics TV Serials, Movies, Film-script, …..

    Inside Cover (Introductory) Notes: One fine morning crowds gather shouting slogans as newspapers reported that Dr Moriarty arch enemy of Sherlock Holmes was found dead Jack Rippered. Moriarty was supposed to have died many years earlier in an incident at a waterfalls in Switzerland 3in which Sherlock Holmes was also reportedly killed, but emerged alive later. Jack Ripper was a mysterious unknown person who killed scarlet women in streets of London decades earlier. One of those cases even mighty (to the public unfailing) Sherlock Holmes failed to resolve.

    Instead of immediately setting out to solve Moriarty’s case and absolve himself of any and all suspicion of being murderer of Moriarty, Holmes has chosen to continue pondering over various other cases pending on his desk. And I Watson was almost angry when he personally agreed to investigate mainly that society Lady Auda Fogg of Jules Verne’s famous tale Around World In 80 Days case of missing pink diamond.

    Will Holmes solve either or both cases?


    Publishing Authors’ Notes – of Introduction.

    Did spirit or Ghost of Shakespeare or any modern software based on Writing Style of how Shakespeare wrote his great works create this book? Or a joker wrote it all in name of Shakespeare and computer software? No comments. Let readers decide merits of this point.

    This book and planned series of books on Sherlock Holmes and The Foggs of Jules Verene’s ‘Around World In 80 Days’ fame is based on an innovative new pattern of writing fiction based on now public domain very old fiction of highly popular authors, of so long ago, works copyright has long since expired, -- We have decided to let any would be readers to decide merits of my work on such a new innovative and unusual pattern of writing.

    Indeed there are already some works based on Personality of Sherlock Homes from about 1980, that is 50 years authors original copyright time limit in most countries of world since the authors Jules Verne died about 1903 and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died in 1930. Now others have written novels and created movies about Sherlock Holmes in old age 1947 visiting Hiroshima, and 10000 or so years into future and such stories based on the very famous fictitious detective.

    See also notes in Annexures 1 & 2 at the end of this book with more of Authors Notes, and More Notes on .Romantic Fiction.


    Introduction, -- Author’s Notes.

    Part – I. (This novelette in 4 Chapters):-

    Chapter 1 -

    1911 Jack The Ripper Killed Moriaty? Sherlock Holmes Suspected?

    Chapter 2.

    Here Comes Detective Fix; - aka (also known as or alias) John Fixton Anti Hero of Jules Verne’s Around World In 80 Days – famous tale.

    -- of Jules Verne’s famous 1872 story Around World In 80 Days fame; and a school girl admirer called Christine Agithaon. And his (Villains) side of story of around world in 80 days.

    And subsequent several voyages whose travelogue John Fixton helped to write about.

    Chapter 3.

    Meeting Jewellery Owner Mrs Phillas Auda Fogg.

    -- about Her Friend Pamelia Hillarton’s Missing Pinkerton Diamond. Another intrusion into Holmes worries eh? Her Story of The Foggs first and subsequent Great Voyages – Like in Time Travel through Ancient and Modern Mediterranean Worlds.

    The Fogg Family’s Thrilling World Wide Travelogues.

    Voyage 1 -Mediterranean Honeymoon; Voy-2, Turkish Empire, Persia and India Visit Again, and return by coasts of Africa; Voy-3, China and west coast of Americas Travels; Voyage-4 East Coast of Americas Trip; Voyage-5 Pacific Yachting Trip and meeting ship wrecked rich with mostly gold and currency to eat; and richer working class in 2 islands.

    Is Mrs Auda Fogg Victim Of Racialism like Villain (or Racially Exploited Victim) Women (living ghost like in attic or loft like as) of Novel Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte? Eh? Or rich Society Lady now?

    (….Brazilian 90% Black as pure white; while US 95% White Great Granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson as pure black….).

    (….Children of these Heros - Jr Sherlock, Jr Watson, Jr Fogg, Jr Passporout involvements…..)

    Chapter 4.

    The Circumstances of missing pink diamond of Mrs Pam Hill….

    The Fogg Family’s Jewellery Shop. At the A3 (or Auda Alias aka Audrey’s) Shops, Jewellery and Fashion Clothes and Antiques Baazar. Whiff of Clues? Is Mrs Auda Fogg a Sorceress, or Witch, and Guilty – of Theft, Murder, Smuggling? Eh? No!!

    Now 1911 onward The Foggs Family future travel plans – by RMS Titanic in 1912, by German or such Zeppelin Air Ship in 1915, by Luxury Passenger Submarine 1920, maybe they or their kids or grandkids may travel to Moon and Mars by 1930s…. wasting time in idle talk while serious criminal cases on Moriarty and Jack The Ripper and such grave accusations on Holmes got forgotten?

    (…. Holmes privately sending his private detective friends Watson and Fix after Rake Grinsen and Moriarty murder scenes….)

    = = = =

    Part – II. –

    Pre View of PART 2 Summary:

    To be published later as a separate Novelette. Includes:-

    Chapter 5.

    I, Watson seek to know - Are Mr & Mrs Foggs great voyages only a cover for jewells theft and smuggling Eh?

    We discuss Foggs Travelogues for clues proving them guilty (of gems smuggling, theft etc?) or being real Heros.

    - Outlines of The Foggs 2nd Great Voyage. Mediterranean honeymoon cruise escorted by Detective John Fixton. Defeating or evading Barbary Pirates, Tuareg Slave Raiders, Discovery of Pharanoiac Officers Tomb, Great Chaldean Greek Timbuktoo, Abyssenian, Alexandrian Library story, Black Sea and The Balkans and Italian and Corsican Mafia.

    & Their 3rd Voyage My – Watson’s – Story of Accompanying The Foggs To Their repeated visit 1880s to India via Ottoman Turkish and Persian Empires and Afghanistan, trading in carpets, curio-ware and the like, reconciliation with Audas relatives and her late pseudo husband the Maharajahs Kingdom.

    Chapter 6:

    Mr & Mrs Fogg and

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