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OmniWar: Anunnakx: OmniWar, #2
OmniWar: Anunnakx: OmniWar, #2
OmniWar: Anunnakx: OmniWar, #2
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OmniWar: Anunnakx: OmniWar, #2

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~ Book 2/2 ~ The Anunnaki have returned. David reunites the Horsemen, and together they must face this new threat. They will learn new things about each other and find help in the most unlikely of people and go on dangerous missions. Can the Anunnaki be stopped? The answer will lie in the human's past.
The Horsemen will get new suits, depend on new friends, meet an old ally, and face a new dangerous enemy.

Release dateOct 13, 2016
OmniWar: Anunnakx: OmniWar, #2

José Rodríguez

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    Book preview

    OmniWar - José Rodríguez

    OmniWar: Anunnakx

    By Jose Rodriguez Jr

    Cover by Tatiana Villa at

    Copyright 2016 Jose Rodriguez Jr

    Visit my Smashwords author page here

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re - sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents























    The Saratoga entered Earth’s orbit. She wasn’t the biggest ship in the UEC, but she was beautiful and powerful. Her rugged, long, kite shape commanded attention.

    Send down the shuttle, Ford said, We have orders to pick up the Maj.

    Where to, Capt.? ops. asked.

    Base Nevada, Ford said, He’s waiting for us there.

    At Nevada, David was waiting with his wife, Jane.

    Be careful, Jane said.

    I’m sorry I have to go, David said, This is going to be a terrible war and the UEC needs everyone.

    All wars are terrible, Jane said, I understand you need to go, just come back.

    From what I heard this war is going to be particularly bad, David said, For humans at least.

    What’s so bad about being human? Jane asked.

    David sighed, It’s…a long story, he said, In a nutshell, the AFU may think we’re someone else.

    You came back to me once, Jane said, Come back again.

    The pilot stepped in and approached David. He could tell by the name tag and rank insignia he’d found his man, Maj., Capt. Ford of the Saratoga sent me to pick you up. he said.

    David looked at Jane. He hugged and kissed her before leaving. Neither said anything, it was a tradition not to say ‘goodbye’ in case it was the last time they saw each other.

    David gave Jane one last look before he boarded the shuttle and took off.

    The shuttle docked with the Saratoga and David stepped out. Ford along with an escort was waiting and walked up to him to shake hands.

    Maj., Ford said, Welcome aboard.

    Capt., David said as he nodded.

    We got the dr. and your Horsemen, Ford said, Most of them anyway.

    David was shocked, What, who’s missing?

    Sgt. Hanson, Ford replied, I wouldn’t say he’s MIA, we’ve been getting a signal since we picked up who we could. It matches Dr. Sayyad’s beacon so it must be him. Your quarters and office are set up. Do you require anything else?

    Yes, David answered, phasing on his suit, Old suit you see. I need the latest suit with holo-emitters attached, for a simulation I have.

    Just then, Amy materialized, This ship is full of emitters, she said, So I can walk around without the suit.

    Don’t go anywhere, David said, I’m getting a new Phase suit for you.

    Amy looked at Ford and noticed her insignia that gave away her rank. She saluted, Capt., Amy said, May I ask what ship this is?

    This is the Saratoga, Ford replied, then looking at David, I see you have an Amy, a personal assistant?

    Sort of, David nervously said, She just goes wherever I go.

    Then you must be…Capt. Ford, Amy said, checking her databases, You are very well decorated. It is a pleasure to meet you.

    Likewise, Ford said, then looking at David again, Wouldn’t it be better for her to load up to the mainframe?

    No, David quickly said to Amy, Whatever you do, don’t upload to the mainframe. Walk to my room and read a book or something.

    You got it, Amy said, then pausing, Where is your room? I cannot tell if I do not upload.

    My escort will show you the way, Ford said, then turning to David and explaining as she led the way, Let’s get you a suit. Our inventory consists of Phase type XIV in multiple variants. We’ll have to send it to down to R&D to get it equipped with holo-emitters, but it should be ready in a few hours.

    Upon arrival, David walked up to the desk and began flipping through small holographic images of suits. He went through them until he came across the electronic kaleidoscopic stealth suit or EKS. It provided radar as well as visual obfuscation. It was popular amongst the intelligence community, but soldiers didn’t think much of it as it provided weaker armor, and phasing out anything would change its profile and it would be detected, I’ll take that one! he said.

    Ford looked at the image, R&D will attach small emitters and maintain as low a profile as possible, she said, Not planning to do much fighting?

    A little maybe, David answered, I figured I’d leave the others for the younger guys.

    Now that you mention it, Ford said, That’s why we were ordered to pick you up, the UEC figures we could use your leadership for our ground forces.

    I know, David responded, Will do, but I need you to help me get Sgt. Hanson back.

    What are you suggesting? Ford asked.

    I’ll go ahead and deploy our Myrmidons right away, David answered, Then, I’ll take a small team to Zera IV to get the Sgt. back. We have to get Peyton back. I sent him there, besides, he’s calling for help and we don’t leave men behind.

    Ford nodded, You got a point, but consider this…Amy, tell the Maj. how the battle is going. she said.

    An Amy materialized by Ford, Hello, Maj., Amy saluted, Right now the battle is slightly tilted in the AFU’s favor and they are beginning to land ground forces on Earth.

    They’re in for a rude awakening when they meet our Myrmidons, David said, then wondering, Amy…do you remember me?

    Maj. David Peter Thomas, Amy said, Seri-

    No, no, no, David interrupted, The Tiberius…remember what happened?

    Amy was dumbfounded, Sir, the ship? That is a different ship. This is the Saratoga. she said.

    David smiled and waved, Never mind. he said, satisfied that it was a different Amy.

    Thank you. Upload to the mainframe, Amy Ford said, then turning to David, See? We’ll need to coordinate this carefully. We shouldn’t leave Earth for long.

    Please, help me, David begged.

    I already said we need to coordinate this, Ford said, walking away, Let me know when you’re ready.

    David stepped over to a data wall, and let one of his nodes absorb some information to find his room. There, he noticed the room, while big, doubled as an office. Amy (his Amy) stood by the desk with a blank stare on her face, her eyes moving rapidly as if reading something before noticing him.

    David, Amy said, I was just going through some files without uploading to the mainframe. Did you know Sgt. Hanson is missing in action?

    David sat at the desk, Send a message to his previous team and Dr. Sayyad to meet me here right away. he said, Peyton isn’t MIA, he’s on Zera IV. We just need to get him.

    David went to drawing up Earth’s battle plans, How good are you in a fight? he asked.

    Not very good right now, Amy answered, I can tell you all about combat, but I am not set up for that. Firefights are only ok because I at least need a line of sight to the emitter. Something can happen to the emitter, or it left real people exposed too much, and we cannot be given our own suits and sent on missions because of changing conditions, people thought we were too coldhearted. There are a few exceptions, however, holograms programmed for specific tasks.

    Makes sense, David said, as he continued to work, There must be something you can do?

    Explore, Amy excitedly said, I can explore or scout ahead. I may be detected and ruin the element of surprise, but I can do it!

    So you’d fight if I asked? David asked.

    I would, Amy answered, I just have to be set for it.

    I thought you holograms were adaptable? David asked.

    Today’s simulations are light years ahead in terms of adaptability, Amy responded, It is just that when scientists first tried it, the results were too good to be true and we had the Babylon incident. Since then, simulations have been relegated to assistive roles.

    Initiate your combat subroutines, David said. I need you ready at a moment’s notice.

    Samantha, Jenny, Anthony, and Anjum walked in and stood at the Maj.’s desk.

    We got your message, Anthony said.

    I guess you’ve heard? Samantha asked.

    David leaned back in his chair, You bet, he answered, We’re going back to Zera IV and this time I’m coming with. Anjum, I don’t care what suit you get as long as it’s capable of beaming. You all may have heard that we’ve been getting a signal since the end of your mission, Peyton is alive, and we’re going to get him, he pointed at Samantha, Jenny, and Anthony, You three are going because you’ve been there. Dr. Sayyad, you’re going because you’re the expert. Anyone, any questions?

    Samantha raised her hand, When do we start? she asked.

    David replied, "Once I get my suit and we’re in position above

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