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Lovers by the Fourth of July: The Priceless Collection
Lovers by the Fourth of July: The Priceless Collection
Lovers by the Fourth of July: The Priceless Collection
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Lovers by the Fourth of July: The Priceless Collection

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

All he needs is a date...

Robb Sullivan is forced to spend his 4th of July weekend with his relatives and parent's friends. Oh and his ex-girlfriend will be there too. Not just an ex. The one who turned down his marriage proposal. Hello, awkward. To fend off any probing questions into his non-existent love life, he's desperate to bring someone with him to make the gathering bearable.

All she needs is a break...

Danielle Murphy just got back from a three month trip in Haiti and finds a "Pay Rent or Quit" notice on her door. When she goes to the management office to beg for more time, she's offered an unusual deal. Play Robb's girlfriend for the weekend and she'll get the time she needs to sort things out.

It's all fun and games until someone exposes their little scheme...and both realize they haven't been faking much at all.

PublisherVerika Ink
Release dateJul 17, 2016
Lovers by the Fourth of July: The Priceless Collection

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    Lovers by the Fourth of July - Verika Sloane


    This is not a request, Robb. Be there.

    Those were his mother’s last words on the voicemail she’d left.

    He cursed, tucked his phone in his pocket, and continued crossing the street toward one of his family’s property management offices in downtown San Francisco.

    He’d tried all of his best evasive maneuvers to get out of the Sullivan/Renard/Peck weekend, but his mother was in a no-excuse mode.

    Despite the fact his ex-girlfriend Katrina would be there.

    Despite the fact she was currently dating one of his friends.

    Despite the fact he told his mother he had zero intention in participating in anything more than drinking.

    While he more or less looked forward to seeing everyone, he wasn’t looking forward to an awkward, gut-wrenching moment when he and Katrina would come face to face a year after she’d rejected his marriage proposal.

    He pulled the door to the management office and greeted the front office assistant. Hi, Tony.

    Good afternoon, Mr. Sullivan. I didn’t know you were coming by.

    Even my father doesn’t go by Mr. Sullivan. And besides, you’re only a few years younger than I am. Call me Robb. Is Sam around?

    He went to the Lemon Street condos. He should be back soon.

    Robb checked his watch. It was almost two o’clock. I’ll wait. Why don’t you take off? Enjoy your weekend early.

    The young man brightened. Really?

    Really. I’m sure nothing will come up that can’t wait until Tuesday.

    Five minutes later, Tony was pulling out of his parking spot, and Robb was making himself at home in Sam’s office, turning on the coffee maker.

    What could he do to make this weekend bearable?

    Not go alone, that was what he could do.

    He’d known about this for weeks, but had assumed he could get out of it. It was way too late to find someone to go with him, but he had to try.

    He sat down in Sam’s chair, desperate to change his circumstances, creating a mental list.

    First, he needed to bring someone his family hadn’t met. If he brought one of his girl friends, then it wouldn’t sell. Everyone would know the relationship was nothing more than neutral.

    Second, he needed someone for the entire weekend. And third, this stand-in girlfriend needed to be able to handle the scrutiny and think on her toes.

    Scrolling through his contact list, he tried the only possibilities he could think of.

    One by one they turned him down:

    Sorry, handsome. I’m busy, and you’re too last minute, said Brittany’s text with an angry emoticon. She was a dental hygienist he flirted with on occasion.

    Alison, the neighbor who watched over his place whenever he was out of town, told him: Can’t! I’m going to Lake Tahoe with my family.

    And then… My ex and I got back together, was the text he received almost instantly from Natalie, the last girl he took out on one date. Two months ago.

    Three strikes and I’m out. He set his phone on the desk and drew in a deep breath.

    The universe was against him.

    When he’d asked his mother why he had to go to the reunion when Katrina was going too, his mother had told him to man up. Those were the actual words out of her mouth. Being over thirty, he didn’t need anyone telling him to man up, even his opinionated mother.

    He and Katrina had been together as a couple for a little over a year, but he’d known her since childhood. While they attended separate high schools and colleges, they kept in touch, and finally decided to start a relationship because…well, because it made sense to.

    They got along. Respected each other. Had the same goals.

    Or so he’d thought. He’d proposed when he assumed the time was right and…she’d said no. Just like that.

    His parents had been appalled at his failure to foresee her answer.

    Why the hell would she break up with you? his father had roared. You’re a Sullivan. You’ve got looks, money. A legacy. The girl is crazy!

    Yeah well, apparently looks, money, and a legacy didn’t appeal to Katrina. Now she was involved with Eddie, who, while fun at parties and a decent enough guy, wasn’t exactly known for being faithful.

    Where was the justice in the world?

    Robb groaned loud and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes when a woman’s voice interrupted his pity party.

    Hello? Anyone here?

    The voice perked his ears. Yes. Back here.

    Seconds later, the young woman appeared at the door, wearing a navy blue romper with skinny straps and a slim gold belt. The outfit showed off the pale color of her skin, and the ugly overhead lighting somehow cast a glow around her dark red hair.

    Her eyes? They were a gorgeous light blue, and they were also wide with worry.

    Mr. Lentz, please listen to me. She held up a letter. It slightly trembled in her hand.

    Checking his physical attraction to her, Robb stood up, walked around the desk, and visually scanned the paper.

    It was a Pay Rent or Quit Notice. Uh-oh.

    She cleared her throat delicately. "I’ve been in Haiti for the past three months. I had no idea my roommate wasn’t paying the rent. I just flew home this morning, saw this on the door, and found out she ditched the place weeks ago. I was blindsided. You have to give me more time."

    Before he could explain that he wasn’t Sam, she took a step toward him, pleading him with her beautiful eyes. She didn’t cash my checks. She left them on the table with a note about how she couldn’t afford to live here anymore and moved back to Indiana. So, with all my checks combined, I have enough for one and a half’s month rent. I can get the rest, but not until Monday. She pulled out a cashier’s check from the bank.

    Tentatively, he took it, trying like hell not to let his gaze drift lower than her chin.

    During her speech, her nipples had puckered from the chill of the office, and the thin material of the dress emphasized how achingly taut they were.

    It wasn’t any easier meeting her gaze either. A man could get hit by a truck looking into her bright baby blues.

    He cleared his throat. Monday is a holiday.

    She looked as though he’d knocked the wind out of her, pressing her hand to her forehead. Oh that’s right. July 4th. Okay, Tuesday then. First thing in the morning, I promise.

    Why can’t you pay until Monday?

    Because I…I’ll have to borrow the money and I can’t a hold of my grandfather until he gets back from his trip on Monday. He travels a lot and is hard to get a hold of on weekends.

    She handed him the letter and he read the terms.

    Today was in fact the last day for her to come up with rent before an eviction would be filed. Sam had only given her five days from the date the note was posted, which Robb understood since the rent was painfully overdue.

    How it’d gone unnoticed this long, he’d have to ask his manager.

    Obviously Sam didn’t know the pretty redhead’s roommate hadn’t even been home, which turned out to be an apartment residence on Shiloh Way. $4,500 a month, if memory served.

    What did she do for a living to afford that?

    Her manner didn’t scream spoiled-by-daddy rich girl nor did she look like she worked in the tech biz.

    Allowing his curiosity to get the best of him, he asked, What were you doing in Haiti?

    A question she didn’t expect by the raise of her brows. Er…well I’d always wanted to go. So I went. It was mainly for a volunteer mission.

    By yourself or…with your husband…? An obvious double-question because she

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