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A Boy’s Life
A Boy’s Life
A Boy’s Life
Ebook35 pages30 minutes

A Boy’s Life

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Greg and Bower were such jerks. Twice they’d been questioned about break-ins at the school. Turning over desks, drawing obscene pictures on the blackboards, spilling the contents of the teacher’s desks around the room. All kinds of moronic shit. But no one could ever prove anything. On the way to school they’d catch you and steal your lunch money. Never picked on little kids who might spill the beans to their parents. Only us older kids who were silenced by the code. Never rat out a kid to an adult. One time they chased me and David. I raced across the traffic on Kipling Avenue to safety. I almost got hit by a truck but it was worth the risk. I watched as they grabbed David by the feet and turned him over, shaking his change out of his pockets. They didn’t have to do that. David would have given it up but it pleased them to no end to humiliate him.

Release dateSep 1, 2016
A Boy’s Life

David Halliday

I have published poems, short stories, plays, art works in reviews and publications across the United States and Canada. I have several published books: murder by Coach House Press. This book is a series of poems and illustrations set up like scenes in a movie, describing the murder, trial, and mob execution of an innocent man. Winner of the 2001 Eppie for poetry. The Black Bird by. The Porcupine’s Quill. This is a book of poems, illustrations and short prose pieces describing the fictional making of the John Huston film, The Maltese Falcon. Making Movies by Press Porcepic. This is a book of long poems, interviews, short fiction pieces about a fictional BBC documentary about a fictional Canadian film maker, Samuel Bremmer and his company of actors and colleagues. It follows his career through the creation of a series of his movies. Church Street is Burning, a book of poems, was a finalist in the 2002 Eppie for poetry. The God of Six Points, published by Double-dragon-ebooks. A man who believes he is a god believes he has murdered one of his subjects. Sleeping Beauty, published by LTD is a murder mystery. A woman lands in a small village where the only escape is to be murdered. Finalist in the 2003 Dream Realm Awards. Winner of the 2004 IP Book Awards. The Hole, published by LTD ebooks is one in a series of cop stories. There are unusual happenings in the quiet suburb of Islington. People have begun to disappear. And they have been disappearing for generations. For the soon to retire Sam Kelly, this is his last case as a detective. All the clues point to a mysterious hole, which appears to have no bottom. In 2007 I was short listed for the C.B.C. Literary Contest in poetry.

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    Book preview

    A Boy’s Life - David Halliday

    A Boy’s Life

    by David Halliday

    Published by David Halliday at Smashwords

    The Invisible Man Part 7

    Copyright 2011 David Halliday

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    1. The Raccoon

    Mackenzie Philips and David Foster sat in the ditch in front of the Craven house looking at the dead raccoon.

    Think I should give it a name? Mackenzie looked at David. He was exhausted. It was too hot to think.

    I don’t know.

    David turned his head around looking for the shrill patter of a cicada. He took his glasses off and squinted. Where the hell do those things hide?

    Mackenzie bent over and picked at the sticky asphalt of the street with a popsicle stick.

    Guess it don’t matter, Mackenzie said, if you’ve got a name once you’re dead.

    David looked at the raccoon again, its mouth snarled, baring its teeth as if the scream of death were still inside. Mackenzie had discovered the dead raccoon, flattened like a platter, on the street in front of his house. It had lain there three days before Mackenzie rescued it. He wanted to wear the raccoon like a Daniel Boone hat but the smell was too great, hanging about the creature like an old friend at a grave sight.

    David shrugged his shoulders. Whatdya want to do with it?

    Mackenzie looked at David. I was gonna skin it but my mom won’t let me use any of her steak knives.

    The two boys sat quietly considering the problem.

    Maybe you could attach the tail to the aerial on your car, David suggested.

    Mackenzie shook his head. My dad would skin me alive if he caught me fooling around with his car.

    David looked down at the raccoon as if the animal might come up with an idea. Let’s leave it outside Mary Lou Frances’s bedroom.

    Mackenzie laughed. What have you got against Mary Lou?

    David smirked. "She’s always bragging about her old man. Him being a cop. My dad told me

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