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Blue Moon Hollow's Eve
Blue Moon Hollow's Eve
Blue Moon Hollow's Eve
Ebook54 pages43 minutes

Blue Moon Hollow's Eve

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

True Opress was thirty-four years old and had buried herself inside her home for over a year, refusing to even attempt the dating world, not trusting anyone, until her best friend, a shifter, dragged her out of the house for a Halloween party that did not just last one night. No, this party lasted for three days. But could True let go of her own personal demons, or would the scars of the monster she had dated come back to haunt her?
Lawrence Hasbrow was not happy, but he had no choice when the fates decided you were to be the guardian of the Blue Moon Mating. Then you did it. But what he wasn’t expecting was the tiny human showing up and the fact that she was his chosen one. But he could see the scars and fear in her eyes. Soon, he would find out where the monster was that hurt her. After all, he was a lion. He was all about the hunt and control.
With one weekend of loving, dancing and talking, could Lawrence convince True to follow him to his homeland after the party? Would she accept him as he was and join him in his world?

Release dateOct 20, 2016
Blue Moon Hollow's Eve

Trinity Blacio

Trinity Blacio is an established romance writer of best-selling Running in Fear series, as well as a number of dark fantasy, erotic romance, erotic horror and ménage titles. She is the mother of two children and lives in Ohio. Her work can be found at Freya’s Bower and Ravenous Romance, as well as the work of her alter-egos Maria Moonstar and Selene Noreen.

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    Book preview

    Blue Moon Hollow's Eve - Trinity Blacio

    Every five years there comes a Halloween when all species—vampires, demons, shifters, angels, trolls, aliens and so on—come together for a party so large it is held for three days. Sex, dancing and maybe, just maybe, a mate or two will be found.

    True Opress was thirty-four years old and had buried herself inside her home for over a year, refusing to even attempt the dating world, not trusting anyone, until her best friend, a shifter, dragged her out of the house for a Halloween party that did not just last one night. No, this party lasted for three days. But could True let go of her own personal demons, or would the scars of the monster she had dated come back to haunt her?

    Lawrence Hasbrow was not happy, but he had no choice when the fates decided you were to be the guardian of the Blue Moon Mating. Then you did it. But what he wasn’t expecting was the tiny human showing up and the fact that she was his chosen one. But he could see the scars and fear in her eyes. Soon, he would find out where the monster was that hurt her. After all, he was a lion. He was all about the hunt and control.

    With one weekend of loving, dancing and talking, could Lawrence convince True to follow him to his homeland after the party? Would she accept him as he was and join him in his world?

    Blue Moon Hollow’s Eve

    © 2016 by Trinity Blacio

    Cover design by Insatiable Designs

    All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    Published by

    Smashwords Edition

    Blue Moon Hollow’s Eve


    Trinity Blacio


    This book is dedicated to Laurann Dohner who has been there for me, my cheerleader and friend, love you, lady.

    Chapter One

    True Opress adjusted her top of the harem costume once more while glaring at her friend Grace. You sure they didn’t have a bigger size, or did you do this on purpose? She glanced down at her body and signed.

    Every curve could be seen, not to mention her breasts were practically exposed with her ass.

    Grace gave her a quick glance and snorted. You look hot, and stop worrying; you’re going to have a wonderful time. Plus... She stopped and faced True. You need this, True. When was the last time you have had a man just hold you and care for you? She reached up and tucked one of her wayward curls behind her ear.

    You’ve gotten rid of the trash, and it’s been over a year now. What better time to have fun on Halloween. You have three days of music, all the food you can eat, being waited on hand and foot, not to mention all the sex you could ever want. This Blue Moon event only comes every five years; I’ve explained it to you. Who knows; maybe you’ll find your special someone, but remember, just don’t settle for the first man. There will be a number of them paying attention to you. Her friend squeezed her arm. This is our time. We don’t have to worry about society’s standards. This place, all rules are out, well except for violence. There will be guards everywhere if you need help, just remember that and the fact I’ll hear you if you yell. Remember a cat can hear very well. She winked and frowned. We should be getting close. I was told to keep walking on the path. Her friend looked around. I hope we’re on the right path.

    But you know... True tried to tell her friend,

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