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Kids Party Magic
Kids Party Magic
Kids Party Magic
Ebook174 pages1 hour

Kids Party Magic

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Kids Party Magic is a practical book of magic for children’s magicians that contains entertaining and many original tricks that you can add to your show right away. Included are themed tricks around Easter & Christmas, as well as insights into the theory of performing for kids.

Are you looking for new comedy items and gags to perform with assistants? What about ideas for prizes? How about incredible comedy routines with props that break and fall apart? All of which you can construct easily and inexpensively within an afternoon; from balloons, wands, bells, cards to hankies. The original book was written a few years ago and has been completely revised, edited and updated.

Plus you receive a download link for the Easy Magic Tricks book (with full print rights) which your digital printer can print as a prize for the birthday child. If that’s not enough, you also receive the links to 3 Teach-In videos on Children’s magic, including Wolfie’s Kids Magic, Xmas Magic and a Balloon Modelling video that teaches 25 single balloon figures.

Many of these original tricks and routines would cost ten times the price of this book from a magic dealer.

These are the online videos:
Wolfie’s Kids Magic Part 1 & 2
Xmas Magic
Balloon Modeling

Release dateOct 17, 2016
Kids Party Magic

Wolfgang Riebe

Wolfgang began his career as a magician on British television on BBC & ITV, later traveling around the world as a headline act on cruise liners before tackling expeditions throughout the Arctic & Antarctic where he performed world-class illusions to thousands of international passengers. In later years he relocated to Cape Town from where he focused on the EMEA market combining strategically planned illusions with speaking in order to reinforce corporate messaging throughout Africa, Europe and the Middle East. He completed a thesis in Complexity Thinking and its affect on Innovation amongst leadership in multi-national organisations at the York St John university in the UK. In 2012 the National Speakers Association (NSA) awarded Wolfgang the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation, which is the highest award given to any professional speaker in the speaking world. This designation is currently only held by less than 800 professional speakers globally. His passion is to share life truths and connect people through logical thinking and fun, as can be validated through his You Tube channel (inspiringtheworld) with over 1000 videos. In 2015 he appeared as a TEDx speaker and is currently based in Geneva, Switzerland where he focuses on the English Speaking meetings & events market and has performed in over 165 countries during the last 30 years. From symposiums, conferences, strategic planning sessions, cruise liners, television to expeditions, his vast variety of incredible life experiences make him the perfect host as your Keynote Speaker, Master of Ceremonies and Celebrity Comedy Entertainer, turning your whole event into an unforgettable sophisticated experience where creates Memorable Magical Moments for everyone.

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    Book preview

    Kids Party Magic - Wolfgang Riebe


    by Wolfgang Riebe

    Published by Mind Power Publications

    Copyright © 2016 by Wolfgang Riebe

    ISBN: 978-1370943692

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment

    only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    This updated and revised book of the original ‘Wolfie’s Kids Magic’ I dedicate to my old friend Jack Stephens. We pretty much started our children’s magic careers together in England back in the late 1980’s. Sadly Jack passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2015 and I miss him so. We always remained good friends throughout our careers and he was one of the most popular children’s magicians ever in the UK.


    As a unique added feature, this book can be read in conjunction with 4 Teach-In videos whose links can be found at the end of this book.

    Bonus Free Easy Magic Tricks Videos to share with family, friends, clients & children. These videos teach simple beginners magic tricks with every day items and are great to share with people who want to learn a few simple tricks.

    Easy Magic Tricks (12 Tricks)

    Easy Magic Tricks 2 (6 More Tricks)

    Easy Magic Tricks 3 (Another 6 Tricks)

    10 Easy Magic Tricks

    How To Levitate





    A Terrific Opener

    Balloon Modeling Gems

    Bow & Arrow

    Balloon Elephant

    Balloon Workshop

    Briefcase or Box Table

    Color Changing Rabbit

    Comedy Items & Gags

    Break-A-Way Gun

    Comedy Bells

    Break-A-Way Bell

    Crazy Bell

    No Chime Bell

    Bells Galore

    Comedy Wands

    Some Patter Ideas

    Break-In-Half Wand

    Break-In-Half Wand

    Magic Painting Gags

    Break-In-Half Paintbrush

    Streamer Paint

    String Spray

    Comedy Scissors & Afghan Bands

    Won't Open Scissors

    No Cut Scissors

    Crazy Fall Apart Scissors

    Crazy Scissors

    Break-In-Two Scissors

    Zig Zag Scissors

    Egging With An Eggsisting Trick

    Introduce Yourself

    Invisible Handkerchiefs

    Passe Passe Bottles

    Smartie Magic

    Stretched & Shrunk Rope

    Some Extra Hints & Tips

    Stretched & Shrunk Rope

    Grabbing Props

    Puzzle Box

    The Magic Bunny

    The Magic Post Box

    Ventriloquist Dialogues

    A Ghost Story

    General Nonsense

    Silk In Xmas Cracker Vanish

    Zippitup For Kids


    The Psychology Behind Performing For Children

    Understanding Children

    Choosing A Stage Name

    Shouting Out The Magic Words

    An Act For Every Season


    Introducing A Child From The Audience

    Gags For Assistants

    Top Hat 1

    Top Hat 2

    Continuos Hand Shaking

    Magical Apparel

    Publicity & Advertising

    The Newspaper

    The Yellow Pages

    Snail Mail & Email

    Brochure & Pamphlets

    Prizes & Give-A-Ways

    The Scope Of Performing For Children


    Teach-In Video Links



    Welcome to this fun book on children's party magic that is based on practical real-life experience with routines, gags and patter that has been tried and tested over many years.

    I'm not sure if this is a unique concept, but this book comes complete with teach-In videos linked to many of the tricks that have already been supplied to you on page 5.

    Please note that most of these routines were originated in the 1980's and the original book together with the teach-in videos was produced in the early 90's. At the time, it was called, Wolfie's Kids Magic, but has now been re-edited and updated in 2016. The unlisted YouTube links to the original 2-part teach-in videos remains timeless, and I believe this to be the case here. However, nothing stops you updating the tricks and routines where you see fit. Please note that Wolfie's Kids Magic was one of, if not the first children's teach-in magic video to be produced in the UK and received rave reviews as below...

    When this tape was launched in England in 1990 at a price of £30 it hit record sales and received tremendous write-ups:

    It’s a great pity that there wasn't a teach-in of this sort available in our early years of entertaining children. The tips on advertising alone are worth the price of the tape. Richard Stupple & Wally Boyce: UK

    Nothing is omitted. The production is first class, the editing tip-top, and it proves to be excellent value for money Jack Stephens: UK

    I used three of the routines immediately! Dennis Lucas: UK

    The follow-up teach-in was called Xmas Magic with many original Christmas themed routines.

    Following the success of Wolfgang Riebe's Children's teach-in, comes his Christmas show. What a brilliant concept; a teach-in devoted entirely to the creating of a children's Christmas show. There are some real crackers here (excuse the pun!) Father Christmas and the Chimney, Father Christmas Painting, Torn and Re-stored Christmas Wrapper. Colour Changing Tree, Hide and Seek Father Christmas and Christmas Sock. Many are Wolfgang's adaptions of well-known items. But they all have that special something that Wolfgang seems capable of giving standard effects. Take your torn and restored paper, egg-bag, sucker turn it around trick, or magic painting, follow Wolfgang's easy and simple to follow instructions, and you will have produced a one hour Christmas show. Special mention should be made that Wolfgang has been very fair and not given away the workings of any dealer items featured. However, the bulk of the tape is of very easy to make up items, and you will be constructing the various bits and bobs in no time at all.

    Special mention must be made to two brilliant items on the tape; Silk Cracker Vanish and Comedy Christmas Bells. The former is one of the slickest vanishes of a silk you will ever see and believe you me, you will not be using this at Christmas time only! The bells item is a riot of fun; what the breakaway wands are to a children's routine - the balls can be to any Christmas routine. Wolfgang even gives you a full routine as well.

    All in all a very well produced, cleanly and clearly filmed teach-in and the perfect release for this time of the year. Jack Stephens: Magic Circular & Abra

    This was followed by my comprehensive one balloon, Balloon Modelling teach-in video.

    For a name and a face new to this country comes obvious experience, a young man who has worked all kinds of environments as a professional entertainer. This tape details more than twenty attractive balloon models, mostly using one balloon, a few with more than one. The basics of modelling are not actually taught although only a modicum knowledge is necessary to be able to construct many of the delightful figures and formations shown. These include standard and not so standard dogs, and elephant, clown, monkey, parrot, rabbit, horse, bee, etc. For a spectacular closer a basket of fruit containing apples, pears, cherries, oranges and more will pull the applause. The tape quality is good, Wolfgang Riebe's command of English excellent and his speed in introducing models quite rapid. There are not many balloon tapes available and from this one you should get plenty of ideas. Donald Bevan, Editor Abra Magazine, June 30, 1990

    The elephant is absolutely fabulous and worth the price of the tape. In fact, the bow & arrow is so simple, yet such a hit at all my shows that I am lost for words to describe this clever idea. The range of sculptures demonstrated is superb, and the extra little bits and pieces which Wolfgang so cleverly slips in every now and then are worth their weight in gold. Patrick Van Almelo, RSA

    Please understand that these videos were produced in the late 80's and early 90's and rather than allow stunning routines to go to waste, I am sharing these videos with you now as part of the book.

    The videos were shot with one camera and on VHS at the time. Please DO NOT expect high definition quality and expert technical editing, but rather expect great routines that you can use and adapt for today's environment.

    Please note that the links on page 156 need to be copied and pasted into your browser in order to access them. These are UNLISTED You Tube links, which means that ONLY YOU have access to them. By uploading these videos as unlisted videos on You Tube, it saves DVD/USB stick postage costs and makes these teach-ins easy for you to access. Whether you are on Windows, or Apple Mac, a simple free program like YouTube Downloader will even enable you to download the entire videos right off You Tube.

    Please do me a favour! Nobody can stop you sharing the links and videos, but hey, don't be a dishonest jackass and share the link with all your friends. This e-book is already unique and the value is way in excess of what you paid. Be honourable enough to respect the time and effort that went into reprinting the book as well as producing and sharing original material, even if it is from the early 90's.

    Originally I began the book and video with the theory around performing for children. Today I find attention spans have shortened and most magicians want to get to the nitty gritty and juicy parts of the book, hence I haved moved the theory to the end of the book. However, I would strongly suggest that you do read it, as there are some great tips that can vastly help you improve your performance techniques.

    Should you have difficulty accessing any of the links, you are welcome to contact me on and

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