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Falling In Love Again
Falling In Love Again
Falling In Love Again
Ebook53 pages28 minutes

Falling In Love Again

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About this ebook

Karina's fiancee, the wicked Barry, just ended his engagement to Karina because he's been in a covert relationship with her sister. With a transfer north to Queensland looming, she accepts it knowing it's her second chance.

Yet its the chance encounter on Christmas Eve in a bar that introduces Karina to Grant.

She's wary but hopeful.

Will she take a chance on Falling In Love Again...?

Please note, this title was previously published as A Sapphire For Karina

PublisherImogene Nix
Release dateOct 20, 2016
Falling In Love Again

Imogene Nix

Imogene is published in a range of romance genres including Paranormal, Science Fiction and Contemporary. She is mainly published in the UK and USA due to the nature of her tales.In 2011, Imogene Nix (the pen name not Imogene herself) was born. Imogene sat down and worked tirelessly for 3 months culminating in the books Starline, which became the first in a trilogy titled, "Warriors of the Elector."Imogene has successfully been contracted for twenty-five titles. She has also completed several others. In 2017 Imogene decided to self publish most of her further works - a plan which is in train.Imogene is a member of a range of professional organisations world wide, and believes in the mantra of mentoring and paying it forward.​She loves to drink coffee, wine & eat chocolate and is parenting 2 spoiled dogs and a ferocious cat along with her husband and 2 human daughters.

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    Book preview

    Falling In Love Again - Imogene Nix


    The beat of the music filled the air. Her eardrums felt like they were undulating in time with the rhythmic beating of drums pounding out of the black stereo unit in the corner of the lounge room. The floor boards bucked beneath her bare feet as Karina cautiously put the glass on the side table next to the remains of chips, beer bottles and half-full glasses .

    The house was a shambles after sixty of her closest friends had finally departed from her farewell party. Not that she was going anywhere too exciting. It was, after all, only an out of state transfer, not to the moon. But her friends were adamant they should celebrate her transfer and who was she to turn down an opportunity to party? Besides, after… She cut the thought off before it could form totally.

    Shouldn’t have had that last wine, she muttered.

    It didn’t make any difference saying it out loud as she gulped back the sick feeling in her gut, while her throat burned at the creep of rising bile. She’d had too much to drink and now she was paying the price. Karina tried desperately to tell her head to think of something else, but the precarious wobble of her insides continued. Her head pounded viciously. With eyes at half mast, she lurched across




    Karina couldn’t remember ever letting herself get so far gone before. She needed to turn off the music before the neighbours complained. Wouldn’t that just finish off her night brilliantly?

    Somehow on shaky legs, she managed to propel herself forward towards the stereo. Her fingers groped blindly for the switch, but she couldn’t find it. Her stomach jostled again in reaction. Finally! Questing fingers found the plug to the machine and she hauled on it, squinting as she pulled it free of the wall socket.

    Barry was the last to leave, and he'd done it with the most horrible parting shot of all. Not only was he not coming with her to Queensland, but he wanted to end their relationship. After five long years with her, he admitted to sleeping with her sister. It was a long term-relationship, he said. Of course, he knew it meant breaking their engagement, but he’d got her sister pregnant, so needed to commit fully to the other woman.

    The two-timing, scum-sucking cow! The words rolled off her

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