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Hot Dino Girls 3
Hot Dino Girls 3
Hot Dino Girls 3
Ebook138 pages3 hours

Hot Dino Girls 3

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On an alternate Earth populated by human-dinosaur hybrids, normal human Mike Ardavan works as handyman and herdmaster at Niska's Bed and Breakfast Inn. He shares his life and bed with three curvy dinosaur-women twice his size: the mature and earthy Niska, the fun and impulsive Anaika, and the energetic young Lorika.

Desires run high as the discovery of a mysterious ruin reveals an ancient secret that can profoundly alter all their lives. But will it draw the four of them closer, or threaten to tear them all apart?

The steamy-hot erotic conclusion to the HOT DINO GIRLS series!

Contains sexy shenanigans and explicit romantic naughtiness. Adult readers only!

PublisherPaul Lucas
Release dateOct 23, 2016
Hot Dino Girls 3

Paul Lucas

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, just a few snow drifts away from Buffalo, NY. I am a life long science fiction and fantasy fan, and avidly keep up on developments in the fields of science, technology, and ancient cultures.Currently I am a freelance writer and artist, with fifteen years of experience in the field. In 1998 I had a tabletop RPG published, and in 2005 my first novel CREATURA came out. My shorter works have seen the light of day in publications such as Strange Horizons, Afterburn, Tales of the Talisman, Fables, and others. Currently I do a lot of personal commissions and ghost writing work.

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    Hot Dino Girls 3 - Paul Lucas



    Copyright 2016 Paul Lucas

    Cover Illustration by Paul Lucas

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    Smashwords Edition

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    Other Books in the HOT DINO GIRLS Series:



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    The tall Apatosaur hybrid gasped excitedly as she squinted through the human-made binoculars. I see it! I see it!

    Niska handed the instrument to the young man beside her. Mike tracked it this way and that, but eventually found the target as well: three ghostly gray spheres hanging against the deepening graphite-blue sky. Got it. Can't make out the actual rocket, though. Just the balloons.

    The pair stood on the roof of a two-hundred foot tall stone lighthouse, the home of Niska's Bed and Breakfast Inn. It was early spring, with the snow freshly melted and a pleasant warm breeze blowing in from the south. The weather was just cozy enough that neither the human nor the dinosaur hybrid bothered with jackets. But as a precaution against the slowly encroaching night chill, they hovered a few feet away from the roof's stone grill, crackling away with a cheery fire.

    The Apatosaur's long tail lashed behind her. I can't believe that's an actual real-life space rocket! Are you sure we'll see it launch from here?

    That's what the guys at the base told me. And if not we do have the radio feed from the Crossworlds Base on the laptop here. He patted the computer on a nearby table, showing a grainy low-res video of the balloons and rocket from below. Less than two minutes now.

    The human presence on the Dinosaur Hybrid Earth had become widespread enough, with several thousand people living and working at various bases around the planet, that the expense of launching a weather-monitoring satellite was considered worth the investment. The problem was, fitting all the components of a traditional ground-launched orbital rocket through the ten foot wide wormhole from the humans' Earth presented a number of prohibitive challenges.

    Luckily, however, there was an alternative to ground-launch, used for decades by amateurs and academics alike to lift payloads to the edge of space and beyond: Balloon-Launched Rockets.

    A traditional ground-launched rocket expended huge amounts of its fuel, as much as 25%, just getting out of the lower atmosphere. As it built up speed, ramming through the troposphere's dense air could build up tremendous resistance. But if you attached the rocket to high altitude balloons--three, in this case--and let them carry the vehicle high into the upper stratosphere, it could bypass that soupy mess of gasses. Needing less fuel, the rocket itself could be made smaller and cheaper as well. Thus it was ideal for fitting components through the interworld wormhole.

    The vehicle had been ascending via balloon for over six hours and was well over 100,000 feet up. Any moment now... Mike announced.

    Niska slipped her hand into his. Her scaly fingers trembled ever so slightly. He hadn't seen her this excited about anything outside of sex in quite a while.

    There! she gasped. A bright white pinpoint sprung to life high overhead. The telescope no longer necessary, they watched the rocket slowly scribe itself across the cerulean ocean of sky. That's so amazing!

    It sure is. Mike's attention became split more and more between the rocket and his herd matron's incredible curves as she bounced excitedly in naked wonder.

    Niska, as an Apatosaur-human hybrid, stood eight feet tall. As her kind had been engineered with physical labor in mind, she boasted a voluptuous but powerfully-built body. Her rounded Saurian head was highlighted by intelligent dark eyes and broad expressive lips. The scales covering Niska’s form tended toward dark green, fading to a lighter jade color on her front. She wore a toga-like shift and simple sandals, the ensemble topped by a wide-brimmed human-made sun hat.

    Unsurprisingly what mesmerized Mike the most was her big jiggling chest. If she had been merely human sized, she would still have been considered bountifully blessed. But in proportion to her plus-size eight foot frame, her breasts were the most epically huge he had ever laid eyes on.

    Niska gently bumped him with her hips when she saw him ogling. Pervert, she teased.

    He laughed, fishing out the bottle of local apple wine they had been saving. Lorika and Anaika, the other two residents of the Inn, had traveled to the base to pick up numerous supplies, timing things so they could be there specifically for the launch. As it was still very early in the season, the Inn had a dearth of guests, so the crew of the Lighthouse enjoyed their free time while they could.

    The Apatosaur and human male sipped wine and cuddled together on a wide cushioned stone bench. The pinpoint of rocket exhaust overhead slowly faded as stars began to emerge against the deepening indigo sky.

    This is an amazing night, she said, enjoying the warmth of her herdmaster's body. She nuzzled his ear with her blunt snout. Mmm. In two months it will have been a year since you first came to the Inn.

    Oh, wait! That reminds me... The human reached under the bench and pulled out a broad circular box. I almost forgot about this. I was going to give it to you on our one-year anniversary, but I figured tonight would be just as good.

    She took the box and unraveled its bright yellow bow. Thanks you! But why wait until the anniversary to give a gift?

    He shrugged. I guess that must be a human-only custom. I hope you still like it though.

    The Apatosaur woman gasped as she pulled out a white wide-brimmed hat adorned with fancy navy-blue ribbons. It's... Its beautiful!

    I know you like hats, Mike explained. "And I saw how you gushed over Audrey Hepburn's when we watched My Fair Lady on my laptop. That one's nowhere near as fancy, but I thought it kind of looked like..."

    Niska crushed him to her big pillowy bosom. "I love it!"

    When she let go and Mike could breathe again, she switched out her well-worn sun hat for her new one. She tied the silky strap under her chin and turned this way and that, showing it off. How does it look?

    Lovely, he said. Just like the woman wearing it.

    A small blush shone through emerald cheeks. Niska bent close and rewarded her diminutive herdmaster with a very dirty kiss, lip to lip.

    They happily wrestled tongues for many long minutes. The Apatosaur's hands caressed over his sides, even as his cupped her heavy breasts. She panted passionately as his fingers tweaked and pulled at the walnut-sized nipples through the shift's homespun fabric.

    She rubbed at the hard bulge growing in his jeans. He pulled up at the hem of her shift, hooking the bunched fabric over her protruding mounds, then made to remove her hat.

    Leave it on, she urged. It makes me feels extra sexy.

    Mike nodded, leaning in to suckle on a big rubbery nipple. Niska groaned at the feel of his hot mouth, arching her back to feed him more of her supple flesh. The male grunted in pleasure as Niska's hand gently stirred his erection through his pants. Looks like we have another rocket right here, she teased.

    And getting ready for launch, Mike smirked.

    The Apatosaur giggled as she stood to wiggle her shift off her shoulders and down her ample body, leaving her nude except for sandals and hat. Mike hurriedly slipped out of his own clothes, his cock bobbing up stiffly between his legs.

    A soft coo escaped Niska's lips as felt over the young man's solid chest and rounded shoulders. The past year of working as the Inn's handyman, as well as keeping up with the sexual demands of three Saurian women twice his size, had put a new layer of sturdy muscle on her herdmaster's formerly slim frame.

    With a gentle push she urged him to lie back on the padded stone bench. Built with broad Saurian proportions in mind, Niska could easily kneel up on it and still comfortably straddle her mate's lap.

    I want to dance for you, she whispered in a smoky voice. She pushed his pulsating rod to his stomach, then gingerly lined her slit up with its underside. She slowly undulated back and forth, dragging her soft vulva back and forth over his cock but not inserting it just yet. Hot lubrication dribbled freely over him.

    Mike groaned in pleasure, acutely aware of the heat and slickness of her pussy and increasingly desperate for more. His hands lovingly caressed over her thick thighs, then fondled her dangling tits.

    Niska shivered herself as her clit slithered wetly up and down over the male's throbbing pole, feeling his hips begin to buck involuntarily. Mike might have been two feet shorter and one hundred fifty pounds lighter, but in Niska's eyes he always looked and felt so incredibly virile to her.

    With well-oiled ease, she swiveled her hips up then down again, expertly spearing her tight pink quiver onto his steely prick as it sprang upward. Niska gasped at the tight penetration and Mike moaned in pleasure.

    The Saurian gently ground herself on her herdmaster. He mashed his hips up against her, yearning to have every last millimeters of his cock buried as deep in her as possible.

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