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Answering Tami's Prayer
Answering Tami's Prayer
Answering Tami's Prayer
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Answering Tami's Prayer

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Her son prayed for a father. She prayed for a husband.

Come to Pleasant Spring, Missouri, at the northern edge of the Ozarks, where almost everyone knows everyone else. Like all small towns, hopes and dreams are shared with laughter and tears, love and prayers. Come fall in love with the unforgettable characters who make up Pleasant Spring, a town that just might resemble your hometown.

Answering Tami's Prayer is Book Four in the Second Chance Love series - A sweet contemporary Christian romance.
In this clean and wholesome contemporary romance, Tami Shay, a young woman who has faced more than her share of troubles, appears in her own story after first being introduced in Winning Kasi's Love, book one of the Second Chance Love series.

After losing her son to foster care, Tami Shay realized she needed to change. When she asked God's forgiveness, a new life was hers. One she expected to live alone with only her son--until Brent Rawlings walked back into her life.

Brent is surprised to find Tami helping with the youth group he's come to pastor. She is as beautiful as ever, but she has a secret child, a seven-year-old son he figures belongs to the guy she'd been living with eight years ago. Then she tells him Jason is his son and the DNA test proves her right. He can't be more thrilled, but when his best friend and the "perfect" lady he's been dating push him to get custody, nothing seems right.

Tami starts looking better to Brent all the time, but he wants to do the right thing. Sometimes knowing what's right isn't as easy as you might think. Sometimes it's best to just follow your heart.

Although Answering Tami's Prayer is the fourth full-length book in the Second Chance Love series, it is a stand-alone story. However, you may also enjoy the first three books, Winning Kasi's Love, Marrying for the Child, and Searching for Treasure--each are stand-alone stories of sweet love and chaste romance. Don't miss Going Home Again, the fifth story in this contemporary romance series which is coming soon!

Release dateOct 23, 2016
Answering Tami's Prayer

Mildred Colvin

Mildred Colvin is a wife, mother of three, and grandmother to three beautiful girls. She started writing when her children were young as they asked for stories. Not from a book. No! They were only satisfied when she made up stories. As the stories grew, she wrote some down and sent them off to magazines. Eight were published before her imagination turned toward love stories, which is what she enjoys reading.She has been writing Christian or clean and wholesome romance since 2001. Over the years several readers from pre-teens to older kids in their eighties and nineties have written expressing their interest in her books. She always loves to hear about one of her stories touching someone's heart. Her purpose in writing is to encourage, entertain, and bless someone else.She lives in the United States and sets her characters in the middle states from Texas to Nebraska and Iowa and reaching across Illinois to Colorado. She also has an Oregon Trail series, but the Great Plains states are her favorite setting.She is active in a very special critique group and has written and published over 60 books in both historical and contemporary themes, and plans to continue writing as long as God allows. He has been good in giving her many ideas for stories. Maybe more than she will be able to finish, but she enjoys each one.Please take a moment to visit her website at, and sign up for her Romantic Reflections Newsletter to learn when new books are released. Also learn of promotions and free books through her newsletter.And take a look at her books. You might find something you don't want to put down.

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    Answering Tami's Prayer - Mildred Colvin

    Answering Tami’s Prayer

    Mildred Colvin


    To my husband, Jim, who is my best critic and fan all rolled into one.

    Chapter One

    Tami Shay gathered her study guide and Bible then hurried toward the exit while others stood in small groups visiting. Someday, when Jason was older, she might stay after class and socialize too. Raising a child alone wasn’t easy, and the fifteen minutes between Sunday school and church always flew past so quickly. She’d just reached the outside door and pulled her coat from the rack when someone touched her shoulder.

    Tami, I’m so glad I caught you. Kate Wood slipped into her jacket. Mind if I walk with you to the main building? I’d like to ask something.

    Sure. Tami pushed the door open. I’m headed toward the children’s department first to check on Jason.

    That’ll work for me. Kate followed her from the warmth of the annex into a cold, misty day. She pulled her hood up. Okay, this isn’t strolling weather, so I’ll try to talk fast.

    Tami laughed and quickened her steps to match. Probably wise.

    Kate flashed a quick glance. I won’t mention all the reasons this is such a great idea, but would you fill in as a volunteer at the teen Christmas party this coming Saturday evening? It pays really well. You get all the cookies and punch you want plus play some fantastic games.

    A burst of laughter flew from Tami before she sucked in a lungful of cold, damp air and coughed. Oh, my! She coughed again. I’d love to help even without the fabulous salary.

    As they entered the building, warmth surrounded them.

    I’ll walk with you upstairs. Kate fell into step with Tami. I did hear you right, didn’t I? You said you’d help?

    Yes, I’d love to. Tami turned a smile toward Kate. I’m majoring in Christian counseling and hope to work with young at-risk women. The younger, the better where there’s more chance of being able to help. Maybe if I’d had someone who cared, my life would’ve turned out differently. I want to be that someone to other young women.

    Kate’s green eyes shone with the warmth of understanding. I’m glad you’re a part of our church, Tami. You have much to offer, and I know you’ll be the best counselor ever. It’s a needed area. If you like helping at the party, you might consider making the youth group a fulltime commitment. We need good, dedicated leaders.

    Tami wasn’t sure how to respond. She could be dedicated, but was she ready to be of much help?

    Oh! Kate covered her mouth with her fingers. I almost forgot to tell you. They’ll introduce the new youth pastor that night. Travis is ready to step down.

    Are you talking full-time youth pastor? Tami gave Kate her complete attention.

    Yes, isn’t it wonderful? I heard he’s young enough to relate to the kids, but ready to lead. He’s been through seminary and served this last year with a large church in Iowa helping their youth. We’re all excited to meet him. I’m sure the group will grow under his leadership.

    I hope it does. Tami turned down the hall toward Jason’s Sunday school classroom. There’re so many kids who don’t have the influence of a good church. They need this opportunity.

    I agree. Kate stopped outside the door to the Sunday school room. I’ll leave you here. Vince is probably wondering where I am about now. He wasn’t able to come to Sunday school but said he’d be here for church. We’re supposed to work on our wedding invitations this afternoon. He’d better not try to get out of that.

    Tami stepped aside as others went into the room. She shook her head with a mock frown on her face. He wouldn’t dare. When’s the big day again? January eighth?

    Yes, and don’t worry, you’re getting an invitation. We’re inviting the entire church, but we want to make sure special people get their own invite. Kate lifted her hand in a quick wave. Gotta go, but I’ll see you for sure Saturday evening at six.

    Okay. Tami followed a father into the room and caught her seven-year-old son as he ran toward her. Hey, how was your class.

    Okay. He shrugged and squeezed her waist. Mama, can Zach come over today?

    Where is Zach? Tami looked over the classroom and didn’t see her son’s best friend.

    His mama already got him. Jason tugged on her hand. Can he come?

    Well, I’d say that depends on his mom and dad. Tami motioned toward his empty hands. Why don’t you get your papers, and we’ll talk about it after church?

    Ah, Mama. Jason’s dark eyebrows drew together. What if she says no?

    We’ll have to wait and see. Tami turned him around. Now, do as I asked.

    As Jason obeyed, Tami waved at the teacher then guided her son toward children’s church. He bounced beside her most of the way, jabbering about collecting snails and climbing trees with Zach. So different from the quiet boy he’d been a couple of years ago. Did you know Zach’s dad built him a treehouse? If I had a dad, would he build me one?

    I don’t know, Jason. She tried not to sound as tired as she felt. We must be happy with what we have. Maybe you can play in Zach’s treehouse soon now that it’s finished.

    Yeah! Cool! His huge grin was balm to her soul.

    If you had a dad, maybe we wouldn’t have to live in a rental where we can’t do anything without asking. That wasn’t likely to happen. She’d been praying for months for God to send a good man her way. Ever since Jason started hinting he was missing out by not having a father. So far, there’d been no knight in shining armor show up to sweep her off her feet. Just a few men who occasionally asked her out, but she’d turned them all down because they didn’t measure up. To what, she wasn’t sure. Maybe her dad or the Christian man she hoped for—if he even existed. Tami cut off the discontent and touched her son’s shoulder, loving that she could touch him when she wanted.

    The first few weeks after the social worker brought him home to stay she wondered if he’d ever smile again. The exuberance of her little boy was well worth all the effort she’d gone through to get him back from foster care.

    A woman and a little girl stood outside the children’s church classroom as Tami and Jason approached.

    I love you, sweetie. The woman hugged the girl.

    Mommy, don’t. The child pulled away, looked at the other children entering the room, and ducked her head.

    Tami stopped in the hallway and took Jason’s papers. Are you too grown up for a hug?

    Nah. Girls are silly. He slung both arms around her waist in a tight squeeze.

    She returned the hug, loving the feel of her little boy in her arms. His freedom to express his emotions was a poignant reminder of the father he’d never know. And why was she thinking about Brent now? Lately, he’d been intruding on her mind more and more. Memories she didn’t like and refused to entertain.

    See ya later, Mama. As quick as he’d been to give a hug, Jason jerked away and darted into the children’s church room

    All right, sweetheart. Tami whispered the response toward the blur of her son, who probably wouldn’t have heard if she’d shouted. He was clearly eager for his church to begin, and she needed to get to hers. She walked alone downstairs and into the sanctuary, taking a seat near the back since church had already started.

    When the last note of the medley, Majesty/He is Lord, faded, Pastor Johnson stepped behind the pulpit and cast a wide smile over the congregation. We’ll get right into the announcements as I have some good news for our young people. Brother Travis, the youth group, teens and their leaders, would you come forward?

    Travis Harris rose from his seat near the front and moved forward to meet the pastor. Almost twenty teenagers and several adults including Kasi Harris, Kate Wood with her fiancé, Vince Rosenbaum, and another young couple Tami hadn’t met, gathered in a semi-circle around them, all facing the pastor.

    If you believe we’ve been blessed to have these leaders and this group of young people in our church, put your hands together to show our appreciation. When the pastor began clapping, everyone joined in.

    A glow filled Tami as she anticipated helping the teens with their Christmas party. Her participation might be only temporary, but Kate had mentioned a full-time commitment. If only she had more time, she wouldn’t even have to think about becoming involved. But she was spread thin between college classes, working at Dave’s Café, and grabbing as many moments as possible with Jason, not to mention the constant worry about her mother’s health. Maybe it wouldn’t take too much time though. Surely, they only met once a week for a couple of hours. She might be able to squeeze in this one more thing.

    Another blessing, wouldn’t you say? Pastor Johnson’s face beamed.

    Oh, no, what had she missed? Unsure, she smiled and clapped with the rest.

    Our youth group is only two years old but has grown to a regular attendance each week of fifteen to twenty teens. You can see most of them here this morning. Their very capable leader, Travis Harris, has volunteered his time and done a fantastic job with our youth. However, he’s asked more than once for us to consider hiring a youth pastor. I’m happy to say the board listened, and Pastor Brent plans to make an appearance at the youth Christmas party this Saturday evening. He asks for you to keep him in your prayers. Let’s bow our heads now for a quick prayer of thanksgiving for our youth and their leaders.

    Pastor Brent? Tami bowed her head, but the pastor’s prayer became no more than background noise as the new youth pastor’s name continually ran through her mind. Brent who? His last name must’ve been what she’d missed. Not that it mattered. She only knew one Brent, and he wouldn’t be taking over a job in a church. He’d be a doctor by now. He’d said that was his destiny. She didn’t have to worry about running into Brent Rawlings in church, especially not in Pleasant Spring. His grandmother had made that clear eight years ago when she said Tami would never see him again. He’d not be coming back to Pleasant Spring to run into the likes of her. Pain twisted her heart at the memory.

    As the prayer ended, the group moved back to their seats. How could she work with a man named Brent? The name that haunted her dreams. The only man she’d ever loved. She’d help with the party then tell Kate she was too busy. She had little enough spare time, anyway, and two more years of college before she had her degree. Hands-on experience with young people could wait. With that decision, she picked up her Bible and turned to the scripture verses for the message listed in the bulletin while disappointment weighted her heart like a rock.

    Chapter Two

    Brent Rawlings stared at the tire and ran his fingers through his hair. What a time to have a flat. He was due at Pleasant Spring Community Church in thirty minutes. It’d take him that long to get the tire changed. Was it a coincidence, or was he in God’s will and this was only a delay caused by the enemy? He wasn’t sure, but he certainly had gone through enough mental and spiritual anguish trying to decide if returning to Pleasant Spring was the right thing to do.

    The decision was made when the only response to his applications had given him direction. The offer had come from the Community Church his grandmother attended before her death. If he wanted to be a youth pastor, this is where he’d work. He’d better call Brother Johnson to let him know he’d be late.

    His cellphone was answered on the third ring. Pastor Johnson?

    Yes. What can I do for you?

    This is Brent Rawlings. I’m afraid I’ll be late getting to the party tonight.

    Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope there’s nothing wrong.

    Nothing serious. Just a flat tire. I must’ve picked up a nail somewhere. Brent let out a frustrated laugh and tried to interject some humor into it. My problem is, I haven’t changed a tire in almost ten years, and I’ll have to figure out the new system. Seems the car salesman told me there’s a spare somewhere in the back. I hope he knew what he was talking about.

    Pastor Johnson’s chuckle sounded in Brent’s ear. If he didn’t, you call right back, and I’ll come for you myself. Doesn’t matter where you are, we’ll get you here. There’re a lot of people eager to meet you tonight.

    Thank you, sir. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone. Brent’s stomach quivered. If he fell on his face, he’d prove his family right, and he couldn’t afford to do that. They needed to understand there were other honorable and worthwhile careers outside the realm of medicine. I don’t expect any trouble with the tire, though. I should be there within an hour or so.

    Why don’t you come by my office first? The older man suggested. We’ll make a grand entrance, and I’ll introduce you while they’re eating. I believe this will be best. It’ll be more relaxed and give you a chance to mingle with the kids and workers. Lends a sort of mystery element, doesn’t it?

    If you say so, sir. Brent chuckled to cover the churning in his stomach. I’ll be there soon as I can.

    Turning off his phone, he zipped up his heavy jacket against the cold north wind and pulled up the hatch on his SUV. Not a tool in sight.

    Of course.

    The last time he’d been in a similar situation had been with Wes Knight’s Classic Nova. He’d helped Wes pull the old car from Judd Smith’s dilapidated barn after the farmer gave it to him for hauling hay and doing odd jobs all summer. Brent had teased his friend, saying the farmer probably wanted to get rid of the junker and unloaded it on the first sucker he saw.

    Of course, Wes proved him wrong. He’d worked on the old ’65 Nova and painted it burnt orange to go with the dark brown interior, which was in surprisingly good condition. When Brent returned the next summer to stay with Grandma, Wes had his car purring like a new one. Wonder what happened to Wes. He hadn’t seen his friend in eight years. He might still have that old car. May even be married by now. They should’ve kept in touch, but the last time Brent left Pleasant Spring, he’d brushed the dust from his feet, so to speak.

    He pulled back the carpet and lifted the floorboard. This car sure wasn’t like the old ones. The designer had hidden the spare tire for one thing. He took out the jack and proceeded to loosen the nut holding the tire in place. If you could call it a tire. Donut was a more descriptive word. He’d have to buy a new tire if the damage to the flat was too bad.

    A glance at his surroundings made him look again. Something about this side road seemed familiar. Yeah, that’s right. He’d helped Wes change the tire that night not far from where he stood now. They’d been in Columbia checking out the college. The flat had made them late for their double date.

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