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Swinging Spouses: Round Four
Swinging Spouses: Round Four
Swinging Spouses: Round Four
Ebook53 pages30 minutes

Swinging Spouses: Round Four

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About this ebook

Ever since Dianne experienced swinging with her delicious neighbor, Jeff, she has been craving a do-over. The only roadblock has been her husband, Alex. Can Dianne convince Alex to agree to another pleasure-filled night of swinging so she can get the Jeff fix she is so desperate for? 18+ only.

PublisherZoe Waters
Release dateOct 25, 2016
Swinging Spouses: Round Four

Zoe Waters

Zoe Waters is a freelance writer by day and an erotic novel writer by night. She has been writing and publishing mainstream fiction for over a decade but prefers the titillation of erotic fiction. When not writing, Zoe is scuba diving, hiking with her dog, or trying out the stuff she writes about, if only in her mind. Zoe can be reached at zoewaters13 at Follow her on Twitter @ZoeWaters13

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    Swinging Spouses - Zoe Waters

    Swinging Spouses: Round Four

    By Zoe Waters

    Copyright 2016 Zoe Waters

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover art by Lies Thru a Lens

    Swinging Spouses: Round Four

    It’s embarrassing to admit that my favorite possession is a DVD. God, just saying that makes me sound like such a loser.

    Two weeks ago, my husband, Alex, and I made a recording of ourselves having sex at a XXX theater. We swapped our recording for a DVD our neighbors, Jeff and Naomi, made of them having sex. Holy tamale! Their movie was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Jeff and Naomi came into our house when we were out and had sex in our bed and in our kitchen. Every time I lay down to sleep, I swear I can still smell Jeff. I know that’s ridiculous - we’ve changed the sheets twice since then - but my mind wants so bad to believe it.

    Whenever Alex isn’t home, I watch the DVD obsessively. I was so scared I was going to wear it out - can you wear out a DVD? - that I made an extra copy and stashed it in my bra drawer.

    I have watched my share of porn movies but the one our neighbors made beats everything I’ve seen. Not only is it hot that most of it takes place in the room where I sleep at night, my memories of having sex with Jeff magnified every aspect of the video. Seeing him slide his big cock into Naomi brought back the time he did the same thing to me. I still remember every smell and nuance of my brief time with Jeff.

    My pussy is sore from masturbating so much these days. It’s nearly impossible to watch the DVD and not get turned on. I wondered if I’d ever tire of it and toss it on a bookshelf where it would be a dust collector.

    Alex is jealous of the movie and my lust for it. The first time I saw it, Alex and I watched it together. He told me later that I had tunnel vision as it played, ignoring him completely in lieu of keeping my eyes glued to the TV screen. I didn’t think I was that bad but his words made it clear that he felt less important than the DVD. I certainly didn’t want to make him jealous or insecure. So now I only watch the DVD when Alex isn’t going to be home anytime soon.

    It’s not easy to admit, even to myself, that I have developed a lust crush on Jeff. Watching the video makes it worse as does seeing Jeff around the neighborhood. I want to spend another night with Jeff, or even a couple of hours. I thought about it constantly. The only roadblock was Alex. I couldn’t think of a way to approach the idea of another swing with Jeff and Naomi without making Alex suspicious.

    I would keep pondering the dilemma but I was starting to resign myself to the fact that a swing would likely only happen if it was Alex’s idea.


    It was Saturday afternoon and Alex and I were spending a rare weekend apart; he’d gone fishing with his brother. I’d been invited along but the thought of sitting idle on a boat for hours and then bonking fish on the head with a mallet held no appeal. So my weekend plans involved a Netflix marathon of either Scandal or Orange is the New Black and binging on my favorite foods. That was what had me at the grocery store when I ran into Jeff in the cereal aisle. He must’ve spotted me first as by the time we made eye contact, he already had a massive smile covering his face. Hey, gorgeous, he said to me as

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