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Tempted by the Unexpected
Tempted by the Unexpected
Tempted by the Unexpected
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Tempted by the Unexpected

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Close the door, shut off the lights, close the curtains. Is this how most of us start an evening of pleasure? What if that’s a complete turn off and the thrill of being caught doing something indecent in public was too great to resist?

A wealthy and snobbish lawyer knows that if he pursues his ultimate fetish, it would spell the end of his career and future. But what if someone was willing to flirt with this public indulgence? This fantasy with twisted details. Peyton Buckholtz is used to living the risky life as an artist. Reno, Nevada is not a place to play around if you don’t have the money. A confirmed single person, she abhors normalcy and therefore meeting Alex Dunn Cutwater and coming face to face rather quickly with his strange fetish produces a state of unrest and confusion. What possible good outcome could there be to getting involved with a emotionally inept playboy like this? Perhaps fantasies should stay put or only to be brought out briefly and then teased back into submission.

PublisherKenna Derrick
Release dateOct 26, 2016
Tempted by the Unexpected

Kenna Derrick

I’m Kenna Derrick. I haven’t won any awards. My books are not critically acclaimed. The NY Times doesn’t review my work. I’m not on any best seller lists.I haven’t finished drying the laundry. I haven’t shed the clothes I wore to bed last night. I drink too much coffee and would rather eat cake for breakfast. I prefer rain over sun, snow over rain and cold over hot.I assure you I am real. I am flesh and blood. You may get to know me through my writing. Or you may not. I have written a great deal of other books under a pen name but have taken a little turn at the fork in the road. My expertise is romance, however I dabble now with erotic romance. Nor porn. Not tripe. Close to reality but not quite. Take something you imagine doing but are too skittish in real life. If you are offended easily, my books are not for you. However, maybe you are offended easily and enjoy living provocatively.I reside in Reno, Nevada. I have two canines. Their sole purpose in life is to nap in between feedings. I imagine lions at the zoo. They are the perfect writing counterparts as they don’t critique. They don’t know how to write reviews. They do lay on the floor and listen to my voice reading a manuscript.I could be likened to an ugly duckling in grade school. Shy. Introverted. Nerd. I started tapping away on typewriters, creating stories about school relationships and how I would seek revenge against the Bullies. The Mean Girls. The Cliques. In time my ugly duckling affliction turned into...well swan. I suppose that’s why I spend so much time at lakes watching water foul.If you come to Reno and take a lap around a pond or cesspool, don’t think twice that the girl on the bench isn’t me. It’s probably not.

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    Book preview

    Tempted by the Unexpected - Kenna Derrick

    Tempted by the Unexpected

    The Art of Lawlessness Series - Book 1


    Kenna Derrick

    Tempted by the Unexpected

    The Art of Lawlessness Series – Book 1

    First ebook edition. Copyright © 2016 Kenna Derrick

    Delivered by Smashwords Digital Publishing Platform

    ISBN: 9781370755882

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any means without the prior written consent of the distributor or author. This is a work of fiction, book 1 of 3. The names, people, certain places and events are an invention, imagination, fantasy, created by the author for purposes of entertainment. Any resemblance to actual events or people living or dead is entirely coincidental. Available in print.

    Romance. Erotic. Fiction.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One – Let's Go Public

    Chapter Two – Fooled Like This

    Chapter Three – Compliance

    Chapter Four – Detour

    Chapter Five – Demonic Pigs

    Chapter Six – Reveal

    Chapter Seven – Show Yourself to Me

    Chapter Eight – Bridge

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    Chapter One – Let's Go Public

    Music echoed from the outdoor stage across the river. A surreal mix of electronica infused with spacey undertones drifted from the Friday night festival downtown Reno. An assortment of people outstretched themselves on blankets scattering the lawn in front of the amphitheater. Others on skates and bikes zipped along cement paths that cut the area into big sections.

    New project? a familiar voice sounded above the evening fray at the Riverside Bar.

    More like an end to one, the girl said. Paint underneath her nails and fresh splotches on her white tee shirt hinted at her occupation.

    Then a celebration is in order, the waiter said.

    Peyton let a rare smile escape and nodded. I'll have the usual.

    Coming right up, the waiter said and disappeared inside.

    Fading sunlight danced on the water below. There would be nothing left of the Truckee river by summer's end.

    The waiter returned and placed a frosty glass of cold beer on the small round table. Reflections of the cafe lights above provided an amber glow to the drink.

    Shall I run a tab?

    Sure. I'll live dangerously.

    Very good. He winked and moved on to other patrons.

    Unsettled and yet exhausted from completing the project that managed to drag on for most of the sweltering summer, Peyton took a long slow drink of the beer. If living dangerous was in order, she needed to check her phone and start reading the barrage of emails from her publicity manager.

    Sorry I'm late, a high pitched voice echoed above the evening noise. Peyton smiled to herself, brushed hair back from her face and gazed up at her illustrious friend.

    Hot date? Peyton asked.

    I need a drink, just a minute - Gabrielle twisted backward to flag the waiter.

    Good golly, you cheat on Grant or something? Peyton snorted. For a moment there was no answer. Oh for damn sake. Really Gabrielle? Peyton kicked the underside of the table with the toe of her shoe.

    Gabrielle grabbed the glass of wine from the waiter and sat. A grin from ear to ear told of the guilty deed. She took a large sip and then reached down and nudged off her high heels.

    So tell, Peyton said. It was Todd, wasn't it?

    Gabrielle took another large sip of wine and nodded. Half her dark hair broke free and tumbled down.

    First of all, I've told you, sex with Grant is like going to the dentist or gym. It's become something I have to do but avoid. When Todd sent me a text around noon asking to meet, Gabrielle swallowed hard, I knew it would be more than lunch.

    Peyton held up her empty glass, and the waiter removed it in a flash. She mouthed the words 'stronger' to him and he thrashed a nod.

    He made me feel like I was eighteen again – in high school, you know?

    Really, he turned back the clock? That must have been a good fuck, Peyton said.

    A good fuck? I'm talking amazing. I've never been down and dirty my whole life. I feel so opened up and free right now.

    Great, Peyton said beginning to cringe.

    And what about you? Miss single-life? You live in that loft on Fifth Street. Sexy beasts coming and going. You can't imagine a roll in the hay with anyone?

    Peyton flipped Gabrielle the middle finger just prior to grasping a drink from the waiter.

    Okay? he asked above the music.

    Peyton eyed the shot glass sitting at the bottom of the beer. She nodded and he squeezed back through the crowd.

    The outdoor patio of the Riverside Bar was filled to capacity. Tables were shoved close together, patron conversations were loud and exuberant and the warm night air was mixed with the rotting smell of the receding river.

    What are you going to say to Grant?

    I'm not saying anything. Maybe Todd will last, maybe he won't. I just want to enjoy wherever this is going.

    Peyton took a long slow drink of the boilermaker. After the pungent liquid slid down her throat she set the glass before her. So why are you all dressed up now?

    I went home from work early this afternoon and cleaned up, if you know what I mean. Some gals from the office are all going out to Fire and Ice. Gonna whoop it up. I was wondering if you wanted to come but -

    But? Peyton half smirked.

    The poor and starving artist motif is, uh, well, kind of scary, Peyton. Gabrielle flung an arm out.

    Hmm. I'm not poor or starving.

    That – you are not. Which makes me wonder why your wardrobe is always so hideous.

    Let's drink to me and you can be on your way. The painting is done. Peyton held up her half empty glass.

    Oh my fucking gosh! It's finally done! Gabrielle screamed and clinked her glass so hard with Peyton's, red wine sloshed onto the table.

    A raucous round of male voices boomed, breaking the girls from the toast. Peyton gazed sideways at what appeared to be a newcomer at the crowded table. Their grooming alone reeked of money.

    Perhaps I should flaunt myself to one of those slabs of meat? Peyton suggested.

    Oh please. There's enough ego dripping off those snob-nosed lawyers to fill the storm sewers.

    Lawyers? You think so? Peyton stole another glance.

    Gabrielle bobbed her head up and down. All married, I can assure you.

    Peyton snorted but a thread of curiosity remained. The latecomer was worth a second, perhaps third visual gawking. He didn't fit the picture of the other loud hormones gathered around the small table sucking on imported ale. He hovered reluctantly to the side for several moments before dropping a briefcase to the ground. Which meant he worked for a firm downtown and wouldn't dare park his overpriced Mercedes anywhere near bum-laden, hooker infested streets.

    He threaded a finger above his tie and jostled it loose but left the knot intact. The suit jacket was removed and wrapped around a chair.

    He works out. Lotta muscles under that tailored shirt, Gabrielle said.

    Peyton mumbled something and took another drink.

    Just imagine that pretty little mouth licking your clit, Gabrielle squealed.

    Really not up for imagining that. However, you go ahead. Peyton couldn't stop tapping her foot under the table. Gab, you cheat on your boyfriend and transform into a sex maniac. I'm not sure I want to be involved. These things end like shit.

    Peyton, we're friends – although you were my former client, but I worry about how uptight and reclusive you are getting. And I guess I didn't tell you. She stuck her hand out for inspection. A massive square cut diamond ring sparkled in the dim light.

    Wait, what?

    Gabrielle grew nervous and fumbled for something in her purse. Yeah. Couple weeks ago. We went up to Napa. She brought out a smartphone and started flipping through images.

    Fuck, Peyton said, downing the rest of her drink.

    I should get my tail out of here. I know you hate clubs, so I won't plead with you to come to Fire and Ice, although it's going to be a blast. Gabrielle said. I'm stupefied you're out here on a Friday night. Shit it's busy.

    I was interested in the music. Or I thought I was. Peyton blinked. The dull yellow sparkle of the lights above were more intense as her faculties became further compromised.

    Gabrielle stood after shoving her feet back into shoes that were painfully tight. She grasped a key chain overloaded with funky trinkets and left some money on the table for her drink.

    Be careful. I'll call you next week with details of the art showing, Peyton forced a smile.

    Don't look now – but I think you've gained someone's attention. Gabrielle nodded in the direction of the loud lawyers. See you later then, she grinned.

    Peyton loathed flirting and gawking when it came to the opposite sex. However, a very small, and yet very buzzed part of her brain was a bit intrigued. At least with one of the lawyers.

    Pretentious he was not. A casual lean in his chair, hand grasping a tall frosted glass of beer, a finger and thumb rested on

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