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Justice Girl: Crusher
Justice Girl: Crusher
Justice Girl: Crusher
Ebook81 pages49 minutes

Justice Girl: Crusher

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About this ebook

Fierce, gritty Urban Fantasy Super Heroine in Peril story about a pair of costumed super heroines who bite off more than they can chew!

Super heroines Justice Girl and Zephyr are after a gang of ex-military gone bad. Crusher is still wearing his Army power-suit, while Deathblow and Kyouzame wear FEM belts and Power Braces. They are more powerful than super heroines, and more than any mere bank can handle. Together, they terrorize the city until the super heroines join the fight.

Zephyr encounters the villains first. It's a knockdown, drag out kind of fight that Justice Girl soon joins. And it quickly turns into the fight of their lives. If they cannot defeat Crusher and his cohorts in crime, then it is all over for the two lovely heroines.

This is a novella of approximately 18,000 words.

If you enjoy this story, why not try another story by Don?
Justice Girl: When the Tide Turns
Ms Patriot: Biggs Bimbos
Ms Patriot Down and Out Boxed Sets
Black Cat: Catfight
Lady Texas: Webmaster
Hollywood Heroines: Crazy Like A Fox
And many, many more...

About the Author:
Don has been hooked on sexy super heroines since the day he watched the Wonder Woman TV series. It was a simple step from there into super heroines in peril stories. Now he writes his own characters, and it having the time of his life doing so.

PublisherDon Ship
Release dateOct 27, 2016
Justice Girl: Crusher

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    Book preview

    Justice Girl - Don Ship


    (A Super Heroine in Peril Story)


    Don Ship


    * * * * *


    Rogue House Press on Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 by Don Ship

    Cover by Angelic Kitten

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase our own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    * * * * *

    This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    About the Author

    List of other titles available

    Justice Girl: Crusher

    (A Super Heroine in Peril)

    Get ready, Deathblow called. Time to power up, Sarge.

    The blonde was driving their getaway car. Actually, it was a blue full-sized Chevy van. It was the smallest, most inconspicuous vehicle they could hide within.

    Retired Sergeant First Class Anthony Denton wore a dark gray power-suit. It was stolen military equipment, and actually the last power-suit he'd worn in the war. It wasn't easy smuggling it out of Afghanistan before his ETS and retirement. It was 4th generation, so pretty compact. The power-suit only doubled his bulk.

    Deathblow dressed more like a super heroine than a bank robber. The blonde beauty's shapely body was sheathed in red leotard and black fishnets, and accessorized with red opera gloves and shiny red thigh boots. A black FEM belt encircled her tiny waist, with a pair of black Power Braces on her wrists.

    The Force Energization and Manifestation belt, commonly called a FEM belt, was originally created for the military and police, but was adopted by an all-female society of super heroines called Femme Force. The military had moved on to power-suits, since the FEM belts only magnified a person's strength about ten times. It did offer an energy shield against small arms fire, but sucked energy, strength, and stamina from the wearer in doing so. Likewise, the two Power Braces also got their energy from the wearer. One brace shot out a stun beam while the other created a fairly powerful shield.

    I told you. Don't call me 'Sarge' anymore. I'm Crusher, he said, his voice low and gravelly. The result of a throat wound sustained in combat. He turned to the drop-dead gorgeous Eurasian beauty helping him suit up in the back of the van. You ready, Kyouzame?

    She put the power-suit's helmet on Crusher, activated the seals, and nodded.

    Ready to kick ass, Crusher, Kyouzame said, brown eyes narrowing as her purple-gloved hands curled into fists. Her athletic, yet busty, body was sheathed in all purple and black. She wore a purple ninja dress designed after her favorite Anime character, only with opera gloves and black patent thigh boots because she wanted to look hot while kicking butt and taking names. Her long, dark hair was pulled back in a bouncy ponytail, tied off with a purple ribbon. I got a good feeling about this job. It's going to be raining money tonight!

    Deathblow and Kyouzame had been Crusher's squad leaders in the Army. Sergeant Jenny Tanaka left service a month before him. Sergeant Shay Carter was kicked out about a month afterwards when she was caught in a compromising position with the base commander. She had been the General's dominatrix.

    This will go down just like that last job in Afghanistan, Crusher said, his voice sounding a little like Darth Vader's while in the power-suit.

    Only you're the only one with a power-suit this time, Deathblow replied.

    Yeah, but we look hot, Kyouzame said. She looked the blonde over with lusty eyes. I can't wait to throw you on a pile of hundred dollar bills and ravish your body all night long.

    Promises, promises, Deathblow said, wagging her brows. She pulled over and stopped. We're here.

    Party time, Crusher said. He slammed one fist into the other hand. Let's crush them and get what we earned and deserved!

    Kyouzame slid the side door open and let Crusher exit first. He was in command, so he got to lead the charge. Deathblow cried out in battle joy as she rushed out of the vehicle.

    Destroy all resistance! Kyouzame cried. Kill them all!

    The few people on the sidewalk scattered like frightened rats. She laughed as she charged toward the bank's door behind Crusher, with Deathblow mere steps behind. Crusher smashed the door down. Inside, people screamed and shouted. The single guard, an elderly man, opened fire on them with a pathetic revolver.

    Fool, Kyouzame shouted as she leapt into the air with super-powered legs. She kicked the guard square in the chest, sending him slamming into the wall, and then collapsing bonelessly to the floor. Surrender or die!

    Everyone was on the floor. The guard was the only one to offer

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