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America in Chaos
A hastily gathered team of men and women from the CIA, FBI, Secret service, Elite Military, and Homeland Security may be America’s best hope to stop this reign of terror.
Operation Cobra Strike is now deployed.
My hope is when you read the twist in this book you’ll keep asking yourself, what will happen next?
No super heroes here, just every day women and men ready to place their lives on the line for America. I guess they are super heroes.
Mack Jessup, an FBI agent, ready to do whatever it takes, no matter where the road leads.

PublisherD R Hann
Release dateDec 27, 2012

D R Hann

Just a story teller, not a Leo Tolstoy. You'll either like my books, or hate them. Remember, keep going forward.

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    Elkosh - D R Hann


    By D R Hann

    PDH Publishing

    Copyrights and Notices

    Copyright © 2012 by D.R. Hann

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author, me, D. R. Hann.

    Names, some characters, places and or incidents, are fictitious and are of the author’s imagination.

    My books may be found at amazon and Smashwords


    America in Chaos

    A hastily gathered team of men and women from the CIA, FBI, Secret service, Elite Military, and Homeland Security may be America’s best hope to stop this reign of terror.

    Operation Cobra Strike is now deployed.

    My hope is when you read the twist in this book you’ll keep asking yourself, what will happen next?

    No super heroes here, just every day women and men ready to place their lives on the line for America. I guess they are super heroes.

    Mack Jessup, an FBI agent, ready to do whatever it takes, no matter where the road leads.

    I would like to thank Sandy’s cats; Mack and Jessie, for the hero’s name, Google Search, Wikipedia, and my wife Phyllis. Without her hard and diligent work, this book would not have been possible.

    I would also like to thank the brave men and women, like the ones in this book, for keeping America safe.

    America in Chaos

    Holy shit, Holy shit, they did it. They have finally retaliated for killing that SOB, Bin Laden.

    No time to waste; I have to get my ass in gear and get to the office.

    I guess this is what being an FBI agent is all about, helping to catch the bad guys.

    Fifth floor, come on, damn elevator.

    Hold the door.

    Hey Bill.

    Hi Mack

    Can you believe those SOBs?

    Yup, they’re all SOBs. I wonder if any of us will be on the task force.

    I hope I make it Mack. I would love to catch the SOBs who did this.

    Me too Bill, me too. Well, let’s see what kind of info they have.

    It’s going to be a long day. It was my son’s birthday today, he turns three.

    Hell of a birthday present, Bill.

    Maybe next year for Marty’s birthday I can catch those rat bastards. Bill said.

    I just can’t believe this.

    Our Field Director, John Morris, has only nine months until retirement, but I would be willing to wager if this is not closed by then, John will stay on.

    John was already at the podium when we walked in the room.

    "Okay, listen up, and make sure to take notes.

    At the end of this meeting, there will be hand outs with the Intel we have so far.

    I don’t have to tell any of you that I retire in just nine months and would like this thing wrapped up by then.

    At 1:45 this afternoon, July 2nd, 2011, a movie theater was bombed in DC. Right now the confirmed dead is sixteen, injured thirty six, but as we all know, those numbers tend to rise.

    So far it looks like a pro made and delivered the bomb.

    As I speak, agents are looking at surveillance tapes for the movie theater.

    At 3:15 pm today, Director Kilpatrick will be speaking to us on the secure line. He will give us the latest Intel and probably be tapping some of you for the task force.

    Given the fact we have about thirty minutes, return to your stations and collect any names of persons of interest we should question and start to squeeze.

    Okay ladies and gentlemen, the nation is counting on us."

    Damn, this whole thing seems surreal, just like 9/11. Come on Mack Jessup, FBI agent, where the fuck do I start.

    Frigging slow computer, the government cuts and cuts, and when the nation is at stake, I have to count on some damn computer that should have been replaced a couple of years ago.

    I see an email from Sarah. Not now Sarah, I don’t have time. How do you make a frog jump? She asks. She’s just a child and means well.

    I miss my kids, and if I get plucked for the task force, it may be a long time before I see them.

    I know Brit will not like that, but I don’t think she ever understood what it’s like to be an FBI agent. That’s probably the only reason we got divorced. Ten years of marriage down the crapper.

    And now I’m a sometime dad to two great kids, Sarah and Joseph, soon to be a no see um dad.

    Even if I don’t get picked for the task force, it will be almost 24/7. Shit, and if I am picked, it may be months before I see them again.

    Okay, who is on my radar? Three people; Abdul Karim Mansoor; Labid Khaleel; and Rashid Qasim.

    Okay, let me answer Sarah; shit, I feel guilty.

    Ladies and gentlemen please report to the conference room for Director Samuel Patrick’s teleconference.

    I hope I look sharp. Shit, why didn’t I shave today?

    Crap, it’s the President, damn, Secretary of the DOD, Rose McNair, Secretary of Homeland Security, Edward Moss, and my boss, Director Kilpatrick. This may be bigger than I had first thought.

    "Thank you all for being here today. I only have ten minutes before I must address the nation.

    As you all know, this afternoon a heinous act was committed against the United States of America, killing a colleague of mine, Senator Ralph Morris, of North Dakota, who was the chairperson of the Armed Services Committee, along with eighteen American civilians."

    This is much bigger than I had first thought; this was definitely a planned and targeted act.

    "As the President, I will give all and any resources to capture or kill those who have done this heinous act.

    America rests in your hands ladies and gentlemen. Let’s do this as quickly as possible and bring down those responsible for this act of terrorism.

    Stay safe, be vigilant, and be smart. God bless you all, and God bless America."

    Shit, this is big.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, as the Secretary of Homeland Security, I do not have to tell you what we must all do, and the task that lies ahead. By tonight, you will have your orders. This is Operation Cobra Strike, and you know what I expect from each and every one of you.

    This meeting is being seen by the FBI, CIA, the Secret Service, Homeland Security and leaders of various military units.

    Some will be tapped for a multi agency taskforce, which means you will hit the ground running. If chosen, you will be in DC by tonight.

    I am not going to take a lot of your time. Everyone knows me; you all know I do not put up with any bullshit. Departments will work together and work together well. No secrets, we will share any and all Intel.

    What I can tell you at this very early stage is that it looks like the work of Al-Qaeda, or some similar group.

    We have already begun the process of bringing in those whom we have suspected might have any knowledge of this act."

    John chimed in, "Ladies and gentlemen, please come up, take a fire sheet, and drop your Intel in this basket. Make sure to keep it close and don’t let it get away from you. Please, no cluster, you know what, not in my office, and make me proud as you always do.

    I will announce who will be on the task force in about an hour, you will have just three hours to go home, pack, say your goodbyes and be at the airport. The government is sparing no expense, and you will be on a one stop military flight. Goodbye Jacksonville, hello DC."

    For me its go home and pack, and say my goodbyes to the dying plant in my apartment.

    Wish I could say goodbye to Sarah and Joseph, but being they are in Oregon, I guess when I have time I will e-mail them.

    Ladies and gentlemen, please report to the conference room.

    It hasn’t been an hour.

    Watch the TV; we are now on a high red alert.

    As I’m watching, I can’t believe this, it’s fucking 9/11 all over again. First a DC movie theater and now a Chicago subway train; six killed, twelve injured.

    "Now this just in from Seattle, the famous space needle restaurant has been bombed. No word on causalities, but it was quite crowded as they were serving Sunday brunch.

    All early reports indicate are there could be as many as one hundred people, who are either injured or dead. Stay tuned as we bring you the latest."

    Shit, shit, no way, this can’t be happening, not again.

    The reporter continued, We have another report, this from our Los Angeles affiliate. Karen can you hear me?

    "Yes Chuck, we have confirmed reports that a flight from LA to New York has gone down on takeoff. Early reports say that it looked like something hit the front of the plane, and very sadly, it does not look like there were any survivors.

    Chuck, I will try to update you and our viewers as reports become available.


    Shit, what’s next? Damn, 9/11 all over again. Fucking 9/11, I lost my partner, Annie.

    I was supposed to be there with her, I should have been there with her.

    Survivor’s guilt, I should have been there with her but Britt had to go to the dentist and talked Annie into keeping me home for a day.

    Maybe that is why God spared me so I can find these SOBs.

    Annie, so tiny, you would never know she was an FBI agent, she looked like a model.

    Annie, you were hot, and I really can’t deny I had feelings for you. I miss you Annie and always will.

    Hell, I had seen more of Annie than I did Britt, and I think I knew Annie better.

    That time in Tampa we were finished with an assignment and were too tired to drive back to Jacksonville so we decided to stay overnight. Since the next day was Saturday, we decided to go swimming and went out and bought bathing suits. You with that red bikini, smoking hot Annie, and we laid on the beach, and both came clean, me saying I could run away with you, and you real understanding, saying you could not come between Britt and I, but hoped you found someone like me. Then one week before my wedding, when I wanted to call off the wedding, you talked me into going through with it. You even told me to try it and if it did not work, you would help me in my separation and divorce.

    Annie, you were one of just two people who really understood me. I mean how many people really ever understand another person. You were really special Annie.

    Moving On

    "Ward, Jessup, Collins, into

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