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The Chronicles of Lilith Book 2
The Chronicles of Lilith Book 2
The Chronicles of Lilith Book 2
Ebook43 pages34 minutes

The Chronicles of Lilith Book 2

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The first werewolf and antagonist in Shana O'Quinn's Secret Ones series is back in a series of tales from her early years. This time the original bad girl meets the people of the primeval oasis of Eden, and after an initial friendship with Lilith thinking she can finally settle down, things go sour. After being cursed, she becomes the First Werewolf--the Wolfmother, and creates the race of lycanthropes. As a rival and accuser of humankind, she watches as mankind loses their original paradise. A part of the Ages of Telamon series, and compliments the Secret Ones books. This is for those who are interested in the complicated character of Lilith and her backstory.

PublisherShana O'Quinn
Release dateOct 29, 2016
The Chronicles of Lilith Book 2

Shana O'Quinn

Sandoz was born Shana O'Quinn and grew up in the Appalachias in the middle of absolute nowhere. Consequently, she likes to think of herself as everyone's favorite internet redneck. She loves fantasy, horror, movies with explosions, hobbits, and/or pirates in it. If you know of a hobbit pirate zombie ninja movie with lots of shit blowing up, do let us know. Sandoz loves to write stuff that entertains her. Hopefully it entertains others as well. She's currently finishing up a BA in Graphic Multimedia and Design. Cause she likes to draw shtuff.

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    The Chronicles of Lilith Book 2 - Shana O'Quinn

    The Chronicles of Lilith Book 2

    The Fall of Ai-denn

    Or, the birth of the Werewolves

    By Shana O’Quinn

    Text, cover design and artwork copyright 2016 Shana O’Quinn

    Smashwords editionBe sure to check out her websites:

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any actual person, place, event or thing is purely coincidental. This book is copyrighted to the author for personal use only after purchase. It may not be redistributed to other individuals or institutions. Any reproduction of this in whole or in part in any form is forbidden without express permission of the author. Not intended to offend any deity, spirit, religion, cult, or lycanthrope. My brain just comes up with this stuff.

    Special Thanks goes to:

    My husband Ronni, my family, fellow author and friends Chrystal Stevens and Christopher Courtley, the cats, and classic rock music.


    This is another of the tales of Lilith, which takes place thousands of years after the events of Book One of the Chronicles of Lilith. In her 65,000 years there are many stories to tell, after all. In Book One we learn of the childhood of Lilith and her fateful choice to bond herself to the powerful and dangerous spirits of the desert that her tribe once worshipped. I haven’t yet written of her time with the Elves, though that will happen eventually. I wanted to provide a bit of background and explanation since the story is jumping around, as my inspiration hits in seemingly random spurts.

    Tir-na-Nog, the birthplace of the Elves, is a realm both separate yet attached to our world, Telamon the mortal plane, and time originally ran must faster there than it did here. As the High-elves lived tens of thousands of years even when staying in Telamon, they had progressed far beyond Mohrtei, us humans, in civilization and wisdom. Lilith played a part in the Great Battle that sank much of the landmass of Tir-na-Nog and destroyed the Formorians who refused to share that magical place with the Sidhe. She fought on the side of the Elves, and her alien, non-Sidhe powers contributed to the Cataclysm that severed Tir-na-Nog, the land of Faerie, from the mortal world except at certain special points.

    After the Cataclysm, time slowed there, making it so that if someone visited a night in Faerie, days or even months would pass in Telamon when they returned. This book in the Chronicles of Lilith doesn’t deal with her time first meeting the Sidhe, instead it deals with her meeting the people of Eden and her effect on who would later on be called the First Man and First Woman, or Adam and Eve.

    The Fall of Ai-denn

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