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Genesis: Unseen Things, #21
Genesis: Unseen Things, #21
Genesis: Unseen Things, #21
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Genesis: Unseen Things, #21

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When you have the literal power of gods, the ultimate accomplishment would be to use that power to create a living world out of a lifeless hunk of rock. This was the idea behind the Genesis project, but there was just one catch. They needed to find a lifeless hunk of rock to use for the project before they could set their plans in motion.

Fascinated by the potential of what could be learned from such a project, an amiable stranger named Gerald shows up seemingly out of nowhere, stating that he's simply there to observe their progress. When asked about where he came from however, what he tells them changes not only their view of the universe, but it also changes how they view their very existence.

Unable to take Gerald at his word that he's simply there to observe, and that he won't do anything to help or hinder them in any way, Jarod opens as time portal that takes him far into the future. When he returns however, not only does he refuse to tell the others where he went or why he went there, but he's suddenly plagued by massive headaches. Not only that, but since he's returned, no one's abilities work on him anymore. Even stranger, he knows when someone is trying to use their abilities on him, which was something that, under normal circumstances, he shouldn't have been able to sense. As their fear of what's happened to him continues to grow, so does his frustration at constantly being asked about it, since keeping that knowledge a secret could be the key to their very survival.

Also, during the search for a suitable planet to use for the Genesis project, Derek and Jarrod happen to find the Echnid dimension, and quickly discover that the downtrodden average citizens of that world are in desperate need of help. In another twist of fate, Giles and Savaric visit a dimension where another old enemy have embedded themselves in a mountain temple. They claim to be gods, and as such, they've forced the people of that world into literal slavery, punishing them with massive storms if they should fail to pay their required tributes. When Giles and Savaric go to confront them over their actions, they soon discover that things aren't always as cut and dry as they may seem.

Genesis is book 21 of the Unseen Things series.

Release dateOct 31, 2016
Genesis: Unseen Things, #21

Duane L. Martin

An avid reader since he first discovered the Hardy Boys books in the second grade, Duane L. Martin spent years being educated by some truly great authors. In 2013, after years of dreaming about writing a novel of his own, he finally hit upon a story idea that would ultimately turn into the 22 book Unseen Things series. Currently, aside from the series, he's also published two standalone novels. Cindy's Story, which is a humorous private investigator novel, and a superhero story called The Accidental Hero, which is both humorous, and quite dark at times. Aside from his writing, Duane is also a musician. He took his first bass guitar lesson in 1987 and has been playing bass ever since. He also plays some guitar, and a little keyboard and some percussion as well, with a particular focus on hand drums. As he's always been a great lover of music, he often has it playing quietly in the background while he writes. Born and raised in Northern California, he would later move to Idaho, where he lives the quiet life of a relative hermit with his wife Sharon, and their two dogs.

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    Genesis - Duane L. Martin

    Chapter 1

    So, what's this all about? Savaric asked dryly.  He and Giles had been summoned to the lab by Richard, though he was being incredibly mysterious as to just what his purpose was in summoning them.  After a lengthy discussion with Derek and the others, it was decided that telling everyone all at once about their new ability to alter reality would cause nothing but confusion.  It would also lead to uncontrolled, and highly dangerous experimentation, which was something they wanted to avoid at all costs.  As such, it was decided that they would tell everyone in small groups, so they could each be properly instructed on its use, and experiment with it in a controlled environment.  Since Giles and Savaric were every bit as much family to him as Charles was, he decided that they would be the first three that he'd reveal the secret to.

    You know, it's not like you to be this mysterious Richard.  Usually you're far more straight forward than this, Giles observed.

    Maybe he's just constipated, and wants us to hold his hand while he makes poopies, Savaric suggested.  Giles looked at him in stunned silence for a moment, and then suddenly he burst out laughing.

    My god Sav, I swear...after all these years, you still manage to surprise me, he said breathlessly.

    Yes, very amusing, Richard said dryly as he shot Savaric a look that caused Giles to laugh even more.

    He does have a point though Richard, Charles said.

    "I am not constipated!" Richard said defensively.

    I never said you were.  You're sure acting like it though, Charles said with an amused look.

    You guys are hilarious, you know that?  Now, can we please stop with all the jocularity, so I can get to what I called you here for?

    I was wondering when we were gonna get around to that, Savaric said.  Between your plugged up butthole, and all this secrecy...

    "I'll plug your butthole if you don't stop all this nonsense, Richard said irritably.  As the others all burst out laughing, he suddenly realized what he'd just said, and how stupid it sounded.  Ok, that's enough.  Can we please just get started?"

    Well, you called the meeting.  We're just waiting on you, Giles said.

    All right, fine. attention, because I'm about to tell you something that's not only extremely important, but also incredibly life changing, Richard said.

    You found a laxative that works? Charles asked.

    Charles!  I'm surprised at you! Richard said far louder and with far more irritation than he'd intended.  Giles and Savaric both burst out laughing once again, and it took quite a bit of effort for them to get themselves back under control.

    Sorry, Charles said through his own laughter. continue.

    Maybe you should doo doo continue instead.  At least then, something would actually come out, Savaric said, eliciting yet another round of giggles from the others.

    Ok, fine.  You know what?  Screw you guys!  Yeah, I said it.  Screw you, and you, and you, Richard said, pointing at each of them in turn.

    I guess this is where the plugging of the buttholes comes in, Giles whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

    Gahhh! Richard shouted as strips of tape suddenly appeared over their mouths, silencing them all temporarily.  They each looked around in utter shock for a moment, and then pulled the tape off as they focused their attention back on Richard, who was standing there looking incredibly annoyed.

    Uhhh...what just happened? Giles asked as he looked down at the tape, and then back at Richard.

    I did that to shut you all up.  Now, if you'll just listen to me seriously for a moment, I've got something extremely important to tell you, Richard said.

    But how on earth did you do that Richard, Charles asked.  Richard let out a heavy sigh, and then looked over and stared at him in silence.  Sorry.  Please continue.

    You sure?  Anyone else have anything to interrupt me with?

    About a million things at the moment, but I suppose you're about to answer those particular questions, Savaric said.

    Yes, I am.  That's why I've gathered you all here.  Now, as you know, Jarrod, Derek, Tina, and Sarah have pretty much been the core of everything we are for centuries now.

    Yes, they have been, Charles agreed.  We can't forget Patricia though.  It was her nurturing that allowed them to become what they are.

    Yes, of course.  I would never dare to diminish her part in it all.  That being said, those four have been responsible for discovering many of the abilities that we've developed over the years, Richard continued.  In fact, we've all come to think of ourselves as literal gods because of the abilities we all share, or to be more accurate, I'd say we've been more like demi-gods up to now.

    Demi-gods? Savaric asked.

    Well, yes.  If you think about the actual definitions of the terms, we've been lacking some of the abilities that a true god would possess.  Thanks to Jarrod's latest discovery however, our status as true gods will be cemented for all eternity.  Heh.  That sounded better in my head.  Sounded kinda cheesy when I actually said it out loud, he said with an amused look.

    Very cheesy, but what are we talking about exactly? Giles asked.

    Jarrod discovered something that we've all been able to do for quite some time now, though we've all been doing it in rather subtle ways.  It seems that we developed this ability after we came up with version three of the serum, only no one's figured it out until now.

    And what's this new ability exactly? Savaric asked.

    He's discovered that we all have the ability to alter reality, Richard explained.  That's how I made that tape appear over your mouths, though truth be told, that's about as minor of a use for it as you could possibly imagine.  There's almost no limit to what we can do with this ability, which is why we were going to keep it a secret.

    A secret?  Why would you do that? Charles asked.  This is just about the greatest advancement in our evolution that we could have possibly imagined!

    "We were going to keep it a secret because there's literally almost nothing you can't do with this ability.  To be honest, I'm not even sure it's limited in any way at all other than in simple ways.  For example, to open portals to specific places, we still need to know the frequencies of the dimension we want to go to, and open 'em the normal way.  That's why I said there's almost nothing we can't do with it.  Other than that, what you can do with it is only limited to your own imagination."

    So...what? Giles said, leading him to continue.

    So...the fact is that having the ability to alter reality means I could literally make any of you vanish from existence, and no one would ever know the difference.  That's why this is so dangerous, and why we were going to keep it all a secret, Richard explained.

    And yet now you're sitting here telling us about it.  Why? Savaric asked.

    Because of certain circumstances, the others told Jake and Lana about it, and taught them how to do it as well.  That led to the decision to share it with everyone.  It was decided that because we're all family, it wouldn't be right to keep it a secret.  Even if telling you leads to some horrible, unforeseen consequences down the road, we owe it to everyone to tell them about this, and to teach them how to use it responsibly, Richard explained.

    We always use our abilities responsibly, Charles said.  In the blink of an eye, Richard appeared behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.  In a state of shock, Charles leapt out of his chair, flew forward, and slammed his ribs into one of the lab tables.  Since his ribs were infused with the same bio-metal as the others, a large chunk of the wood gave way as he hit it, and broke off the edge of the table.

    My god Richard!  You practically gave me a heart attack! he said, panting heavily as he held his chest.

    So, we can teleport now? Savaric asked.

    Yes...among other things, Richard said as he looked over at the broken lab table.  In the blink of an eye, it was returned to its previous, undamaged state.

    My god, that's amazing! Charles said as reached out to touch it.  It's like it never happened at all.

    We can create things out of thin air as well.  Observe..., Richard said as a solid bronze statue of Savaric wearing a long, flowery dress suddenly appeared a few feet away.

    Yes...very funny, Savaric observed dryly.

    Extremely funny actually, Giles said with an amused look as he gave Savaric a playful smack on the arm.  I always pictured you in a mini-skirt though.

    Easy enough, Richard said.  Suddenly, the dress on the statue changed into a mini-skirt, and the figure reshaped itself so that it was blowing a kiss instead of just standing there.

    Oh yes...that's much better.  Shows off those sexy legs of his nicely, Giles said.  Almost immediately, the piece of tape that was sitting in his lap shot back up and stuck over his mouth.

    Didn't need to alter reality in order to shut you up.  Did I? Savaric said with a breathy laugh as Giles ripped the tape away once more.

    Please...gentlemen..., Richard said.

    Where? Giles asked as he looked around with a huge grin on his face.

    My god, I people are regressing right in front of my eyes.  Next thing you know, you'll be flinging your poo, and picking small bugs off of one another, Richard said, rolling his eyes a bit at how ridiculous they were being.

    Sorry.  Please...continue, Savaric said as he reached over and returned the smack that Giles had given him.

    Right.  Now, as far as creating things out of thin air, apparently we don't even have to know how it works in order to do it.

    What do you mean? Charles asked.

    Well, that cabin back home...the one that belonged to Derek's family.  They restored it completely using this ability.  It's now exactly as it was centuries ago, including the television, the blu-ray player, the video game system, the home theater system...all of it.  It's all there and functioning properly, even though Jarrod had no idea of how any of it worked, or how it was constructed.

    How do you explain that? Giles asked.

    I have no idea whatsoever.  All I know is..., he said as a nathalis phase pistol suddenly appeared in his hand.  He fired it through the ceiling, burning a huge hole through it that set the wood and other materials on fire.  A few moments later, the ceiling was completely restored, and the nathalis weapon vanished.

    My god..., Charles said.

    Now, I have no particular knowledge of how nathalis phase pistols are constructed since I've never had any particular reason to look into it, though I do know what they look like and how they're supposed to work.  As such, I was able to create a working weapon, as I've just demonstrated.  If I wanted to, I could imagine a completely alien weapon that had some sort of a special power, and as long as I knew what I wanted it to do, that's exactly what it would do.

    That doesn't make sense though, Savaric said.  How can you make something if you don't know how it works?

    "I don't know.  All I know is that we can do it, and that's not all we can do either," Richard said.

    What else is there? Giles asked.

    There's uhhh..., Richard started to say, but then he hesitated and fell silent again.

    Richard?  What is it? Charles asked.  Richard let out a heavy sigh, and then looked at them all seriously for a moment.

    Wait...before you tell us, can you please get rid of that statue? Savaric said.  I'm finding it highly distracting.

    Yes, of course, Richard said.  A second later, the statue vanished from existence.

    Thank you.  Now, you were saying?

    Well, the one thing we can do with this ability that's more dangerous than anything else is...time travel, Richard said, cringing a bit as the words left his mouth.

    Time travel! the three said, practically in unison.

    Yes, time travel.  Derek tried it and it worked.  He later received a visit from himself, only it was a version of him from the future.  He came to deliver a warning so that a serious tragedy could be prevented.  To their credit, they did prevent it, but it only serves as an example of why time travel is so dangerous.  Anything that changes the past can have dire consequences for our future, and knowing too much about the future can lead to unforeseen changes by causing us to alter our own actions in the present.

    Yes, I can certainly see how that would be troublesome, Charles said.

    To say the least, Richard agreed.  As such time travel is something that needs to be strictly limited, and only used in the most dire of circumstances.

    So, you've told us all this, but you've yet to explain how to do it, Savaric observed.

    You simply have to believe something is, and it will be, Richard explained.

    Huh? Giles asked.

    Just what I said.  Believe in your own mind that something is, and it will be.  Try it.  Believe there's a rack of test tubes on that table there, he said.  Giles looked over at the table, and suddenly three racks of test tubes appeared.

    My god, Charles said as he reached out to touch one of them.

    Oh, I see you all did it.  Well...very good.  If you want to teleport like I did earlier, you simply just believe that you're somewhere else, and that's where you'll appear.  It's the same for any of it, including the time travel.  Apparently, Derek simply believed there was a portal open in front of him that would take him to the time and place he wanted to go, and that's exactly where they ended up.  It gets easier and takes less thought the more you do it, but you also have to be very careful about what you think and believe, or you could end up doing things you didn't intend to, Richard explained.

    I'm not sure what to say here, Charles said.

    "There's nothing to say really.  Just practice it in a safe manner until it becomes second nature to you, and then use it responsibly.  That's all there is to it.  I'll fill Steph and Ally in on it tonight, along with Freddie and Diana.  Perhaps we should invite the others from the capitol over for dinner as well, just so I can fill them all in at once," Richard suggested.

    It's a good time actually.  Ally's grandmother and the other elders are having some sort of a private confab with her, Naelen, and Karth right now, Giles said.  I have no idea what it's about.  They just asked to speak to them privately, so we respected their wishes, and made ourselves scarce.

    Well, we can have dinner whenever they're free.  What about Steph?  What's she doing? Richard asked.

    Nothing really.  I'd have brought her, but you only asked us to come, so I figured you had something private to talk to us about, Giles said.

    Oh, well that's all right.  It'll probably be better if we go over it with them as a group anyway, Richard said.  All right, why don't you all start practicing with small things here in the lab, and I'll observe and assist you in any way that I can.

    Wait, Charles said.


    You said we could wipe someone completely out of existence, is that right?

    Yes, completely...and you could bring them back just as easily.  Why? he asked.

    So, back when we fought the akkelet...we could have simply just made them disappear, and saved all those lives, Charles said.

    We don't know if we had this ability with version two of the serum, and even if we did, feeling regret over something we had no knowledge of at the time is absolutely pointless, Richard said.  We all performed as well as anyone could have possibly expected us to under the circumstances.

    We had version three with the reaper situation, Savaric said.  It would have saved Logan and Diedre a whole lot of running around.

    Yes, it would have...but again, Jarrod didn't discover that we had this ability until just recently.  You have to stop thinking about all the good we could have done with it in the past, and focus more on how we can use it in the future to help people.  I mean...we're quite literally gods now.  The ability to alter reality has finally pushed us over that edge.  They need a new building somewhere?  We can just whip 'em up one out of thin air with whatever specifications they desire.  They need a cure for some disease?  I'm sure we can do that too.  Someone threatens us from another dimension, and we can eliminate 'em in the blink of an eye.  The thing is, we need to also be careful what we do.  We always have to be thinking about what affect our actions will have on the future.  We may cause problems that we're not even aware of.

    Couldn't we just fix it if we do? Charles asked.

    Maybe...or maybe not.  Could we bring back those million people who died in the Akkelet War?  Maybe, but it also might be that we'd have to know each of them, or be able to see their records so we could do it one by one rather than simply believing they're all still alive.  Bringing back that many people after this long would cause other issues as well, not only for their families, but for society as a whole.  That's a pretty massive influx of people to suddenly bring back from the dead after all these years, Richard explained.

    What about time travel? Savaric asked.  Going back to prevent it from happening in the first place.

    We can't do that, because we don't know how that would alter our own present day.  Things happened because of that war with the akkelet that needed to happen.  Things both relating to us, and not relating to us.  If we were to go back and stop it before it started, there's no way of knowing how that would affect our present timeline.  It could be better, or it could end up far, far worse.

    So basically, time travel is off limits, Charles said.

    Except under the most dire of circumstances, yes.

    Ok so...time travel bad, and killing off our own people is bad, but everything else ok, Savaric said.

    That about sums it up, Richard said.

    All right then, how do we get started?  What do you want us to do? he asked.

    Let's start with some simple things, and then we'll get more and more complex as you each get more comfortable with it, Richard said, and then he fell silent for a moment as he considered what to have them experiment with first.  There was so much they could do, but in the end he decided that starting out with the simple things would be best.  As such, he spent the next ten minutes with various strips of tape covering his mouth, much to the delight and amusement of the others.  When they grew bored with that however, they moved on to other things, including teleportation, which quickly became one of their favorite activities.  Being able to teleport without having to open connected portals simplified matters greatly.

    The lessons continued for over an hour before Richard left them to practice on their own.  He'd never say so in front of them, but he was desperately hoping that they hadn't just let a genie out of the bottle that they wouldn't be able to put back in.  Only time would reveal the wisdom of their decision to bring everyone in on the secret, but he had confidence in everyone's ability to use it responsibly.  Well, almost everyone...

    *   *   *

    What a beautiful night for a walk, Heather said as she and Martin walked down the main street of the village.  The stars were bright and clear, and the temperature was just cool enough to be refreshing, but not cold enough to where you'd need a sweater.

    Sure is, he said as he gave her hand a squeeze and nudged into her just enough to knock her slightly off balance.

    I'm glad you called a truce with Mike and Jeremy.  I'd hate to have 'em spoil this with one of their stupid pranks.

    Yeah well, we had our fun for the day, he said with a grin.

    Hey, who's that? she asked.

    Who's who? Martin asked as he glanced up ahead to see who she was talking about.

    Up there, sitting on the bench in front of the statue.  Hang on, she said as she shifted her eyes to the enhanced vision so she could examine the person more closely.

    Who is it? Martin asked.

    I have no idea.  I've never seen 'em before.  Looks like a human though, she said.

    A human?  I wonder if one of the folks from Earth brought someone over for a visit.

    Wouldn't they be there with 'em then instead of just leaving 'em sitting there all alone? she asked as she allowed her vision to shift back to normal.

    Dunno.  Let's go see what's up, Martin said as they started walking once again.

    As they got closer, they noticed that the man sitting there was physically in his mid-twenties, just as they were.  He had dark brown hair, sparkling eyes, and was dressed in clothes that were typical of the nathalis, which made it all the more odd that they'd never seen him before.  Obviously he'd been there for a while if he was dressed like a native, so where had he been hiding all this time?

    Hi, Martin said with a smile as they approached.  As soon as he spoke, the man smiled at them both pleasantly.

    Hello Martin...Heather, he said, nodding at them both in turn.  Beautiful evening, isn't it?'d you know our names? Heather asked.  We've never even seen you before.

    I know all your names.  In fact, I know lots of things, he said cryptically, the smile never leaving his face.  Both Martin and Heather tried to disbelieve the illusion then, figuring that it was one of their own people that was just trying to screw with them, but it didn't work.  He was exactly what he appeared to be, which only made it all the more confusing.

    I'm afraid you've got us at a disadvantage then, Martin said.

    Quite right! the man said, hopping to his feet as he extended his hand.  Allow me to introduce myself.  My name's...well, I don't suppose you could pronounce my real name.  Why don't you just call me...  Hmmm...  What's a good name for a human?

    I don't know.  What about...Gerald? Heather suggested.  That's a nice name...I guess.

    Gerald?  Hmmm...yes, that'll do nicely I think.  So, allow me to introduce myself.  My name's Gerald, he said as he took Martin's hand and shook it before shaking Heather's as well.

    So...Gerald..., Martin said cautiously.  Apparently you're not actually a human, so what are you, and what brings you here?

    What I am isn't important.  I'm not sure you'd be able to fathom it anyway.  As to why I'm here, just think of me as a friendly observer, he said, still smiling pleasantly at them.

    Observer?  What do you mean? Heather asked.

    You don't know what an observer is? he asked with an amused look.

    Yeah, I know what an observer is.  My question is, what are you here to observe, and why? she asked.

    Everything, he said, smiling even more pleasantly at her.  Oh, and by the way...that blanking thing you just tried won't work on me Martin.  In fact, none of your abilities will work on me.  You're welcome to try if you like, but I think it's only fair to tell you that now, so you don't waste an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out why it's not working.

    Martin...what's..., Heather started to ask, but Martin put his hand on her shoulder to silence her as he stared at Gerald suspiciously.

    Ok then, tell me something, Martin said.

    Anything, Gerald said, smiling even wider now.

    You said you're here to observe, right?


    You know who we are and what we can do, so how long have you been observing us, and why won't our abilities work on you? he asked.

    It's my first time here actually.  I just arrived a few moments before you found me.  I must say, they did a beautiful job building this...village?  Is that the right word?

    I guess so.  What about the other part of my question?

    As to the other part of your question, I think perhaps maybe I should speak to the core of your group about that.  It'll save you some time trying to explain something to them that they probably won't believe anyway, Gerald said.

    The core?  Meaning who exactly? he asked.

    Oh, don't bother yourselves with it.  I'll just bring 'em here myself, he said.  In the blink of an eye, Derek, Jarrod, Tina, Sarah, Patricia, Charles, and Richard all appeared, standing in a semi-circle behind Martin and Heather.

    What the fuck? Tina asked as she looked around wildly.

    Yeah, that's my question too.  What the fuck? Derek asked as all eyes fell upon their visitor.

    Yes, what the fuck indeed! Gerald said as he rubbed his hands together excitedly.

    Who's this? Patricia asked.

    Allow me to introduce myself.  My name's Gerald.  Well, that's not my real name, but Heather seemed to think that was a nice name for a human.  As such, that's the name you'll know me by while I'm here.

    So, you're not human then? Charles asked.

    No, not even remotely.  Still, I think I make a rather nice looking one, even if I do say so myself, he said, smiling as he looked down at himself.

    Yeah, you're a real peach, Tina said.  So, what's the deal here?

    He said he's here to observe us.  I don't know what he is or where he's from, but our abilities don't work on him.  I already tried to blank him, and it didn't do a damn thing.  At least so far he doesn't seem dangerous or anything, Martin said.

    No, I'm not dangerous.  You can think of me as a friend if you like, or an enemy if you see fit.  It really doesn't make any difference to me, but I think our interactions would be far more pleasant if you were to think of me as a friend, Gerald said.

    It's hard to think of you as anything until we know why you're here, Jarrod said pointedly.

    Quite right!  That's exactly why I brought you all here.  I wanted to introduce myself, and to let you know why I'm here.

    So...why are you here? Sarah asked.

    Perhaps you should all sit down.  I'm afraid that what I'm about to tell you is going to come as quite a shock, he said as a set of benches suddenly appeared behind them all.

    What the fuck? Martin asked as he turned to looked at them all.

    It's ok Martin, we can do that too.  We just haven't filled you in on it yet, Jarrod said.

    What?  What do you mean?

    What he means is that he's recently discovered that your people all have the ability to alter reality...or at least, your perception of it, Gerald said.

    How'd you know that? Derek asked suspiciously.

    Sit...please.  All will become clear in a moment, provided that you're able to comprehend what I'm about to tell you, he said.  Everyone looked at each other nervously for a moment before they tentatively sat down on the benches that he'd created for them.

    Ok, we're seated.  Now, what have you got to tell us? Richard asked.

    Where to begin, where to begin? Gerald muttered to himself.  All right, I suppose I should begin at the beginning.  I'm from a race of beings that's called something you could likely never pronounce, so for simplicity's sake, let's just say that I'm a...oh...I dunno.  How's Derubian sound?  I guess it's as good of a name as any, so from now on you can refer to us as Derubians.

    All right, noted, Patricia said.  Now, as to what you're doing here...

    I'm simply here to observe.  It's nothing more than that, I assure you.

    Observe us why? Charles asked.

    Excellent question Charles, and one that I fully intend to answer...though not as directly as you may expect.  See, my people created literally everything that exists in your reality, Gerald said.

    Everything? Sarah asked. in what?

    Everything in this universe, and in all the others as well.  I believe you're sufficiently advanced to understand this, so I'll simply just spell it out for you.  Everything you are...everything you know...all the dimensions, the different species you've encountered...all of's all just a simulation.

    A simulation? Richard asked as they all glanced nervously at one another.

    "None of this is real.  Oh, it's real enough to you of course since this is the reality you all live in, but in the true sense of the word, it's not.  It's all just a part of a highly complex simulation.  What happens in here doesn't affect anything at all out in the, quote unquote, real world where my people are from.  Each universe, or dimension as you would call them, is a separate part of the simulation.  That's why as you travel around between them, you'll find that things have evolved differently in each one.  This was by design.  The seeds of each universe were created within the overall simulation, and then they were allowed to grow and evolve naturally.  You and your people however, were not."

    What do you mean? Heather asked.

    Please don't take that as a bad thing.  I'm sure you've all quite enjoyed the abilities you've developed.  They quite mirror the abilities of my own people actually, so it's been fascinating to see how you've all grown and developed.  It's admirable as well that you've used your abilities for good rather than using them to harm the innocent.  In fact, that was quite a surprise indeed.  Power tends to corrupt those who have it, and yet your people have remained a force for good throughout your existence, Gerald said.

    So if this is all just a simulation, then...what?  You gave us these abilities? Derek asked.

    No, not at all.  You developed them yourselves through the use of the serum that Charles and Richard here refined, Gerald explained.

    So basically what you're saying here is that the serum gave us the ability to control the simulation.  That's why we can make things appear out of thin air that actually work, even though we shouldn't be able to, Jarrod observed.  Like the television at the cabin in the Human dimension.  I didn't know how it worked, but when I altered reality to create it, it worked just like it always did.

    Oh, you are a smart one Jarrod.  Yes, that's exactly what's happening.  Your ability to alter reality is tapping directly into the simulation itself, so anything you can think of, you have the ability to create.  Just as a side note however, I never intended for that to be the result when I seeded the original version of the serum.  When newer versions of the serum were developed however, the sim determined that you would all evolve into what you are now because of those advancements.  I must say, it's been a most fascinating development, and one that I just couldn't resist witnessing firsthand.

    So what if we had used our abilities to hurt people?  What would you have done? Tina asked.

    "Absolutely nothing.  We don't interfere with the simulation in any way whatsoever.  We simply observe and record the data for the purpose of learning.  There's really nothing more to it than that.  You could wipe out whole dimensions if you wanted to, and we wouldn't interfere in the least, simply because the simulation must be allowed to play out exactly as it will.  To interfere with it in any way would be to corrupt the results, which I assure you is not something we're interested in doing."

    So how do our abilities work then? Martin asked.

    That's a good question, though the answer may be far more simplistic than you expected.  Your abilities work because the simulation has decided that they do.  Well, that's not entirely true.  See, I actually had a little to do with that, Gerald said, smiling at them all mischievously.

    How so? Richard asked.

    I guess you could say curiosity got the better of me.  I wanted to see how a group of people would react to developing the same abilities that my own race has.  I therefore planted the seeds of that happening within the simulation, and then I just sat back and let it all play out however it would play out.  In fact, there's a whole other species that evolved to have these same abilities naturally, as your future self has already informed you, he said as he glanced over at Derek.

    Future self?  Huh? Martin asked.

    Sorry we kept you guys out of the loop, Derek said.  My future self has popped back here a few times.  He told me that we'd eventually encounter a race that has the same abilities that we do, only they can't alter reality yet.

    I'm still a little sketchy on this whole altering reality thing.  What's that about? he asked with a confused look.

    Don't worry about it.  We'll explain it to you later, Derek said.  We're gonna be teaching everyone how to do it pretty quick here.

    As for that species you mentioned, it's true that they lack the ability to alter reality.  They will however evolve to that point eventually if the simulation plays out as we're expecting it to.  Then it'll just be a matter of them discovering that they can actually do it, Gerald explained.

    So I'm guessing that time runs differently in here for us than it does for you, Charles said.  Billions of years have passed in our world, but in yours I assume that it's only been days...or maybe even weeks?

    "I'm not sure you'd understand how we measure time, or that it's really important that you do.  Suffice it to say, it hasn't been

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