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Alibi Interrupted
Alibi Interrupted
Alibi Interrupted
Ebook53 pages40 minutes

Alibi Interrupted

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Time travel always has its consequences.

When Stewart Hudson travels back in time to stop Lee Harvey Oswald from killing President Kennedy, things don't go as planned. Not only does Stewart unwittingly become Oswald's alibi, he also finds himself stuck in 1963 with no way home.

The ripple affect of Stewart's actions reaches far into the future when the wife of his future grandson confronts the younger Stewart before his trip to 1963. In an attempt to make sure Stewart gets it right this time, she learns the hard way that meddling in the affairs of the past always has unintended consequences.


Alibi Interrupted is the perfect blend of two tales of speculative fiction intricately woven into one masterpiece of suspense that not only entertains, but also causes you to reflect on how the decisions we make in life can profoundly affect the world around us and the people we love.

PublisherJ.L. Pattison
Release dateNov 11, 2016
Alibi Interrupted

J.L. Pattison

J.L. Pattison is the author of fast-paced, plot-driven speculative fiction for contemplative misanthropes. The two greatest influences on his writing are Rod Serling and George Orwell. Because of those influences, J.L. Pattison delights in spinning tales that not only entertains the reader, but provokes deep thought. Although J.L. Pattison oftentimes tackles adult themes in his stories (e.g. aging, war, death), his stories remain suitable even for younger audiences because he crafts these gripping tales without the gratuitous violence, sex, and profanity commonly found in so much of today's literature. J.L. Pattison lives in the Western United States with his wife and children. When not writing, he enjoys fishing, rooting for his (lowly) San Francisco 49ers, and drinking copious amounts of sweet tea; an addiction he acquired while growing up in the South and isn't willing to surrender.

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    Alibi Interrupted - J.L. Pattison

    Alibi Interrupted

    J.L. Pattison

    Copyright © 2016 J.L. Pattison

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or

    transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or

    other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the

    author, except in the case of brief quotations for the purpose of reviews, previews,

    promotions, or advertising, and where proper citation is given.

    Editor: Shanie Dues

    Cover designer: Marty Dues

    Alibi Interrupted is a work of fiction. All elements of this work of fiction are drawn from the author’s imagination. Where real people, places, events, establishments, businesses, or organizations appear, they are used fictitiously.

    To my children, the joys of my life.

    I am honored to be your daddy, and

    it is my sincere prayer that my decisions

    in life—both small and large—will always

    be wise, make you proud, and be

    worthy of your emulation.

    Part 1 - The Alibi

    - One -

    Because he was going to be born next year, Stewart Hudson knew he had to die by the end of this summer. This wasn't due to any belief in the tales of reincarnation; it was a consequence of time travel gone wrong.

    Today, Stewart's mind was occupied with the secret he was about to reveal, a secret he always thought he'd take to the grave.

    When Kohen arrived at Stewart’s house, he let himself in, finding Stewart in the study surrounded from floor to ceiling by neatly shelved books. Kohen took a seat next to the old man whose frail hands lay folded over an old shoebox resting on his lap.

    Skipping the small talk, Kohen declined Stewart's offer of tea or coffee in lieu of getting down to business. He was not there for one of his regular visits, he was there to find out the truth. He deserved to know the truth—the whole family did.

    Kohen opened this can of worms a week earlier when he called to ask questions about Stewart's past, or the lack thereof. He'd been researching his family tree for a genealogy assignment for his degree but couldn't find anything about Stewart prior to the mid-1960s.

    Because Stewart would never give a straight answer, the family stopped asking long ago about the patriarch's past. Kohen was the exception. He was the most stubborn of all those in Stewart's lineage and he would no longer accept the silence. When Kohen Hudson set out on a task he wouldn't come up for air until it was accomplished, and now his own grandfather was in his crosshairs.

    Stewart acquiesced to Kohen's tenacity, even considering it a blessing in disguise, because without Kohen's persistence Stewart would’ve never volunteered the secret to anyone.

    Before he began, Stewart made Kohen agree not to tell anyone in the family. It would be easier for them to continue assuming Stewart was concealing a criminal past than it would be to expect them to believe his story. An early life of crime was certainly a less complex and a more believable explanation than the truth.

    So, here they were. Grandfather and grandson, sitting in the midst of thousands of books where only a small table, a long generation, and a carefully guarded secret separated them.

    It all started,

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