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Pure Lust and True Love
Pure Lust and True Love
Pure Lust and True Love
Ebook30 pages28 minutes

Pure Lust and True Love

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Cohen Xavier is about to get lucky. He’s spending a week at Soleil Magenta, a singles resort known for promiscuous hookups. It’s only his second night, and he’s been propositioned by a long, slender blonde named Krissi. Better sense would tell him she’s out of his league. A check of her fingers would tell him she’s married.
Not to worry, claims Krissi’s husband, Garret. They allow each other one fling a year—one night, one partner, no questions asked. In fact, Garret already has his interlude planned out with a redhead named Tina, and doesn’t want to know anything about their plans.
Cohen meets Krissi, but finds she’s full of surprises. Surprise number one—she used him as a pawn—a face to parade in front of Garret to placate him. She’s got a suite with a dozen studs waiting to ravage her loins. Cohen’s not her carefully selected, once-a-year soirée. He’s just a guy in the crowd.
But there are worse things than being part of this crowd. His calendar has a big hole in it, so Cohen makes the most of his odd fortune. Little does he know what he’s really getting into. Seemingly against all odds, Krissi falls for him by the end of the night. That’s when he realizes he’s fallen for her, too.
Against their heart’s wishes, Cohen and Krissi part ways, certain their love could never be. But Krissi’s not the only one who sought to deceive. Garret has plans to do away with her, and set Cohen up in the process by blaming Tina’s gruesome death on him.
Cohen is faced with a dangerous dilemma—risking life and limb to save a girl who professed her love in the throes of a post-gangbang interlude. She’s gorgeous—everything he’s ever dreamed of, and well-worth saving, if only he can.

PublisherSari Shepard
Release dateNov 18, 2016
Pure Lust and True Love

Sari Shepard

Sari Shepard and his wife Susan act as a team, blending experience with imagination to offer high-charged contemporary romantic erotica with a fresh, creative approach. Our novels and short stories are insistently erotic, but strive to avoid over-objectification of the fairer sex, no matter what fervent passion they chose to pursue. Unique descriptors let the blissful fervor unfold without repetitious use of profane terminology. We believe sex is visual. Things happen during sex—things we wouldn’t discuss at a restaurant or draw on a napkin (most of us, anyway). The better the sex, the more things happen. The more things happen, the more visual the experience becomes. We do not shy away from vivid descriptors because feelings are indelibly entwined with the visual aspect of sex. We do not write drug-store novelettes that end a scene when things start tingling. We know sex is a repetitious act, but it should never be boring. It evokes fervent, passionate thought that isn’t served well by conforming to predictable descriptions. It’s easy to follow convention and avoid colorful, ostentatious words, but to us, it’s kind of like following a clergyman’s recommendations in the bedroom. Sex should never be given a description any less colorful than the act itself. We worked hard to develop our own unique style. Most of our heroines ascribe to bisexuality, but their heterosexual longings carry the stories. Along the way, each finds plenty of opportunity for promiscuous romps and swinging ménages. Twists, turns and dilemmas await the daring, colorful characters. Join them and learn their stories.

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    Pure Lust and True Love - Sari Shepard

    Pure Lust and True Love

    Copyright © 2016 Sari Shepard

    Smashwords Edition


    Cover art by Sari Shepard

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Cohen Xavier couldn’t believe his luck. It was only his second day at the Soleil Magenta Singles Resort, and he’d been propositioned by a gorgeous blonde in her early thirties named Krissi. She was tall and slender, with deep blue eyes and full, shining lips. He watched her backside sway beneath her emerald green dress as she clopped away in tall white heels. The fact that she was out of his league registered only in the deepest recesses of his conscience—along with the fact that she didn’t bother hiding her wedding rings.

    Dropping twenty dollars on the bar, he stood and pulled his jacket off the back of the bar chair. He had an hour before eight o’clock, when he was supposed to meet her in her room. A shower and a change of clothes were in order. She was gorgeous, and he wanted to give no less than a stellar performance.

    Glancing to the back of the lounge, her long blonde hair caught his eye. She sat with a man and another woman, who he presumed to be a couple. Krissi caught him looking and smiled, gesturing him over. Cohen figured it was best not to disappoint her, so he obliged.

    This is him, she bubbled as he approached. Sit for a sec, handsome.

    Cohen sat and extended his hand to the man of perhaps forty years. I’m Cohen, he offered.

    Garret, answered the man. I’m Krissi’s husband.

    "Whuh-what? Oh I don’t

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