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Tony Taylor and Camping With Scouts
Tony Taylor and Camping With Scouts
Tony Taylor and Camping With Scouts
Ebook49 pages35 minutes

Tony Taylor and Camping With Scouts

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In this charming chapter book for young readers, Tony Taylor invites his scout troop to camp on his grandfather’s farm in Maryland. There, as Tony knows, magical things have been known to happen. On this trip, the scouts and their families enjoy a hike on the farm and a visit to a fair. They are also entertained by Tony’s grandfather who tells them a story about pixies, magical creatures who expect people to behave nicely and are known to play tricks when they don’t. But it’s just a story. There are no such things as pixies, right? Join Tony and his friends on this adventure and decide for yourself! Tony Taylor books engage your imagination and are good, wholesome entertainment for the entire family.
Release dateNov 18, 2016
Tony Taylor and Camping With Scouts

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    Tony Taylor and Camping With Scouts - B.C. Mullins


    chapter 1

    Tony clung tightly to his seat and checked his seatbelt for about the thousandth time to make certain it was secure. He took comfort in the fact that he was wedged into the back seat of Mrs. Bolivar’s minivan tighter than a book on a library shelf. If they were in an accident (and the way Mrs. Bolivar drove, that was a good possibility), he felt he would be safe because he could hardly move. Mrs. Bolivar’s son, Jason Bolivar, was wedged on one side of him, and Jason’s friend, Billy McDonald, was wedged on the other side of him. They were both older than 8-year-old Tony. Jason was 16-years old, tall, blonde, and muscular. He played on the high school football team. Billy McDonald was 15-years old, with dark hair and a bit of a paunch. Tony had no idea what Billy McDonald did besides picking on younger kids. Billy McDonald was never called just Billy because there were two boys named Billy in the Cub Scout Pack that Tony belonged to and two boys named Billy in the Boy Scout Troop that Billy McDonald and Jason Bolivar belonged to!

    The older boys had pillows and bags on the seat, leaving little room for Tony in the middle. At Tony’s feet were more bags and backpacks of snacks, extra shoes, boots, and more. Stored behind the boys were sleeping bags and tents and other supplies for camping.

    Are we almost there, Mom? Jason asked.

    It’s a little ways yet, she replied.

    Man, you’ve been saying that for the last hour and we aren’t there yet.

    Then stop asking! Mrs. Bolivar snapped. Tony jumped, startled. That was the first time he had ever heard Mrs. Bolivar yell. She was a small woman, barely taller than Tony. She had light brown hair and light brown eyes and (usually) a soft, pleasant voice.

    Grumbling, Jason tore open a large snack bag and stared out the side window as he shoved handfuls of chips into his mouth. Tony kept quiet and tried not to look at the crumbs falling all over the seat and floor due to Jason chewing with his mouth open. He glanced over at Billy McDonald who was sound asleep, his head resting on a pillow nestled against the window. Up front, Jason’s 6-year old sister, Brittany Bolivar, slept in the passenger seat. Tony wished he could be sitting in the passenger seat of his own mom’s car. Instead, he had been forced to ride with another scouting family because his mom couldn’t go with him on this camping trip; she had to work.

    Tony wished she didn’t have to work so much, especially on weekends. But she worked hard to take care of the two of them. Tony’s dad had been a soldier who died fighting in a place called Afghanistan when Tony was only three. Since then, it had been just Tony and his mom. Tony knew his mom tried hard to be there when

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