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Red In The Hood, Once Upon A Time 2
Red In The Hood, Once Upon A Time 2
Red In The Hood, Once Upon A Time 2
Ebook34 pages27 minutes

Red In The Hood, Once Upon A Time 2

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Bethany Redkin, aka Red, brings her housebound grandmother a box of goodies once a week. It's usually an uneventful bike ride and a bit of needed exercise for this big beautiful babe. This time, however, she gets shot at and crosses paths with Wolf, billionaire rap singer and the leader of the toughest motorcycle gang in the central US...and he wants her for his own. What's a girl to do when the big bad Wolf comes knocking at her door?

PublisherCindy Larie
Release dateOct 14, 2016
Red In The Hood, Once Upon A Time 2

Cindy Larie

I am an author of mostly erotica/erotic romance with a bit of scifi and sweet romance thrown in. I have visited or lived in each of the 48 continental United States at one time or another. Hawaii and Alaska are on my list of places to see. I've been to Canada and one day plan to tour Mexico as well. I've worked as a taxi driver, an exotic dancer/waitress, a dump truck driver, a storage facility manager and a traveling carnival worker. I love writing stories more than anything (other than my fabulous grandson (: ) and hope to one day support myself with my stories. I live in Louisiana with my boyfriend, two grown kids, an awesome grandson, and several spoiled cats. I truly believe you can do anything you set your mind to.

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    Red In The Hood, Once Upon A Time 2 - Cindy Larie

    Once Upon A Time series

    Book 2

    Red In The Hood

    By Cindy Larie

    License Notes

    Thank you for purchasing this e-book. This work is the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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    Note From The Author:

    Thank you for choosing Red In The Hood. If you enjoy it, please consider leaving me a review at the site where you purchased it. If you have comments or suggestions, please feel free to send me an email at I love to hear from my readers!

    Copyright © 2016 C Cowles

    All rights reserved.



    I wish you’d just take my car. Tom says there’s a chance for rain. If you’re on your bike…

    "I’ll do what I always do. I’ll stop and put my rain poncho on. Geez, Mom, I’m grown now. I promise I won’t melt. Since you started dating ‘Tom Bellows, Tulsa’s most trusted weatherman’  last year you’ve become so, so…I dunno, anal, I guess…about the weather. A little summer shower never hurt anyone."

    Don’t talk like that. I raised you better. A well bred young lady doesn’t say things like, she looked around, leaned in close and hissed, "Anal, in public. Where are your manners?"

    We’re not in public, Mom. We’re in your kitchen. And anyway, I’m eighteen, and this is America. Everybody says anal. To be honest, I stepped out of smacking reach and snorted, giggling, before finishing, They say a whole lot worse. The other day, Joe Smyth’s son Jon down the street offered to text me a picture of his cock—and he actually said cock, not penis or weenie—in trade for a pic of my naked boobies.

    Bethany Ann Redkin!

    Oops! Gotta go. Later, Mom!

    Don’t forget your cape, I turned just in time to scoop the flying ball of red cloth out of the air before it hit me in the head.

    Really, Mom!

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