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Intercourse with Life
Intercourse with Life
Intercourse with Life
Ebook82 pages58 minutes

Intercourse with Life

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About this ebook

The message is crucial, the bio is unimportant.
Isn’t there something I can do or someone I can believe, to get my life off the rocks?

You’ve wondered why progress in your life has crunched to a halt.
You ponder why you are here? What is the purpose?

You need intercourse with Life! Otherwise, your ability to succeed is given to chance.
And, be ready, because Life’s responsiveness exceeds an accelerator pedal of a Porsche, – or, the questions keep on mounting.

You teeter on despair and depression. Neglect and decline are in tow.
You have followed some ideas and you are still here, – looking.
Hope was a disappointing experience.
You have relied on yourself and when that didn’t produce the desired results, relied on others. By now you excel in blaming anything.
Radical changes have made no difference. You are stuck.
Slipping, falling, crashing, hurting, crying, bending, breaking.

Despite whatever we do, one phenomenon is always present.
Yes, Life!
I am not talking about God, angels, spirits etc.

A constant companion and the only trustworthy guidance system that is free and ready for our use.
Noninvasive. Unpretentious. Supra knowledgeable. Ready for intercourse with you in a flash.

Life says, your shadow might be invincible, but you can move with the light.

Release dateNov 20, 2016
Intercourse with Life

Raiden Germain

Adrift in a sea of thoughts blown by the winds of imagination.Raiden Germain wears no watch. Is mostly vegetarian. Loves sinking bare feet into the dew-fresh grass early mornings.Surrounded by the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands 'garden province,' on the eastern side of South Africa.Raised close to nature. Conservation and wildlife-protection swell the heart. Reclusive. Dreaming consumptive. Fuelled by music. Then like a kite the spirit soars. Resonating in the notes of a guitar.At heart a Safari boy with a love affair for exploring the African universe. An expedition equipped Land Cruiser waits in the yard. The smell of Mopane wood smoldering in the memories of last night's coals; an endless Miombo forest canopy; coconut palms swaying in a sea-breeze, – cherished experiences.Flying an aircraft. The drug of choice.Writing starts early in the morning till the spirit leaves.Celestial objects are fascinating and so are birds. Elephants are precious. Big cats feed the imagination like only birds can.A beautiful grown up son and a most wonderful, understanding partner.The future: Man's superior mental and psychic abilities progressively diminish the use of technology. Envisaging a super-evolved agrarian, vegetarian society.Naturally, other intelligent life-forms exist in the multiverse.Why hasn't it happened?...a long story.

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    Book preview

    Intercourse with Life - Raiden Germain

    Intercourse with Life - a call to act

    Raiden Germain

    Copyright © 2016 Raiden Germain

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system. For permission, contact the author at

    Published by Raiden Germain at Smashwords

    Coverpage - Raiden Germain, copyright Raiden Germain

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    My window to the world might look different, open different and present a different view to yours. Nevertheless, you are welcome to look and join me.

    ~ Raiden Germain ~

    I am an ordinary human being (definition?) somewhere on our planet.

    I am not a physician, psychologist, guru, life coach, academic or millionaire. No quantum, bio, eco anything either.

    Normal guy, – a few questions, – having intercourse.

    I cannot be held responsible for harm occurring resultant of reading my writing.

    Experiences and views portrayed are my (Life’s) own.

    There exists NO intention to judge or criticize others or others’ practices, religion or beliefs.

    If it doesn’t suit you, don’t follow it.


    Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.

    Our task must be to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

    ~ Albert Einstein ~


    My family.

    No one and nothing, nada, can replace you and what you mean to me.


    Those wishing they had something to go by to live a deeper life experience;

    those questioning their life and waiting for answers;

    those not knowing how to start living;

    those that think about thinking about it;

    those who want to make the right decisions;

    those wanting stuff to happen: now, soon;

    those with the imagination and courage to have intercourse.



    Table of Contents




    Intercourse rampage

    Chapter 1 -More intercourse?-

    Chapter 2 -Thoughts and popcorn-

    Chapter 3 -101 of input-

    Chapter 4 -A mirror, sleep, and exercise-

    Chapter 5 -Pains, energy-

    Interlude - Ever the sun...

    Chapter 6 -Relationships-

    Chapter 7 -Agent of life-

    Chapter 8 -Creativity, nature, and solitude-

    Chapter 9 -Passion, work, and fun-

    Intercourse calm

    About the author

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    In doing something, do it with love or never at all.

    ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

    Life, – you are a master lesson in tenacity. You insist on being heard and demand my attention through the maze of my myriad distractions.

    Love, – I adore you.

    And, – huge credit to those close ones around me, who know that I need help and give it in such a way that I still look like I am doing it myself with all my dignity intact.

    Thank you, obrigado, natutela mukwai, Dankeschön, ngiyabonga.

    I also acknowledge the genius, the hopeless dreamer, and the loser and, uhh, I am getting up from this sofa now because only I can affect a change in my life anyway.

    Though I continue to wonder:

    Did Love say:

    Let there be Life or,

    Did Life say:

    Let there be Love?


    Are Life and Love inseparable companions and Life is Love and Love is Life?

    Intercourse rampage

    The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.

    ~ W M Lewis ~

    Good morning.

    Good afternoon.

    What are you doing?

    I am telling them what you told me.

    Uh. Good. Everything?

    I don’t quote statistics and I dislike clichés. What is written here is directly from my intercourse with Life. It is not hypothetical, although, initially, you might assume it to be.

    Call me crazy. Hah. Intercourse with Life? What’s wrong with me?

    Yeah, try it. You can’t comment if you haven’t tried it.

    Having intercourse, – intercourse with Life, – is the thing to do to get your life moving on the path you want it to be on.

    Life is about eating carrots and meditating, right? Just kidding!

    I say only so much here, (pinching

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