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Midnight Madness Haven Ranch 1
Midnight Madness Haven Ranch 1
Midnight Madness Haven Ranch 1
Ebook188 pages2 hours

Midnight Madness Haven Ranch 1

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About this ebook

Midnight has always struggled to understand why his parents would leave him alone and defenseless in the woods as a newborn. Now a man insists he has the answers to what happened and a future planned for him beyond any reasonable man's dream. Walking into the room and seeing six of the largest sexiest beast he had ever laid eyes on and another cutie in the corner, surprised and piqued Midnight's interest.
Discovering the body of the man Law had always looked at as the father he never knew was a rough day. Finding out that the man was not who he said he was, was even harder. Now he is told that the only way he can keep his home and help his people is if he mates with not only one of the sexy men sitting across from him but also a man he has fought and argued with since the day he arrived on the Refuge/Ranch.
Shaw didn't know what the hell fate was thinking asking him to mate with Law and a young man he had never laid eyes on before. He didn't know if he could do it. Even after being told that the fate of all shifters and paranormals depended on him doing just that.
Then shots are fired, and people are fighting for their very lives. Can Law, Shaw, and Midnight come together as fate has deemed or will the shifter world cease to exist?

PublisherCree Storm
Release dateNov 4, 2016
Midnight Madness Haven Ranch 1

Cree Storm

Hi there everyone. I’m Cree Storm. I’m a sister, a mom, a grandmother and a wife. I am the luckiest woman alive as far as I’m concerned. I have a beautiful family and know if times get hard I have my soul mate right there to help me through it. What makes my life even better is being able to do what I love for a living. I have always had a great imagination and being able to bring those characters to life for you makes my heart and soul sing.Although I traveled some as a military brat and lived in places like Germany, New York, Pennsylvania and New Mexico, I have found myself settling in Quebec, Canada with my husband. I love being surrounded by nature and wildlife and there is nothing like sitting and watching the birds, squirrels and chipmunks fluttering around my yard or traveling around Canada and finding my mind creating worlds for you all to enjoy. Life is good and I just want to bring some of my happiness into your life and hopefully make you smile, laugh and get away from everyday stress. Hugs and Love to you all and I hope you enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them.

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    Book preview

    Midnight Madness Haven Ranch 1 - Cree Storm

    Midnight has always struggled to understand why his parents would leave him alone and defenseless in the woods as a newborn. Now a man insists he has the answers to what happened and a future planned for him beyond any reasonable man's dream. Walking into the room and seeing six of the largest sexiest beast he had ever laid eyes on and another cutie in the corner, surprised and piqued Midnight's interest.

    Discovering the body of the man Law had always looked at as the father he never knew was a rough day. Finding out that the man was not who he said he was, was even harder. Now he is told that the only way he can keep his home and help his people is if he mates with not only one of the sexy men sitting across from him but also a man he has fought and argued with since the day he arrived on the Refuge/Ranch.

    Shaw didn't know what the hell fate was thinking asking him to mate with Law and a young man he had never laid eyes on before. He didn't know if he could do it. Even after being told that the fate of all shifters and paranormals depended on him doing just that.

    Then shots are fired, and people are fighting for their very lives. Can Law, Shaw, and Midnight come together as fate has deemed or will the shifter world cease to exist?

    Midnight Madness

    Haven Ranch 1


    Cree Storm


    A Cree Storm Book


    Midnight Madness

    Haven Ranch 1

    Copyright © 2016 by Cree Storm

    Edited by Avril Stepowski

    First E-book Publication: November 2016

    Cover design by JP Graphic Designs

    All cover art and logo copyright © 2016, JP Graphic Designs and Cree Storm

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

    All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    I want to take a moment and dedicate this story to all my readers. If I didn't have you I wouldn't be where I am my dream...Hugs and Love to you all.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Cree Storm’s Other Books

    About The Author


    The lights turning on had shocked the hell out of Sky, but when the old lady snapped, Get your shit and get out, he was even more shocked.

    What? Why? Mrs. D, it's twelve in the morning. Sky said in confusion.

    I know what time it is and the money stops, for both of you, as of this minute, so get your shit and go. I'll give you ten minutes. Mrs. D said, turning and closing the door behind her.

    Midnight got out of bed and walked to the closet to get his clothes. Grabbing the backpack that he has used since his first day of college, he began stuffing clothes into it.

    Nigh, what the fuck are you doing? Sky snapped.

    Packing. Midnight said, grabbing another shirt and stuffing it in.

    Sky marched over to his blood brother, She can't just throw us out, Nigh.

    Sighing heavily, Midnight turned and hugged his friend. He knew Sky was scared, hell, so was he. When you have no one to count on to help you through life, it's scary as hell. Midnight knew he and Sky had each other, and that made things a bit easier, but still afraid, Sky, I told you this would happen. I looked it up a few years ago. We talked about this. The website I found said a person is only considered a ward of the state until the age of eighteen. As of this moment, we are eighteen. The only way some adults stay in the program is if they are incompetent or incapable of caring for themselves. We are neither.

    I swear, one of these days I'm going to take a sledgehammer to that fucking computer. What the hell would make you look something like that up, anyway? Sky grumbled while he started packing his stuff.

    Midnight grabbed his toiletries, You break my computer Sky, and I swear I'll jump up and down screaming the next time you make a soufflé. And for the record, I always look things up when I have a question in my mind and want an answer.

    Just as they grabbed up the last of their stuff, Mrs. D barged in with her son Palmer, Your ten minutes are up. Palmer will show you out.

    You know what, you old bitch, we don't need anyone to show us anywhere. We've been doing just fine finding our way around for eighteen fucking years. Sky snarled.

    Midnight grabbed Sky by the arm, and dragged him past the giant idiot and his mother, then headed out the front door before something bad could happen. Chipmunk shifters might be able to take on Mrs. D; she was all human, but they were no match for Palmer, a badger shifter.

    Midnight and Sky were found eighteen years ago in the woods. Some guy had been taking a shortcut through the woods after work when he had heard crying. Coming upon two little newborn shifters was not something the guy had expected after a long night at work. The man had contacted the police who in turn contacted the shifter council. That is when Midnight and Sky had become wards of the State of Texas Shifter Association. He and Sky had remained that way until this very moment.

    Midnight had always thought it odd they had never been adopted. Although Mrs. D didn't shower them with love, she had made sure they were fed, clothed, and sheltered for the past eighteen years. She had also made sure they had received the best homeschooling a kid could ask for.

    Midnight had practically begged to go to regular school with other kids, but Mrs. D said that wasn't possible, not if she wanted to get paid. Midnight never understood that at all. Other children with no parents went to public school. When he pushed the subject, Mrs. D would get very pissed and tell him to go to his room. Sky would always do something so he would be sent to his room too, never wanting Midnight to be alone. That's how they were, a team. Sky and Midnight working together could make anything possible.

    Hell, they had worked so hard on their education that both graduated from high school early and had just received college degrees. Midnight had his BA in computer science and security as well as an economics degree. Sky had his degree in agribusiness, but his true love was the culinary arts. Sky even went so far as to find work cooking at one of the finest dining restaurants in town and people often came when they knew he was the cook for the evening. Not that Mrs. D ever let him cook at home, but she at least allowed him to have a garden.

    They had always known their lives were not normal ones. Not because they were shifters, but of how they were raised. No hugs, words of love, or bonding with adults. No birthday parties or opportunities to make other friends. Palmer had all those things and more.

    Holidays were just as strange as everything else had been in their lives. Sky and Midnight had always known there was no such thing as Santa or the Easter Bunny. There were never any trees or decorations or baskets, but they always found gifts next to their beds during those times. Neither he nor Sky had any clue who left them, but they were sure they didn’t come from Mrs. D. She and Palmer always left them during the holidays.

    The thing was, she never questioned them on how they got certain things. Like his first computer at ten or Sky's Kindle loaded with cookbooks and his favorite romance authors’ newest releases. She never talked to them, and Palmer treated them like they were invisible.

    So, what are we going to do now? Mario just paid me at the restaurant. With that and what I've been saving, I have a little over fifteen hundred. The problem is, I can't take any of it out until nine tomorrow morning. Sky said as he started biting his bottom lip.

    Midnight sighed and stopped walking, Sky, I promise, everything is going to be okay. As long as we're together, we're unstoppable. I've been planning for this day for almost four years. I have a nice little nest egg put aside, and with what you have and our degrees to fall back on, we'll be okay.

    Sky sniffed and wiped his eyes, rasping, Why are we so unlovable, Nigh? Why is it no one seems to want us around? Why would our parents just leave us as they did? You would think that after eighteen years, Mrs. D would have had some feelings for us. I mean, I just don't get it.

    Midnight hugged Sky close, whispering, I don't know, Sky. I just know that I will always be grateful to the fates above for making sure we had each other. You and I have made it through some pretty tough crap by working together. Whatever our future holds, if we stick with each other, we can handle whatever life has in store for us.

    Sky pulled back, took a deep breath and squared back his shoulders, You're right. Fuck them all. Fuck our parents, fuck Mrs. D, and fuck anyone else that doesn't see how awesome we are. We have our bond, and that's all that matters.

    Now that is the Sky I know and love. Midnight said as they started walking once more.

    As they were making their way down the street, Midnight noticed a long black car following them. Gently taking Sky's arm, Midnight whispered, Don't look back. I think we're someone is following us.

    Of course, Sky didn't listen and turned, causing the car to speed up until it was alongside them.

    I told you not to look back, Sky. Midnight admonished.

    Sky huffed, "Everyone knows if you don't want someone to look behind them, then you don't say don't look behind you. It is the number one rule of not looking behind you."

    Midnight pulled Sky so they were almost at a run, but the car took off and blocked them before they could get across the street. Three men in suits and ties got out and crossed their hands below their waists as a tall man in what looked to be a very expensive suite exited the car, Mr. Star and Mr. Brook, my name is William Buckley. I need you to come with me.

    Both men's jaw dropped.

    Sky recovered quicker, snapping, You have got to be fucking kidding me. You never, ever go to the second location.

    Mr. Buckley raised a brow, Mr. Brook, I assure you, neither you nor Mr. Star is in any danger from me.

    Sky scoffed, Yeah, well, forgive me if I say you are full of shit.

    Sky, stop antagonizing the man with guards, please. Midnight said through the side of his mouth.

    Mr. Buckley gave a half smile, Mr. Star, I assure you, we mean you both no harm. I'm sure you both could use a little reassurance before getting into a stranger’s car. Mr. Star has just received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Computer Security, along with a minor in economics.

    Looking at Sky, Mr. Buckley said, And I have noticed that you have put that culinary skill to use at Mario's. You have created quite the following. You should be proud of that as well as graduating with honors in the agribusiness degree you sought. I know that Mr. Carter was extremely proud of you both.

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