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Mated By Christmas: Redstar Werewolves
Mated By Christmas: Redstar Werewolves
Mated By Christmas: Redstar Werewolves
Ebook59 pages1 hour

Mated By Christmas: Redstar Werewolves

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About this ebook

It's been eight years since Dane Alexander started a war with the Magical Council, but with his power now consolidated and treaties signed with most of the North American lupine packs, it's time to give himself the ultimate Christmas present. His mates. Kade, one of those mates, is in complete agreement, and thankfully, they know just where to find their missing half.

Finley Saren joined the Redstar pack after hers disbanded, but she knows it's just a temporary stop. When her former lover Dane shows up with her teenage crush Kade, she welcomes every kiss and touch. Will they make all her Christmas wishes come true or turn her life upside again?

Mated By Christmas was originally published in the Sugar, Spice, And Shifters anthology in 2015.

Release dateNov 24, 2016
Mated By Christmas: Redstar Werewolves

Loribelle Hunt

Loribelle is like the South she calls home. Hot and sultry. Languid and sexy. Magnolias and gardenias scent her silk lined boudoir, and men and children alike bow to her magnificence... Okay, maybe it isn’t quite that glamorous. She does have two smart and lovely daughters who give her a run for her money and a son that will one day be someone’s model of a romance hero. (She promises.) Her husband is a real life hero, and Loribelle just tries to keep up with the demands of military life. In between, she writes a book or two. She’s had every job under the sun, but haven’t most writers? That Army military police, bookstore manager, waitress, wedding photographer, website designer experience has to come in useful sometimes. As they say in the South, it all washes out in the end. She loves hearing from her readers and can be found at

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    Book preview

    Mated By Christmas - Loribelle Hunt

    It's been eight years since Dane started a war with the Magical Council, but with his power now consolidated and treaties signed with most of the North American lupine packs, it's time to give himself the ultimate Christmas present. His mates. Kade, one of those mates, is in complete agreement. Thankfully, they know just where to find their missing half.

    Finley Saren joined the Redstar pack after hers disbanded, but she knows it's just a temporary stop. When her former lover Dane shows up with her teenage crush Kade, she welcomes every kiss and touch. Will they make all her Christmas wishes come true or turn her life upside again?

    Mated By Christmas

    Redstar Werewolf Pack

    A Short Story

    Loribelle Hunt



    Copyright © 2016 Loribelle Hunt

    First E-book Published

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, organizations, events, or locations is coincidental.

    Published by Loribelle Hunt


    Welcome to the pack! MATED BY CHRISTMAS is a short story in the Redstar Werewolf Pack series. It was originally published in the Sugar, Spice, And Shifters anthology in 2015. If you enjoy this story, please join my mailing list or my reader group Delroi Oasis for additional information or to be the first to hear about my next release.

    ~ Loribelle













    Finley Saren ducked the kick directed at her thigh with the ease gained from years of training and fighting. Honestly, she was more than a little bored. Dealing with a challenge from a werewolf she'd already defeated once was definitely not how she'd intended to spend her last day off before Christmas. The least he could do was make it interesting. Her fault, really.

    She'd held back with previous challengers and down played her true strength, but her patience with the effort to blend in had run out. Baker pulled his arm back to throw a punch and Finley moved in, hitting him once in the chest to knock the breath out of him and a second time to put him on the ground. The crowd, which had been cheering or hectoring, fell abruptly silent. Finley knelt next to Baker and leaned in close enough to warn him.

    Try this again and I'll really hurt you. Or more likely kill you to save myself future hassle. You understand?

    He nodded, his scent turning the sickly sweet of fear, and she knew what he saw in her eyes. Death and the determination to follow through if he pushed her again, but she didn’t think anymore of that. For the moment, she had a more serious problem. She rose and turned to face Liza, Redstar's paladin. The position was ancient. Third in the hierarchy, Liza was a kind of modern day knight who stood in front of the pack's alpha and beta, Caleb and Zach, who also happened to be her mates. Neither male was in the clearing where moments ago several pack members had been decorating for the upcoming Christmas party, but Finley knew they'd get a full report. Sighing, she crossed the clearing to join Liza.

    You've been holding back, Liza drawled. I was wondering how long it'd take before you snapped.

    She only scented curiosity from Liza, but she knew better than to let her guard down. All paladins were strong but Liza was half witch half lupine, and one who couldn’t shift at that, which made her rise to power remarkable. Some found it dumbfounding, but not Finley. She recognized the predator that always lurked in Liza's eyes. Instead of responding to the paladin, she waited her out. Around them the members of the pack helping with the decorations and lights went back to work, and conversation and laughter rose and fell as people began to relax.

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