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Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale
Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale
Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale
Ebook43 pages31 minutes

Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale

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Sage loved Christmas more than anything. When he was young he actually wanted to grow up to be Santa Claus but nature decided he should be short and slight of frame... Hardly Father Christmas material.

At the gym, he liked to ogle the girls but he also admired the men. One guy in particular, lately, had really caught his eye. He kidded himself that he only wanted workout tips from him. The guy knew better, though.

And then there were the mysterious gifts that kept showing up where they couldn't possibly be, behind locked, alarmed doors. Panties, bras, and other feminine things that Sage had to admit that he kinda liked...

Everything was pushing him to something new and exciting, a new discovery about who he was and who he wanted to be. And that's when Santa Claus comes and makes him a most remarkable offer.

Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! is a warmhearted and sensual tale of self-discovery and great sex! Look Inside and see for yourself!

Release dateNov 24, 2016
Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale

Amanda Mann

Amanda Mann is originally from Texas. She loves cowboys, horses, Whataburger, and writing. She has been a big supporter in equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation.She also has a dirty mind.

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    Book preview

    Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale - Amanda Mann

    Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale

    by Amanda Mann

    Copyright 2016 Amanda Mann

    Published by Deadlier Than the Male Publications

    All characters in this story are 18 and over.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Santa Made Me Mrs. Claus! A Christmas Feminization Tale

    Bonus Material: Alien Probed: Turned Into Futas by Tentacled Creatures From Outer Space

    Other Books by Amanda Mann

    About Amanda Mann

    Connect with Amanda Mann


    Santa lay next to me and pulled me on top of him so that we could sixty-nine. I went to town on his cock while he sucked my clit again. I could barely fit any of him in my mouth, but I played with his balls and licked his shaft, too. Within minutes, I thought I was going to cum again and let him know.

    I slid off his belly and lay on my tummy. He got behind me, pulling my ass into the air. I felt his massive hands pull my cheeks apart. His hot breath on my backdoor sent shivers through me, his tongue pushed me to the edge. He licked and slathered my butthole, then probed it with his bare finger. Yeah, the gloves were off for this.

    I moaned softly as he pierced my virgin hole, sinking his digit in fairly deep. I expected pain or, at least some discomfort, but there was only pleasure. Santa finger-banged me for a bit, then added a second. Again, I moaned, my breathing shallow and my insides all a-twitter. Another minute or two and he added a third finger.

    He was probing me, stretching me, and making me loose for what was to come. He was driving me wild and I felt my clit leaking. Oh, Santa, I moaned. Please, fuck me... I humped back against his invading fingers to let him know I was ready and he slid his fingers out.

    Santa pulled me closer to the edge of the bed and pushed my ass down, just a bit so he could line his cock up against my virgin door. I felt a tremendous pressure as he pushed his massive fuckstick against my hole. My sphincter held for a moment,

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