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The Old Rocker and the Healer
The Old Rocker and the Healer
The Old Rocker and the Healer
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The Old Rocker and the Healer

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An old rocker lies in his bed. Tonight will probably be his last night on Earth but he's not ready to go. His mind is clear and his memories are so strong. The old rocker thinks of his granddaughter of how much she needs him. Her parents don't understand her, but he does and he sees a bight future for her. If he stays she could be anything she wants, if he goes tonight he wonders will become of her. While the rocker lies there waiting for death a man slips quietly into the room. The man sits down by the old rocker, but this is no ordinary man. This man is a healer who has been sent as an answer to a prayer.

Included with this story is information telling you how to awaken the power of healing inside yourself. This can be done in as little as one hour. It really is easier than you would think.

PublisherMike Ward
Release dateNov 24, 2016
The Old Rocker and the Healer

Mike Ward

Mike Ward was born in Glasgow, Scotland and currently lives in Florida, United States with his wife and two children. He is the author of two novels, two non-fiction books and six series of novellas:Parallel Realities seriesThe House on Mars seriesJacksonville Jack seriesStephen Haggerty Assassin seriesLisa Molin Assassin seriesDangerous Scotsman seriesHe is also the author of 60 short stories and novellas

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    Book preview

    The Old Rocker and the Healer - Mike Ward

    The Old Rocker and the Healer

    by Mike Ward

    (Author of The Banker With a Face Full of Evil)

    Copyright 2016 Mike Ward

    Published by Mike Ward at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This story was inspired one Saturday morning by listening to Far, Far Away by Slade. By mid afternoon the story was finished.

    Table of Contents

    The Old Rocker and the Healer

    Excerpt from A Cyclist Thrown into Another World by a Female Magician

    About Mike Ward

    Other Books by Mike Ward

    Connect with Mike Ward

    Excerpt from The Banker With a Face Full of Evil

    The Old Rocker and the Healer

    The house was quiet now. They'd all gone to bed. This would probably be his last night on Earth but he wasn't ready to leave. He wanted to see his granddaughter grow up, to guide her through her teenage years. They had been big, his band. There had been a string of number ones, a lot of awards and travel, all that travel. He had loved playing concerts all over the world. They had agreed early on that they would moderate their behavior. There would be no trashing of hotel rooms, no treating people badly. They had been in a business that sometimes brought out the worst in humanity, and they had seen that, but somehow they had risen above it. There had never been any scandals. As far as he knew none of them had ever taken drugs. None of them had ever been drunk in public, even though it had happened in private.

    He was old now. Frank had died last year, and now he was the last of the group. He had been the lead singer, and also played guitar. The songs were still fresh in his head, he still knew all the words. He had built this house when he retired. It was on Loch Snizort on the Isle of Skye. There was the blood of the Vikings in him, and they had been on all the islands around here. Snizort was not a Gaelic name, it was a Viking name. He wondered what it had been like, to walk these shores a thousand years ago in the heyday of the Vikings. They had controlled much of the Highlands and Islands, and their blood was everywhere including in him.

    His granddaughter was fifteen. Fifteen was an awkward age, but grandfather and granddaughter shared a bond that was missing between his granddaughter, and her parents. She would come round, he knew that. Give her five years and she would be a model daughter. He had guided her, and been there for her at the times her parents had been too busy with their own careers. He knew that she needed him in her life. He wanted to be here until she was twenty two years old, and then he could leave, but it was in his head that he would be leaving tonight.

    Just an hour ago his granddaughter had sat with him. She had opened up her chromebook and played one of his old songs on You Tube. He was there with the band. By God they'd had so much energy then. He was fronting the band, singing about all the places he'd been. Watching the sun rise over the mountains in Alaska. Standing on bridges around the world. He was lucky, the memories were all there. He could still remember that sunrise in Alaska. They'd played a concert in a place called Talkeetna. It wasn't a big gig, but it had been an interesting town, a long way on the road from Anchorage. He'd thought then about giving it all up, and being a mountain man in Alaska. That idea had held appeal for a while. But they were a band, a group of four men together. They were bonded, and he needed them, and they needed him. He hadn't mentioned any of this to the others, and he was glad he'd stayed. He thought of Robert, the other guitarist, with his long dark hair and easy smile. Robert had been a rock, a calm man who held the band together just by his prescence. They had all been calm in their own way. Sometimes the guys who played good music were the outsiders, the ones who didn't fit in.

    While he lay there, lost in his thoughts the man slipped quietly into the room. The old rocker looked up as the man sat down by the bed. Who are you? he said. How did you get in here?

    I'm just a fan, the man said. I was only a young teenager when you guys were at your height, but I've never forgotten you. I still listen to you guys on You Tube."

    What's your favorite song? the old rocker said. I don't know why I'm asking you this. You shouldn't be here.

    The man put his hand on the old rocker's arm. It's okay,' he said. People and animals

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