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A Christmas Mission: Novelette
A Christmas Mission: Novelette
A Christmas Mission: Novelette
Ebook62 pages48 minutes

A Christmas Mission: Novelette

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Upon her deathbed, Elizabeth Baker begged her family to do one thing--reconcile with her father. Her daughters, Lilly and Emma, are determined to carry out her wishes regardless of the consequences. Charles Baker, their father, has doubts that the old man is worth the trouble. He forbade his marriage to Elizabeth, calling him a worthless bricklayer. She defied him, and as a result, her father banished her from the family. Now a wealthy businessman and politician, Charles proved him wrong.

For the sake of his dead wife, he allows his daughters to travel to York to meet their grandfather. When they arrive, their preconceived idea of Sir Davies' malicious character is proven wrong after they discover a broken and frail man paying for the mistakes of his past.

(Short Read - 13,000 Words)

Release dateNov 29, 2016
A Christmas Mission: Novelette

Vicki Hopkins

Vicki started her writing career somewhat late in life, but can attest to the fact that it is never too late to follow your dreams. Her debut novel was released in 2009, and six books later and another on the way, she doesn't think she will stop any time soon. She is an award-winning and best selling author in historical sagas/historical romance.​With Russian blood on her father's side and English on her mother's, she blames her ancestors for the lethal combination in her genes that influence her stories. Tragedy and drama might be found between her pages, but she eventually gives her readers a happy ending.She lives in the beautiful, but rainy, Pacific Northwest with a pesky cat who refuses to let her sleep in. Her hobbies include researching her English ancestry, traveling to England when she can afford it, and plotting her next book.

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    Book preview

    A Christmas Mission - Vicki Hopkins


    This book is dedicated to my second great uncle, Robert Holland. Born in poverty in 1836 in Manchester, Lancashire, England, he rose from being an obscure bricklayer to a successful businessman. From 1870 to his death in 1920, he owned a brick making and construction company in Salford, building residences and commercial buildings in the Manchester area.

    He began his political career as a representative of St. John’s ward and was re-elected multiple terms. In 1898, he was made an Alderman and served until 1905 when he resigned office. Robert remained a Justice of the Peace until he died in 1920.

    Researching his life has taught me a valuable lesson.

    Build your success one brick at a time.

    This Christmas novelette is based on my second great uncle’s accomplishments in life, but the story is entirely fictional and the characters.

    Chapter 1

    The Past - 1860

    ELIZABETH STOOD BEFORE her father, shivering from his cold indifference that mirrored the falling snow on a frigid December day. A deep ache gripped her heart as each word he wielded like a sharp sword inflicted deep wounds of rejection.

    I warn you, Elizabeth, that if you go through with this infernal idea, you will be dead to me. Sir Davies took a menacing step in her direction. Dead, I say!

    His beet-red face confirmed the sincerity of his threat. As he brandished his clenched raised fist before her face, Elizabeth feared for her safety.

    Must you be so harsh? her mother pleaded, glancing back and forth at her daughter and husband.

    Sir Davies whirled toward his wife and fixed his anger on her. Is that what you want? Your only daughter bringing shame to our good name by marrying an Irish bricklayer? What are you thinking, woman?

    Love, my dear, is what I have in mind, she answered with a quavering voice. Her reasoning met deaf ears.

    Preposterous! He scowled at his wife and then back at his daughter.

    Father, please, Elizabeth begged. She fell to her knees with a torrent of tears running down her cheeks. Do not make me choose between you and the man I love. You know I adore you.

    His rage did not dissipate, nor did her plea sway his resolve. Elizabeth’s father only hovered above her with his dark eyes narrowed at her piteous form. She kept her place, praying for mercy while her heart thunderously pounded in her chest. The hard floor pressed against her knees. Even though her mother tried her best to dissuade her father’s severe reprisal, it became apparent that soon she would have to choose. Elizabeth clutched her waist from the unbearable sorrow of it all.

    Are you with child? Her father barked the question, causing Elizabeth to jolt. Tell me the truth! Why else would you wish to marry a commoner?

    Elizabeth lowered her eyes. I want to wed Charles because I love him. He is a kindhearted and good man who treats me with respect and adoration.

    Get up from your knees, her father growled.

    Elizabeth obeyed and rose to her feet. She swayed in her stance from nerves and glanced into her father’s eyes. Suddenly, and without warning, his hand raised and swiftly slapped her across her right cheek.

    Her mother ran to Elizabeth’s side and put her arm around her waist, screeching at her husband. What is wrong with you?

    She is pregnant. I can tell by the lying expression on her face.  He hissed his accusation like a snake.

    Father, I am not, Elizabeth sobbed, bringing her hand to her stinging face from the blow of his fury.

    What is your choice then, young lady? Do you choose to obey your parents or in disobedience marry this worthless man? Be forewarned that I will be damned if I shall give you a shilling if you leave this house.

    In her heart, Elizabeth knew the choice she would make. Though

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