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Love Never Fails, 40 Day Marriage Prayer Journal
Love Never Fails, 40 Day Marriage Prayer Journal
Love Never Fails, 40 Day Marriage Prayer Journal
Ebook144 pages40 minutes

Love Never Fails, 40 Day Marriage Prayer Journal

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About this ebook

Marriage is a sacred covenant God created between husband and wife. It represents the perfect image of God on earth. As we all know, marriage takes work and it’s not always easy. That’s why it’s important to put God at the center of your marriage. There’s a real enemy out there trying to end your marriage, and it’s not your spouse. The good news is we have the most powerful weapon within our reach, and that’s the word of God. By reading scriptures and praying, we can defend and protect our marriage. 
This marriage prayer journal contains 40 scriptures with daily insights from my own personal journey and struggle to rebuild my marriage. Each day there is a place for you to write down your thoughts and prayers. I’ve even included a few coloring pages for reflection and inspiration. Within this journal you will find topics regarding communication, finance, marriage, child-rearing, and self-improvement.  
My hope is that by journaling your prayers and thoughts, it will help strengthen your marriage. Be prepared to watch God do miraculous things in your marriage as you pray daily. There is no greater power than that of a praying wife!  
**This marriage journal is intended for any wife that has or is facing turmoil or challenges in their marriage.** 
As you read and journal you will: 
1) Experience God’s presence in your life and marriage 
2) Learn to pray for your spouse and marriage 
3) Recognize areas that need improvement 
4) Be encouraged to communicate with your spouse 
5) See your spouse and marriage as God has intended

Release dateNov 30, 2016
Love Never Fails, 40 Day Marriage Prayer Journal

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    Love Never Fails, 40 Day Marriage Prayer Journal - Christi Doporto


    To all the women who have had to fight for their marriage.






    Day One: Genesis 2:18 & 23

    Day Two: Genesis 2:24

    Day Three: Matthew 19:6

    Day Four: 1 Peter 4:8

    Day Five: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

    Day Six: 1 John 4:18-19

    Day Seven: Ephesians 4:32

    Day Eight: Philippians 4:6-7

    Day Nine: Mark 11:25

    Day Ten: Luke 12:34

    Day Eleven: Ecclesiastes 5:10

    Day Twelve

    Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

    Day Thirteen: Romans 12:9-10

    Day Fourteen: Ephesians 5:22-24

    Day Fifteen: Colossians 3:12-14

    Day Sixteen: Ephesians 4:26-27

    Day Seventeen: Hebrews 13:4

    Day Eighteen: Romans 12:2

    Day Nineteen: Titus 2:4-5

    Day Twenty: Proverbs 12:4

    Day Twenty-one: Romans 12:16

    Day Twenty-two: Proverbs 15:1-2

    Day Twenty-three: Psalm 25: 1-2

    Day Twenty-four: Proverbs 21:9 & 21:19

    Day Twenty-five: 2 Corinthians 10:5

    Day Twenty-six: Philippians 4:19

    Day Twenty-seven: Jeremiah 33:3

    Day Twenty-eight: Hebrews 6:19

    Day Twenty-nine: Proverbs 31:10-12

    Day Thirty: Proverbs 12:22

    Day Thirty-one: John 16:33

    Day Thirty-two: Galatians 5:13

    Day Thirty-three: Song of Solomon 1-4

    Day Thirty-four: 1 Corinthians 7:3-5

    Day Thirty-five: Ephesians 5:33

    Day Thirty-six: Colossians 3:19

    Day Thirty-seven: Colossians 3:23-24

    Day Thirty-eight: Jeremiah 29:11

    Day Thirty-nine: 2 Peter 3:17-18

    Day Forty: Philippians 4:9

    The Fighting Wife


    I’d like to thank our heavenly father for restoring my marriage and the precious gift of my husband and children.  Many thanks to my beta readers for taking the time to read the daily devotionals and give feedback. I pray that this devotional has helped strengthened your marriage. A special thanks to my editor, Lindsey Medenwaldt, for perfecting this journal. A round of applause to Cora Graphics for creating a beautiful cover.

    Much gratitude and appreciation to those involved in the marriage ministry at Gateway Church. Your dedication to helping those in need is priceless, and I pray God blesses you abundantly.


    God created marriage as a sacred covenant between two individuals. It represents the perfect image of God on earth. As women, we are brides of the most holy church, and it’s our job to honor and serve our spouse. Men are designated as the leader of the home, and it’s their job to provide for their family and lead, as Christ would want them to.

    However, it’s not easy to have that picture-perfect marriage. It takes work and sacrifice, and many couples are choosing to divorce or not marry at all. The values and commitment of a marriage are no longer what they used to be.  Some couples see marriage as something that has a shelf life or expiration date. Society has glorified divorce and made the position of a baby daddy acceptable.

    When we look around and wonder why our children are having behavioral issues, resentment toward us, or disconnecting, we can only blame ourselves for not instilling the value of a family. Working parents are more stressed doing what it takes to make ends meet. Often not spending valuable time with the children or disciplining them like they should. That’s why marriage is so important. As parents, we set the example for our children. If we can’t model a godly marriage, then what do our children have to go by? Reality TV, social media, and magazines? Far from acceptable if you

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