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Is High Tech a Curse, ...or, part 2
Is High Tech a Curse, ...or, part 2
Is High Tech a Curse, ...or, part 2
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Is High Tech a Curse, ...or, part 2

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As Jacks children, Ann and Albert had finished their project for uncle Bill, the hologram from the future. As the three converter were finished, Uncle Bill had brought a hologram map to show were they had to be installed. Each converter had a reach of 120 degrees. So to cover the obelisk each converter had to cover its 120 degrees. Jack and Ann had tested the converters at home, and 100 percent removed all noise from the television, the bathroom facet at full blast, and as the last test Albert had to scream, and as Ann adjusted the settings, it totally canceled out Albert's scream. The first building where they had to install converter number one, was filled with doctors offices. Jack just told the guards they had to see a doctor. Building number two worked as number one, no problems. When they came to the last building, both Jack and Bill were discussing the possibility of installing the last converter tomorrow. Not possible answered Bill. The brain control inside the obelisk will be connected at six o'clock. As he said that they both heard some shooting. Jack was to run and see what had happened. If you do that Jack even you will be shot. Stay here and help me to get this last converter aligned with the obelisk. So Jack helped installing the last converter, and at six o'clock when the government started their mind controlling device, the converter Ann, and Albert had made stopped them from working. A hundred billion dollars program wasted, thanks to Ann, and Albert.

PublisherBo Widerberg
Release dateNov 25, 2016
Is High Tech a Curse, ...or, part 2

Bo Widerberg

My name is Bo Widerberg/artbcool, I am born in Europe too many years ago. Have lived with my family in Florida since 1985 and we are happy with our situation. Would feel a lot better if more people would read my stories.

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    Book preview

    Is High Tech a Curse, ...or, part 2 - Bo Widerberg

    Is High Tech

    a curse, or …

    Part 2


    Bo Widerberg

    Smashwords Edition

    All characters in this story are fictitious,

    and any resemblance to real person,

    alive or dead is coincidental.


    All rights reserved.

    Little Ann, and her brother Albert kept working on the model the way Uncle Bill had explained. It was becoming more and more difficult with their tiny fingers.

    When uncle Bill returns, we have to ask him if we can do this in another way, said Albert, looking at his sister.

    Yeah boy, I do believe that we can finish it much easier without these heavy wires, answered Ann.

    Don't call me boy, said Albert, without looking up from his work bench.

    As the two siblings sat there working away, dad came in. How are things getting along children? Jack asked, patting both his children on their heads.

    "We are having some trouble with these heavy wires Uncle

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