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Death, Diamonds, And Dirty Socks: 3 Book Set - Volume II
Death, Diamonds, And Dirty Socks: 3 Book Set - Volume II
Death, Diamonds, And Dirty Socks: 3 Book Set - Volume II
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Death, Diamonds, And Dirty Socks: 3 Book Set - Volume II

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With the Kentwood Estate encoded books now safely housed at an all-girls school, Jarod and Tommy have a new summer assignment from Brindly. Armed with junk food and a copy of two lines of code from the master book, they head into the school to try their hand at each decoding a book on their own. But once inside the high-security walls, they discover there are even more secrets inside the library than just Jarod’s collection of magical books. Everything is a great new adventure until the girls of the school step in to help, and the secret items so carefully encoded into the books for hundreds of years are now in danger of falling into the wrong hands. It’s suddenly up to Jarod and Tommy to get their mission back on track and all the items safely secured in the Greenhaven vault. What they didn’t know was that someone had been monitoring their every move and now that someone had found the hidden ring Brindly had intended for them to find for their first mission: the powerful magical ring of King Solomon.

PublisherT.L. Tabor
Release dateDec 4, 2016
Death, Diamonds, And Dirty Socks: 3 Book Set - Volume II

T.L. Tabor

I have been writing fiction stories since I was very little, because I always wanted a new and exciting world to escape into for a while. As an adult, I decided to write a kids book about things I wished could be true, or how the world could change if our wishes could come true. Magic and the impossible was something I never wanted to give up believing in and I hope kids who read my books never stop believing either.I had so much fun writing Death, Diamonds and Dirty Socks, and laughed through it every time I read it, I just had to continue the series. So for you fans out there wanting more of Jarod and Tommy's adventures, stay tuned; Book Four: Solomon's Ring is available February 2016, Book Five: The Protected, March 2016, and Book Six: Vessel Of Safety, April 2016.

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    Death, Diamonds, And Dirty Socks - T.L. Tabor

    Jarod Dailey sat in the passenger seat of the new shiny black Ranger Rover and his best friend Tommy was in the back. It might have belonged to him, but neither he nor Tommy were old enough to drive it, not by a long shot. He would turn fourteen in two weeks and Tommy would turn fourteen in two months. But they weren’t going to let that stop their summer of gallivanting around in Jarod’s newly-inherited, fully-equipped, bulletproof spy SUV.

    So, what does the Lord of Kentwood desire to do today? Tommy asked playfully from where he lounged across the entire cream leather backseat, his hands behind his head as a pillow, his seatbelt doing him no good at all twisted around one shoulder. His phony English accent sounded odd coming out of a guy in worn-out holey blue jeans that had seen too many falls off his bike.

    Jarod grinned and shook his head. I’m not Lord Kentwood as far as anyone else knows, remember? That info is for our ears only. That included Brindly, of course, who was the driver for their cool new mode of transportation. Driver, butler of his estate, and all-around mentor in all the stuff required for being Lord Kentwood. Oh, and he was a genie too. A self-liberated genie who now owned his bottle, thanks to Grandpa’s will. But outside of that vehicle, no one else knew he was still Lord Kentwood the Third, inheritor of all his grandfather’s estates and wealth as of one month ago. He’d barely had time to get used to it when it was all erased from public knowledge in order to keep him and his family safe.

    "Well, it’s only us in here now, so I can call you Lord Kentwood all I want, Lord Kentwood. Tommy elongated his face as he continued to talk in his bad English accent. Oh, and by the way, Lord Kentwood, I was wondering if your grandfather, Lord Kentwood the Second, would be joining us today? It’d be a jolly good time to have all the Lord Kentwoods in one place and to not use their names all at once. Don’t you think, Lord Kentwood?"

    I brought the socks, Jarod said, pulling the brown fuzzy socks from his pocket and holding them up for Tommy to see. But none of Grandpa’s shoes, unfortunately. He’ll just have to stay dead for today. The soft brown socks he’d inherited from Grandpa had worked their magic several times already, including allowing Jarod to see and talk to his dead grandfather four times. But the big problem was there were no more shoes to be had, and since a new pair of shoes that belonged to the person was needed every time, he was sparing what he had left of Grandpa’s shoes for emergencies. Unless you’re volunteering your shoes? Jarod looked back at Tommy’s worn-out black Converse that already had the soles partially glued back on.

    Tommy’s head was already shaking back and forth. No way! You keep those things away from me and my fragile shoes. The last time you were in my head you saw way more than you ever needed to know about me. Let’s just change the subject. He pulled his feet up and tucked them under him so Jarod couldn’t see his shoes anymore.

    Fine, Jarod laughed and put the socks back in his pocket.

    Brindly smiled back at Tommy in the rearview mirror. Letting a friend help you figure things out could be a very good thing, Mr. Tommy. And I’m sure Jarod would never misuse the power of the socks. Brindly was always so full of advice and wisdom. After living on earth for hundreds of years, it was no wonder.

    Subject change. Remember! Tommy curled even tighter into his non-relaxed position. So what are the bikes for? he asked quickly.

    Jarod let it go. Obviously this was something that deeply bothered Tommy. He didn’t really have any desire to go back into Tommy’s mind anyway. The two bikes mounted at the back of the truck were definitely an easier topic for both of them to handle. We’re heading over to the girls’ school to do a little reading in the library.

    What? Tommy was up and leaning forward between the two front seats in a flash, his shoe-invasion-of-privacy forgotten. It’s summer. I don’t want to go to the library and read. I never want to go to the library and read. Can’t we go somewhere cool and be seen in this new car by girls?

    We will be seen by girls. Hundreds of them. It’s a girls-only school, remember. Jarod shook his head. The entire personal library of all of Jarod’s newly inherited encoded books had been donated to a girls’ school, Ursuline High School, to keep anyone from figuring out their hidden secrets of life like Tommy and Jarod had.

    But it’s summer and they’ll all be gone…and it’s a library…and it’s summer. These things just don’t spell FUN for me in any language.

    Brindly spoke up again to help convince Tommy that this was a worthwhile excursion. I spoke to the headmistress just this morning and she said there are still eighty students in residence for the summer out of the normal four hundred. This didn’t seem to remove the drooping expression on Tommy’s face. And I packed snacks, Brindly added quickly.

    Oh, yeah? What kind of snacks? Tommy perked up.

    Well, there are packs of jerky, the teriyaki flavor you enjoy most, Brindly started. And fresh Twinkies, four each. Two bottles of the mango sparkling juice for you and two Tangerine Zinger for Jarod. I believe there are also turkey, bacon and cheddar sandwiches on French rolls, full-size bags of Doritos and corn chips…

    Is there that garlic clam dip in there too? Tommy’s eyes were huge and his mouth was already drooling.

    No, I went with the nacho cheese and jalapenos being that the garlic is not a very sociable dip. Brindly waited for Tommy’s approval.

    I guess that’s a smart move if there are going to be girls falling all over me, Tommy conceded.

    There is also an assortment of full-size candy bars to tide you over until I return for you in three or four hours.

    I suppose that will hold me. Jarod doesn’t eat much so I can survive off his rations if mine get low. Tommy leaned back and relaxed in the center of the seat with a dreamy look on his face. Can we have something now? I’m feeling a little weak-headed.

    Jarod snickered. Yeah, you’re weak-headed all the time, aren’t you?

    Hey, I have a 2.5 GPA, I’d like to remind you. A whole half a point higher than required for those sport-monkeys at school.

    A whole half, huh? Jarod teased him.

    Yeah, matter of fact. And you smartie-farties with your 3.0s can just sniff my armpit.

    Nothing really ever bothered Tommy. He was just fine with exactly who he was. Well, Mandy has a 3.0 too and I doubt she’ll be wanting to sniff your armpit.

    Tommy was back up between the two front seats at the mention of Mandy. His eyebrows wriggled up and down. So what’s up with you guys? Is there going to be a wedding soon? He punched Jarod in the arm.

    Jarod flushed red when Brindly looked over and smiled at him along with Tommy, both of them waiting for any big news to report on his progress with Mandy. No, there’s not going to even be a first date. She left for a trip to Europe with her family for the rest of the summer. I won’t see her until she gets back. Jarod felt a little depressed about that. He’d been so hopeful when they started talking on the phone once in a while, but two months without any communication and it would be like they were strangers again. All weird and uncomfortable.

    That’s great! Tommy announced and put up his fist for a bump. You don’t want a ball and chain around your ankle when we’re headed to the girls’ dorm, do you?

    Brindly spoke up immediately. You will not be entering the girls’ dormitories. I specifically got permission for you two to use just the library facility for a few hours.

    Whatever, Tommy said without concern. Jarod can’t even talk to girls anyway. Maybe he should start by just reading to them from a book.

    Jarod turned and laughingly slugged Tommy in the arm as he tried to duck away. We’ll see who talks to the first girl.

    The librarian doesn’t count. ‘Excuse me, Madame, can you direct me to the boys’ potty chamber?’ Tommy squeaked out in a small mousy voice.

    You’re the one who’s going to need the potty chamber with all the junk food you eat. Jarod smiled and turned back to the front.

    Oh, yeah. Where’s the food? Can I have my snack now? Tommy started to untangle himself from his seatbelt so he could get into the back of the SUV.

    No need, Mr. Tommy. We’re here. Brindly pulled the SUV to the side of the road in the middle of what looked like a normal neighborhood with large leafy trees shading the sidewalks and neatly mowed lawns edged with colorful flower beds.

    Where’s here? Tommy asked. Is this a homeschool type of deal? Because I don’t think those are my kind of girls.

    Jarod got out and headed to the back with Brindly. All girls are your kind of girls. And that’s what the bikes are for. We’re riding in the rest of the way so no one sees us in this rig. We have to look like regular guys.

    Bikes! I’ve been duped! You two lured me here saying girls are going to see us in the new cool decked-out spy truck and then you derail my resistance with tempting food products. Tommy was still in the backseat with his head hung back and his eyes closed. This is no way to spend a summer, Lord Kentwood.

    Ah, here are the packs of Twinkies, said Brindly overly loud from the open back door. I didn’t want them to get smashed under the weight of the chocolate bar six-packs.

    Tommy was out of the truck and digging into his snack pack in a flash. Don’t think I don’t know what you just did there, he said around a whole Twinkie stuffed in his mouth. 2.5 remember.

    I will have to be more covert next time, Brindly said with a smile. He reached deeper into the back of the SUV and pulled forward a large gray plastic tote. Here is your shirt and badge, he said, handing a light blue button-up dress shirt to Tommy. And yours, he said, handing a plain white shirt to Jarod.

    No way! Ugly costumes too? Why is our spy game feeling so uncool right now? Tommy dropped his backpack between his legs, tugged off his yellow t-shirt with one hand and started buttoning on his shirt.

    We have to look the part of guys who want to study during the summer. Jarod pulled off his t-shirt too and grudgingly started with the long row of buttons.

    What, no pocket protectors? Tommy joked, hitting the empty shirt pocket.

    These clothes remind me of Grandpa’s funeral. That was the last time I had to wear something like this. Jarod tucked his shirt into his jeans, but Tommy left his hanging out.

    Wonderful, Brindly grinned. Then it will be like he’s there with you as you decode his books.

    Tommy rolled up the cuffs on the sleeves to his elbows and inspected himself. Okay, I make this look good. You can’t put a damper on these kind of good looks. He ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair and was ready to go. You don’t look bad either, Jarod. You can be my wingman.

    Decoding books, remember? That’s what we’re doing. Girls come second if they happen to show up. We’re not hunting them down.

    Hunting would imply I was going out looking for them. But magnetism will just naturally bring them to me. It can’t be helped. You just watch.

    Brindly clipped an ID badge onto each of their pockets. You are Jarod Barker, and you are Tommy Dillinger. Make sure you remember your false last names. You don’t want anyone seeing your real names in any logbooks and putting two and two together.

    Tommy looked at his ID picture and gave Brindly a thumbs up. Dillinger, I like it. So these ID badges get us just into the library?

    No, they were needed to get you into the restricted section with the uncirculated books. That’s where Jarod’s book collection is housed. He handed Jarod a folded piece of paper. Here are the names of two books you can start with along with a scan I made of their string codes from the master index book. Guard this with your life. I think this is an excellent test of how to use the books on your own. Do you have your ring for the codes?

    I got it, Jarod reassured Brindly and pulled the heavy gold ring that was the Kentwood family seal from his pocket. I’ll text you when we’re ready to go.

    Good. Brindly reached into his suit coat pocket and took out a golden token. This is for you, Mr. Tommy. I took the liberty of matching up the size of Jarod’s ring to a token you could carry with you as well. It will suffice in size as a replacement for Jarod’s ring while you’re both decoding.

    Tommy looked at the dull gold token in his palm. Chuckie Cheese Pizza? Really? You think this is an equal replacement for that? He pointed at Jarod’s beautifully etched gold ring.

    It’s the right size and color, Brindly smiled as Tommy shoved it in his pocket with a frown. Well then, have a wonderful day at school, boys. Brindly slammed the back door shut.

    Jarod and Tommy each mounted one of the new black mountain bikes and slung their backpacks on as Brindly drove off in the opposite direction. This better be worth it, Tommy said, kicking off. I feel like a missionary kid ready to hand out bibles and pamphlets.

    We’ve got a ton of junk food and brand new bikes and no one around to tell us what to do all day. How can it not be great?

    Both boys smiled and started pumping as hard as they could to get the lead in the unspoken race. Neither one seemed to notice at all the small white Kia one block behind them that slowly pulled out of its parking spot and headed in the same direction as them.

    Return to Table of Contents

    Chapter 2 - Bumping Into Family

    After locking up their bikes to the thick metal hoops in front of the school, Jarod and Tommy made their way up the twenty-plus cement stairs that led to the front glass doors of Ursuline High School.

    It looks like an old courthouse or something, not a school, Tommy said with an unhappy face. Do you think there are real girls inside or just nuns in training?

    Jarod laughed and shook his head. Just give it a chance. It’s an adventure, remember? And wipe your face. You’ve got chocolate at the sides of your mouth. Before he could use the sleeve of his nice blue dress shirt, Jarod grabbed Tommy’s arm and held it down. Just lick it off.

    Tommy did his best not to waste any of it, then wiped his face dry with his sleeve anyway. Hey, look. Tommy pointed to the tarnished brass numbers just under the school name on one of the large square stones that made up the wall. This place is older than dust. Established in 1895? That was like before the gold miners got here, I think.

    Not quite that old. Jarod held one of the heavy glass doors open for Tommy. They both walked in and let the door shut behind them, closing off all the light of the sunny day outside and trapping them in with the cold dark gloom of the empty corridor in front of them.

    Even smells old like dead miners, Tommy whispered into the completely silent hall as they made their way toward the only open door on the left.

    Just close your nose and put on your smart-boy game face. We’re going in. Jarod straightened his shoulders and stepped up to the high front desk inside the door marked Principal’s Office.

    How do you close your nose? Tommy was still muttering to himself and pinching his nose open and closed when Jarod elbowed him in the arm.

    May I help you boys? came a stern voice from an old woman peering down at them from behind the counter. Not only was she extremely tall, like six foot two, she must have been standing on a raised platform back there as well because she was towering over them like a giant. To top it all off, her hair was an unnatural shade of dark gray that had more than a tinge of purple in it.

    They both just stared up at her and her purple hair glowing from the fluorescent ceiling light behind her for a moment longer than was polite, but Jarod found his voice first. We’re here to use the library. I’m Jarod… he had forgotten his fake last name in the scare of the human phone-pole in front of them. He looked down at his badge clipped to his pocket then held it out for her to see. …Barker, he finished quickly. Jarod Barker.

    And Tommy Dillinger. Tommy had the cool name that was easy to remember and he held his badge out with a smile. Fastest guns in the west.

    The tall slim woman didn’t crack a smile at all across her pale, sagging face as she stared at Tommy’s outstretched thumb and pointer finger making the shape of a gun. If I should find a need for a fast handgun slinger I will be sure to contact you… she leaned a little closer and inspected his name badge again, …Mr. Dillinger. Tommy slowly lowered his hand. She continued to survey them, her small, watery blue eyes surrounded by wrinkles, shifting from Jarod to Tommy and back again behind her pointed black-rimmed glasses. When she finally decided they were acceptable, she handed them both a sheet of neon pink paper. I am Mrs. Bellman and these are the school and library use rules. No food in the library, no talking in the library, no drinking in the library. She made sure these particular rules were crystal clear as she pointed each bullet-pointed line out on her own copy of the pink rules-of-death sheet.

    How about gum? Tommy asked. Is that a food? You don’t really swallow it or anything. No real nutrition.

    Jarod cringed when her face bunched up into one puckered mound around her mouth and became even sterner, if that were possible. Her thin lips pinched together and she narrowed her eyes in on Tommy as she bent forward. Line number six, she pointed with her long bony white finger. No chewing gum is allowed in any part of the school. Most especially the library.

    Tommy gulped and Jarod could see another bright question forming behind Tommy’s eyes, probably about bubble gum and not chewing gum. We understand completely. Jarod smiled and grabbed Tommy tightly by the arm. Can you just point us in the right direction, and we’ll be out of your hair. Jarod’s eyes shot to her purple hair unbidden and he forced himself to look away at the round black clock on the wall beside her.

    Her eyes narrowed in on Jarod, then shifted to Tommy. I hope you two aren’t going to give me any trouble, she said, still looking just at Tommy as if to bore her warning into him. No funny business. No fraternizing with the students. No chewing gum. Only library access. She crossed her arms and glared at him one more time.

    No trouble at all, ma’am, Tommy said as he waved the pink sheet in his hand. I’ll have these memorized by lunch.

    Make sure you do. She pointed a finger further down the hall. The library is two more doors down on the right. The cafeteria, the only place you are allowed to eat food and drinks, is across the hall one more door down. Those are the only two places you boys have clearance to enter. Then she looked them both in the eye sternly. Are we clear?

    Yes, sir, Tommy blurted out and saluted as if he were in the military. A smile was already cracking the side of his mouth.

    Jarod pulled him toward the door. We understand completely, ma’am. Thank you. We won’t need to go anywhere but those two areas.

    I might need to go to the bathroom, Tommy interjected.

    One eyebrow rose up as she frowned at Tommy. There is a men’s bathroom in the teacher’s lounge just next to the library door. You may use that one.

    Thank you, Jarod said again and pulled Tommy out of the office as fast as he could before he could say anything else stupid. God, Tommy, can’t you just play along for once and not cause trouble?

    Tommy walked with confident strides down the hall toward the little sign hanging from the ceiling that said Library. She likes me. Uptight women like her want to be toyed with now and then. I’m sure everyone else fears her around here. I’m just challenging her skills a little. She appreciates that. You’ll see.

    Yeah, I just bet she appreciates being toyed with and challenged. And this is all going to pay off in cupcakes on our way out.

    Tommy pulled the door open for them and his eyes went wide in hopeful anticipation. Wouldn’t that be great? he said a little too loudly.

    Shhhhh, came the reprimand from the woman behind the desk. This woman was quite a bit younger than the office monitor, maybe only thirty-something, and another matter of surprise was she was wearing a light blue nun’s out-fit, complete with a matching gray head-covering thing that nuns wore. Just a tiny bit of hair showed at the top of her forehead where a soft blonde curl escaped her nun hat.

    Sorry, Tommy whispered back to her, and this won him a slightly sideways smile from the pretty librarian. Her soft blue eyes smiled as well.

    You must be the exchange students from the public school. Mrs. Bellman said you would be coming in today. She extended her small dainty hand to Tommy with a full and extremely beautiful smile this time. I’m Sister Elizabeth.

    You’re a nun! Tommy exclaimed as he held her hand and just kept shaking it as he stared at her lovely face with his lost-in-a-dream eyes.

    She just continued to smile sweetly at him and slowly dislodged her hand. Yes, I’m a sister in the Order of the Ursuline Nuns.

    How long before you’re out? Tommy asked as he moved closer to the counter and leaned in toward her. It was like a moth to a flame and there was nothing else around to distract his heart from disaster.

    I’m in for life, she said in a conspiratorial tone and leaned in toward him. But if I ever need help breaking out I’ll be sure to call you, Mr. Dillinger. She tapped a finger on his name badge, then his nose.

    Tommy just slumped on his elbows on the counter and stared at her as if drugged.

    Can you tell us where the uncirculated books are? Jarod asked and gave Tommy a kick in the leg.

    Yes, she said, pointing to the other end of the large library. Just through that doorway at the end of the ‘History’ shelves. All the books in there are to remain in that room only and cannot be borrowed or checked out at all.

    That’s good to hear, Jarod said without thinking. When she gave him a quizzical look he added, That means the books we need will definitely be checked in…because they never can be checked out…by us…or anyone else. No one.

    Tommy quickly grabbed Jarod's arm. Is he crazy about books or what? He loves books, he said as he turned and headed them toward the History shelves. I mean loooves them. Kind of possessive. He gave her a little wave and walked them away. What was that? he asked, laughing.

    I don’t know. It just wouldn’t stop coming out wrong.

    Tommy put his arm around Jarod’s shoulders. Don’t worry. We’ll have you talking to girls by the end of the summer…then even nuns won’t stand a chance, pretty or not. Tommy took a look around the rest of the library as they walked toward the far end. And I hate to mention it, but other than the purple-haired giant guarding the entry and Sister Sweetheart ready and willing to check me out when I leave, there are exactly NO girls here at this girls-only school.

    Jarod looked around at the empty tables too. Maybe they’re in classes right now.

    "Yeah. Or maybe this was a farce and we were tricked…AGAIN. What if they’re all gone for the summer?"

    They turned by the History aisle and headed toward the door at the end. Brindly wouldn’t lie to us. And why would anyone be here if there weren’t any students here?

    "Oh, I don’t know…because the Lord of Kentwood requested it!" Tommy threw his backpack full of food on the closest round table once they were in the restricted room and made himself comfortable in a blue plastic chair with his feet up on the table.

    Just wait, they’ll be around soon enough. Jarod put his backpack on a chair and took the list out of his pocket. Bet I can finish my book before you can.

    Tommy scoffed and smiled a sideways smile at Jarod. Give me the longest one and I’ll still be napping when you’re done. He was up from his chair and looking over the list with Jarod in a flash.

    If Jarod knew one thing, Tommy could always be motivated by a challenge…and food. One of my pristine Twinkies says otherwise. What do you have to offer?

    Tommy reached over and grabbed his pack. He dug down and pulled out an orange. I put up this orange to call your Twinkie and raise you six gummie bears.

    Six gummie bears? Jarod laughed.

    Tommy shrugged. I ate the rest of the bag already…after my four Twinkies. But really? You’re not going to even question the orange?

    Throw in some chocolate and you have a deal.

    Tommy dug down deeper. Twix okay?

    You’re on, Jarod said, extending his hand to shake on it. "You get Elephants in the Wild and I’ll take The Known Facts of English Tea."

    Tommy went to take Jarod’s hand as if shaking on the deal, but instead, he pulled him off balance and shoved him to the floor as he stepped on his butt to jump over him and head to the bookshelves. So gullible and honest, Tommy laughed as he ran off. You’d never survive in my house.

    Jarod shook his head as he picked himself up and ran over to the shelves to find his book. Tommy’s little trick wouldn’t help him win this bet. In his hurry, he hadn’t bothered to ask for the author’s last name, and Jarod knew right now Tommy was looking under E for Elephants.


    How’s yours going? Jarod asked as he counted down ten lines and then found the eighth word on that line and wrote it down. They had been at the decoding of their books for over an hour and he only had two sentences down in his green spiral notebook.

    Tommy shook his head and tossed his spiral book across the table as an answer. I thought I had something, but the farther I go the worse it looks.

    Jarod picked it up and read the string of words out loud. Begin – For – Even – Are – Those – Twelve – Seen – By – Night – The – Ear – Left – Thought – A – Play. Jarod twisted his mouth to the side to keep from laughing. Tommy had really stuck with this longer than he’d expected and he didn’t want to discourage him. Could be something, he said, non-committal.

    You remember how odd and dumb those first decoded messages sounded when Brindly had us read them in the library that morning. I thought that maybe it was just old monk writing or something. But it’s getting worse, not better.

    You got the first word though, BEGIN. That means you’re on the right path. Let’s just check the code again to make sure you’re doing it right. Jarod used his circular gold ring on the string of numbers and letters Brindly had scanned for them. When placed exactly over the middle of the string, the ring covered up the useless numbers and letters and left the decoding ones exposed.

    Let me check it, Tommy said, grabbing for the list and the ring. You get the ring and I get the lousy pizza token. No wonder mine went wrong. He flipped the unwanted token in the air at Jarod.

    When Jarod tried to stop the token from spinning off the table where it landed, Tommy managed to get both the ring and list over to his side of the table. I’m sure the token is the right size. Brindly wouldn’t have given it to you otherwise. Let’s see, he said, holding the token out to hold up to the ring to check if they were a match.

    No chance, Tommy said, protectively covering the list and ring with his arm as he continued to study his line of code. You use the cruddy coin and I’ll play lord for a while.

    Keep it down, Jarod hissed and looked around the room conspicuously to see if anyone had heard them. No one knows about that anymore. Jarod lunged across the table and yanked the ring and the list right out of Tommy’s hand. You obviously can’t be trusted with that. He tossed the token back at Tommy.

    Oh, really, Tommy smiled. But this smile was one Jarod had learned meant trouble for him. In a flash Tommy was standing on top of the table in a warrior’s stance, ready to pounce on Jarod and his lordly ring. Hand it over now and I’ll let you live…with the use of one arm still.

    Jarod laughed and turned away to run for it, the only sensible thing to do when Tommy had that glint in his eyes. It’s not the token that can’t count lines right, Jarod prodded at Tommy. He barely got the words out before he felt the collar of his dress shirt jerk his head backward as Tommy grabbed hold of him and swung him toward the floor. In a flash of pink and flying books, Jarod spun toward the floor, completely out of control and knowing he was taking down another body with him, but was unable to stop it.

    Watch out, he heard Tommy yell, as if he wasn’t the one controlling Jarod’s trajectory.

    Jarod and the soft body he knocked down with him slid across the polished linoleum tiles a few feet before they were stopped by the leg of a wooden table. Fortunately, the girl had broken his fall. Unfortunately, a girl had broken his fall. He got up off her as fast as he could and backed away. I’m really sorry, Jarod started.

    "We’re sorry, Tommy finished. Are you okay?" He reached out a hand to help her up.

    The girl still looked a little stunned from the blow. Her light green eyes looked at both of them in utter confusion, then fear. Who are you? she demanded with a slight British accent.

    Tommy pulled back instantly. We’re…he’s… but he just took a step back and hid behind Jarod as she glared.

    The girl was probably their age and her red curly hair was pulled back in a ponytail and tied with a pink ribbon, which was a little sideways now. She gave her gray uniform sweater a tug to pull it down as she sat up, then smoothed a hand over her blue pleated skirt as she got to her knees, but all the while she held them in her stare and waited for an answer. What are you doing in here?

    We’re…reading, Jarod managed to get out. Books about elephants.

    Yeah, yeah, Tommy concurred. Elephants. He leaned back and grabbed his book off the table and held it out as a shield. He quickly flipped it over when he realized it was upside down.

    "Elifonts? she quizzed in her English accent, looking totally unconvinced. Then she rolled her eyes and started to pick up the books she’d been carrying. Oh, good heavens, no! she squeaked out with a gasp as she huddled down over one of the books on the floor that had opened in the fall and lay cover-up in front of her. She gently picked it up and flipped it over as if it were her pet cat in the street after a bad skateboard run-in. Oh, please no," she repeated, almost on the verge of tears.

    Tommy and Jarod looked to each other then back to her on the floor mourning over the little green hardcover book. Tommy spoke first. Is it okay?

    No! It’s not okay. Look at it! Its spine’s broken. She held the book out toward them with accusing eyes, and now she was close enough for them to see there were really tears on the brim of spilling over her long lashes.

    We can fix it, Jarod offered helplessly.

    I’ve got gum in my pack, Tommy added. No one will know.

    Jarod rolled his eyes and just wished this once Tommy would shut his mouth.

    I’ll know! she screeched at him offended, still gingerly holding the injured book on her two upturned hands.

    It’s just a book, Tommy said with a nervous laugh. There are more being born every minute.

    Jarod elbowed him in the stomach. We’ll pay…to replace it.

    Finally the tears rolled out of her eyes and down each cheek. You can’t replace this, she cried, holding it toward them. Do you know what you’ve done? Do you know where you are?

    Jarod had no idea how to deal with girls in general, and crying book-crazy girls were definitely not something he’d learned about yet. Neither had Tommy, but that never stopped his confidence to try.

    "Of course we know where we are. Do you know who we are?" he asked challengingly.

    Jarod saw this going very wrong, very fast if he didn’t stop Tommy. We’re sorry, he interjected as the girl took a gasp of air and was about to scream something furious back at Tommy. We’re only here as guests doing some research. We shouldn’t have been messing around.

    Just then the nun from the front desk came through the restricted section doorway. What’s all the commotion about back here? she asked. The girl with the tears streaming down her face turned to Sister Elizabeth, her hands held out with the dying book in them. Oh my, dear. She quickly took the book from her and put an arm around the girl’s shoulders. We’ll fix it right up, Gwen. I’ve seen worse in my day.

    They did it, the girl said, turning once more and pointing at them now that her hands were freed up. They knocked me over and all the books went flying for miles. What are they doing in here? she demanded, sounding more like British royalty now. Who are they?

    With the disabled book in good hands, Gwen seemed to have a renewed spine of her own.

    They’re guests of the school. Jarod and Tommy. They’re only here for the afternoon. Sister Elizabeth seemed eager to dispel the girl’s anger. Maybe she knew how to deal with crazy girls better.

    It might have worked too, had Tommy not decided to pipe up again. "They didn’t go flying for miles, and we have passes to be here, he said with a flip of his picture ID clipped to his pocket. How about you?"

    I don’t need a pass to be in here, the girl practically spat at Tommy. These are my books, my family. I take care of them. Not you.

    Tommy shook his head as if she were mistaken yet again. You might go to school here, but these aren’t your books. We can use them as much as we want, right, Jarod? Jarod knew another elbow wouldn’t stop him now. This girl had challenged him and there was no stopping Tommy from accepting.

    She stepped forward and got right up in his face. Tommy didn’t back down a step this time. "The use of these books was gifted to our school as a great honor by their current owner in England. If he should ever want them back, they will be ready for him in exactly the condition he loaned them to us. And until then, I am in charge of their care."

    Tommy wobbled his head back and forth as she ranted at him in her perfect little blue and gray uniform. Who put her in charge?

    This time the girl stood up stick-straight and tilted her chin up a bit too. My grandfather did, Lord Kentwood the First.

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    Chapter 3 - Practice Makes Perfect

    I didn’t expect to get your text so early. Brindly smiled as he put the SUV into park at the side door of Greenhaven Estates.

    Tommy looked at Jarod before he answered. We kind of got thrown out…after Jarod ran into someone…a girl.

    Not thrown out…so much as asked to leave until things settled down, Jarod amended quickly when Brindly gave him a fatherly look of deep concern.

    Yeah, he knocked her over and broke her spine. Now Tommy was laughing instead of concerned. It wasn’t him who was under Brindly’s deep gray scrutiny of disapproval.

    "Not her spine. Her book’s. It was just an old book she was carrying and I ran into her and she dropped it and it came apart a little. I offered to replace it but that was when she went a little crazy and cried…"

    You made one of the students cry? Brindly asked, looking aghast. I warned you to be careful and were to be gentlemen.

    Tommy got out of the backseat and closed the door, but not his mouth. "Not just any student

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