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What You Liked
What You Liked
What You Liked
Ebook29 pages8 minutes

What You Liked

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About this ebook

I’ve been blogging for over 20 years. I changed the name of my blog several times, because for me the old blog titles didn’t fit anymore, or I was keen of something new. With every change I was always afraid to lose my “old” readers. But what a surprise, a handful of my readers stayed faithfully, and I also could gain new readers.

I dedicate this book especially to my longtime readers, in which you can find the poems which got “Likes”. I hope you enjoy my selection as the readers of my blog did.

God bless you, my friends!

Release dateDec 4, 2016
What You Liked

Volker Schunck

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 20, 2019: 5498 Downloads since November 2014! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Freedom Of The Heart: 680 2) Hardcore Bible: 536 3) Jesus - Blue Eyes, White Heart: 455 4) (No) Dogmatics: 427 5) Kirche 21: 323 6) Credo - I Believe: 305 7) Love is strong as Death: 305 8) Himmel in dir: 272 9) Wir feiern Christus!: 259 10) Easy Ebook With WPS Writer: 187 11) Credo - Ich Glaube: 183 12) Jesus Quotes: 112 13) Love me tender - 3rd Edition: 97 14) Praying: 93 15) Revelation: 90 16) Einfaches Ebook Mit WPS Writer: 88 17) Footsteps in the Darkness: 88 18) Children of Love: 86 19) Love and Madness: 83 20) Road to freedom: 82 21) Spirituality: 82 22) Praying - 2nd Edition: 77 23) Clouds have no influence on the Sun: 70 24) (K)eine Dogmatik: 61 25) What you like: 60 26) Road to freedom - German: 58 27) Bibel lesen: 57 28) Luther Hardcore Bibel: 51 29) Beten: 49 30) Luther 1912 - Neues Testament und Psalmen: 48 31) Crossroads to Heaven: 47 32) Offenbarung: 33 33) What you like - deutsch: 33 34) Johnny: 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push my books in your social networks. Thanks a bunch!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I live in Dresden, Germany. First I was a merchant, then I studied theology for a few years. Through my engagement with Zen I became aware of the Christian mysticism. Meanwhile I go my own way. Faith is for me not only a world-view but a mode of being. My Christian faith and my experiences in meditation influence my everyday life, in which I try to be attentive. My books arise from this spirit too.

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    What You Liked - Volker Schunck

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