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Homers Mountain
Homers Mountain
Homers Mountain
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Homers Mountain

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As a writer of mystery novels, I find Homers Mountain one of my best works. We have two young couples being asked to go through many life changes and experiences before they are ready. While living the dream they find themselves out of their league for the mystery on the mountain. In this high pace, fast moving novel you will get to experience all of your emotions just as they are.
When you finally think you have it all figured out, new twists and complications arrive changing everything you thought to be true. Let your mind go and find yourself trying to help these fictional characters answer life's questions as they arise. You will quickly find this novel to be one of your favorites that you will read many times.
Have patients my friends. There is a lot to say in a short period of time. I know once you have read this novel; you will find yourself wanting more. Our young couples have many adventures, all as compelling as the first one you have read. We are waiting for you to join us. Come and read what it is all about.
Release dateNov 26, 2016
Homers Mountain

Rick Allen

RICK ALLEN draws on his background in business and ministry to serve as CEO of MedSend, a medical missions organization that has supported over 700 healthcare professionals in 103 countries. As a leading expert on global healthcare delivery in low-resource environments, he is committed to meeting the needs of medical professionals who serve in extreme conditions and to building local capacity through national healthcare training programs in Africa and Asia.

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    Book preview

    Homers Mountain - Rick Allen


    Chapter One       Our Beginning

    It’s just the way it happened. My parents own a World Class Ski Resort on a small island off of Canada’s east coast. There is a small tourist town called Goose Port, and Smith Bay our small twenty-one square mile island, just about a half mile across the channel. The town makes eighty percent of its revenue during the summer months. In the summer our little town of eight hundred twenty-five people become a bustling town in the thousands.

    Everyone has something to prove. Who is the best at snowboarding, skiing, and with some of the best mountain snow in the summer. All the summer games are held there. Mountain climbing is on the top of my list and many tourists.

    My mother of thirty-nine, Wanda, with long wavy blonde hair, extremely talented, young at heart native to the area has inherited the resort from her parents, Finley and Mary Smith, who built the resort back in 1942. It was an eighteen room, modest Bed and Breakfast which has now become a two-hundred and twelve room four star hotel.

    It comes complete with two small swimming pools, and one large Olympic size pool drawing in competitors. They are usually the very best and the most talented from all around the world. Now to get to our Resort, the Water Way Hotel, this got its name because you could only get to it by Ferry Boat. My parents own the only ferry boats that come to the island. The island is big enough for an airport, but the terrain of the island with all its mountains, makes it just too costly and would take away from the islands beauty.

    We do have a Heliport for emergencies, and sometimes for our wealthy clients and neighbors. No cars are allowed on the island. We rent golf carts to get you around. Some guests would rather walk for the exercise. Most people welcome the change. No hustle and bustle like in the cities. Just ten mph quiet. Not one of our guest golf carts goes any faster.

    Now the resort is not the only building on the island. There are also about thirty vacation homes here. Without them my brother and I would have gone crazy. With vacation homes comes kids our own age, like my best friend Jimmy White, whose parents also live in Goose Port, just down the road from my house. He is six foot tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. My brother Mark looks a lot like my mother. Robby Young is his best friend, whose parents also live in our neighborhood in the city. He is also about six foot tall with brown hair and green eyes.

    There were also girls our age and what kind of story would this be without them. There were the very prissy snob sisters Stacey and Lisa McGee whose parents own a seventeen ship cruise line the Jewel. Each ship is named after a different type of rare earth stones. They live most of the year in Miami, Florida where they hob knob with the rich and famous.

    Then there was Laura Barnes, probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is about five foot two inches with long brown hair and eyes and a smile that makes my heart stop. Her parents own a chain of book stores across Canada and the United States. They are from Plymouth, Massachusetts.

    Let’s not forget Becca Johnson, Laura’s best friend who looks a lot like her with only her hair being lighter in color and the cause of a lot of drama between my brother Mark and my best friend Jimmy. Beccas family hit one of the largest lotteries in the state of New York. They say they will never have to work again. They are originally from Queens, New York but now live in Boston, Massachusetts.

    Becca and Laura’s parents only travel to the island during the summer months. They say they can’t handle it here during the winter months because we get to much snow, but if you ask me they get quite a bit of snow themselves. Then there is me, Rick Allen, the younger brother, six foot tall, blonde hair, with hazel blue green eyes, and this is my story.

    At the end of the summer of 1980, my best friend Jimmy and I was sitting next to the pool, on the east side of the resort used mainly by family and staff, talking about all we have done over the summer, and how in just a few weeks we will all be leaving to our homes because all the summer games are drawing to an end. It just gets to cold on our island to stay during the winter. Only three or four maintenance workers ride out the winter, keeping the Resort operational and doing some much needed repair work.

    Jimmy noticed two girls coming up from the vacation homes to go swimming. It was Laura and Becca. Laura asked me if it was okay for her and Becca to go swimming. For the first time in my life I couldn’t speak. It was like I was dreaming. I looked at her and fell in love for the first time.

    The girls started laughing at me because I couldn’t get a word out, and my friend Jimmy saved the day by saying, sure. For the rest of the summer the four of us became inseparable. We tried to do anything and everything possible in the time we had left together on the island.

    Now Jimmy and I tried to show the girls just how much talent we had like swimming, skiing, and climbing the mountains on the island. Now the girls were no push over’s. They had mass skills as well. Laura could climb better than all of us, and Becca made skiing down a mountain child’s play. We had to settle for being the best at swimming. This was the beginning of the best years of my life. As the summer came to an end, that dreaded day came. It was time to leave the island and say good-bye.

    Laura and I were just starting to get really close and Jimmy and Becca were already calling themselves boyfriend and girlfriend. We all loaded up on the last ferry off the island, which my brother Mark was the captain. That’s when I asked Laura to be my girlfriend. She looks at me and asks, are you sure? We live so far away from one another and we won’t get to see each other until next summer. I said I will wait. I can call on the phone, and write letters.

    It was almost pathetic the way I was acting. Laura looks at me with a smile and says, yes! I was wondering if you were going to ask me or not. What took you so long? I couldn’t believe it. My heart was racing with excitement and I told her we could call one another every day.

    Now this was the first year my brother Mark, captained the Big Dreams ferry boat with his best friend Robby as his first mate. Next year, I am hoping Mom and Dad will let me Captain the High Hopes, another ferry boat my parents own. I asked my parents and they said that they would see if I could handle all the responsibilities of operating my own boat.

    Mark and Robby operated the Big Dreams all summer long, and has already met Laura and Becca many times before. Now Mark is a year older than me and was already talking with Becca before Jimmy and I had met her. The only way to go shopping at Goose Port was by ferry boat, so they spent quite a bit of time together. Mark was always a ladies’ man, so he was already going out of his way to make Becca comfortable and Jimmy quickly noticed.

    Jimmy asked Becca if she and Mark had ever went out on a date. Becca told him that they went out to eat a couple of times this summer before you and I met, but not since then. Jimmy felt like he had been betrayed since she knew Mark was my brother, and she didn’t bother to tell him during the time we all spent together.

    Jimmy feeling betrayed looks at Becca and he begins to tell her that they should wait until next summer and see what happens. If we still have feelings for each other then, maybe we can start dating again. Becca couldn’t believe Jimmy just said that to her. Mark overheard their conversation and said, don’t worry Becca I will call you. I have a car, so Robby and I can take a road trip to your house and you and one of your girlfriends can show us around.

    Now Becca was furious with Jimmy for acting like a jerk, and she looked over at Mark and said, just let me know when you want to do that. Jimmy looks at Mark and Becca and said to them, you two will make a nice couple and he walks to the front of the ferry waiting to get off. Becca was very hurt by what Jimmy had said because she really had feelings for Jimmy and he was hurt as well because he felt the same way.

    That was one of the longest trips to Goose Port ever. Laura and I felt bad for our friends, but there was nothing we could do. Our summer was over. There wasn’t enough time to fix things. The ferry boat docked at Goose Port, and we had to say our good-byes. My heart was heavy and I didn’t want Laura to leave.

    I looked over at her and she kissed me for the first time. It was great. I smiled so big my cheeks hurt. Then Laura’s parents said to her, come on honey, you will see him again next summer. She walked to their car and said, you better call, and I said I will, everyday. She drove off with her parents while I waved until she was gone.

    Chapter Two       Dads Childhood Secret

    When we finally got back to our home Mom said it’s starting to get late. Rick you need to make sure you have everything ready for your first day back at school. My brother Mark had just graduated last year and this is my senior year. One that every kid in school waits on, and all I could think about was Laura. This might be a lot tougher on me than I thought. I don’t feel like doing anything and my stomach hurts.

    Now my dad, Bob Allen a very smart business savvy man who would set in our family room which over looked our island with a telescope just looking at the mountains and resort thinking of new and exciting ways to make the island more profitable. You would think he would take some time off and relax. It’s not like we needed the money, but that was just how my Dad was, always planning for the future.

    He would set there and tell stories of how the island used to be when Mom and Dad first met. Dad told my brother and me how he and some of his friends liked to climb to the tops of the mountains and repel down the steep sides. He said, if you ever wanted to feel like you really achieved something in life we should give that a try.

    Just at that time my Mom speaks up and said, Bob don’t you tell them boys to do that? You remember what happened. Dad looked over at Mom and just sat back in his chair looking out the window and he got very quiet. I asked my parents, what happened? You can’t say something like that and not finish. Mom looks to Dad and says, Bob if you want to, just go ahead and tell them.

    Dad begins with a question. Have you ever climbed Homers Mountain? Mark says that you can only climb just over half way and there is signs on the fence. They say Danger loose rock, do not pass. Dad replies that there is a good reason for that and I don’t want you boys anywhere near that place. I asked, Why not dad? He replies, when I was about your age Rick, my friends Luke and Thomas and I wanted to repel down the steepest mountain side on the island.

    I said, not Homers Mountain? At the base of its west side it has a drop of over four hundred feet straight down into the ocean. Dad says, Yes, Homers Mountain. Mark said that’s the craziest thing I ever heard Dad. I can see boulders slide off that mountain almost daily when I’m ferrying guests around the island.

    Dad responds, I know, I know. Now, do you want to hear the story or not? My brother and I sat back on the couch and listened. Dad begins to us that the three of them was as close to one another as you can be without being brothers. We never had done anything without the other two.

    We skied together to see who could go the fastest and always challenging one another to see who could jump the farthest. We climbed all the mountains just so we could say we did. We always repelled down the steepest sides like no one else, all but the famous Homers Mountain.

    We spoke about it but never tried. We knew that mountain was very dangerous from all the stories that we heard. Now when we were at school, some of the kids were kind of envious of us. They would tell us that they can all ski and climb mountains. Look around, that’s all there is to do. Tell us something we can’t do? Immediately Thomas spoke up and said, we are going to repel off Homers Mountain. Is that something everybody can do?

    All of the kids asked us when are we going to do that? They want to be there. Luke spoke up and said that we are going to repel down the mountain this Saturday morning. You should be there unless you are chicken and don’t tell your parents. That quickly became the talk of the school. We knew everybody was going to be there.

    It was early Saturday morning and the three of us had climbed up almost to the summit of the mountain with all of our gear talking amongst ourselves. I asked if we were sure about doing this. Luke says that we probably need to stop and talk this through. This will be the craziest thing we have ever done. At that time we looked over and seen about twenty of our classmates walking over to us saying, are you guys really going to do this? You are crazy! This mountain will kill you.

    Well that’s all it took. We needed to do this for ourselves. Now we can prove once and for all that we are the best, and to show our classmates we will, and can do what we have always told them. Our pride was clearly taking over.

    We started back up to the top of the mountain and everyone followed. We slowed down when we saw some of the girls falling behind. As we made it to the top we saw some large rocks fall over the side, as if the mountain was telling us to leave. A few of our classmates was a little scared and started walking back down.

    Now I don’t think one of us didn’t have second thoughts, but we went on and set up our gear and threw our ropes over the side. The first eight hundred plus feet down is extremely easy to climb. It is the last four hundred plus foot rock face that nobody can repel. There is nothing to anchor too except loose rock and debris.

    Luke went over the edge first and followed by Thomas. I was the last to step over when a large rock rolled over my right shoulder knocking me loose from my rope. Only my lanyard was holding me in place. I looked down and Luke and Thomas were gone. The rock knocked both of them off the mountain.

    I began yelling down for them and trying to see if they were alright. I didn’t hear or see them. I started slipping and I thought I was going to fall as well, when someone grabbed my hand. It was Wanda. She climbed down when everyone else ran and grabbed my hand and pulled me back up.

    If it wasn’t for your mother, I would have probably fallen to my death. Mark asks, is that how you and Mom met? What happened to your friends? Dad answers, Give me just a minute. This story is hard to tell. Wanda did help me back down the mountain. I could tell it was very hard for her to do.

    We had to get down and see what happened to my friends fearing the worst. My shoulder was really hurting me. Wanda did her best making a sling out of her jacket and holding me so I didn’t fall. All I could think of was that my two best friends were dead. All Wanda wanted to do was get me to the hospital.

    When we finally got down the mountain and made our way over to the docks, all we had to get to them was a small motor boat and my shoulder hurt so bad I couldn’t drive. Wanda said again that she needed to get me to the hospital. I said to her that I would be fine. Please take me to my friends. Wanda took the boat and drove it down the bay and around the island to my friends. We saw a helicopter in the distance hovering over where Thomas and Luke had fallen.

    It was Goose Port Search and Rescue. Some of our classmates had told their parents what we were doing. Their parents made some calls to our parents and Mary and Finley’s Bed and Breakfast but they were too late to stop us. They then called Goose Port Search and Rescue and dispatched a rescue team immediately.

    We saw the rescue team pulling a covered body up to the helicopter. I couldn’t believe what we were seeing. My friends had fallen to their death. We approached the mountain and the search and rescue pilot told us to get out of the area. We stayed as long as we could and Wanda said that she needed to get me over to Goose Port, so she can take me to the Hospital, and no is not an option.

    Wanda turned the boat towards Goose Port and I said that my friends are dead as tears ran down my face. Just as we started to leave I heard a faint voice saying help me please! I looked at Wanda an asked her if she heard that? Just as I finished speaking we felt something hit the boat. Wanda turned the boat off and an arm reached out of the water grabbing the side. It was Thomas, and he was hurt very badly.

    We both tried to pull Thomas into the boat but I was hurt to bad and Wanda wasn’t strong enough. About that time the Helicopter was hovering over us and a diver jumps out of the helicopter into the water next to the boat. He helps us pull him in. I feared for the worst. He was bleeding everywhere.

    Mark and I were both sitting on the edge of our seats listening to Dad when he just got up and wiped his face and walked out the door. I asked my Mom, Where’s Dad going? Mom says that your Dad has never spoken to anyone about what happened on the island that day. I was very surprised that he actually started telling you. He must have wanted you two boys to know. Mark looks over and asks why dad just up and left. What happened to his friends? You have to tell us!

    Mom walks over to the window and seen that Dad got into his truck and was leaving when Mom hesitantly says, Okay I guess it’s alright to tell you the rest. Well the diver helped get Thomas in the boat and got in just after and looks at me with a concerned look on his face.

    He asked me to start heading for Goose Port as fast as I could. We have an ambulance waiting there. I started the boat up and began to drive just as fast as the boat would go. When I looked back I seen Bob and Thomas just lying there hurt and in a great deal of pain. Thomas looked over at your dad and asked how Luke was doing.

    Your dad looked at the rescue diver and he just shook his head no to Bob. Your Dad started tearing up and told Thomas, Luke didn’t make it. Thomas yells out, yes he did! He stayed with me until I was able to get in the boat. When the helicopter came, they picked him up first. He told me to just hold on. Everything will be alright. I know he didn’t have a scratch on him.

    The rescue diver looks over at Thomas and said that he really needed to just lie there and stay calm right now. You are in very bad shape, and you need to rest. We looked at our Mom and noticed she was crying too. I told Mom that she didn’t have to tell us anymore if she didn’t want too. Mom says with a soft voice, I just needed a moment. I think I can finish now.

    There must have been someone in the water with him because his injuries were so bad. He couldn’t have swum to the boat by himself. I asked if it was Luke. Is he still alive? Mom looks at my brother and me and said; Luke fell over four hundred feet straight down and landed on his back on top of a large boulder. He died instantly.

    Mark asks Mom who was in the water with Thomas then. Mom answers, I don’t know! I guess I will never know. When we finally made it across the channel to Goose Port there was an ambulance waiting for Bob and Thomas. The ambulance took them to the hospital. When I looked over I saw the rescue team place Luke into the coroners’ car. At that point I realized what had just taken place. The adrenaline in my body was to overwhelming and I just broke down and cried.

    Chapter Three       Good-Bye for Now

    My Mom and Dad came from the island to take me home. It was later that day when I called Bobs home and his sister Hannah answered. I told her who I was and that I just wanted to check on Bob and Thomas. She quickly handed the phone to her mother Lillian who was surprised with my call and said, are you that little Smith girl, Wanda. I am so glad to hear from you. Wanda you saved my son’s life.

    You are always welcome to call or come to my house anytime you want. Bob has a broken collar bone and some cuts and scrapes. His left hand has a bruise of your hand on it. You must have really grabbed him tight. He just went on and on about you. I think you might have a young man on your hands now.

    Mom said that she had always wanted to talk to Bob, but I could never get up enough courage. Lillian replies, Oh I think you have plenty of courage. We are so, so very proud of you. You need to come over so Burt and I can get to know you. Mom replies, I look forward to that Mrs. Allen.

    How about Thomas? How is he doing? Lillian begins to tell her, now don’t you worry yourself over Thomas. He is a very strong willed young man. He has a lot of serious injuries with his broken right leg and arm.

    They told us he also had some internal bleeding that would have killed him if it wasn’t for the water being so cold. I think they called it Hypothermia. The doctors said if it wasn’t for that, Thomas would have died. When he fell, he bounced on the side of the mountain a couple of times and landed

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