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The Abducted Mail Order Bride
The Abducted Mail Order Bride
The Abducted Mail Order Bride
Ebook52 pages48 minutes

The Abducted Mail Order Bride

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Sweet western romance. Short Story.

Elsie Mae Burk arrived in Blister Flatts to meet her future husband. Before she could disembark from the train, an old man held her up at gunpoint, and forced her to go with him. Scared and helpless to escape, she tried to be brave, but worried the old man was the man who was to wed her. The next morning, to her surprise, she found out the old man had brought her to his grandson for him to wed her, but Blake Dillon was dead set against marriage.

Blake Dillon was at a loss as what to do with the mail order bride his grandpa went behind his back and brought home to marry him. He didn't want to get married and was madder than a hornet that his grandpa had such a crazy idea. He had to make things right for the woman who had nowhere to go and offered to let her stay in his home until she could find a mail order husband or somewhere else to stay. He just had to fight his attraction to her and keep his mind on remaining a bachelor.

PublisherCia Leah
Release dateDec 10, 2016
The Abducted Mail Order Bride

Cia Leah

Cia Leah is a multi-published author written in a variety of genres. Her favorite genre to read and write are westerns and historical romances. She successfully completed the Writer's Digest Short Story Course and a creative writing course. She is a member of Romance Divas and highly recommends it and the wealth of knowledge provided on the site for readers and writers. Semi-retired, she writes as time allows due to real life and thanks her readers for their support. At present time, she is writing western short stories, novelettes, and novellas.

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    Book preview

    The Abducted Mail Order Bride - Cia Leah

    Chapter One

    Elsie Mae Burk breathed a sigh of relief when the train groaned to a halt at the train station of Blister Flatts.  She stood and grabbed her satchel off the floor as other passengers on the train done the same thing and began to file past her seat.  She’d traveled a long way from New Orleans and was happy her journey was over.  The only thing left to do was disembark and find her husband to be. 

    She glanced out the window at the people milling about and wondered how she’d find him in the sea of faces out there.  She never saw a likeness of him, but she’d sent hers to him.  She straightened her shoulders and stepped into the empty aisle when someone took hold of her arm.  She turned and saw a burly older man standing there.  I’m sorry, go ahead.  She stepped back towards her seat for him to go around her, but he just grinned a toothless grin and proceeded to stick a gun into her ribs.

    You make one noise and I’ll blow you away.  Now get in front of me and let’s get moving down to that door and off the train to the back.

    What?  She looked to the other end of the car and knew the only thing back there was the caboose.  She’d stepped out there a few times just to get some fresh air.  She hated the soot and grime and the smell of the train.

    You heard me, gal.  You get moving, or I’ll blow you to kingdom come right here, right now.  I got two horses back there and we’re leaving.

    I don’t even know you.


    Elsie wanted to scream bloody murder, but she was afraid the crazy old man would shoot her down right there.  She hugged her satchel to her and walked to the door and outside.  She glanced around to see if anyone was about that she could get to help her, but no one was back here.  All the passengers were by the train station.

    Get down those steps and on that thar brown horse.  Mine’s the black one.  I’ll take that satchel and don’t you try anything funny or I’ll tie you to the saddle ‘til we get to my place.

    I’ve never ridden a horse, she said, walking up to the animal."

    I’ll boost you up and you just put your feet in them thar stirrups and hold onto the saddle horn.  I’ll be leading your horse and don’t try to jump off and get away cause I have no problem with shooting you.

    She let him boost her up and the horse danced under her.  She gripped the saddle horn and held on as he grabbed the reins and walked to his horse.  He slipped her satchel handles over his saddle horn and mounted up.

    I think you have the wrong woman.  My name’s Elsie Mae Burk.  I’m from New Orleans and came here to marry up.  I’m a mail order bride.

    I knows who you are, gal, so just shut your trap and keep your mind on staying alive and in the saddle.  We got a ways to travel before we get to my cabin.

    Why are you abducting me?  When he didn’t answer and just kept riding, she wondered if he were her mail order husband.  Maybe this old coot wrote the letters to her.  She turned her

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