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Position or Platform: The Pursuit of Purposeful Living
Position or Platform: The Pursuit of Purposeful Living
Position or Platform: The Pursuit of Purposeful Living
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Position or Platform: The Pursuit of Purposeful Living

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Everybody wants to change the world. We all wonder: why am I here? Is this all there is? Is there more to my life than what I’m currently seeing? So many common questions and desires, but what is the path to a purposeful existence? We must all answer one question for ourselves: Will I live a life that is focused on me: my dreams, my goals, what I want, the success I deserve, and where I want to go—the wheres, or will I live a life that is focused on others and the message of love and hope that can be found only in Christ—the whats? Position or Platform explores the two primary mindsets with which we live and discovers some of the potential blessings, or consequences, that result. A position mindset is about where I go or what I get in life. A platform mindset is about what I can give. A position mindset is a view of life that places importance and priority on individuals. A platform mindset believes in the bigger picture—that I have been called to proclaim the message of love and hope in Christ to others, to all those in my world. Find out which mindset you live, and pursue the next steps toward a more purposeful and joy-filled life.
Release dateNov 22, 2016
Position or Platform: The Pursuit of Purposeful Living

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    Book preview

    Position or Platform - Tonya May

    Position or Platform

    The Pursuit of Purposeful Living

    © 2016 by Tonya May

    All rights reserved

    ISBN: 978-1-62020-560-0

    eISBN: 978-1-62020-484-9

    Holy Bible, People’s Parallel Edition, copyright © 2005 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189.

    Cover Design & Typesetting by Hannah Nichols

    Ebook Conversion by Anna Riebe Raats


    Emerald House

    411 University Ridge, Suite B14

    Greenville, SC 29601, USA


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    Belfast, BT6 8DD, Northern Ireland, UK

    The colophon is a trademark of Ambassador


    To missionaries around the world who give ‘everything’ to truly define and live out the platform life on a daily basis.

    To those who do not yet have a personal relationship with Christ; please open your heart – He is ever pursuing you.


    To God, our Father, from whom comes all good and perfect gifts

    To the Holy Spirit, who is our daily comforter and counselor

    To our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who was and is the ultimate example of platform living

    To my husband, who is my partner and encourager in life and platform living

    To my parents, who modeled a lifestyle of true Christ-like and platform living

    To my sister, brother-in-law, and church family – thanks for the prayers, the encouragement, and the partnering in living life through and for Christ and His kingdom

    To those true friends who have always loved me enough to celebrate me and who have also been honest enough to challenge me in our shared and daily pursuit of becoming more like Him

    To my students who cause me to love life even more, you are one of my greatest joys

    To Tim, Betty, Hannah, and all those at Emerald House Publishing who have made my first publication experience a very positive one


    Title Page

    Copyright Information



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4


    Appendix A: Time Use Sample Chart

    Appendix B: Money/Finances Use Sample Chart

    Appendix C: Talent Use Sample Chart


    Position or Platform Scripture References

    Contact Information



    THE BOOK OF JAMES RESPONDS that life is but a vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away. Most of us may be somewhat bothered by that response. We want to think that our lives are something more than a mist that soon dissipates with little or no remaining evidence of its existence. Is that then all our lives were designed to be, a mere mist? I believe the answer is no. I believe James’s response was a reference to the length of our temporal earthly lives as compared to eternity, not an indictment of the potential significance of our existences. Yet many of us do live lives that exist only as a mist, not only in terms of time, but unfortunately also in terms of impact. When our time on this planet has ended, will there be anything that remains of us here, anything that lives on; or will our lives have been but a mere mist or shadow that has affected no great change, had no lasting effects, made no real impact, imparted no great gifts, and made no significant contributions? I believe the choice is ours.

    What then? What has the potential to outlive us and the power to affect not only our own earthly destinies but also the destinies of those around us, and even the destiny of a thousand generations to follow? Only one thing holds the power to far outlive even our own earthly existences: our words, the messages that we have proclaimed from the platforms of our lives in word and deed. The famous words, We have nothing to fear but fear itself, and Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, have far outlived the minds and lips from which they were created and uttered. The messages proclaimed over and over by the love and service Mother Teresa bestowed upon the world’s most hurting will continue to far outlive the mere 87 years for which the earth was blessed to hold this dear saint. These messages of love and hope, proclaimed in word and deed, continue to live on, and no doubt will continue to inspire countless generations. For how long and to what depth may never be realized.

    So, the next important question we must ask ourselves to answer is, is it possible for my life to be lived in such a way that, at its earthly conclusion, it has become a rare and exquisite treasure chest holding a beautiful collection of platforms from which messages of love and hope have been proclaimed? Or will it simply be a shallow box that holds only broken mirrors that have been held up to nothing more than my own mere reflection, desires, and pursuit of positions?

    Simply put, what will I do with this life I have been given, what will I do with this great love and hope through Christ that I have received? How will I view and live my life? As a series of potential platforms from which I can proclaim life-bringing and life-changing messages of love and hope to others, or as a series of positions from which I will attempt to operate a life focused only on self?

    Your answer to that question may determine not only your own earthly journey but also the journey of those to whom you have been called and a thousand generations to follow.

    The topic and consideration of position versus platform mindset and lifestyle upon which we are about to embark through the journey of this text is not about a works-based salvation or relationship with Christ. If we know Christ and have a relationship with Him our eternal destiny and His love for us are sure, all provided for and sealed by His death and work on the cross. This exploration and reflection on mindset and lifestyle has to do with what we will do with the love and good news we have been freely given to impact others. It is only about sharing the good news of the work of Christ, not to obtain or maintain our salvation, but because of our salvation; a salvation so great that we are compelled to share this great hope with others.

    You may have opened this book wondering what the title, Position or Platform, even means. Neither word at first glance seems to be very spiritual. But these two words may be among the most spiritual words we ever hear in our lifetime. Whether we realize it or not, we all live our lives with either a position or platform mindset. In this text, we will explore what it means to have and live with either a position or platform mindset and how the mindset with which we live affects not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. Allowing God to speak to us about our mindset has the potential to dramatically affect the way in which we all think about our lives and life’s work. Let’s begin with some reflection on a very familiar passage of Scripture.

    The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness.

    —Matthew 6:22–23

    What does this passage mean to and for the people of God, and how does it speak to the notion of either position or platform thinking?

    The word light comes from the Greek word photeinous. That word and closely related words encompass an array of meanings including shine, make manifest, well-illuminated, enlighten, and make to see.

    The word eye comes from the Greek word opthalmos, which means inspect, watch, and vision. Therefore, we could read the verse like this: what makes us shine, full of light, and an illuminator, which allows us to bring enlightenment to others, is our eye—our vision—the way we see or view the world, the vision we have of ourselves, our world, and others.

    The next part of the verse says that if our eye be single, then our whole body/work will be full of light. The word single is transliterated from the Greek word haplous, which means singleness, simplicity, knowing how to deal with fellow humans and the circumstances of life. It is also closely related to the Greek word haplotes, meaning purity, sincerity, faithfulness toward others manifested in helpfulness and in giving assistance to others, and faithful benevolence out of proper motivation.

    So if our eye—how we see the world and our role in it—is single-minded in the sense that it is focused and pure, this will result in faithful and benevolent care and treatment of others. Simply put, if we view life from the perspective that God intends, then our whole life and work will be full of light—helpful, giving, and illuminating. But if our eye or our vision (the way we see the world) is evil, then our whole body will be full of darkness (unable to bring enlightenment). Jesus Christ is the Light—the Son of God from whom the rays of true light emanate. As children of God, we hold within us the only true light that is able to bring hope and enlightenment to a dark and dying world. If we allow the light in us to be swallowed up in darkness or obscurity, how tragic is that darkness!

    Therefore, it is critical that we understand and embrace our lives as platforms. What a crucial and life-changing thought! I am going to repeat that crucial and life-changing thought once more here and repeatedly throughout this text. I hope that we will not miss the word that God will speak to each one of us.

    Life is a platform.

    That is a message that I believe God has given His people throughout the ages and still continues to give us today. However, many of us do not view our lives as platforms or operate with a platform mindset, though the Word of God is full of directives that point us in that direction. Many of us still live and view life with a position mindset.

    Let’s begin our position and platform journey by exploring several initial questions many of us may have about position and platform thinking and living. What is a platform mindset, and what is a position mindset? What is the difference between a position or platform mindset and life view? Do all people really live with either a position or platform mindset? How will a position or platform mindset really affect my life and the lives of those around me? I believe the answers to those questions can be revealed to us through God’s Word as we look at several scriptures and individuals in scripture through the lens of position and platform thinking and living, as we work through four key points of this text. Let’s begin by taking a look at this simple graphic I have created to help us open our minds to this concept.

    For example, if I think or view others as fellow brothers and sisters in the human race, that will then cause me

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