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The Mind: The Last Frontier in Honoring God
The Mind: The Last Frontier in Honoring God
The Mind: The Last Frontier in Honoring God
Ebook74 pages1 hour

The Mind: The Last Frontier in Honoring God

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What we think about matters. Our thoughts inspire, guide, and control our actions. Yet, we often focus more upon eliminating bad behavior than rejecting bad thoughts. Our Lord Jesus places priority on cleansing our inner nature before addressing outward actions (Mt. 23:26). This book is written to help Christians focus on their thought life as a means of honoring God. God’s Word is a great source of guidance in dealing with what we think. In these simple, Scriptural meditations the author has sought to help believers to “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5b). It is a book for anyone who has struggled with their thought life, and desires victory over the content of their minds.
Release dateNov 22, 2016
The Mind: The Last Frontier in Honoring God

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    Book preview

    The Mind - J.D. Ashcroft

    The Mind

    the last frontier in honoring God

    © 2010 J. D. Ashcroft

    All rights reserved

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN 978-1-935507-18-5

    eISBN: 978-1-62020-477-1

    Cover Design & Page Layout by David Siglin of A&E Media

    Ebook Design by Anna Riebe Raats


    Emerald House

    427 Wade Hampton Blvd.

    Greenville, SC 29609, USA


    Providence House

    Ardenlee Street

    Belfast, BT6 8QJ, Northern Ireland, UK

    The colophon is a trademark of Ambassador


    THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO Almighty God, our Creator and Sovereign King. It is also given in thanks to Him for the two precious women in my life, my wife and daughter. They are a daily reminder to me of the matchless grace of God, the giver of all that is good in our lives. To Him be the glory, now and forever!

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Information



    Chapter One: The Importance of Our Thoughts

    Chapter Two: The Source of Sinful Thoughts

    Chapter Three: God Knows Our Thoughts

    Chapter Four: Confession

    Chapter Five: Wisdom

    Chapter Six: God's Thoughts

    Chapter Seven: The Mind of Man

    Chapter Eight: Prayer

    Chapter Nine: Satan's Temptation

    Chapter Ten: Pure Thoughts

    Chapter Eleven: The Power of the Word

    Chapter Twelve: Capturing Thoughts

    Chapter Thirteen: God’s Promises

    Chapter Fourteen: Godliness

    Chapter Fifteen: Usefulness

    Chapter Sixteen: Intolerance of Sin

    Chapter Seventeen: The Means of Victory

    Chapter Eighteen: Our Focus

    Chapter Nineteen: The Mind of Christ

    Chapter Twenty: Meditation on God

    Chapter Twenty-One: Good Thoughts

    Contact Information


    AS CHRISTIANS WE FACE A multiplicity of temptations in this life. I have chosen, however, to focus our meditation upon one type of challenge to our obedience to God: our thought life. Our thoughts guide and direct our actions. If we can control what we think about, and evaluate our thoughts as to their validity, we can then control our actions. Sinful thoughts produce what is far worse; sinful deeds. God-honoring thoughts inspire actions which glorify the Lord. If we evaluate our thoughts properly, we can avoid falling prey to sinful deeds.

    When we see the church oppressed by sinful actions performed by professing Christians, we see the need to live lives which honor God by our obedience to Him. The way to attack this type of sin is to study the Word of God, learn how to evaluate thoughts and forsake those which do not honor God. We must then replace sinful thoughts with the truths of God’s Word, which inspire thoughts which honor the Lord.

    It is to this end that this devotional is written; to help us see the importance of trusting Jesus not only for the victory He has given us over death, but trust in Him for victory over our minds. It is to this great need that we must address ourselves.

    Let us pray:

    Dear Holy and most loving Father, we ask you to use our meditation upon your Word to bless our hearts with truth that sets us free from sinful thoughts. We pray that you would be glorified in our thoughts, that we might be inspired to deeds which honor your Name. We ask this in the Name of Jesus our King. Amen.


    The Importance

    of Our Thoughts

    But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

    James 1:14-15

    WHY SHOULD WE CHRISTIANS ATTEMPT to control our thoughts? Isn’t it more important that we eliminate sinful behavior? Well, actually what the Lord wants to do is eliminate both. In order to do this we must deal with thought and deed in the order of their priority. The Scripture for this meditation reveals two important truths.

    First, it shows us the source of our temptation to sin. James says that "each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire." We therefore cannot blame sinful actions on outward circumstances, but must recognize the place that our own inward yearnings have as a source for the temptations we fall prey to. This underscores the importance of examining and evaluating their value to our spiritual life.

    Secondly, in order to eliminate sin we must recognize the progression it follows. Our sinful desires breed sinful actions.

    James says that desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

    The analogy James makes to the life process is powerful. Just as conception is a tiny act of fertilization between two cells, so is the thought that breeds sinful actions. Conception is a process that occurs beyond the observation of the unaided eye. It requires technology for us to be able to observe it. Thoughts similarly lie deep within us and cannot be visualized...they are secretive. It takes a great deal of examination to reach their source of development. Just as the tiny fertilized cell requires nutrients in order to grow, so our thoughts require feeding in order to give birth to action. If

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