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Broken Teen Scars
Broken Teen Scars
Broken Teen Scars
Ebook85 pages59 minutes

Broken Teen Scars

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Broken Teen Scars a story about african american teen struggling for acceptance. Home life can seem like a cold place especially if Parents not emotional involved in nurturing their child. In Esther case feeling of worthlessness and low self-esteem takes over when she could not fulfilled her parent expectations.
Depression in teenagers is on the rise especially for girls Getting treatment is still a concern.
Stories told by a black author ab

Release dateDec 16, 2016
Broken Teen Scars

Patrice M Foster

About The Author Patrice M Foster is a Registered Nurse in Childhood and Adolescence Psychiatry, with more than 30 plus years of clinical experience. She blogs and writes about issues that affect kids' mental health

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    Broken Teen Scars - Patrice M Foster



    T.D. Series Book 2


    Patrice M Foster

    This book is a work of fiction. This book is not intended or meant to replace sound medical advice. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Broken Teens Scars

    Copyright © 2016 Patrice M. Foster


    Cover design By Keri

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

    Table of Contents


    Life with Depression

    Some Facts about Depression

    Depression is a Health Condition

    When You Are Homeless

    Chapter One

    Meet Me

    Running Away from Myself

    Chapter Two

    A Father's Approval

    Learning to Cope…or Not

    Leaving Home

    Rejection and Depression

    My Choices

    A Mother's Love

    The Meaning of Heartbreak

    Chapter Three

    Truly Alone

    The Dark Path

    Chapter Four



    The Still, Small Voice


    Me Today… Returning to the Light



    You are about to read the story of the life of a young woman named Esther. It is a story she is going to tell you in her own words, but before you read it, you should understand a few very important facts about her struggles and the scars they left. They are not scars you can see, and they may sound like scars you have too, or maybe they sound like scars that a friend carries.

    The first fact is that Esther is someone who suffers from depression. This is different from being sad or unhappy. As one expert said: Feeling unhappy or sad in response to disappointment, loss, frustration, or a medical condition is normal. Many people use the word ‘depression’ to explain these kinds of feelings, but that is really situational depression, which is a normal reaction to events around us. (

    So, Esther is not someone who is just sad a lot or who is disappointed from time to time. What Esther suffers from is clinical depression, and it is a condition that can be overwhelming and never-ending. It left her feeling completely broken inside.

    You will hear Esther describe herself as feeling like she was living in the center of a black hole in the middle of a faraway universe and like she was doomed to life on the streets.


    She was unable to shake off the despair, loneliness, and sense of being isolated, but this is not the only way that someone with depression feels. Others with depression say they feel lifeless or empty; they say they cannot experience anything, even pleasure. Many people with depression say that they are going through the motions and that it is as if they are not actually alive.

    When someone says going through the motions, it means just as it sounds. You are doing something without really feeling anything.

    As an example, imagine wrapping up gifts for people. It is really fun and exciting, and it can be difficult to do a great job at it if the gifts have odd shapes or are really big, but as you wrap them, you imagine the moment when the gifts are opened and consider how happy the person who got the gifts will be.

    However, if you are depressed and just going through the motions, you won't have many thoughts as you wrap the gifts, and even if you do a good job, you will hardly pay attention. You will just do it like a machine and feel no excitement, joy, or anticipation. You make motions, but you don't get anything out of those motions.

    That is what Esther struggles with every day.

    Esther's depression actually led her to life on the street, and to total isolation from her mother and father, brother and sisters - and worst of all, from herself. She did not return to herself until she had gone through her own personal nightmare, but the most important thing to know is that Esther chose to change and get better.


    Why do people like Esther - who is from a middle-class family of well-educated people - become depressed?

    It happens for a lot of different reasons, and it happens to everyone. It is very common in teenagers, but the teens are all different ages, races, and from all economic backgrounds. That means that a poor white boy is just as likely to be depressed as a rich black boy or girl.

    Experts say that there is not just one reason for it, and it can be caused by genetics, medical conditions, and brain chemistry. It can also be caused by life events, a person's outlook, and even changes in the seasons!

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