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Love Drugs & Hip Hop: Season 2 (Book 2)
Love Drugs & Hip Hop: Season 2 (Book 2)
Love Drugs & Hip Hop: Season 2 (Book 2)
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Love Drugs & Hip Hop: Season 2 (Book 2)

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Last season you saw a lot of dreams accomplished, and some shattered. But that's life under the big tent of entertainment. 

This season picks up right where last season left off. With action packed adventure. 

A few new additions to the cast will spice things up! As Annie O, and Trey try to keep the torch lit, while carrying it. 

Love, Drugs and Betrayal are all in the cards. Once the hands are dealt, it will be every man for themselves. 

The plot definitely thickens when you add a drug pushing killer. From the home of the coffin Brooklyn USA. Who just happens to rap to the mix. 

A hungry Philadelphia battle rapper. Hungry enough to chew anybody to get in the industry!

No story of money would be complete without a story of extortion. Lenny Bones is the arm and hammer of the shake down.

The industry is forever changing. But three things remain the same; Love Drugs & Hip Hop.

PublisherBad Apple Cru
Release dateDec 19, 2016
Love Drugs & Hip Hop: Season 2 (Book 2)

Aaron Bebo

Aaron Bebo is the author of the Love Drugs 7 Hip Hop series, and a list of other urban street based novels. He has been dubbed The Director With A Pen by his loyal readership. For the derail attributes of his writing. His debut Change For A dollar is a certified street classic. Aaron started his writing career in the mid-eighties. Composing song lyrics with thoughts of becoming an entertainer. He was detoured from pursuing a music career due to poor choices. Choices which eventually lead to his incarceration. While incarcerated he read and developed his writing to a point, he could express himself in stories. Once released he focused on getting his work published. He used his knowledge on publishing he learned from the music business, and within a year of his release he had published his debut title. Since releasing the title Aaron his contributed several other novels, and has appeared in many anthologies.  Aside from writing he is also a host on Real Raw Radio. A Blogtalk show in which he along with other co-host interview celebrities, and discuss life issues. He hopes to work in radio and television one day, possibly doing voice overs, commercials or hosting some type of syndicated show. Feeling his voice will add value to those markets. His overall objective is to touch the people through his words, and continue to be a voice that brings the urban sub-culture to the surface. He currently resides in the south-east United states.    

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    Book preview

    Love Drugs & Hip Hop - Aaron Bebo

    Love Drugs & Hip Hop

    Season 2 (Book 2)

    Aaron Bebo

    Published by Bad Apple Cru, 2016.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. December 19, 2016.

    Copyright © 2016 Aaron Bebo.

    ISBN: 978-1386478843

    Written by Aaron Bebo.

    Also by Aaron Bebo

    Season 1 (Book 1)

    Love, Drugs, & Hip Hop

    Season 2 (Book 2)

    Love Drugs & Hip Hop


    Rat Hunters

    Change For A Dollar

    New York Shorties

    On The Green

    Watch for more at Aaron Bebo’s site.

    Bad Apple Publications


    Love, Drugs, & Hip-Hop

    Season 2


    Aaron Bebo


    Copyright© 2016 Aaron Bebo all rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without prior written consent from both the author, and publisher Bad Apple Publications, except brief quotes used in reviews. This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to depict, portray or represent any particular real person.

    All the characters, incidents, and dialogues are the products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any references or similarities to actual events, entities, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, entities, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author/publisher., Kindle, KDP, etc. are registered trademarks of This eBook is not written, published, or endorsed by or its affiliates or any other party mentioned.

    Aaron Bebo~ Love, Drugs, & Hip-Hop/Season 2

    Published by~ Bad Apple Publications, LLC

    Editing by Blurred Lynes

    Formatting by Blurred Lynes

    Join our social networks like us on Facebook Bad Apple Publications Follow us on Twitter @badapplecru Visit our website

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Chapter Thirty-Two

    Chapter One

    Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

    So Annie right now who do you see as competition?

    Annie ran her fingers through her Malaysian Virgin, and popped the chewing gum in her mouth.

    C’mon General. See The Geek would’ve never asked me nuthing like that. She said chuckling.

    ’Cause The Geek don’t be asking the real questions. I ask the questions the people want the answers to.

    She popped her gum again.

    I mean just keeping it authentic. It depends on what level you talking bout. If you talking about executive wise. You might have to put me in the cages with the men ‘cause I’m a beast for real. What was I thirteen on the Forbes top twenty new Owner’s and C.E.O. list?

    She popped her gum.

    I mean for real I’m really the hottest chick in the game right now. On the rap tip-

    General clapped his hands together. Right let’s talk albums and songs.

    Annie pulled her LV pumps up into the swivel chair. She liked how they had switched the station around. It used to feel so dark when The Geek was running things.

    Now everything was bright. The camera crew was always right there recording whoever the host was interviewing, and the FCC was being a lot more lenient with their guidelines on fines for slander, profanity. She could dig it. In a world where anyone’s opinion could be taken public with a simple upload. They had to regroup.

    Annie popped her gum again, and combed her fingers through her weave. She looked at the young intern Randy and winked.

    You clapping your hands together like you know a bitch bad as me on the mic. I’m still Brooklyn’s own fire starter. Who you dun heard that got your dick hard all a sudden. The airwaves been clear round me. What I miss?

    Pearl Tongue, Ginger Snaps Aka Ginger Bread.

    Annie looked into the camera and turned up her lips, before looking across at General.

    They alright.

    What Annie. C’mon. Them girls be spitting!

    Yeah but they still in YOUTUBE  university. I do like Ginger though. She kind of dope. Trey is doing some work with her I think.

    I was going to ask you if ya'll were about to sign her, because I seen her around Trey a few times.

    Yeah I'm not sure what he cooking up over there. But ya'll know Trey he working. I know he about to pop his own label off.

    Oh really? Will he be using Global for the distribution?

    Of course, it's family. Besides Trey owes the label another album, so his next album is coming out under Global. Then he might put out a album or mixtape under his own label, and then you might get to see Ginger.

    General and Randy laughed.

    C’mon now Annie. You don’t like Pearl Tongue and Ginger?

    Annie popped her gum and combed her weave with her fingers.

    I mean it’s not that I don’t like them. I don’t even know them. What type of creep you trying to make me out to be? She giggled.

    Hey you said you was Brooklyn’s own bad gurl.

    I did say that though huhn? She popped her gum, and blew a bubble.

    But no for real. I would need to hear more than the battle stuff, if I was ever going to sign either one of them. They both need work on their image for their videos.

    Ahhh... So you seen the video? General said.

    She laughed. You are crazy. Of course I seen the video. What you thought I was riding around bumping their shit. I’m bumping my shit! I mean ish. Annie giggled and put her hand over her mouth.

    Can I curse?

    You just did. Only you though. General laughed.

    Nah but that’s a good look. You watching their video and announcing you got your eye on Pearl Tongue.

    On who? Annie asked with a laugh.

    Pearl Tongue. That’s the redhead girl from the video. So if you listening out there Pearl Tongue get at ya boi so we can get you signed to a major.

    Annie clapped her hands together and laughed. You a funny dude General. Bout to have that girl jump ship on her peoples.

    You wouldn’t sign her?

    Off a video and a verse. I’m bout to cut this interview. What you take me for?

    Nah. Let’s get back to business. When we getting the new album?

    It will be out in like October. Halloween is the projected date. So boo bitches. Annie laughed.

    What you mean projected date. I thought you were over Global. The Queen Bee in charge?

    That I am. But the Queen of England doesn’t spend all her time at the Buckingham Palace. I record the tracks and deliver the album. After that somebody else handles everything else. I just got back from Europe two days ago.

    True story. I did see you over there. Now let me ask you. Is radio and T.V. really that different from how we do it here in the states?

    Definitely, I mean the whole set up is different. As far as the guidelines like with the cursing and all. They set us up a lot better too.

    General laughed. So you saying we don’t take care of you.

    Annie laughed.

    Nah, ya’ll do what ya’ll can do. Like it’s just different. Like when I’m goin’ to the station overseas I don’t have to worry about transportation to the studio. They send a car to pick me up and bring me back. It’s just a little different. But I understand budgets and things. So it's all ’love.

    So Annie did you get a chance to read the article Boogs did in Concrete Spit Magazine.

    Yeah I read the article.

    So what are your thoughts on some of the things he said concerning you and Trey?

    I mean I really don’t think about it. Boogs is bitter. He doin’ thirty joints. Shit he was speaking on in the article concerning me and my involvement with the Hip-Hop task force was all bullshit. I mean come on if he knew I wasn’t right you think he would’ve been fuckin’ with me? Shit don’t make no sense. The case I had involving that incident involved moving illegal money. He’s doing time for some shit that revolved around a chain getting taken.

    So is there any truth to him saying he had a sexual relationship with you, and you more like a groupie than an artist?

    I mean we did our thang a few times sexually. I mean just keepin’ it a buck with you it’s a few niggas in the industry that might have had a shot or two. But I ain’t worried bout that. I mean if I’m a groupie, artist better get a backstage pass and get like me ya heard.

    So have you received any shade from anyone in the industry since the article?

    Annie rolled her eyes, and popped her gum. C’mon Son. I’m worth millions. I own Global. Who in the industry wanna beef with me over some used to be rapper in jail? That street code shit is only for niggas in the street. Once a nigga truly go from the corner to corporate their thinking changes. If it doesn’t...

    So do you think there’s any truth to him saying there’s a price on your head?

    There’s a price on my Louie luggage ‘til I take it off. Like I said Boogs is locked up. He’s bitter. I think people forget where people come from. Boogs was a rapper. If he can get in a magazine and run his mouth and show his friends on the cellblock his picture he can keep the feeling of a star in a smaller sky. He was one of a few people who had a shot in life and made a different choice. Boogs can say whatever he wants about Annie. But Annie still out here doing what I do. What I always did.

    Yeah but you can’t be blind to a broken man’s dream. I’m just sayin’ he got people out there that love him that might be crazy enough to try to get at you. I mean he throwing these crazy accusations around.

    Annie popped her gum and put her heels on the floor, as she leaned forward. She squinted her eyes and tightened her jaw.

    Yo dig this sweetheart. Annie began.

    Uh oh. She called you sweetheart. Randy said.

    Annie looked over at Randy and smiled. Smart kid. She said before looking at the cameras with a smile.

    Nah General is my peoples. But he tripping right now.

    Annie looked General straight in his face. What you mean blind to a broken man’s dream? Boogs and anybody else, better not forget. I’m a dreamer too.

    I’m just saying queen, Boogs been talking crazy. Then the boy Sharp been sayin’ some things too. Do you think it’s just talk?

    I don’t be hiding. I’m out here. I’m the original Brooklyn bad gurl. All them dudes out there making comments I ain’t worried bout it. I’m bout to bring ya’ll the next real gangsta rapper’. You’ll see.

    Annie pulled off the headphones got up and walked out the studio. She almost bumped into Al Reasons the radio program director as he was running out his office toward the studio.

    Annie. Annie c’mon don’t do this to me. I’m sorry. I swear we didn’t set you up. C’mon. You know me.

    Annie just kept walking until she was met by Bear her personal bodyguard near the elevators.

    Everything alright, Boss lady?

    For certain.

    They got on the elevator and took it to the ground floor. Bear followed all his duties to a tee. Standing in front of the door of the elevator, checking the lobby before bringing her out and escorting her to the special edition Excursion parked at the curb.

    Soon as the driver pulled the SUV away from the curb. Annie took out her phone.

    Chase Wild what’s goodie baby? She said when the line was answered.

    You always. What the bidness is?

    I need some goon shit handled.

    C’mon ma I got you. Spread love is the Brooklyn way. What you need done?

    You in the hood?

    Still waitin’ for you to take me out.

    You make this happen. I’ll make that happen’ I’m coming through to bend your ear.

    A’ight. I’ll be here waitin’.

    Annie looked out at all the people moving on the streets. Going somewhere in life or nowhere at all. You never really knew. Not long ago she was sleeping where she could, and with whomever would let her stay. Now she was worth almost a half a billion dollars. But deep down she knew she was still hood.

    Mark head over to Brooklyn. Thompkins projects.

    Yes ma’am.

    She needed to put an end to Boogs buzz before it got started. She knew how bitter prison could make people. She had been relieved once she got confirmation Dana was murdered in prison. The last thing she needed was Dana sitting around with too much time to think. She was the only one she feared figuring out what she had done to Paul. After all it was her plan. 

    Chapter Two

    Hand Scales & Hand to Hands

    Chase Wild was Brooklyn all the way through. He had earned his stripes down in the trenches; running the subway cars and the diamond district with a band of robbers and mercenaries. He bought his first Rolex by fourteen and managed to get the O.G’s around his way to allow him to run crack out of one of the buildings in his housing complex. He was one of the youngest hustlers’ in his hood to be a boss. He never really was the soldier type, but he been out on the battlefield with the troops his whole life.

    His wild ways had eventually sent him to Great Meadows correctional facility where he came face to face with some of the worst the state had to offer. He was forced to man up at seventeen, and he did. He had no problem being a goon, it was in the DNA. What he didn’t know at the time was, there was a love for music in his DNA too.

    He walked up on a group of individuals in the yard one-day rapping. He was amazed by how good some of the guys that were rapping sounded. He was so caught up in their word play and the energy they were giving off. He was totally distracted from the reason why he and Nitty had come over to the group. They spotted someone they suspected snitched on one of their homies; standing in the crowd of on lookers.

    It wasn’t until Nitty nudged him and flashed the icepick that he stopped bopping his head. They disrupted the cipher once they started attacking their target. Their target bolted into the middle of the circle of people once Chase sliced him across the neck with the scalpel he had. Nitty ran the kid down and started poking him with the icepick in the head and body.

    The crowd started to disperse and the alarms went off. Chase and Nitty left their victim on the ground bleeding and shaking. The C.O.’s rushed the yard. When peace was restored fifteen convicts had been rounded up and taken to the box pending investigation. Including Nitty and Chase.

    During the 180 days they spent in the hole pending an investigation Chase met a kid from East New York named B Wild. He was a notorious stick-up kid throughout the borough. He was a little older than Chase, but he knew some of the O.G.’s from his hood. They would sit up at night and trade war stories through the vent.

    One night when it was real quiet on the unit Chase heard someone rapping. He listened as the person rapping went through lyric after lyric with a superb sharp pronunciation. Chase listened and listened but he couldn’t recall any of the lyrics from any of the rappers he listened to, and whoever’s lyrics these were; he was sure he would’ve remembered them. He had almost every new mixtape out.

    When the voice paused Chase yelled out. Yo what’s that some shit off a new Geek Beats?

    Nah. I ain’t on Geek Beats yet. But when I touch next year. I’m gonna be on everybody shit! Geek Beats, Southern Fried Mix, West Coast Raiders. Everything. Everybody gonna be at cha boy.

    Chase couldn’t believe it. It was his homie B Wild speaking to him through the vent. He sounded so different when he had been rapping. His voice was totally different. Filled with emotion and passion. He sounded good, which was probably the reason he sounded so confident about getting on all the top DJ’s mixtapes when he was released. 

    Yo B, that was you?

    C’mon Son. Don’t sound so surprised. I hold it down for the borough on all levels. Truth be told ya’ll fucked my money up that day shit went down. Niggas had a couple stacks bet on what was goin’ on out there. I was gonna get at ya’ll little niggas, but my homie Bush sent the word that ya’ll was his peoples and ya’ll was handling sumthin’ for him. So I’mma let shit ride. Plus, I like ya style.

    Damn you know Bush?

    Son dig. I am who I am ya feel me. You knew me before you met me. You just didn’t know I rapped. I ain’t mad at you though, the description doesn’t really fit. I’m a G first ya dig.

    Word Son. I recognize. But yo, you nice as fuck wit the bars. Can you teach me how to rap?

    B Wild laughed. It ain’t really nuthin’ you can learn. Yet some manage. You gotta have a passion for this shit you smell me. It already gotta be inside you.

    How you knew it was in you. You just started rappin’ one day?

    Nah Son. Really I’m a big reader. So being associated with so many words and having a love for music that made me feel good or whatever; made me want to create. Don’t laugh Son. But I wanted to be Michael Jackson when I was younger.

    Chase laughed. Not Mike Son.

    True song. But I knew I couldn’t wear no glittery glove in Brooklyn. So I got a pair of leather ones and a thirty-eight. I’ll be damned if other niggas didn’t start singin’.  B Wild laughed.

    I’m about to start rappin’.

    You might as well do sumthin’. They can hold us up to six months in this bitch. I’m gonna need you to entertain me once in a while too.

    True song Son.

    For the next 120 days Chase read every book B Wild suggested to him. Mostly true crime mob novels. One of his favorites was the Westies. He had written his first real song when he finished the novel. He had been writing verses for months, and B Wild said he was getting good. But he stressed to him that he needed songs. Loose verses were good, but they didn’t make you stand out because anyone can do it. Even if you’re a little better than the guy, you’re still in the same category.

    He had written forty-eight bars, with a two bar chorus between sixteen bars of his song. He titled the song; Sons of Criminals. It was a hard heartfelt view on his borough Brooklyn and a day in his life. He mixed a little of his hopes and dreams in with his reality and he felt really good about the song.

    He was pacing in his cell all day reciting the lyrics under his breath. He was getting ready for his debut tonight. Every Sunday night, for the last two months. After the dinner trays were collected all the emcees on lock down in the hole would stand at their cell doors and put on a show. Tonight was going to be the first time anyone besides B Wild heard him and he wanted things to be perfect. He was sure he was ready. 

    After dinner was served and the trays were collected, the unit began its weekly chant ‘Two man enter. One man leaves. Although the convicts that performed did it for entertainment, for the cellblock. There was still that ever present air of competitiveness you find in hip-hop.

    Chase felt the energy course through his body as his feet danced in a small space; like he was preparing to jump into a rope. He shook his head and listened as Bugsy Littles, a kid out of Far Rockaway, Queens. Spit the end of his verse. He was definitely one of the top tier emcees; but B wild was the reigning king. Not just in the hole, but in the entire prison.

    Every week different emcees would come for his crown, but he always had something in the cut to get the crowd going crazy, and his flow was too raw. Sometimes you would think one emcee had finally said the bars that would tear the crown from B Wild’s skull. But he always came through.

    Chase knew he was up next, if he didn’t say anything they would skip his cell, and B Wild would go. He hadn’t told anybody on the unit that he been writing besides B Wild. So no one would be expecting him to spit, but he was at his cell door heart racing, waiting to be heard.

    Tequan another Brooklynite and lead man for a group called Bustin’ Melons was about to wrap up his verse. Chase could tell, as he listened to the lyrics. He had counted the bars in his head like B Wild taught him. He really studied every jewel B Wild gave him and developed it into his own style of rap. Tequan said his last bar and ended his rap.

    The convicts went bananas, banging on doors and yelling out. The C.O.’s never said anything. Not on Sundays. Some of them even stood in the cellblock and listened. Once all the noise subsided. Chase began.

    Unearth soil, breath trees, turn this coke into crack/Make millions for talkin’ jive, if I get signed up to rap/ But in fact dope gets stepped on, veins turned into tracks/Dreams turned to nightmares, keep bringing me back/To narcotics on a scale seventy a gram for the crack/Purple spots on the leaf, as I’m inhaling the sack/ Little niggas wit gats, tryin' to prove a point/Will have you writing to your kin from the pen, facing a hundred joints/A sloppy life, does the pig squeal or oink, or forever walk a prison yard with the threat of getting doinked/Bags of cash to bad cops, now my dope days in the back drop/Armed car heist, nigga jack pot!/ It's like the wild west wit no holsters, we idol worshipers/The Gods in my hood only five percent sober/Liquor store knocked over, bloods been spilled too/No respect from the youth, these little niggas will kill you...

    B Wild stood at his door listening intently bopping his head. Chase was going in. He was very impressed. He was so impressed he hadn’t even realized Chase had stop rhyming until someone yelled out their cell.

    Yo who was that?

    Chase Murda ya heard. Chase responded.

    No one on the unit could believe it. The entire unit started beating on their doors going crazy. The banging on cell doors and flushing of toilets lasted for five minutes straight. Chase realized that night he found something he could do in life; besides hustle and murder.

    He continued to hone his craft in his cell. He and B Wild talked every day through the vent, until they were released from the hole. They had gotten real close. That’s why it broke Chase’s heart when Bush sent word that B Wild had to go.

    They both been released back to the Brooklyn streets. Doing what they do; and chasing the rap dream in between. B Wild had all the majors looking at him. He was really doing his thing at the time. He was going out west to do shows and all. But he wouldn’t leave Sierra alone, and Bush was crazy about his little sister.

    It hadn’t even been the fact that he was messing with Sierra. It was more that he treated her like a jump off. Bush warned him to leave her alone the first time she came to him crying. He told B Wild if he made his sister cry again; he would make his mother cry. B Wild hadn’t listened.

    Chase and Nitty were assigned the task. They caught him out in Atlanta at an after party. They hadn’t even been thinking about bumping B Wild off. It was just coincidence that they ran into him at the party. Soon as Nitty spotted him, he pulled Chase’s coat. 

    Yo Son, ain’t that B Wild Nitty said, pointing across the club to a section where there were a lot of V.I.P.’s hanging out.

    He looked across the room and spotted B Wild in a sea of A- list entertainers and their personal security. Chase heard rumors that he finally signed a deal with a major label. He guessed it was true judging from the crowd he was standing with.

    Nitty ended his call and turned to him. Yo the man said make it happen.

    They had left their hammers in the car so there was no way they were going to be able to hit him in the club. They figured they’d just approach him. B Wild was so caught up in the light he hadn’t even seen them approaching until one

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