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Meggie's Secret
Meggie's Secret
Meggie's Secret
Ebook273 pages4 hours

Meggie's Secret

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One night changed her perfect world, and Meg Malone can't leave the past behind her quickly enough. Determined to forget, Meg plows forward and vows to keep her secret buried. Eight years later, she meets the one man who changes everything. Will Meg hold on to Drake, or will her past get in the way?
PublisherTorrid Books
Release dateJan 4, 2017
Meggie's Secret

Felisha Goulding

Felisha Goulding grew up in a small town in the heart of Newfoundland, the most Eastern part of Canada. Just out of High School, she left for Toronto with $68 dollars in her pocket and an old beaten up yellow suitcase. Currently residing in the City of Vaughan, Felisha is a dedicated mother of two beautiful boys and has worked full time at the same company for the past twenty-five years. With a passion for writing, she finally sat in front of the computer and started her first manuscript. Burning the midnight oil well into the late hours of the night after work, and then working 10 to 12 hours on weekends, a story unfolded and came to life. Felisha comments, “This has been a life-long dream of mine for many years and this journey has been truly amazing. By far, this has been one of my biggest accomplishments. I look forward to writing many more...”

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    Book preview

    Meggie's Secret - Felisha Goulding

    Chapter 1

    Eight Years Earlier

    Meg Malone stood at the edge of the lake and mindlessly drew the same initials in the sand, like so many times before: MM & JL. Then stood back and watched the waves sweep the letters away. After helping her friend Will set up for tonight’s party, she’d decided to take the long way home. The walk gave her time to think. It was hot as hell today, and the sweltering heat from the sun continued to drain every bit of energy from her body. The fresh smell of lake water made its way through her senses, taking her back to her childhood. Meg reminisced and smiled at the memory of her parents, as they watched her playfully run along the beach, laughing out loud. Cool water washed over her feet and drew her back to the present. She took a long look around at the familiar scenery. Lake Michigan extended out to the Great Lakes of Canada, and lighthouses were scattered along the coastline, nestled high on top of the steep limestone bluffs, adding to its romantic charm.

    After casting the stick aside, Meg shuffled her feet into her sandals and headed back to the main road. Lost in thought, the familiar sound of a vehicle approached, and catching it in her peripheral vision, she knew exactly who it was. There they go again, driving down that same old street with her stuck to his side. How long has it been? Two years? Two wasted years of my life since I ran into him in front of that church. I should have let him kiss me. What was I thinking? Maybe now I would be the one sitting next to him and not her.

    Meg had spent the better of part of the last two years fantasizing about John Lake. He was, without a doubt, the best looking guy in town; long lean body, strong muscular legs, big strong arms that could easily lift a girl and make it easy to wrap her legs around that narrow waist of his. He wore his sandy blond hair a little longer than most guys, just past his shoulders. Perfect hazel eyes under long, thick eyelashes gave him a mysterious and dark look. Almost every girl in town turned her head when he walked by, just to get a glimpse of that tight ass covered in denim. It wasn’t just his good looks though; he had the personality to go with it. Not to mention that he had that rebellious look down pat; but he was no rebel. John was hardworking and protective of his family. In a word, he was truly beautiful. Meg reminded herself that he belonged to someone else.

    She picked up her speed, dying to get home and go for a quick nap before the party tonight and, of course, to dream about John again. Three more weeks was all she had left before heading to Toronto. Living in small Door County, Wisconsin, had been meaningful with family and all, and it was safe enough, but she wanted more than this. Meg was accepted at both New York University and the University of Toronto. Her father’s family originated from Canada, and that was the deal breaker. Moving there gave her a sense of family ties and, in a small way, a sense of belonging.

    * * * *

    Come closer. No, a little closer; that’s it. His voice was a low whisper, deep and sensual. His words worked their way through her senses. His breath was sweet, and his lips were moist as they gently glided across her mouth. His touch was tender, and her lips parted with the insistent push of his tongue seeking to make its way in. His chest was hard, and Meg couldn’t get him close enough. She wanted every part of him wrapped around her, to feel every muscle twitch while he held her in his strong embrace. His hands caressed her skin and wandered down the outer part of her rib cage and settled at her hips. Slowly, his hands wandered around, hesitating at her abdomen before making their way up and under her shirt and pulled down the cups of her bra. Expertly, he tweaked her nipples into hard peaks. Desire coursed through her body. His touch wasn’t enough; she wanted more, and she wanted all of him.

    John, I need more, please, ahh yes, right there, mmm, that’s it, touch me.

    * * * *

    Meg woke up to the annoying sound of the phone. Every nerve ending in her body felt as though it were on fire. Leaning over, she reached for the phone on the nightstand next to the bed. In a daze, she dropped the receiver, and it fell to the floor with a loud clank. Shit. She stretched over the side of the bed and moved her hand around until she found what she was looking for. She grasped it tightly and heard her friend on the other end.

    Hello, hello, Meg, Meg? Is that you? It’s Sarah.

    Yeah, it’s me, Meg replied with a yawn that was a little louder than intended.

    Are you sleeping again? Meg sensed Sarah’s tone and knew right away she was annoyed.

    Meg’s best friend Sarah was absolutely stunning. Most girls hated her for it. She was tall, skinny, with legs that went on forever, a perfect body, and long blonde hair. She was adventurous, a little on the wild side, and every boy’s dream with those twinkling big green eyes of hers. Her teeth were perfectly straight and her full lips screamed, kiss me. Beauty aside, Sarah had always been there for Meg. Meg wished she was more like her friend. Ready and willing to move on to the next, not get hung up on one guy and stuck in some fantasy that would never happen.

    Sarah and John had been close friends since kindergarten and lived directly across the street from one another until Sarah’s parents had split. Shortly after that, Sarah and her mom moved to the other end of town. Her dad decided to keep the house and bought her mom out. The decision was made easily enough. Sarah’s mom wanted absolutely nothing to do with him or the house in which their marriage had bitterly ended. Sarah stayed at Meg’s house the night her parents split and told Meg everything. Mom came home early from work; she wasn’t feeling well, Sarah said. Meg, she walked in on Dad with another woman. Sarah was heartbroken, and it was the only time Meg could honestly recall her friend being so miserable and unhappy. She was just shy of thirteen years old at the time, and she was an emotional wreck. She was resentful, bitter, and angry with her father for destroying her life. She held him accountable for ruining their family, and who could really blame her? As time went on, Sarah’s mom tried persuading her to go see her father. She pointed out that the entire mess was between them and assured Sarah it had nothing to do with their feelings for her and she would always come first in their lives. Her father made every effort to make amends. Finally, after two years went by, Sarah slowly let him back into her life.

    * * * *

    Oh, hey, Sarah, I just woke up from a nap, and of course dreaming about him again. Why, what time is it? Meg stretched her body and worked out the kinks.

    It’s past six o’clock! You better get that ass out of bed and have yourself ready in forty-five minutes. That’s less than one hour, Meg, and I will be there. Don’t fall back asleep, damn it. Oh, and wear those tight jeans, the one’s that make your ass look sexy as hell. I think you know who will be there.

    Are you serious? Will didn’t tell me they were coming to the party, and I was with him all day. No way in hell am I going to be around those two. It’s not happening, Sarah. Why don’t we hang out here at my house? We can rent a movie and order pizza or something.

    In an irritated voice, Sarah replied, Really? What are you going to do, avoid them forever? So what if they’re there? Who cares? You can have anyone; just look around you, for Christ sake. Guys try to get your attention all the time, but you choose to ignore them. You don’t even know they exist. All you think about is John freakin’ Lake. You’re driving yourself crazy and me along with you. You’re going to be eighteen two weeks from now. Forget him. Jake thinks you’re hot and so does Joe. They would love to take you out, and they’re going to be there tonight. Not to mention a few other good-looking guys. Now get dressed; you have forty minutes left, and bring your bikini this time. Oh, before I forget, Ethan Lyon is mine, so hands off. Sarah slammed the phone in Meg’s ear. She knew her friend wasn’t angry with her, just pissed at her for trying to get out of going to the party. Meg tried to avoid being in the same room as John when Lynn was around and Sarah knew it.

    Chapter 2

    Less than forty minutes after hanging up the phone, loud music came blaring through the bedroom window, followed by a series of loud beeps. Carole Pope’s smoky voice came bellowing out from the car while Sarah was trying her best to sing along to High School Confidential.

    Meggie, Sarah’s here. Meg heard her mom yell above the loud music.

    I hear her, Mom. I’m on my way down right now. And don’t wait up for me tonight, Sarah and I are going to Will’s house, and I’m spending the night at Sarah’s. Meg yelled out the bedroom door so her mother could hear.

    Shit, where is that lipstick? Yes, there it is. Carefully, Meg outlined her lips with liner and quickly applied a light pink shimmer of gloss before running her fingers through her thick dark hair. She took one last look in the mirror, grabbed her bright pink sweater, her purse, and headed for the stairs. She slipped into her black sandals at the entrance and made her way out the driveway.

    After settling into the passenger seat of the Honda Civic, Sarah lowered her sunglasses and took Meg in from head to toe. You look amazing, Meg! That shirt looks good on you. Where did you get it?

    Oh, I got it at the mall yesterday, you like it? Meg wasn’t used to flaunting her breasts, and the shirt was tight and showed off far too much cleavage for her liking. But it was daring and tonight she wanted to ooze sex appeal.

    Yeah, it makes you look like you have one hell of a rack. You know, you are going to give her a run for her money looking like that.

    Meg rolled her eyes at the thought of John looking her way with that bimbo on his arm; the idea of him being with what’s her name made her want to gag. In fact, she felt close to picking her ass up out of the seat and getting out of the car. Maybe I could go back to dream land where everything is so much better than the reality of not being with him. Sarah caught her hesitation and, with a frown, looked over to Meg knowingly. Don’t even think about it, Meg, just stay in the fucking car and let’s go have ourselves a good time. Forget about him, forget about her. This is our night, and we are getting shit faced and getting laid.

    Meg swallowed her thoughts and turned to Sarah. Okay, I know you’re fed up with me; you have listened to me go on and on about him since forever, but you know what? I’ve had it too. I’m as fed up talking about him as you are listening. No more wasting my every waking hour thinking about him. You’re right, and I can’t keep going through the motions anymore. I’ve just wasted two years of my life over some guy I will never have. Let’s go get our drunk on, and maybe I’ll work up the nerve to get laid! Who am I kidding? Meg knew that wasn’t going to happen, but it sure felt good putting it out there! Sarah backed the car out of the driveway, and they were off to Will’s house at the other end of town.

    On the way there, Meg thought dreamily about sex, trying her best to imagine being with someone other than John. Sarah talked about sex all the time. She loved sex. Hell, she thought everyone should get laid on a regular basis. It releases stress, she would say. And do you know how many calories you burn during sex, Meg? Meg smiled to herself, amused at how naturally her friend blurted these things out. What would it feel like to have an orgasm? Meg had tried masturbating a few times but gave up easily. She wasn’t sure what to touch or how to touch it. Sarah made it sound so easy, and out of embarrassment, Meg pretended that she touched herself whenever Sarah brought up the subject.

    Sarah admitted she’d never had an orgasm with a boy during sex, at least not during intercourse. She said she had to help herself get to that point. Meg came to the conclusion that she might as well be a preacher’s daughter for her lack of experience. To Sarah, sex was just sex. There were no strings attached; she never allowed herself to get emotionally involved. But to Meg, it was something you shared with someone special. She didn’t want to have sex with just anyone; she wanted to have sex with John. Damn him. Just like that, her thoughts drifted back to him. She wondered what it would be like to be kissed by him, to be really kissed by him. She couldn’t even imagine how the sex would be. He was experienced, and Meg was willing to bet he was great between the sheets.

    She had only been kissed once, when she was sixteen, by Will of all people! Meg wondered what it would be like to really kiss someone. One day, one day, I will understand what all the hype is about. Who knows, maybe tonight will be the night. After all, I can’t leave home a virgin. And that left her with only three weeks before leaving Door County.

    * * * *

    Sarah turned right into the driveway of Will’s house, and Meg took note of the familiar faces scattered about. It was a fairly small town where everyone pretty much knew everyone. There were very few secrets in little Door County, and Meg was sure the neighbors couldn’t wait for Will’s parents to get home so they could rat him out. She could hear them all now, those busybodies with nothing better to do, talking about how Will is such a bad ass and throwing a party while his parents were out of town. Sarah parked at the end of the driveway near the road. They both got out and made their way past the crowd toward the side of the house leading to the backyard. Will shouted from the balcony just off of the family room. Hey, girls, get your sweet asses out back where the drinks are. I’ll be down before you get there. And just like that he disappeared.

    As they approached the backyard, the music grew louder. Will’s house was one of the largest in town. Both his parents had great jobs. His mom worked for the Government for Child Welfare and his dad was a cop in Door County. Will’s older brother Roger had moved out of town just over a year ago. He was four years older and quite a partier. Meg had lost count of all the times Roger had staggered through the basement door where her and Will had been hanging out.

    * * * *

    Meg’s thoughts drifted back to two years ago, when she and Will were sixteen. They’d just finished watching a movie in Will’s basement, and like always, they got carried away play fighting and wrestling one another to the floor. But this time was different. Will pinned Meg to the floor, and she couldn’t wriggle free. Then his face moved in closer and she could feel the heat from his mouth as he lightly brushed his lips over hers. They both stopped moving, and their eyes connected. Time stood still and a million thoughts went through Meg’s head. What just happened? Since when did you ever look at me that way? He moved his hand from her shoulder and with his thumb he caressed Meg’s bottom lip. It was the oddest feeling; she couldn’t breathe, and there was no time to think. Meg had never been kissed before. She recalled how quickly her heart raced in her chest, and before she knew it, his mouth covered hers. Before the kiss went any deeper, the door upstairs flew open, and they scrambled quickly to their feet, adjusted their clothes, and looked toward the top of the stairs. Roger staggered in drunk as hell.

    He stumbled to the first step and mumbled something that sounded like good night before he turned and disappeared. Meg broke the awkward silence that followed. Will, I’m going to get going; it’s pretty late and I’m sure Mom will be calling the entire county looking for me.

    She considered making a point of what a mistake it was that they had kissed but decided to let it go.She hoped the situation would simply blow over and be forgotten. .After all, Will had a girlfriend who was also a friend of Meg’s. What was I thinking? Julie is one of us, a good friend; she would do anything for anyone and she absolutely worshiped Will. Meg recalled feeling like such an ass. Embarrassed, she had slipped through the basement door before Will could respond. She had to get out of there.

    The cool midnight air wrapped itself around her heated body; it felt good and she needed something to snap her out of the moment. She fetched her bike and decided to make her way to the local church in midtown. The parking lot was empty. Good. She placed the bike against the side of building before taking a seat on the church steps. With both hands over her eyes, she rested her elbows on her knees and tried wrapping her head around what just happened. That’s when a low and definite male voice caught her attention.

    Hey, Meggie Malone, you okay? What are you doing out this late at night? You know, it’s past one o’clock in the morning?

    Meg knew that voice; she hesitated before looking up. And when she did, she found John Lake standing less than three feet away from her with a concerned look on his handsome features. It just so happened that he was Julie’s brother, so there was no way she could share with him what had just happened. He would be pissed, and rightfully so.

    Christ, John, you startled me there for a second.

    John was going into his last year of high school, and Meg was just one year behind him. Her expression was blank, and she had no idea how to explain her midnight rendezvous but knew she had to think of something quickly.

    What brings you here? she asked, hoping to shift the focus of the conversation to him.

    I was just on my way home and noticed you sitting here all alone and thought I would ask if everything’s okay. I usually don’t see anyone here this late at night. His eyes searched the empty parking lot before turning back to her.

    Actually, I don’t come here that often. I just stopped for a quick break to catch my breath. I usually take a run at night, but tonight I decided to go for a ride instead. I’m sorry I’m just rambling on about nothing here.

    He smiled, that wicked beautiful smile exposing perfect white teeth. You’re not rambling on, he assured her with a grin. So, you’re okay then?

    Everything’s fine, like I said, I just stopped to catch a quick breath.

    Well, it’s not every night I see a beautiful young girl sitting out here all alone looking as though she’s a million miles away. You want to talk about it?

    Now that captured her attention. Did he just call me beautiful? Shyly, she smiled back at him before looking down at her feet. After turning every shade of red, she smoothed her hands over the front of her legs. No, I don’t want to talk about it, but thanks for asking.

    It isn’t safe out here, you know. Old Man Don has been seen hanging around here lately, and no one really knows the extent of his craziness. You know, when his wife left him with the kids, he beat them something fierce. I can only imagine what he’d do to someone else.

    John took a seat beside her, and she could feel the weight of his stare, but he didn’t say a word. She wondered what he was thinking. A silent moment passed between them before they started talking about their plans after they were done with high school. John mentioned he would be taking a year off to hang out around town after graduation. He was working that summer and was promised the same job the following year if he was interested. Meg let him know her intentions were to leave Door County, and she had applied to U of T and NYU. The conversation was nice, not at all awkward like she expected it to be. He was funny at the right moments, smart, and, God, was he ever flirtatious.

    This was the first time Meg had spoken to John alone. In the past, Sarah had always been there and made her fade into the background, watching him from a distance. She was a total coward when it came to John and froze in his presence, feeling completely star struck around him.

    When he turned to face her again, his gaze lingered on her mouth. God, I could get lost in those eyes. She was hoping he would lean in and kiss her. She held her breath and simply stared back at him. Being this up close and personal, she could see the beautiful color of green with specs of brown in his eyes. His full lips were sensual, red from the moisture on his lips and so freaking kissable. What am I thinking, he has a girlfriend, and I need to back the hell down before I go against my own rules of making out with someone’s man. She finally managed to turn and looked away uncomfortably. If only he were single. A long sigh escaped her.

    He stood up and cleared his throat, holding his hand out toward her. Come here. I want to show you something.

    Meg slid her hand into his grasp. His hands were calloused and strong, and there was no way she could resist. Without saying a word, she followed him to the back of the church. Is that running water or blood gushing through my head? His touch sent a warm shiver down her arm, and butterflies fluttered around in her chest.

    His voice cut through the silence, and the sound of running water echoed in the background. I come here sometimes to think. John’s tone grew serious as he continued. Meg could tell he was about to share

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