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Resounding Silence, Grey Wolves Series Novella #2
Resounding Silence, Grey Wolves Series Novella #2
Resounding Silence, Grey Wolves Series Novella #2
Ebook151 pages2 hours

Resounding Silence, Grey Wolves Series Novella #2

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About this ebook

The events chronicled herein occur after the destruction of Reyaz the Warlock, which was recounted in Sacrifice of Love. A few months of peace were enjoyed by the various supernatural races before an increase in attacks by vampires in the human realm, which was recounted in Den of Sorrows, forces the elves, fae and werewolves to go to battle once again.

Duty, sacrifice, service, and discipline. These were the characteristics that described Cyn, the warrior fae. Though love was out of her reach, she thought this life was all she needed. She had never been more wrong. A chance meeting with the Prince of the Elves turns her carefully structured world upside down.

Thalion is loyal to his people above all else. As the prince of the Elves, it is his duty to protect them. His loyalty has never been in question. But then, he's never met anyone like Cyn before.

The destiny of both their races may hinge on whether an elf and a fae can overcome their differences and face an uncertain future together.

PublisherQuinn Loftis
Release dateDec 28, 2016
Resounding Silence, Grey Wolves Series Novella #2

Quinn Loftis

Quinn Loftis is the author of twenty novels, including the USA Today bestseller Fate and Fury. Her passion is writing character-driven and humor-filled fantasy and paranormal novels, and she believes in happily-ever-afters (but makes sure to evoke every emotion she can before getting to them). Thankful to God and her amazing fans for allowing her to live out her dream, she resides in western Arkansas with her husband, three sons, two dogs, and a cat that thinks he's a dog.

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    Resounding Silence, Grey Wolves Series Novella #2 - Quinn Loftis

    Resounding Silence

    The Grey Wolves Series

    Novella #2

    Quinn Loftis

    The Grey Wolves Series

    Published by Quinn Loftis

    © 2016 Quinn Loftis

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For the men in my life.

    Bo, you are my best friend, and I’m so thankful

    to share my life with you.

    Travis, Jonivan, and Gus, you each are such a blessing and I love helping you navigate this adventure we call life.

    Praying God’s blessing over each of you.


    Thank you to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You give me life when I deserve death. You give me mercy when I deserve judgment. You give me love when I am anything but lovable. Thank you for blessing me.

    Thank you to my husband for his unwavering support and friendship. I could not have imagined a better man for me.

    Thank you to Jamie Davis for being an amazing friend, editor, formatter, sister in Christ and person. You put up with my craziness and for that I am eternally grateful.

    Thank you to Jessica Hill for being a wonderful friend, another sister in Christ, incredible Beta reader, and faithful prayer warrior. I treasure you and wish we lived closer together!

    Thank you to Kelsey Keeton at KKeeton designs. You, my dear, are so very talented and I am so thankful to get to work with you. Thank you for your friendship, your prayers, your encouragement and hard work. I am honored, truly to know you.

    Thank you to Kelli Cole form being an amazing BFF. Thank you for loving my kids and helping my family so much. Thank you for taking a chance on my books even though they weren’t your genre. I truly appreciate it!

    Thank you to ALL of my readers. I could not do what I do without you.  I am so blessed and so very humbled by how you take your time and money to read my books. It blows my mind.

    God bless you all and make His face shine upon you. May he fill your hearts with joy and wrap His arms around you.

    With all my gratitude,


    A Story of Thalion and Cyn

    The events chronicled herein occur after the destruction of Reyaz the Warlock, which was recounted in Sacrifice of Love. A few months of peace were enjoyed by the various supernatural races before an increase in attacks by vampires in the human realm, which was recounted in Den of Sorrows, forces the elves, fae, and werewolves to go to battle once again.


    You stand before me now as children, but when you have concluded my training, you will leave as the best warriors in all the realms. It is your duty and your fate. Give your all because there will come a day when you have to protect those who cannot protect themselves. If you fail in that moment, they will die. You will have to live with that for the rest of your lives. Give your all now, and you will not fail when the time comes. ~ Ridion, Fae Warmaster

    Cyn stood staring with eyes as wide as saucers at the huge man before her and at the other children around her. The man was stern and imposing, but she didn’t feel that he was cruel. He was determined; she could see that in the set of his jaw. There was a challenging gleam in his eyes. She was not sure what the man was determined to do, and she had no idea what challenge he held in store for her.

    Nor could she see herself as a warrior. Oh, she had known this was her fate, of course. She’d known that for as long as she could remember. Cyn had been told for the past six summers that she would one day begin her training to become a fae warrior—one of the chosen few that protected not only her realm, but all of the supernatural realms. Finally, that day had come. Her mother and sire had brought her to the castle and assured her she would be a great warrior and have the privilege of protecting others when they could not fight for themselves. She thought that sounded very courageous, but at the same time she didn’t want to leave her parents. Her sire had clasped her arm in the fashion of the fae warrior, and her mother had given her a brief hug and then they’d been gone. From that moment on, she was on the path of her destiny.

    Show no fear, little warrior.

    Cyn looked up at the powerful fae woman before her. The young girl fought the urge to step back. Cyn knew immediately this woman must be one of the high fae, for only they carried the continuously radiating aura that seemed to pulse in the air around them.

    Do I look afraid? she asked, curious to know if her fear was showing through to those around her.

    "You look lost, and that can be as deadly as looking afraid. I will give you some advice, which will cost you nothing. Regardless of whether you know what you are doing, pretend you do. Believe you do. This belief will project an air of confidence that others can sense. It will inspire your comrades and strike fear into your enemies. No matter how afraid you might become in a situation, project courage and bravery always. And when the time comes that you find yourself in a place of such darkness that you are not sure if light will ever appear again, you be the spark that starts the flame."

    The woman began to walk away, but Cyn reached for her hand and stopped her. Who are you? she asked her.

    She gave Cyn a sly smile. I am Perizada, child. One day, if you’re good enough, you will fight alongside me. But I accept only the best as my personal warriors, so work hard. You will need to be strong for what lies ahead of you.

    "Is that all you’ve got? Ridion chided as he blocked yet another kick from Cyn. I’ve been training you for six years. I must be losing my touch. You embarrass me. Give me more!"

    Cyn gritted her teeth. She was twelve summers old and well on her way to becoming a warrior, though she just might be put on trial for murder if Ridion didn’t stop pushing her with his taunting words. She was giving everything she could. She worked harder than any other trainee, and yet he still claimed she was not giving enough. Her foot work was flawless, her punches clean, and her kicks high … at least for someone so short. She could aim a knife better than any of her comrades, and she was in the top ten in both archery and swordplay. She didn’t know what more he wanted.

    Just as she was about to take a step toward him, Ridion held up his hand to halt their sparring. Wait a moment, Cyn. Catch your breath.

    Breathing heavily, Cyn looked at her warmaster as if he’d suddenly grown a third eyeball. If she wasn’t entirely mistaken, she thought she actually heard something like sympathy in his voice.

    You’re frustrated, I can tell, he continued after a moment. What is bothering you?

    I don’t understand what you want from me, she said through gritted teeth. I’m one of the best trainees, yet you’re never satisfied with me. What am I doing wrong?

    Nothing, Ridion responded simply. You aren’t doing anything wrong.

    Then what’s the problem? Cyn barked.

    "The fact that you aren’t doing anything wrong. That’s the problem."

    Uh, I still don’t understand, the younger fae responded, a confused look on her face.

    The problem does not lie in your technical performance, in your training effort, or in your discipline. In fact, I probably haven’t seen a recruit in a century work as hard as you at perfection, Cyn. But I don’t need perfection from you. I never have. I need this. Ridion took two fingers and pressed them into her leather jerkin over the spot where her heart lay. The darkness we face won’t be beaten by skill alone. If skill alone were enough, I could train anyone to be a warrior and evil would have been eradicated ages ago. I don’t need a person going through motions, doing a duty. Any fae can do that. It takes more. Your stubbornness, your rigidness, makes you a good recruit, sure. But does it make you a warrior? I need someone with a passion to help others, a ferocity that only comes from a hatred of injustice. Those things come from in here. He gave a final press to her chest and took a step back. Take the rest of the day to think about that. We start again in the morning.

    He left her standing there confused and frustrated. Cyn understood duty. She understood commitment. But what did passion have to do with fighting? Passion doesn’t parry a sword strike. The heart doesn’t pull a bow string. Hands and arms are what need to be trained.

    Why do you look as though Ridion just tossed your favorite blades into the lake? Perizada’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.

    She turned to look up at the high fae, the woman who’d become a mentor to her while she’d been at the academy. Cyn opened her mouth to respond but realized she didn’t know what to say. Confusion swam in her mind as Ridion’s words echoed in her ears … a ferocity that only comes from a hatred of injustice.

    Did you hear? Cassius asked as he came rushing into the recruit barracks. Cyn was sitting on her bed lacing up her boots as she looked at him over her shoulder.

    Hear what?

    We’re going out on a mission, the eager young man responded.

    Cyn stood, her brow lowered over her narrowed eyes. We still have not reached our seventeenth summer. Why are they sending us out early?

    Some high fae called Perizada has demanded assistance. Apparently a group of trolls has attacked the pixies, something involving a land dispute.

    Cyn’s mouth dropped open. Trolls attacking pixies? How could the tiny creatures fight against such brutes?

    Do not fret, Cyn. Pixies are quite powerful but the trolls must be captured to be held accountable, and the high fae council is responsible for fulfilling that purpose. Cassius motioned for her to follow him. Now speed up, or get left behind.

    It was not until Cyn was standing just inside the veil to the pixie realm that she realized she was actually going into combat. As she watched the battle unfolding before her, her stomach clenched. She wasn’t sure she was ready.

    You are looking lost again, little warrior. Perizada’s voice came from beside her. Fortify your defenses and put on your kill face.

    Kill face?


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