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Her Little Secret Part Three: No More Secrets
Her Little Secret Part Three: No More Secrets
Her Little Secret Part Three: No More Secrets
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Her Little Secret Part Three: No More Secrets

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Tracy is happy living in Slade's house and being His submissive. One night while He is at a meeting, she sees a picture of Him with one of His exes. She escapes His estate and all His security men. Tracy calls home. Her oldest brother rescues her. She is in trouble with him. She is in deeper when Slade finds her. Will they be able to resolve all of her issues?

Adult content. BDSM themes. Adult spanking and sexual situations.

PublisherRene Spivey
Release dateNov 30, 2016
Her Little Secret Part Three: No More Secrets

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    Her Little Secret Part Three - Rene Spivey



    No More Secrets


    Rene Spivey

    Her Little Secret Part Three

    No More Secrets

    By Rene Spivey

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 by Rene Spivey

    Cover Art

    By Rene Spivey

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes


    Published by Rene Spivey at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Rene Spivey

    ISBN: 9781370804627


    This work of fiction is intended only for mature readers over the age of 18 years old. The story contains sexual, spanking and mild BDSM situations. All participants are adults over the age of 18.


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This is a work of fiction. The people and places are made up and any resemblance to a real person living or not is entirely coincidental and unintentional.


    Slade and Tracy explore their continuing relationship and her hidden secrets. She learns his feelings are deeper than she imagined. But, are they deep enough to give her the peace of mind she needs to continue to submit to her gentle, generous, and incredibly sexy Master?


    Her Little Secret Part Three

    No More Secrets

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 1

    Time had wings when I spent it with Slade. It was the middle of May when He barged into my life turning it upside-down and me inside-out. A month had gone in the blink of an eye, and it was the middle of June. We had to cancel our plans to visit my family because He was having difficulties at His construction site in Chicago. With Him gone, Master’s house was cold and so much bigger. His bed was colder, larger, and lonely. I felt closest to Him in His library; though, it was not the same as being with Him. I would have preferred to be lonely and cold at home.

    Master would be upset if He knew I was still up at two in the morning instead of in His big bed sleeping. Wearing the sexy nightie the same color as His eyes that He’d left for me, I sat in His big, leather desk chair at three in the morning. Actually, upset is probably an understatement. The last two times I was up most of the night, Master was livid and saw it as His duty to soundly spank me. Oh well. Sigh. He can’t do that from Chicago. What really sucked is that He just got back from there. Three days later, He left carrying a garment bag with two suits that I wanted Him to wear.

    I moved my laptop computer to His desk and curled up in His chair. The green satin negligee did nothing to keep me warm, but it was a comfort simply because it matched His incredible eyes—the color of peridot. Master’s chair was cool on my skin—the satin slip didn’t cover very much. I shivered until the leather warmed with my body heat.

    I booted up my computer and decided to write a short story based on our first date with Dave Morrissey from the Green Diamond. I sat in the chair reminiscing rather than writing. Reliving that night eased my heart and turned me on like crazy. Master had taken me completely unaware on a day when my head had been in my writing all day. He dressed me in a beautiful, next-to-nothing dress and completed my introduction to Dave Morrissey, the bartender from the Green Diamond.

    I finished my daydreaming and started tapping the story out on the computer Slade provided for me to keep up with my writing from His house. The short story took less time to write than I had spent reminiscing. The worst part is that Master receives the email alerts sent out automatically when I submit a new book. I will not be able to lie my way out of a spanking, even if I could lie to Him.

    ( O )

    My cell phone rang drawing my attention to the brightness outside the windows and the time. Shit! Master was calling. He already knew I had not bothered go try to sleep. I knew I was going to be very sorry as soon as He came back.

    I forced my voice full of chipper and pressed TALK. Good morning, Master. How are you? Did you sleep well? Is your business going well? When are you coming home?

    Before I answer your questions, Master growled, do you have something you want to tell me?

    Ummm, not that I can think of, off-hand. Why? I couldn’t stop. Dumb-dumb, shut up! Seriously, how long will you be gone? Maybe I should go stay at my house.

    That is two, Master warned snarling. "You are running away at the mouth. We both know that means you are hiding something. You just lied to me about it. AND, for the LAST time you are not moving back in your little cottage. The line went silent while my Master regained his composure. What time did you go to bed last night, darlin’?" His voice was deceptively soft and seductive.

    Uh, I started, thinking as fast as possible.

    Do not bother, little girl. Your ass will not be able to take another lie. Master was furious. Since we have established the fact you have not slept, shall we discuss the last time you ate?

    We could, I answered hurriedly. Or, you can tell me when you are coming home. That’s what I want to know.

    In that case, it is too bad that what you want is irrelevant, Master replied sardonically. As far as when you last ate, should I assume it was lunch? Your supper was in the warming oven waiting for you.

    I sighed. I knew it was there. I didn’t look for it. I need to find a way to explain to him that I have no appetite, anyway. Missing Him makes me less than interested in food or eating. I don’t doubt that. I found the negligee on the bed. I showered and put it on right away. I won’t apologize for not eating. You know perfectly well that I do not eat very much ordinarily. With you gone, I couldn’t even look for my dinner. My tone was worse than unapologetic. It was defiant.

    Third strike, little girl, Master ground out. His angry, graveled voice raked my skin through the phone. "When I get back home, you will be a Very sorry little girl. Very sorry," he repeated angrily.

    About that, I whispered, knowing I had gone too far. When will you be home?

    That could be a problem. He sounded troubled.

    I wanted more than ever to ease His worries. What’s wrong? Can I help?

    No, darlin’, not with the problem. He sighed heavily, an odd thing for my Master. He was always in control. I could hear His restlessness. You can help me deal with the fallout. Dave is on his way. He should arrive within the hour. Jones is in the security office on the estate. He will go with you any time you exit the gates. I do not want you to leave without one or both of them with you at all times—work, shopping, trip to visit a sick friend, whatever. Clear? His steely command was back in spades. I soaked my thighs.

    Yes, Master. Will you tell me what is going on in Chicago that requires I have security? Panic lanced through me; though hopefully, I kept it out of my voice. My Master is in danger. Worse, he is alone in another state. Who would think to notify me if he got hurt or killed? I’d have to hear it on the news. How—

    TRACY! Master barked loudly, "Stop! Paul is here with me and I promise I am quite safe. You are the one I worry about. My stubborn little girl.

    I have done my best to shield you from the press, but some people can acquire any information they desire. I will not permit you to take chances with your life. Dave will act as your escort. Jones will be your security. He will use his contacts to hire any extra personnel he might need to keep you protected from my enemies. Master paused.

    Dave is coming to keep you in line. Do as he says. Clear, Master asked steely as ever.

    Yes, Master, I answered dreamily. I was impossibly wet. He can do it to me with just that commanding tone.

    Good girl, He chuckled. Remember that the next time you are feeling defiant.

    Remember what? My voice was still in the low range of arousal. My mind, too.

    How wet and horny you are right now, He chuckled ruefully. I have not figured how long it will take to clear up the mess here. I will work as fast as I can. In the meantime, I will keep in touch regularly by phone, text, and email. Be a good girl for me.

    It’s okay. I do understand. This is your life, I said softly. "I want you to know I get it. Please, let me say this all the way through.

    "You are an important man; I get that, too. You have a big, important job, dreams, and ambitions. I’m okay with that. It’s part of the package, along with the fancy mansion and flashy cars. It’s all part of the trappings of your lifestyle. The clothes, the women, and the attention. That’s great for you.

    Me, on the other hand, I am just what you see. I am a small-town girl. I have no ambitions. I write because I’d lose my mind if I didn’t. I publish the way I do because I can make a little money without attracting attention to myself. I have a little house because it is comfortable and affordable. I

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