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Lusty Lee Logs 6: 10
Lusty Lee Logs 6: 10
Lusty Lee Logs 6: 10
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Lusty Lee Logs 6: 10

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GREAT DEAL: All 32 of the Lusty Lee stories are now in one low-priced volume: Lusty Lee: The Entire Logs.

Log 6 sees Lee and Eric travel to Hedonism II, Jamaica’s notorious sex resort. They simultaneously pleasure a slim Asian woman, growing closer in the process.

In Log 7, Lee remains in Hedo, taking two males who can’t find partners under her wing (or assorted other body parts!). Her persistence is rewarded when she acquires a photo of the Cyber Culprit.

Back in Toronto, Log 7a traces Eric’s preparation for and participation in a mixed-martial arts fight. Afterwards, his demanding groupie-girlfriend demands her own pleasures. When he finally has a free moment, Eric turns his attention to trying to trace CC’s latest cyber vandalism.

In Log 8, Lee, now back in Toronto, attends a cheater’s bar to track down a philandering husband. Once she gets him back to the hotel she extracts both gratification and information.

Log 9 features Lee reenacting a kinky scene from a ground-breaking BDSM movie with a well-known actor.

In Log 10, Lee yearns for romance, and a bit of lust, with Michael. No details withheld!

GREAT DEAL: All 32 Lusty Lee stories are now in one low-priced volume: Lusty Lee: The Entire Logs.

Release dateDec 27, 2016
Lusty Lee Logs 6: 10

Jason Pinaster

If you would like to be on my mailing list, sign up here: will receive prompt notification ofmy new publications and special offers.I have been writing fiction for several years but in 2015 I started to concentrate on erotica.My first series featured lawyer Christopher Carter. Carter doesn't have to abide by law society rules. A little fun, lots of sex, a little adventure, and Carter's special brand of justice.Then I moved on to Lusty Lee, a private investigator. My current dominatrix series, which is nearing the end of its cycle, features specific fetishes—some outlandish—serviced by Mistress Megan.Along the way, I have written individual stories featuring wrestling, food fetishism, tickling, sex games and BDSM. I have published one novella set in Hedonism II, the notorious Jamaican resort and am presently revising a second. My current novel features a sex robot.ExperienceCourt Clerk, 2000 to date in Ontario, CanadaWriting: since Grade 3 (1983)Skills and ExpertiseWritingEditingResearchEducationB.A. (English Lit.) 1992-1995, Augustana University CollegeDiploma in Court Procedure, 1996-1998, Everest College

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    Book preview

    Lusty Lee Logs 6 - Jason Pinaster

    Lusty Lee Box Set Logs 6 - 10, by Jason Pinaster copyright 2016

    The Lusty Lee Logs so far:

    Prequel Lusty Lee Log #00

    The Case, Lusty Lee Log #1

    Swinging, Lusty Lee Log #2

    Strip Club, Lusty Lee Log #3

    The Escort, Lusty Lee Log #4

    Leather, Lusty Lee Log #5

    Lusty Lee Box Set 1: All of the above!

    Hedonism, Lusty Lee Log #6

    Hedo II, Lusty Lee Log #7

    Toronto, Lusty Lee Log #7a – bonus log

    Cheaters, Lusty Lee Log #8

    The Actor, Lusty Lee Log #9

    Yearning, Lusty Lee Log #10

    The logs are projected to number 30 (six groups of five segments). Each segment will have a cover with the same bikini or lingerie top and its corresponding box set will feature the same model displaying the matching bikini or lingerie bottom.

    Copyright Notice: Copyright by Jason Pinaster 2016; all rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction; the characters are not you.

    Cover Notes and Credits

    Back Notes: About Jason Pinaster, other books and stories by the author.

    Copyright 2016 by Jason Pinaster. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people outside your household. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Fiction: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely and entirely coincidental and not intended by the author. In short: this story is not about you, anyone you know, or about the acts or omissions of anyone living or dead. Not all sex depicted at the beach occurs all the time; public sex is not strictly legal at Hedonism II.

    Cover credits: The lady in the black bra is Kayla photographed by WalterPro4755 on Flickr and her images were used either pursuant to a Creative Commons licence or by direct, not to mention generous, permission. All photoshoping was done by me.

    Hedonism, Lusty Lee Log #6

    Arriving at Hedonism II was like being swept into an alternate universe. The first hint was being separated from our suitcases by smiling Jamaican porters at the front. The second was the long marble check-in desk with blue art deco polka-dots on the wall behind. The third was being invited to enjoy the buffet even before we were properly registered. But the kicker was the buffet itself. Hot food, cold food, breads, cheeses and fruits. Chicken ranging from fried to stew to jerk, the latter being Jamaica’s own invention. The odd couple was nude and few were wearing nothing more than skimpy bikinis. Nevertheless, no one took notice of how overdressed Eric and I were.

    As soon as we stepped into to our room, both pairs of our eyes shot upward to check out the stories we’d heard about the mirrors in the ceilings above the beds. It was even larger than I’d imagined. Without a word, I stripped nude and flopped onto the bed. The firm mattress was cool against my round bottom as I stared up at the curly brown hair framing my slightly round face. I smiled as I batted my eyebrows to verify that my blue eyes still had sparkle and sizzle. Eric was only a moment behind me and jiggled my full breasts as he hit the bed. There we were, me a voluptuous five-foot five, he a scrawny six-foot three. With his red hair and green eyes, we were truly the oddest of odd pair. Next to Eric, it was clear I could afford to lose a few pounds. I resolved to go easy at the buffet and to burn more calories than I ingested.

    I watched Eric shut his eyes. My assistant’s male member wasn’t huge, but it was more than adequate. Too bad it was flaccid and flopping to the right instead of being full and upright. I stared straight at his penis and by the force of my will, it started to engorge, steadily rising and moving to center. Eric was nominally my employee and so ostensibly off limits for sexual shenanigans, but we were at Hedo where we could be wicked for a week and no one need know. Eric’s penis was now fully erect, his testicles tucked in tight and out of the way. I shut my eyes and imagined straddling his hips, slowly sliding myself down over him, feeling him caressing my pussy lips, feeling him fill my womanhood. As I slid down his last inch, he opened his eyes and stared up into my eyes. I leaned down to kiss him and he shut his eyes. I clenched my muscles lower down and began to rock my hips to pull him in and out. His eyes were open again and I knew that he was looking up into the mirror, watching the rhythm of my butt muscles clenching and releasing around him.

    I woke up first, hornier than hell. Eric was still flaccid, still flopping right, but now he was gently snoring. Apparently he hadn’t been dreaming of me the way I’d been dreaming of him. I started working on my notes of the illicit internet postings the Cyber Culprit had made from Hedonism. The photos seemed recent: groping and fondling in the disco, guests taking selfies and photos of each other on the beach, similar shots on a boat. And then there was the pièce de résistance: a nude and muscular man half lying, half sitting on a massage table enjoying a blow job, and a line-up of women each waiting her turn to suck his cock into her mouth. A video of the serial fellatio has also been posted and I watched it, making mental notes of each woman’s technique.

    My cellphone rang. It was Michael Rayburn, the lawyer who’d given me the assignment to track down the Cyber Culprit. I hesitated and the phone rang again; the assignment was extremely lucrative and fun. What Michael had given, he could take away. I picked up as the phone started to ring a third time.

    As usual, Michael got straight to the point, The Cyber Culprit is branching out: He’s posted an app to allow people to protest loud commercials and amber alerts.

    How does it work? I asked.

    You remember all the protests when the police took over radios and TVs with a loud claxon when they were trying to find missing children? There were a couple of accidents when drivers were startled by their radios suddenly blaring out the amber alarm?

    Yes. I had almost hit the guardrail myself.

    And how commercials are almost always louder than the program being broadcast?

    Uh, uh.

    Well, the App allows users to randomly triple or quadruple the volume on phones used by TV executives, or the executives of the companies advertising, or the CRTC, the regulatory body in charge of radio and TV, and anyone else connected with amber alerts, even the police.

    My voice had stirred Eric so I put the phone on speaker. Michael brought Eric up to speed and the two men were quickly immersed in nerd talk.

    I busied myself with selecting and putting on a red bikini. Over this I put on a light shirt, unbuttoned down the front and a pair of very short shorts. I selected sandals to wear and inspected myself in the mirror. I was obviously a guest of the resort but still dressed respectfully enough for my foray back to the front desk.

    Finally Eric and Michael rang off.

    I took a pair of sunglasses—spyglasses really—and fitted them onto Eric’s nose.


    Lee put the sunglasses too low on my nose, so I pushed then higher and looked at myself in the mirror. They were mega cool—horn rimmed, large framed, very retro. The monochrome black frames were perfectly matched to my red hair and green eyes. There were mirrors over each eye allowing me to see behind. I turned around and looked Lee up and down as she came forward to touch the frame next to my right ear.

    There’s a camera, she indicated.

    In the upper right of the inside of my glasses, the image she’d just captured of herself flashed briefly.

    You take a picture, she directed.

    I aimed the glasses at her breasts, felt for the button by my ear and pressed. The shot was perfect.

    The one by your left ear takes a shot behind you.

    I felt for the left button and pressed it. An image of the room flashed briefly on my left visual field. Is this what the Cyber Culprit used?

    She shook her head. It’s too low resolution. But it will give us an idea of where he was when he took the photos he put up onto the internet.

    She stepped back to admire me and I reached for my swimsuit.

    Her hand on my wrist stopped me. Most of the shots were from the nude beach. You’re not allowed to wear clothes. Go see what you can find out.

    I dropped my swimsuit back into my suitcase and snapped a few more pictures.

    She pushed me towards the door. Have fun with your new toy. Just make sure you get pictures from every vantage point used by the Cyber Culprit.

    The beach at Hedonism was divided into two. To the south was the prude side. There swimsuits were worn and the crowd tended to be younger. The north beach was the nude beach, announced by a sign proclaiming Nude Beach Only. No Photography. Beneath the official sign was another, hand-painted, No clothing allowed. Here almost everyone was over thirty, some well over. There was not a stich of clothing in sight.

    What there was here was wall-to-wall tits and ass and cock and pussy. Some of the women had their legs spread wide so that you could look straight up. Several couples were engaged in PDAs—public displays of affection. Lots of kissing, many hands caressing breasts, several hands caressing genitals. On the raft anchored off shore, one gentleman had his head between his wife’s thighs and her moans could be heard all along the beach.

    As I strolled along the beach, a man in his mid-forties waved me over to the lounge chairs he and his wife were sitting on. He had a noticeable paunch, she was voluptuous, a long thing strand of pubic hair extending down towards her genitals.

    He stood and held out his hand, Hi, I’m Jeremy. He gestured towards his wife, This is Jennifer.

    She stood too and kissed my cheek. Her breasts and belly pressed against me and I could feel her pubic hair tickle my thigh. She stepped back and they were both smiling at me.

    I held my hand out to her, Eric.

    She raised her eyebrows. It was clear that she wanted more than a handshake. I swallowed, bent to kiss her cheek, muttered something about ‘maybe later’ and got out of there as quickly as I could. Changes between my legs made it hard to walk fast. I glanced back through the mirrors inside my sunglasses. Jeremy and Jennifer were noticeably disappointed.

    All along the beach, guests were lounging, many reading, several texting. The readers were divided almost equally between those with paper books and those using a tablet or eReader of some sort. Every so often a cellphone would come out to take a selfie, usually with a mate, sometimes

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