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Snowballs and Candy Canes
Snowballs and Candy Canes
Snowballs and Candy Canes
Ebook54 pages40 minutes

Snowballs and Candy Canes

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Coal Roper is a queen and wears it boldly. Unfortunately, openly expressing himself does not come without some dangers. As not only the economics professor, but the drama production manager, he interacts with plenty of people, not all of them friendly. When a group of students begins to harass him, most of the other staff turns a blind eye...all except one. Hank Parsons is a huge hulk of a man who teaches health classes, sports medicine, and acts as the wrestling coach. He’s just the kind of man Coal normally stays well clear of. When the man keeps popping up at odd times to help him, Coal isn’t certain what to make of the man...until the incident with the mistletoe. Can a little holiday magic help Coal look past the fears from his upbringing?

Release dateDec 25, 2016
Snowballs and Candy Canes

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    Book preview

    Snowballs and Candy Canes - Charlie Richards

    The holidays can be a special time, filled with unexpected magic.

    Coal Roper is a queen and wears it boldly. Unfortunately, openly expressing himself does not come without some dangers. As not only the economics professor, but the drama production manager, he interacts with plenty of people, not all of them friendly. When a group of students begins to harass him, most of the other staff turns a blind eye... all except one. Hank Parsons is a huge hulk of a man who teaches health classes, sports medicine, and acts as the wrestling coach. He’s just the kind of man Coal normally stays well clear of. When the man keeps popping up at odd times to help him, Coal isn’t certain what to make of the man... until the incident with the mistletoe. Can a little holiday magic help Coal look past the fears from his upbringing?

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Snowballs and Candy Canes

    Copyright © 2016 Charlie Richards

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-0960-9

    Cover art by Angela Waters

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Smashwords Edition

    Snowballs and Candy Canes

    Carry Me: Book Six


    Charlie Richards


    Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.

    ~Edna Ferber

    Chapter One

    Coal Roper’s phone trilled. Grimacing, he judged the distance between where he strode through the commons area and the parking lot where his car was. Knowing he wouldn’t make it to his vehicle before the ringing stopped, he set his bag on a nearby stone bench. He placed the garment bag full of the theater company’s costumes on the bench next to his bag.

    Knowing he couldn’t ignore his brother’s ringtone, nor did he want to, Coal pulled his phone out of his pocket. I haven’t forgotten, he claimed into the phone’s earpiece. Grinning, he added, You just can’t help micro-managing, Coach.

    Assistant Coach, Dan automatically corrected, just as he always did. When will you be here?

    Coal pulled his coat tighter around him, wishing he’d taken the time to zip it. A cold snap had descended the day before, covering the area in six inches of snow. The sun had looked so nice and inviting, however, deceptively so.

    I need to drop some costumes off at the dry cleaners, then I’ll stop at the florist and get you an awesome bouquet, Coal promised. What did you want to say to this lady, again?

    Say? Dan responded, sounding confused. What do you mean?

    Scoffing, Coal placed his left hand on his hip, slipping his forefingers into the belt loop of his fiery-orange-colored jeans. Oh, Dan, he scolded. For having been married, you really have no clue.

    Yeah, well, you remember how that turned out.

    At his brother’s gruff words, Coal shook his head again even as he

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