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Amp Phase 3
Amp Phase 3
Amp Phase 3
Ebook317 pages4 hours

Amp Phase 3

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In this third installment of AMP, the Sirius Alien that was birthed, promises world peace and security after deactivating the Vanguard army. Now, after three months wars have ended, world famine is nearly wiped out, and all returns quiet... but things are not as they seem...

When the freedom fighters discover the real plot for humanity, an all-out war ensues in the streets of Seattle. Don’t miss this high-velocity, action-packed techno thriller as Calvin Jones, and his team, confronts the alien threat head on. Will they prevent the alien sphere from destroying Earth and everyone on it? Find out in Phase 3.

There's a storm coming... will mankind weather it?

Release dateJan 9, 2017
Amp Phase 3

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Amp Phase 3 - Brian K. Larson

    Bennie leaned over and shook Calvin, Unc, wake up... it’s almost time.

    The picture appeared on every view screen in the world, interrupting every program on every broadcasting frequency.

    Attention... an authoritative, yet mild voice echoed across the airwaves, Attention all citizens of the planet Earth. By now your Governments have informed you of our presence. I wish to thank your patience as we prepare to reveal ourselves to humanity.

    The fuzzy white noise on the view screen solidified into an image of the Alien Entity. The being spread its arms wide, Please do not be alarmed. We have come in peace. Do not be distressed by our appearance. Though I do appear mostly human, my features, as you can see, the being held their hands and arms in viewing range, We have arms, legs, and a body similar as you. However, our limbs and features on our heads are longer than the Human norm.

    The lighting shimmered on his green skin. His purple lips pursed proudly.

    Calvin leaned forward, rubbing his eyes awake, Oh wow, I’m missing it.

    Trust me, Unc, you’re not missing much just yet.

    Moving close to the view screen, as if to look deep within our souls with its slanted almond eyes, the Alien began speaking once more, Over the past three of your months, we have been incubating our kind with the assistance of the United Territories Government base here in Oak Harbor Washington.

    Ben scoffed, Yeah, I’ll bet.

    Come on, Ben. We’ve not had any issues with these aliens. Give them a shot. They said the programming was in error. They fixed the problem and dismantled the Vanguard army.

    I don’t know, Unc. I still smell a rat somewhere.

    Shhh, listen, now.

    With the gracious help your kind has offered us, we are providing technology to mankind in return. Yes, the imbedded chips are modeled after part of our technology. However, please understand that we will only give your race our technology in stages; too much at once could spell disaster for humanity, a corner of the alien’s mouth pulled up a little, We have reduced world-wide poverty by thirty percent. There have been no violent outbreaks of wars among your species for three months...

    Calvin leaned over to Bennie, He does have a point there. I just read that their forecasting an end to all poverty by the end of the year.

    In exchange for humanities cooperation in integrating among you, we will offer free implants.

    See, Bennie? Xat-Anah is advancing humanity... free chips!

    Limited ability chips, I’m sure, Bennie answered. the next days, weeks, and months to come, we will begin to walk among you. As all of you are aware, humanity does hold certain prejudices.

    How astute, Bennie mused under his breath.

    Shhh, now, Calvin scolded.

    "This has led us to bringing our newly reprogrammed Vanguard back to active status."

    Bennie held his hand to his mouth.

    These Vanguard are now reprogrammed and have been converted to the real Keeper of Freedom Special Forces Officers. SFOs will expand across all of the United Territories for the need of enforcing peace and security. Please do not be afraid, my friends, Xat-Anah encouraged, We offer these SFOs mainly as escorts to protect our kind as we begin to walk among you. Our reprogrammed, Special Forces Officers, will continue to assist the local police force as well as local governmental operations.

    Bennie gave Calvin a shove, You tell me what about the Vanguard? Reactivated, huh... I’ve been tryin’ to warn you, Uncle.

    Xat-Anah does have another valid point, Ben. They face being attacked by those that oppose them being here. I know that’s gotta be a major concern.

    ... some of us are now ready to leave the military complex to integrate with humanity. I once again thank your world and its Governments in assisting our rebirth on this planet. I will continue to inform humanity of our progress on integrating our technologies over the next few weeks. Thank you for your time. We will now return you to your local programming.

    The screen faded into white noise before the station cut into its newscast to report on this historic moment in man’s history.

    Bennie reached over and shut off the view screen, Hey, I wanted to hear their recap.

    Never mind about that, Unc.

    Calvin patted Bennie’s shoulder, Don’t worry, son. It’s gonna be okay. I suggest you take the rest of the day off and go home to Jenny.

    Yeah, Bennie nodded, You’re probably right, Unc; I’m just over reacting. Still, what about Doctor Rhodes being arrested? I thought everyone was given amnesty in lieu of these alien beings being reborn?

    Well, Doctor Rhodes was arrested for murder. His attorney is working on getting him released.

    Yeah, but first degree murder? Come on, we all know it was the Nadine-clone that was behind it. And, how come Doctor Rhodes doesn’t get amnesty?

    It’s all a misunderstanding, I’m sure.

    The camera feeds from the base were pretty incriminating.

    Like I said, Ben, Calvin glanced up from his monitor, It’s being handled.

    Handled by keeping him at a maximum security prison... before he’s even had a trial?

    We all know it’s because of his chip. With his chip, he can invoke an amped charge. That’s why he’s being held inside a jamming dampening field at the Max.

    He shouldn’t be facing any charges, Unc. It’s just not fair!

    Relax, Ben. Remember? Go home to your wife, okay?

    Okay, okay, Unc. Bennie stood and zipped up his jacket in preparation of the bitter twenty’s outside. I’ll see you tomorrow, Unc.

    You got it, my man.

    Bennie walked out of the office area and quickly made his way to the elevator and down to the parking garage.

    He briskly walked through the garage to his car. A flip of his wrist unlocked the door.

    The locks popped up and the door-wing lifted. Before Bennie could climb in, a chloroform-soaked rag covered his nose and mouth.

    Bennie fell limp. A cloaked form carried him to a van and flopped his body in the back. A second climbed into Bennie’s car and closed the door. The black van and Bennie’s sleek silver electric car sped from the parking garage.

    Walla Walla, WA

    Maximum Security Prison

    Dampening field of Rec Area One

    January 5, 2068 16:20

    Doctor Rhodes’ bronze, circuit-covered skin glistened with sweat as he bench-pressed one hundred pounds with each arm. When he switched to begin the ten repetition set, one of the other inmates stepped up to him.

    You’re Rhodes, ain’t ya?

    Rhodes held the weight in mid-air and glared at the man, Depends on who’s askin’.

    You’re a pretty important man these days, Doctor.

    Doctor Rhodes continued holding the weight to his chest and glared at the burly bald man addressing him, I never said I was he whom you seek.

    Well, ain’t ya, or not?

    Again I ask, friend or foe, are you?

    Friend, if you are the Doctor, that is.

    And if I’m not?

    Then I suggest you take cover.


    If you were Doctor Rhodes, you’d know why already.

    So, you’re my escort?

    The inmate extended his hand, Name’s Titus. Titus Booth. My friends call me ‘snaggletooth’.

    Doctor Rhodes set one of the weights down, shook the man’s hand and smiled, Then I’m pleased to meet you, Mister Snaggletooth.

    Hey, the man shot back and pulled his hand from the Doctor’s grip, I never said we was friends just yet!

    Oh, sorry, ah, Titus.

    Now, Doctor, you got a way to ignite your chip?

    I’ve been working on that little problem.

    ...and? the man leaned on his knee with his foot on the workbench.

    ...and, I think I’ve got a work around, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

    Why’s that, Doc?

    I got no escape route. I can get out, but there’s nowhere to go.

    A large explosion echoed against the cement walls of the prison, causing the ground to shake beneath their feet.

    There is now, Doc. I’d suggest you get amped and get us a shield to hide behind!

    Doctor Rhodes quickly nodded, set the weight down and closed his eyes.

    A large Salvage ship descended into the prison compound, its landing skids and entry ramp thudding on the ground.

    Two MECH’s strode out to stand at each side of the ramp. Inside one, a white haired man chomped on what once may have been a cigar.

    A smile grew on Colonel Tucker Petersen’s face as he clenched the short stubby cigar at the corner of his mouth. He drew in the pungent smoke and then blew it into his scrubber, Sassy, you ready over there?

    Yes, Sir, as ready as I’ll ever be.

    Sam, keep this bird ready for our extraction... we’re goin’ in!

    The mechanical walkers clomped down the rear of the ship. Tucker armed his missiles and grew an even bigger smile as he fired two at the cement wall.

    The resulting explosion shook the ground and opened a hole for the MECH to power through.

    The MECH’s railguns sent shots down each corridor, clearing their path to Doctor Rhodes.

    Another rocket blew the wall on the other side of the compound apart, exposing Doctor Rhodes and Titus behind the protection of the shield.

    Tucker sprayed the recreation area with rail-shot. Everyone dove for cover or ran from the rail guns.

    When Doctor Rhodes and Titus were the only ones left, Tucker lifted the lid on his MECH and greeted the Doctor, Hey, Doc, fancy meetin’ you here.

    Rhodes held his shield and looked at the Colonel, We thought you were dead!

    I know, ain’t it great? Tucker smiled.

    Yeah, great, but I think we better be moving.

    Oh, you are so right, Tucker motioned with his mechanical arm, lowered his lid, and swung the machine around. Follow me, Doc.

    Right behind you, Colonel.

    Cassie re-cleared the corridor while Tucker’s MECH led Doctor Rhodes and Titus to the ship.

    Doctor Rhodes and Titus ran up the lowered ramp with Cassie and Tucker firing the final rounds into the prison.

    You were right, Tuck.

    Right about what, Sassy? Getting Rhodes out, or this being some extreme fun? Tucker grinned through his diamond reinforced bubble lid.

    That this was going to be fun, of course, Cassie smiled.

    The two MECH’s plugged into their capsules as the ramp closed.

    Sam, Tucker ordered, Get us out of here!

    You got it, Tuck! Major Samantha Rothschild answered, and then shouted with glee, Skids up in three, two, one!

    She retracted the landing skids and yanked back on the control stick. The ship shot up, disappearing from radar detection.


    Whidbey Island, WA

    Oak Harbor Naval Base and Space Port

    Lower Alien Complex

    January 5, 2068 22:30

    Bennie opened his eyes and tried to move, but found he could not, Hey! What gives? Where am I? he shouted.

    A green-skinned alien hovered over Bennie while pressing various buttons on the control panel, "Just relax, Mister Bennie, you will not be harmed, I assure you. I have injected a paralytic into you, for your safety, of course."

    You’re that alien thing, aren’t you? You came from behind me and took me! You can’t go around kidnapping humans! Release me... NOW!

    I am sorry, Bennie, but that simply isn’t possible.

    What are you gonna do to me? Bennie nervously asked, looking around the dimly lit room the best he could.

    No, I am sorry to disappoint you, Bennie. I was not the one who kidnapped you.

    Then it was one of your cloned henchmen!

    Yes, now you understand, Bennie; our kind hasn’t left the complex as yet. However, that is happening as we speak.

    Whattya talkin’ about? You know, it would go a long way with building trust if you didn’t lie to us.

    Bennie, Xat-Anah calmly interrupted, You do me an injustice, I have not lied to your people, not at all.

    Whattya call kidnapping?

    Not a lie, Bennie. I never said we would not do these things.

    You said you meant us no harm!

    Quite right, Bennie. In fact, I have done everything I have promised we would do. I have provided new technology for humanity. I am ending famine and war worldwide. Merely by showing humanity that others do exist has changed the way your kind think about their place in the universe. No longer isolated from others among the stars, Humanity has advanced because of our presence.

    Strapping us down to these DNA extraction chairs is harmful to us. Maybe not physically, but mentally it sure is... NOW LET ME UP!

    Please, Bennie, relax. I wish to give you something that was taken away by your little band of mercenaries.

    What are you talking about? Bennie spat out of exasperation.

    The shiny green-skinned alien held its spindly arm, and presented a chip before Bennie’s eyes, This is yours, I do believe.

    I already have one, thank you!

    Please Bennie, allow me to finish, it is the proper etiquette according to your kind.

    You’re gonna rip out the one Calvin planted inside of me, aren’t you?

    Yes, Bennie, the alien smiled, and in return, you will receive the very chip your father was injected with.

    My dad? What do you know about my dad?

    It was one of the greatest gifts a father could provide.

    My legs? What?

    This chip, you see, the alien held it in front of Bennie, Maybe you can see it better now?

    What about it? It’s infected with a virus, it doesn’t work anymore... and I hope Calvin’s little virus gave this complex a headache!

    Well, he did try, didn’t he? However, we have adapted to the Calvin Jones virus program. Anyway, this chip, Xat-Anah held the chip up to its slanted-almond eyes, Chip ID 1-5-6-1-1-5. Marvelous isn’t it?

    Why are you doing this?

    Oh, that part is simple, Bennie. This hybrid chip that’s currently inside of you is needed for your clone. The alien shrugged, Otherwise, the others might use the chip’s signature to discover that he isn’t really you.

    Who? Me? You’re going to clone me, aren’t you!

    I must say, Mister Bennie, you are a bright one. However, you should speak in the past tense, not the present.

    You’ve already cloned me! You won’t get away with this! Everyone knows me, you can’t fake that! They’ll all know it’s a clone!

    I am sorry to disappoint you, Bennie. However, we can, and we have.


    There, there, Bennie, the alien patted Bennie’s shoulder, No need to get all worked up over it, so sit back. Relax. Find your Zen while I finalize the extraction programming.

    Bennie’s eyes shut tight as the chip began working its way from Bennie’s skull. Tears escaped from his tightly closed eyes. When he could contain the pain no longer a scream escaped from his throat.

    It’ll all be over in a moment... I am sorry for the discomfort, but you needed to remain awake for this procedure.

    The chip dug its way out through Bennie’s skin, the dripping blood pooling beneath the DNA chair.

    A mechanical arm moved into position, its whirring movements drowned out by the screams of the boy. Finally, the arm closed its pinchers on the exposed chip and pulled it the rest of the way out. Bennie had passed out by the time the arm repositioned itself. Xat-Anah’s spindly fingers plucked the chip from the arm.

    Ahh, Xat-Anah smiled, holding the chip up to the light, Now to install the original. Humans are so fragile, the alien spoke softly, Too bad you couldn’t stay awake for the rest of this, I am growing fond of our conversations. Once the chip has been implanted, your clone will be activated. I better not waste any more time though, as your precious Jenny will be missing you, and I wouldn’t want them to suspect anything is wrong, now would I? the alien broke out in fiendish laughter as he injected the chip into Bennie.


    Seattle, WA

    Bennie and Jen’s Apartment

    25th floor of the Kensington Building

    January 6, 2068 02:30

    I tell you, Calvin, I’m worried about Ben. It’s not like him to not come home... no, he’s not called or anything... ...He always calls if he’s… Jenny’s voice cracked.

    Just then the front door slid open to reveal a smiling Bennie.

    Jenny nearly dropped her data pad, Bennie! He’s here, Uncle. Gotta go. Jenny tossed the data pad on the couch and flew into Bennie’s arms, Where have you been? Oh! You’re in such big trouble!

    The two kissed and then Bennie held her out at arm’s length, It’s okay, Jen. I needed to have some alone time.


    Bennie held his finger to her lips to silence her protest, I know, I know, I should have told you first. But Cal and I, well, we were gettin’ into it over the aliens. I’m sorry, Jen. Do you forgive me?

    Jenny looked into his puppy dog eyes and smiled, I’m just glad you’re alright! With these alien things being released in the city, I’m just glad you’re here now, she kissed him again and pulled him by his hand to the couch, You wanna talk about it?

    I don’t know, Jenny, I’m still trying to get a handle on all these mixed feelings. You know, these aliens saying they want to help humanity, an’ all.

    You don’t really believe that hogwash do ya’?

    Well, Cal does have some good points, Jen.


    The news reports telling us hunger has already been reduced by thirty percent. Then there’s the technology they’re giving us. And they don’t ask for anything in return.

    Wow, I wouldn’t have ever thought you’d be siding with your Uncle. So, you’ve changed your mind about them? Is that what you’re saying, Ben?

    No... Well, not completely. There’s still the reactivated Vanguard.

    I know, right? That can’t be good.

    Uncle Cal had an answer for that too, Jen.


    Xat-Anah said it on the broadcast; they fear our kind will try to kill them. The Vanguard are merely for their protection.

    Yeah, I heard that too. But you’ve been gone for hours, Bennie. Do you even know what’s been happening on the streets of Seattle, or have you been ignoring the data pad alerts?

    Alerts? I turned everything off. Remember? I wanted to be left alone.

    Jenny turned and stretched her hand toward the flat screen. She powered the volume up with her mind, It’s all over the news, Ben. They released five-thousand aliens into the community. They’re here and so are their troops.

    You mean the Vanguard.

    They’re calling them the real keepers... I think they should call ‘em the grim reapers, if ya’ ask me.

    They’re doing it at night so they don’t make a big show of it. If they’re going to integrate into society, they have to do it in small steps.

    "Small steps, huh? I don’t think they should be allowed out of

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