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Triple A Games: Red Dead Redemption - Heavy Rain - Alan Wake -god of War 3 - Modern Warfare 3
Triple A Games: Red Dead Redemption - Heavy Rain - Alan Wake -god of War 3 - Modern Warfare 3
Triple A Games: Red Dead Redemption - Heavy Rain - Alan Wake -god of War 3 - Modern Warfare 3
Ebook422 pages6 hours

Triple A Games: Red Dead Redemption - Heavy Rain - Alan Wake -god of War 3 - Modern Warfare 3

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Cheats Unlimited are the specialists when it comes to video game cheats, tips and walkthrough guides. Fronted by the glamorous and gorgeous Cheatmistress, Cheats Unlimited has helped over five million gamers worldwide over the last 12 years. Through phone lines, fax machines, the Web and WAP sites and now eBooks, we have been there for gamers when they've needed us the most.With EZ Guides we aim to help you through the top games on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, DS and PSP, step by step from beginning to end in an easy and entertaining way. Along the way we'll teach you about the game's top secrets and the best way to unlock that Achievement / Trophy. EZ Guides are written by dedicated gamers who are here to help you through the difficult times in gaming.EZ Guides: Triple A Games covers walkthrough guides for six of the top recent games on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360: Red Dead Redemption, Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, God of War III, Modern Warfare 2 and Fallout 3. Ease your way through these hardcore titles with a lot of help from our detailed and entertaining walkthrough guides.Formats Covered:Xbox 360, Playstation 3

Release dateAug 8, 2012
Triple A Games: Red Dead Redemption - Heavy Rain - Alan Wake -god of War 3 - Modern Warfare 3

The Cheat Mistress

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    Book preview

    Triple A Games - The Cheat Mistress

    Triple A Games

    EZ Guides

    Cheats Unlimited

    ISBN  978-1-907649-34-9

    Copyright © 2010 ICE Games Ltd

    This book is not published, authorised by, endorsed, or associated with in any way with Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo or any of the  game developers and publishers. All images, names and game titles are trademarks of their respective companies.


    Red Dead Redemption (PS3/Xbox 360)

    Alan Wake (Xbox 360)

    Heavy Rain (PS3)

    God of War III (PS3)

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3/Xbox 360)

    Fallout 3 (PS3/Xbox360)

    Red Dead Redemption

    The following guide covers the 57 story missions of the game, as well as the final Stranger mission unlocked by completing them all.

    Introduction: Exodus in America

    After the lengthy opening scene, you’ll be tasked with going to the Saloon. Tutorial controls appear as you move to the yellow dot on your map. Upon arrival, more scenes will play.

    Follow Jake to the horses, and use the button as shown on-screen to mount them. Start riding, and follow Jake on this lengthy ride, practising the horse controls that appear. When you go on rides like this, your colleague will usually have a lot to say, and it pays to listen to them. If you’re having trouble, go into the options on the pause screen and switch on the subtitles from the display menu.

    Following some more scenes, approach Fort Mercer where you’ll dismount. A few more scenes will bring this opening mission to an end. You’ll be rewarded with the That Government Boy achievement / trophy.

    ACT 1

    Bonnie McFarlane: New Friends, Old Problems

    Following more scenes, follow the blue marker to reach Bonnie - she’s off to the north east at her house. Follow her to your horse and get on board (déjà vu already). Follow Bonnie on the horse, looking at the various locations when prompted. Once you’re done looking around the ranch, hitch your horse, and then head into Bonnie’s house for more scenes.

    Afterwards, go get back on the horse again and follow Bonnie to the pesky rabbits. Get off the horse and follow the prompts to target and shoot them. Next, follow Bonnie again and do the same with the Coyotes. When you’re done, you can hitch up your horse once more, following which you’ll be given a spot of information on saving, fame and honour as this mission comes to an end.

    As this point, you’re finally put into free-roam mode. There’s a B on your map that will start your next mission with Bonnie, or you can visit various areas around the ranch, or explore the map.

    Bonnie McFarlane: Obstacles in our Path

    This is a quick race mission, with no actual reward or punishment based upon victory. Follow Bonnie to the start of the race, and then get going. Follow the smoke piles, taking care not to overwork the horse to the point where it throws you off. Once you’ve reached the end of the race, win or lose, you’ll get a few more cut-scenes

    At this point, you should have another Bonnie Mission available, and now you’ll also be able to undertake Marshal Johnson missions too, marked by the big M on your map. However, it’s probably better to do the next Bonnie mission first, as this will take you to the Marshal’s location.

    Bonnie McFarlane: This Is Armadillo, USA

    Get on the wagon, and ride it to Armadillo. Controls are the same as a horse, albeit with some slightly heavier handling. The line on the map shows you the quickest, safest route to your destination, so it’s always best to follow it. In this case it’ll take you Armadillo.

    Go into the Doctor’s office here and buy the free medicine sample, which will remain stored in your satchel for use when you need it, Keep reading the useful info on screen, and then approach Bonnie by the general store for a scene and the end of this mission.

    At some point you’ll want to buy a room in the saloon here, which will cost you $50. This will give you an extra save point.

    Marshal Johnson: Political Realities in Armadillo

    After you’ve met the Marshal and his deputies, follow him to the saloon. When prompted, whistle for your horse, and then go riding with Johnson on the tail of Walton, whose location is marked on your map by a red marker. Keep going until some scenes kick in and you dismount.

    Move to cover as shown, then pop up to target and headshot your first victim. You’ll be given some prompts as to where the enemies are. Take the time to switch targeting to Expert mode and use dead eye to score a headshot for the Gunslinger achievement / trophy.

    When you’ve worked your way to the far end of this area, killing all the enemies, Walton pops out of the building, and you can either kill him or take him alive by shooting him in the legs (use Dead Eye). You’ll get a better rewards for taking targets like Walton alive, though in those instances you’ll generally need to use the lasso (which you won’t have yet) to get them.

    Post mission, you’ll get a brief tutorial about using the basic campfire for quick saving and fast travelling.

    Bonnie McFarlane: Women and Cattle

    A few more scenes will give you a bit more info about Marston, following which you’ll need to get on your horse and follow Bonnie. Who didn’t see that one coming? When you arrive at your destination, get into position where the yellow X marks the spot, and herd the cattle out of the pen. Much like it tells you on screen, going to the right of them steers them left, and going to the left makes them go right.

    Eventually, you’ll come to another herd and the two will merge. A few more controls are explained as you push them on to the next yellow mark, at which point you’ll get a few more scenes, and then the mission will be complete.

    Marshal Johnson: Justice in Pike’s Basin

    After the opening scenes, you’ll go riding with the Marshal and his deputies to Pike’s Basin. Upon arrival at your destination, you’ll dismount from your steed and must run into the canyon. As you move forwards, a few red targets will appear on your radar, so gun them down from cover, being especially careful of the ones up on a higher hill.

    Further on from here, you’ll be given the choice of following the Marshal or going with the deputies. For the sake of this guide, we’re going with the deputies. Move up the path with them, using the rocks as cover. As you take down enemies here, don’t forget to loot the bodies for any extra money and items you can find.

    As the path heads up to the left, continue up here to find more enemies to kill, and then proceed to the yellow dot that appears, and then continue over the bridge. More red dots appear beyond here, continue on up the path, using cover and dead-eye to pick off the enemies you encounter. The deputies will lead you down the path to the next area, and beyond the next batch of enemies, you should see the Marshal across the way from you.

    Keep clearing the area of bad guys, and the Marshal will be able to join with you from across a bridge on your right side. When all is clear, go across the other bridge directly ahead of you. On the other side, wait for all members of your posse to regroup. Start sneaking onwards with the others, until everyone eventually stops behind cover, with enemies up ahead.

    Open fire on the enemies to get the battle started, and then inch your way down the path, picking the bad guys off. The deputies and the Marshal will help you. In the camp area, there are some explosive crates you can shoot for quick kills. When all are clear, the mission is complete.

    Your first mission involving Nigel West Dickens will now be available, shown by the W on your map. There are a few other missions that are worth taking care of first though.

    Bonnie McFarlane: Wild Horses, Tamed Passions

    This mission can only be attempted after 5pm on the in-game clock. Either keep a check on your watch from the pause screen, or wait until the B marker is at its normal size (it’s smaller when the mission cannot be attempted).

    Following the cut-scenes, you’ll finally be given your lasso. Get on your horse (but don’t drink your milk) and then ride after Mr. McFarlane, following the prompt to look at the herd when shown. With the lasso equipped, use the targeting button to take aim at a wild horse, and then fire when you’re close enough. You then need to quickly dismount your horse, then get over to and mount the wild horse.

    When you’re onboard, you need to break the horse by tilting the left stick to keep yourself in the middle. Repeatedly use the stick to stay on centre until eventually the horse rears up and accepts you. Get off the horse now, and then get back on your own horse. Repeat the process to break in a second horse, and then follow Bonnie back to the ranch for a few more cut-scenes.

    Post scenes, continue to follow Bonnie towards the meeting place. Along the way, more allies will join with you. Eventually, you’ll come across a group of horses, which you’ll need to get behind and guide until you reach a yellow marker. After a scene, the Stallion gets away, so chase after it and use the techniques you’ve learned to lasso and break it. Once this has been done, ride the Stallion back to Bonnie to finish the mission.

    Bonnie McFarlane: A Tempest Looms

    As per usual, get on your horse and start riding with Bonnie to the first herd of cows. Bonnie tells you that this bad weather will make it harder for you to hear her, and it also makes the cows more ornery. If any of the cows break off from the rest of the group, they’ll appear as dark blue blips on the radar. You’ll have to approach these cows to coax them back to the others.

    When you reach the yellow marker, the two herds will merge. However, something will spook them and send them running towards the edge of a cliff. You have to boost your speed and ride in front of them to spot them leaping to their doom. If the majority of cows fall, you’ll fail the mission, so try to save as many as you can.

    Once you’ve stopped the stampede, go back to Bonnie and then round up any stragglers left over. Now simply follow behind the cows as you lead them back towards the ranch at the yellow dot. Occasionally you’ll have to nudge more stragglers, but otherwise it’s a basic stroll until the mission ending cut-scenes kick in.

    Nigel West Dickens: Old Swindler Blues

    Getting to the W for Nigel is a pretty long trek, but you’ve got to do it eventually. When you reach him, you’ll find that he’s not in the best of shape. Start riding his wagon back to Armadillo, being a little bit careful with the jolts and jumps, because you need to ensure that Nigel doesn’t die on the way. His health is shown by a blue bar at the top of the screen.

    On two occasions, you’ll be attacked by a couple of members of the Bollard twins’ gang. When they come to you, use dead-eye and quickly shoot them off their horses with headshots. It’s tough to target and shoot effectively when you’re trying to steer a wagon too, which is why you really need to be as efficient as possible with your dead-eye usage here.

    After both waves have been dealt with, carry on riding into Armadillo to complete the mission.

    Marshal Johnson: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit

    This mission is perhaps a little longer than the ones you’ve been used to so far. After the scenes, start riding with the Marshal and his deputies. When you see some vultures flying around, you’ll be asked to go and investigate, so ride to the yellow dot on the radar.

    After a quick scene, rejoin the others and ride on to another group of vultures. Again, a brief scene plays, following which you can ride on to Ridgewood Farm. Upon arrival here, you’ll be asked to check both the shed and the outhouse, though you’ll find that both of them are empty.

    Next, ride to where the Marshal is stood, and then shoot the boards off the barn door when asked for more cut-scenes. Next, run towards the farmhouse, which the bandits will start to emerge from. Use cover as you take them away, though preferably save your dead-eye, as you’ll need it for a more pressing matter shortly.

    When there are only four red dots remaining, you’ll be told to go into the house. Pick off the two in the downstairs back room first of all, and then move cautiously up the stairs. The last two enemies here have hostages, and if you allow either of them to be killed, you’ll be forced back to the last checkpoint.

    Take cover by the open doorway, and activate dead-eye. Lean in and quickly hit a headshot on the bandit in here before he can kill his hostage. Quickly deactivate dead-eye now, and walk to the closed door to the left. Walk through the door and activate dead-eye once again, because the bandit through here has his gun to the head of the hostage. Pick him off with a head-shot as quickly as you can.

    With the building clear, go to the Marshal for more scenes. It’s still not over! The four of you must ride onwards once more, until another cut-scene kicks in. From the covered position you find yourself in afterwards, start picking off as many of Williamson’s thugs on horseback as you can. Those that remain will take cover behind rocks, so time your emergences carefully to finish them off with headshots.

    A second wave rides in afterwards, so follow the same tactics to pick them all off, and then finally this mission will come to an end.

    Bonnie McFarlane: The Burning

    Get on your horse and start following Bonnie until cut-scenes kick in. Her father is safe, but the same can’t be said for the horses here. Head back to the ranch with Bonnie, with her chastising you all the way. As you get closer to the ranch, you’ll discover that the barn is on fire. Ride back to the yellow marker on the map and watch the cut-scenes that ensue.

    Head around to the new yellow marker and start climbing the side of the building here, following the controls shown on screen. Pull up at the top, and then head around to the left to find an opening that lets you into the barn.  Go down the ladders to the bottom floor and press the button as shown to remove the fork that’s keeping the door blocked.  Approach a couple of horses here and press the correct button to smack their backsides and get them moving, then mount the third one and it out of the barn.

    Ride around to the corral, shown by the yellow marker, and then go find Bonnie for some level ending cut-scenes.

    Nigel West Dickens: You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except For Profit

    Visit Nigel in Armadillo between 5am and 10pm to launch this mission. Nigel wants you to be his shill, and his chauffeur too, it would seem. Get on the wagon and start riding it towards Ridgewood Farm. When you get to the yellow marker just outside here, you’ll be dropped off and must walk the rest of the way. Once on the farm, go to the yellow marker to start the show.

    Following the scenes, use dead-eye to shoot the flashing skull in the distance. Do the same to shoot Aquila’s hat out of the air after he challenges your ability. Next, you’ll enter into hand to hand combat with him. Again, take note of the controls on the screen and punch him out.

    Finally, he’ll attempt to go for his gun, so activate dead-eye and quickly shoot it out of his hands. One last scene will bring this mission to an end.

    There will be a letter S on the map now, over by Coots Chapel, signalling that the Seth mission strand has now opened up.

    Marshal Johnson: Hanging Bonnie McFarlane

    Don’t let the mission title worry you, as this isn’t the Marshal’s plan. In fact, it transpires that Bonnie’s been kidnapped, with a gang demanding the release of Norman Deek in return for her. Get on your horse and ride with the Marshal and his deputies to Tumbleweed.

    Upon arrival here, start leading Deek into the town until some of the bandits approach. Unsurprisingly, there’s a double cross planned here, so get to cover and start opening fire on these guys.

    You need to make it over to Bonnie before she meets a grisly end at the hands of the hangman’s noose. Move slowly forwards, picking off the enemies from cover. Don’t worry too much if the Marshal lags behind, even if it tells you to go back to him. Just remain in a safe place and keep shooting down the enemies, using dead-eye to allow for easier kills.

    Once you’re able to get to Bonnie without being shot to ribbons, approach her and watch the cut-scenes that play, in order to reach the end of this mission.

    Seth: Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies

    You’ll find Seth at Coots Chapel, outside Armadillo. This curious fellow is accusing his former partner, Moses Forth, of stealing his map. Ride over to Benedict Point, where Forth is currently incarcerated. After the cut-scenes here, mount one of the deputies’ horses and start riding it away from here.

    You’ll be given a wanted level, with a big red circle to escape from in order to lose the attentions of the deputies. It’s exactly like GTA, in that getting out of and staying out of the circle will cause you to lose your wanted level. However, any bounty accrued for a crime remains even after your wanted level goes. You can clear your bounty at telegraph stations.

    After losing your wanted level, go back to Seth at the blue marker and watch more scenes that kick in. Afterwards, chase after Moses and grab him with your lasso, before hogtieing him. Take him back to Seth once he’s caught and drop him on the ground. Seth’s threats lead to Moses spilling the beans regarding the map location.

    As reward for your help, Seth will give you a pardon letter which you can lose to clear your bounty level for free. You can use this if you want, but given that your bounty should only be about $20 at this time, it’s probably better to just pay the fine and keep the letter for another time, such as going for the Friends in High Places trophy / achievement. Either way, once the bounty is cleared, the mission is complete.

    Nigel West Dickens: Liars, Cheats and Other Proud Americans

    You’ll find Nigel at Ridgewood Farm, where he explains his need for money. Get on board his wagon and allow him to drive you to Gaptooth Ridge. You can skip the trip entirely, or sit back and listen to what he has to say.

    Upon arrival at your destination, go get into the driving seat of the wagon on the racing grid and wait for the countdown. Your aim is to win the race, so make expert use of your horse’s stamina in order to bolt past the other riders. The radar will show you the various different checkpoints that you have to pass, and you should find that your horse far outclasses the rest of the field, allowing for an easy victory.

    When you’ve earned victory, get back on Nigel’s wagon and let him ride you out of here, listening to what he has to say. Upon reaching your destination, the mission will be complete.

    The Irish mission strand will now become available for you to access.

    Seth: A Gentle Drive with Friends

    Seth’s back at the chapel again, doing more weird stuff with dead bodies. When the scenes end, get onboard his wagon and start driving it towards Tumbleweed, following the yellow line on the radar.

    As you ride along, multiple waves of rednecks will approach and attack you. Whenever they get close, activate dead-eye and quickly shoot them down before you lose control of the wagon. You should find that these about three waves of enemies to face along the way, generally consisting of no more than two or three enemies. Upon arrival at Tumbleweed, the mission will be complete.

    Seth: Let The Dead Bury Their Dead

    The starting point for this mission is pretty much exactly where the last mission ended, so you might as well get started with it immediately. Following the cut-scenes, you need to head over to the Mansion in Tumbleweed, which you may remember if you’ve already completed the gang hideout side mission here.

    The town in filled with rival treasure hunters, so the route to the Mansion will not be an easy one. Use cover as you work your way forward, picking off several waves of bad guys. When you eventually get to the mansion, you’ll find that the front door is locked, so head around to the back via the left side and locate the door to the basement.

    Head down into the basement and watch out for another couple of enemies down here. Now you’re inside, work your way up to the top floor, being wary of further enemies and using dead-eye to pick them off before they can bother you. Once all is clear and you’re up on the top floor, you can approach the treasure chest (indicated by the green marker). Seth is naturally less than thrilled by what’s inside, but nevertheless, the mission is complete.

    Irish: A Frenchman, A Welshman and an Irishman

    Two out of the three mentioned in the title won’t last long. Straight after the cut-scenes, activate dead-eye and pick off the Welshman and Frenchman with headshots. With Irish safe, you can get on your horse and start riding alongside him.

    At the next destination, move down the slope and shoot out the guys by the camp fire. Move carefully forward, picking off all the red dots on the radar. When you arrive at the cabin, which shouldn’t take long at all, be wary of one last enemy that emerges from within. Shoot him down, and then go inside to discover that the gun Irish promised you isn’t here at all. For that matter, neither is Irish. Ah well, mission complete.

    Nigel West Dickens: Can A Swindler Change His Spots?

    Nigel wants another shill job done in Plainview. Mingle with the crowd as shown by the yellow marker, and then watch on. Things don’t go to plan here though, as a couple of guys from Cholla Springs show up to expose Nigel and his tonics. Target the four horseback riders here and shoot them with dead-eye, then get on the wagon so Nigel can drive you out of here.

    The lack of an option to skip this trip suggests you’re not out of the woods yet. Soon enough, several waves of enemies will try to approach you from behind and shoot you down. Keep looking behind the wagon and shoot down any tailing riders as quickly as possible. Using dead-eye will make this easy enough, but occasionally this will run out, leaving you to rely on your own shooting skills.

    Keep an eye on the radar, as there will be an attempt to block the road ahead of you at one point. When this happens, target the TNT in the middle of the blockade and shoot this to clear a path. Beyond here, keep attacking the targets, including wagons that feature two riders trying to kill you. Eventually, you’ll make it to Cueva Seca, where the mission reaches its end.

    Nigel West Dickens: The Sport of Kings, and Liars

    This becomes available from where the previous mission finished, so it may be a good idea to start it straight away now. However, if you have a particularly slow horse, or don’t have any horse pills in your possession, it’s perhaps worth heading back to Armadillo first and stocking up on goodies.

    A trail on the radar will lead you to Rathskeller Fork. You can either ride off there at your own speed, or travel alongside Nigel to hear what he has to say along the way.

    Upon arrival at the Fork, you’ll have to enter a race, much like you did earlier. This time, however, it’s a standard horse race rather than a wagon race. Your one and only goal is to win, but you should be warned that this is a very difficult race. Unless, of course, you bought the limited edition version of the game and have the War Horse, in which case it probably won’t be so tough.

    Balance your stamina as best you can, taking it down to the red and then holding the button for a few seconds until it turns blue again. If you allow the bar to fill up for too long though, it’s highly likely that you will allow your opponents to catch up and overtake.

    Try to keep pace with the front runners for as long as you can, and then be ready to use a horse pill towards the end of the race. Horse pills give your ride unlimited stamina for a temporary period, allowing you to mash the stamina button as much as you like without the bar emptying out. Naturally, if you have a few of these, you can use them throughout the race to give yourself a better chance of getting ahead of the competition.

    It may take you a few retries (and if it does, any pills that you used during the race will be restored when you retry), but once you eventually win the race, the mission will be complete.

    Irish: Man Is Born Unto Trouble

    Having caught up with Irish, now you’re once again going looking for a machine gun. As usual, you need to ride your horse alongside Irish until you reach your destination near the mine. After a few scenes, proceed down the slope and kill the first pair of enemies on horseback.

    Head towards the mine entrance, indicated by the yellow maker. There are several enemies around here though, so you’ll have to take care and use cover while you pick off all of the red dots. Once all is clear, continue through the entrance.

    Start working the shaft, sorry, working your way down the shaft, taking down enemies as you go. Move slowly so as not to get caught out as you round a corner. A combination of dead-eye headshots and blasting TNT crates should ensure that you make it down to the bottom without much worry. Once here and all enemies are gone, inspect the mine cart as instructed.

    Start pushing the cart back the way you came (as the other route leads to a dead-end). When you reach your destination, scenes will show Irish lifting the gun back up to ground level. Once you’re back outside, start pushing the cart down to the bottom of the hill. Push it in the direction that you can see the red dots indicating enemies, because the other route is another dead end.

    Use dead-eye to shoot the enemies along the hill, and make sure you blast the TNT crate that they leave waiting for you at the bottom before it can do you considerable damage. Once this has been done, just keep on pushing the cart until you get the mission ending cut-scenes.

    Irish: On Shaky’s Ground

    This mission takes place in Thieves Landing. Be careful here, as with this being the Mos Eisley of the Red Dead universe, you might find yourself coming under attack the second you walk in. Ultimately, it’s probably best to purchase the room at Jolly Jack’s here for $100. That way, if you do die, you won’t have to trek all the way back here to get to the mission start.

    When you find Irish, you’ll stop him holding up a pair of Nuns, and then together you’ll walk to the warehouse at the other end of Thieves Landing, where his buddy Shaky is supposedly on hand to help out.

    After failing to get into the warehouse, you’ll move to the back entrance, where you’ll discover that Shaky has run into a spot of trouble with some bandits. Head down the starts to the yellow marker and climb up a pair of ladders to the roof. Crouch down and sneak around to the open window to get inside.

    You’ll sneak up behind one bandit, so shoot him from behind. Afterwards, move into the room where Shaky is being held and use dead-eye to pick off the other three enemies in here. Shaky will be set loose, but the danger isn’t over yet.

    More enemies will show up in the warehouse, so pick them off from cover as you work your way downstairs. When all is clear, approach the door and open it. More enemies are located outside, but thankfully there are plenty of crates that will keep you covered. Again, pop out occasionally and use dead-eye to down these villains, while you slowly push forwards with Shaky.

    Eventually, you’ll make it to the far side of this area. Shoot down the last of the bandits, and then approach the machine gun ammo they were protecting. More cut-scenes will play, after which you’ll be riding on the wagon with Irish again. Much like before with Nigel, you’ll be chased by several waves of bandits, so be ready to pick them off as they come, using dead-eye where necessary. Most will come from behind, save for one on a bridge above you. Keep killing until you get to your destination, where the mission will be complete.

    Marshal Johnson: The Assault on Fort Mercer

    Find the Marshal outside Fort Mercer

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