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My Purr-fect Alphas
My Purr-fect Alphas
My Purr-fect Alphas
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My Purr-fect Alphas

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Caged in a laboratory with two very sexy men, will Beth escape or fall prey to the insatiable shifters?

Dr. Elizabeth Clark’s life turns upside down when the Druiks kidnap her, and take her to Druik Void, located in a future realm. Caged like an animal in a laboratory filled with humanoid specimens from other dimensions, she endures experimental surgery. Zandor and Thryll, two very sexy shape-shifters trapped with her, persuaded her to escape with them.

Will Beth survive the frantic journey to safety? Or will she fall prey to the insatiable shifters?

Release dateJan 4, 2017
My Purr-fect Alphas

H.C. Brown

H.C. Brown is a multi-published, multi-genre, bestselling, award-winning author.In 2016, she was delighted to be named Luminosity Publishing’s Bestselling Author of 2015.In 2015, she was delighted to be named Luminosity Publishing’s Bestselling Author of 2014.In 2015, Highlander in the Mist was placed 3rd in Historical and Rock ‘n’ Leather was placed 3rd GLBT in the Easychair Bookshop Competition.In 2015, Highlander in The Mist was nominated in The Romance Reviews 2015 Readers’ Awards.In 2011, she was delighted to receive nominations in three categories in the 2011 CAPA Awards: Favorite Author, Best GLBT Romance, and Best Science Fiction Romance.She was nominated for Best Historical M/M in the 2013, Goodreads Book of Year Awards.H.C writes about strong alpha male heroes and girl next door heroines in complex settings, and all her stories have happy endings.H.C. welcomes feedback from her readers.

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    My Purr-fect Alphas - H.C. Brown


    Pride Brothers 2

    H.C. Brown

    Caged in a laboratory with two very sexy men, will Beth escape or fall prey to the insatiable shifters?

    Dr. Elizabeth Clark’s life turns upside down when the Druiks kidnap her, and take her to Druik Void, located in a future realm. Caged like an animal in a laboratory filled with humanoid specimens from other dimensions, she endures experimental surgery. Zandor and Thryll, two very sexy shape-shifters trapped with her, persuaded her to escape with them.

    Will Beth survive the frantic journey to safety? Or will she fall prey to the insatiable shifters?


    Pride Brothers 2

    H.C. Brown




    Copyright © October 2014 H.C. Brown

    ISBN: 978-1-910397-26-8

    Cover Art by Poppy Designs


    No part of this literary work may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.




    Excerpt from THE GREAT BOOK OF THE PRIDES – personal entry by King Blaise of Knight Watch, Eighth King of Dryad.

    First Treaty of Trust

    My reign as Eighth King of Dryad began the day my dear father was murdered at the hand of Passiot, a demon lord from the Underworld. It is true that demons continue in our realms; the Bratach remain in Lyoness, but these demons are under the control of the witch, Morfran, and cause the Prides little concern. My mate, Daii, the Spell Weaver, delivered me a son, Ryees. He will bring pure magyck to the lands of the Five Gates. In him, the Lady combined all that is good in both Fae and Pride. To represent us all, his eyes, deep pools of opalescence, are glittering swirls of violet, green, blue, and silver. His birth and the recognition of his greatness by the good King Nox of the Faerie brought about the first Treaty of Trust. From this day forth, both Faerie and Pride will fight as one for peace.

    Chapter One

    "You cannot do this to me. You do not understand. I must morph. I have two souls inside me and it is imperative you allow my cat to materialize or it will claw its way out."

    A deep, desperate, voice bellowed behind her. Heavy from drugs, Beth winced at the loud noise and rolling onto her side, forced her eyelids to open. Through tiny slits, she caught a glimpse of her surroundings, but the overhead light blinded her and she shut her eyes tightly to stop the room from spinning.

    Slow deep breaths, Beth. The bastards have overdosed me. Damn it, I need to walk this off. The room still shifted, forcing her to roll into a ball and clutch her stomach. Oh, God, please let the nausea stop. Neon lights above dissolved into a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors. Cold from the tiled floor seeped into her body. She tried to lift her head, but her stomach rolled again, sending the acrid taste of bile up the back of her throat. No, lie still.

    Bright colors sharpened and formed a metallic web into a cruel silver cage around her. She swum in and out of consciousness, glad the cold floor beneath her was not an operating table. Thank God, I’m back in the laboratory. What have they done to me this time?

    Aluminum-topped benches swam into view, rising like silver sentries along the walls. She shielded her eyes from the bright strip lighting and her attention drifted toward a procession of masked men dressed in starched lab coats moving by as if unaware of her presence. How strange to be no more than a lab rat. She recognized this hell for what it was and recalled in vivid detail her years of experimental work on live specimens at the Research Institute. I was never cruel but perhaps this is God’s justice? The normal low hum from the technicians and their equipment had escalated into a piercingly indistinguishable madness. She pressed her hands to her ears to muffle the relentless noise. What did they want from her? Why was she here?

    Why have I stopped fighting? I’ve become as complacent with my capture as a lazy lab rat. She clamped a hand over her mouth and retched violently, the rank smell of the unwashed so vile that vomit spilled into her mouth. The concentrated scents from the other inmates burned her ultra-sensitive nostrils.

    The rows of silver cages beside her, contained specimens of a diverse humanoids. Some sported fascinating brilliant white fangs like vampires, while others had horns of different shapes and sizes. In the cage to her left huddled a beautiful pale-faced girl with black gossamer wings and to her right, the owner of the persistent, loud, angry male voice.

    Dear God, what have they done to me? She had vague memories of the surgery and reached for the dull pain in her shoulder. Slowly, anxiously, she prodded the tender area. Sweat coated her face. Her shaking fingers located a small, painful scar with no stitches, and a wax-like surface. They’ve closed the wound with a laser. She pushed against the cold floor, desperately fighting the drug haze. After a few attempts, she managed to raise herself and slump against the bars.

    The doctor moved toward her cage and she lifted her head to gaze at him. A snort escaped her lips, she wanted to spit in his arrogant face. Her ears rang with the incessant noise, but her sight had an unexpected clarity. His burnt-umber eyes glared down at her over a white paper mask.

    Her tormentor.

    Previously, the human doctor had spoken in an unfamiliar language but now, she understood every excruciatingly loud word he uttered. A sudden flare of anger rushed through her. Why on earth had he continued to babble streams of unintelligible gibberish to her when he spoke English?

    You are our choice as a sample of your race. It would be better if you relax and accept your fate. There is no escape from the Druik Void. The doctor directed his attention to the loud, angry male on her right. You should take note of that information too, cat.

    You would do well not to displease me, Druik scum. Release my cat or I will escape this cage and tear out your neck.

    Beth flinched at the harshness of his tone and backed away.

    Back down, cat, or I will arrange another taste of the prod. You are nothing here. I will keep you for as long as it pleases me and do to you as I wish. You will soon learn to comply—they all do. Your circumstances would improve considerably if you would agree to my wishes.

    The cage bars shook violently.

    Never. I will tear apart any female you place with me. Do you think that I possess compassion, Pic? You will die slowly when my brothers arrive, and arrive they will.

    The doctor, Pic, leaned toward the cage and grinned. Only a fool would pit the hapless troops of a mythical goddess against the Druik’s weaponry. I know what you are, cat. I will enjoy watching your training. Soon you will kneel before me and do my bidding.

    Beth turned to view the new inmate, his cage only an arm span away. He stood naked, his back rippling with fury, and shook the cage, his massively muscled arms bulging. The laboratory fell silent as if a great storm raged. All faces turned toward the creature and cowered. His anger thundered so violently, Beth expected lightning to shoot from his fingertips at any moment.

    As the doctor turned and walked from view a slow, deep growl, sent shivers down her spine. She gripped the bars, her attention fixed on her fellow prisoner’s awesome beauty. Sweat flowed in rivulets between rock-hard muscles bunched across broad shoulders. She licked her lips mesmerized by a single droplet’s hypnotic trail wetting a tantalizing path down his spine to disappear between the cleft in his impressively muscled ass. His long legs quivered and with every delectable movement, taut muscle slid delightfully beneath skin the color of warm honey.

    His hair hung in a long, shaggy mane and appeared to glow in every shade of amber. The russet, fire, and sunburst streaks danced like flames in the overhead lights. He turned aggressively to follow the retreating back of his captor and her stomach twisted. His profile resembled a Michelangelo statue, chiseled yet darkly angelic. The lights in the laboratory dimmed, followed by the now-familiar whoosh of the food dispensers. Once again, he shook the cage violently.

    You have been warned, Pic.

    She pressed her cheek against the cold bars and groaned. Dear God, that cage won’t hold him. He’s going to break out of there and kill us all.

    As if he read her thoughts, his attention shifted to her. His wild, amber gaze slid over her without compassion. His lips drew back, and he hissed displaying long, white fangs. She recoiled at his cat-like teeth and trembled at the uncontrollable rage reflected in eyes dancing with streaks of liquid fire. His nose wrinkled and he growled in frustration before lowering his voice to a murmur, but she caught every word.

    What is this place?

    In fear for her life, she backed away until cold bars dug into her back. This man was dangerous with a capital D. She stared at him in disbelief, her eyes opening so wide they hurt while her mouth seemed incapable of forming a reply.

    He dropped his head, defeated, and took a deep, shuddering breath. Hair streaked with molten gold cascaded over his shoulders and covered his face, sticking in wet strands to his cheeks.

    Do not fear me. My anger is for those who hold us against our will. A purr rumbled from deep in his chest and he slowly raised his head. His soft, sensuous voice fell over her like a warm hug.

    She met his gaze no longer afraid. I don’t really know where we are, but it’s obvious they’re not letting us out any time soon. I believe we’re a collection of different species for an experiment of sorts.

    There are many enemies here, Human. His gaze drifted around the room and he sniffed as if tasting the air. Would seem we have only one other to our alliance. He indicated with his chin toward a girl with wings in a nearby cage. Mayhap the Fae female and us. The others, by the stink clinging to their bodies, are Rams of one herd or another. Have you seen any other Pride brothers?

    Pride brothers?

    Other males that look like me. He rolled his eyes as if she should recognize the name.


    Wonderful. He turned and sank to the floor in one fluid movement. He crossed his long legs, straightened his spine, and faced her. Large hands with long, strong fingers rested on his knees.

    Beth watched him in fascination her attention fixated on the massive cock nestling between his legs. Jesus, I need to get a grip, I’m a doctor, not a nymphomaniac.

    Human. He tapped on the bars to get her attention.

    Heat crept into her cheeks and she slowly lifted her gaze to look at his delectably sinful face.

    You have not seen a Pride male before, have you? He raised one perfect brow and sighed then his eyes slowly changed color from molten amber to pools of amethyst velvet.

    Beth blinked in disbelief. "No, I haven’t seen anything like you in my life."

    I see. He gazed at her from under the shade of sienna lashes for some moments as if assessing which way to proceed. You appear to have lost your spirit, Human. What have these beasts done to you?

    Sighing, she rested her head against the cage.

    I think I’ve given up trying to fight. What’s the point; we can’t escape, can we? As to your second question, I’m not sure what they’ve done to me. I think they’ve enhanced my hearing, sight and smell. I know they’ve performed other procedures, but I haven’t noticed any other physical changes. Have they changed you as well?

    Aye, I believe they have. They want my child seed to blend with these animals. He angrily waved his hand in the direction of the Rams. I will not comply with their demands. Nor am I afraid of them, and they know it would be extremely difficult to kill me. His throat vibrated in a low growl and his massive hands balled into fists.

    His sudden change of demeanor frightened her and she used her best bedside manner to calm him. Where are you from?

    Dryad. It is within the Five Gates. I assume that you are from the realm of Scotland?

    No, I’m Australian.

    I know not of that realm. I only know of the portal in Scotland. Over the years, many humans have stumbled mistakenly into our realms from there. They make passage through the Morfran Stones. I assumed that you were one of those, all of whom know of the Prides. You would notice my Pride brothers as we are like humans only bigger, and we have the teeth of a cat. He dropped his voice, speaking to her as if she were a small child. I am not human. I am Arious Pride. The Prides are families, and we are all both man and cat. I am Zandor of Knight Watch. He inclined his head as if making a formal introduction.

    Beth wet her lips. His eyes were hypnotic, and the strong, musky scent pouring from his naked body made her nipples ache. His sweat must contain an aphrodisiac. She drew a breath, rolling it over her taste buds to savor his scent. His intense gaze wandered boldly across her body igniting every sexual nerve ending. Breathe. Her cheeks burned and she pulled down the hem of the hospital gown in an attempt to cover her bare ass. The short smock hardly covered her nakedness and gaped open at the back. Drawing a deep breath, she smiled at him. That’s better keep talking, calm him down.

    I’m Beth. Doctor Elizabeth Clark.

    How long have you been here, Beth, and how did they capture you?

    I think I’ve been here for ten days. They kidnapped me on my way home from work, bundled me into a car and drugged me. I awoke here and thought aliens had abducted me.

    "I am not familiar with the term car or from which realm aliens come from, Beth. He frowned. There is nothing of either name in my realm. He met her gaze and a small smile curled his lips. My story is similar, although I have an excuse for my capture. I had been drinking for two days. He grinned wolfishly. I did not even smell the scum until they threw a net over me the moment I stepped from the tavern. They forced me into a strange looking wagon and it traveled as fast as the wind, but I was not too drunk to realize Druiks had taken me—they smell like death."

    You knew about these people?

    Yes, but I had no idea they took prisoners for breeding. He grimaced. Our kind usually keep well clear of this realm.

    The others held in this laboratory are strange too, but I assumed the Druiks are human, aren’t they? This is the only place they’ve held me, and I haven’t seen any others like you.

    Human? No. Mayhap they appear so to you. In truth, their females have three breasts and are masculine in manner. Methinks, if they had their way, the males would bear their spawn. And spawn they are, as they bear four to six at one birthing.

    You must be joking.

    No, unfortunately I do not jest. Zandor shook his head. Doctor is a human term for healer, is it not? Why do they torment us, Beth?

    His eyes had changed, softer now and his gaze moved to the purple scar on her neck. She instinctively lifted her hand to touch it. He turned his head to reveal a similar lump on his shoulder.

    Beth shrugged. Yes, I’m a healer and I have no idea what they want with me. At first, I thought they wanted me for my government’s secrets. I work in a lab much like this one. I couldn’t understand a word they said, so I tried to remain calm and silent. I didn’t know what else to do. You heard what the doctor said… The reason why we’re prisoners. We’re the gene pool for a master race.

    Gene pool? You speak in riddles. Why did they insert a device in me to prevent my morphing? They do not understand my cat is part of me? His eyes lost their softness and again blazed with amber fire.

    The human female’s eyes had widened to deep pools of cobalt blue. Zandor examined her closely. She obviously has trouble grasping reality. No surprise really, seeing the pigs had only returned her unconscious less than an hour ago. His lips curled up at the corners with the memory of crouching to view her lying so still on the cold floor. What a delightful female. Not skinny but pleasantly rounded with long, sun-kissed legs, small feet, and painted toes. The white gown covering little of her bounty had fallen open to display a softly rounded bottom and delectable bare pussy. The urge to reach through the bars, lift the material, and examine her hopefully full breasts had nearly overwhelmed him. He had ground his teeth to force down his frustration.

    Relief had surged through him when she awoke.

    Her frightened, almond-shaped eyes, the color of a summer sky, now looked up at him full of questions. His gaze followed the fall of midnight hair framing her face and tumbling down her back in a silk shawl hugging her bottom. Beth was not a breathtaking beauty but a very pleasing female indeed. Her flushed cheeks and full sensuous lips enticed, and she would be a joy to kiss. It only took my glamour and a few words to gain her trust, foolish female. Glad of the bars between them, he sighed. Gods, look at her, so soft, so human, oblivious to the danger of being this close to me. In his aggravated state, he could easily rape and kill her. She knows nothing of the unique sexual power I can and will wield over her.

    He smiled, certain in the knowledge his scent had already intoxicated her. Her eyes smoldered and her body displayed all the signs of feminine arousal. Yes, look at her reacting as any human female would to a Pride male. If we were not prisoners, I would train her gently to submit willingly to my every fantasy. He bit the inside of his cheek in an attempt to calm his swelling cock. They were prisoners and these thoughts must wait. He must free his cat or they had little chance of escape.

    Her gaze still rested on his erection. He watched the wet trail of her pink tongue across her bottom lip. Inhaling, he caught the rich fragrance of her desire and stifled a groan. Her unique scent enticed, tormented, and flew to his groin in a throbbing stab. Lady’s blood, madness has descended upon me. He dragged his gaze away from the delectably hard, peaked nipples straining the fabric covering her breasts and regarded her flushed face.

    I believe they’ve already made improvements to our bodies. They want to change us so we produce a super race of children. She shifted slightly, revealing a long expanse of golden thigh. I can’t believe I’m asking this question. Zandor, but what exactly do you mean by morphing? Do I understand you’re a shape-shifter?

    He smiled at her discomfort.

    Aye, Beth, I told you. Pride males are man and cat. The Druik placed a device under my skin to prevent morphing, my ability to shift into a cat. I heard them speak while they prepared to insert it. They do not know of my ability to hear an ant in a nest, a hundred paces away. I believe we have all received a language chip, but I am not familiar with this term. I did not understand their language at first, but now I do. It is a strange magyck they weave.

    What do you know about these Druiks? If they use language chips, devices to allow us to understand their language, they’ve very advanced technology.

    Yes, this topic will cool my desire, clever female. He shook his head in an effort to clear his carnal thoughts before continuing.

    All these prisoners are from realms making up a very small portion of the whole reality. In fact, the dimensions split into millions of realms. Scotland, for instance, and all the lands controlled by humans are but one realm. Each has its own time and degree of knowledge, or technology, as you call it. This, the realm of Druik Void, is one of the most advanced and one of the most despised. My realm and those of the Rams and the Fae do not seek advanced technology as we have magyck.

    Magyck? said Beth and twisted the end of the white hospital robe around her fingers nervously, her gaze intense.

    Aye, but the Prides are limited in ability, some more than others, but all have the necessities of life: fire, light. Indeed, methinks our ability to morph is the greatest magyck of all. Look at her, she trembles under my gaze. I must win her trust if I have any hope of securing her help.

    So how do we escape? How can I get back to my home?

    Beth stared at him mesmerized. He pushed the silken hair from his remarkable face and rubbed the lump on his neck.

    Would you be able to remove this device? With my cat’s help we could escape this prison. He lifted his smoldering gaze to her face.

    She nodded. Yes, if I had a sharp knife, it wouldn’t be a problem.

    "Then we will need to be alone. I assume we are in

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