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Milton's Ultimate Hero
Milton's Ultimate Hero
Milton's Ultimate Hero
Ebook80 pages55 minutes

Milton's Ultimate Hero

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Sequel toMilton’s Hero.

Things are looking up for comic book geek Milton Katz. He has a couple of good friends in JJ and Maggie. They’ve introduced him to Steve, a guy Milton hopes might turn out to be more than a friend.

Milton is thrilled when Steve invites him to go to Comic-Con. But the next morning at school Steve just walks on by when a couple of jocks try to stuff Milton into his locker.

Steve Morrison doesn’t know how to balance being gay and a baseball jock. His indecision may have just cost him Milton’s friendship. Steve knows Milton has a thing for comic book superheroes, so after being urged by Maggie to apologize, he rents aSupermancostume and goes to visit Milton to beg for a second chance.

Can Milton trust Steve not to hurt him again? Does Steve have the guts to be Milton’s friend in public as well as in private? Or will it take a genuine superhero?
Release dateSep 29, 2012
Milton's Ultimate Hero

Drew Hunt

Having read all the decent free fiction on the net Drew could find, he set out to try his hand at writing something himself. Fed up reading about characters who were super-wealthy, impossibly handsome, and incredibly well-endowed, Drew determined to make his characters real and believable.Drew lives a quiet life in the north of England with his cat. Someday he hopes to meet the kind of man he writes about. Readers can contact him at

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    Milton's Ultimate Hero - Drew Hunt

    Milton’s Ultimate Hero

    By Drew Hunt

    Published by Queerteen Press

    Visit for more information.

    Copyright 2012 Drew Hunt

    ISBN 9781611523812

    Cover Photo Credit: Silent47 |

    Used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

    Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

    All Rights Reserved

    WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published in the United States of America. Queerteen Press is an imprint of JMS Books LLC.

    * * * *

    Milton’s Ultimate Hero

    By Drew Hunt

    Hey, Milton, wait up! JJ Brockwell called out.

    Milton paused, the sea of milling students in the main hallway of Empire Preparatory flowing around him.

    Given the morning he’d just had, Milton wasn’t interested in talking to anyone, even his hero, so he began walking again. He might just have time to finish the last few questions of his French homework if the homeroom was quiet enough. Okay, the work wasn’t due to be handed in until the end of the week, but he might as well do it sooner rather than later; it wasn’t as if he had a large circle of friends to distract him. Heck, he hardly had any friends at all.

    Milton! JJ called out again, sounding closer.

    Milton stopped walking, but didn’t turn around. If JJ wanted to speak with him, he could come to him. At that moment Milton didn’t care much about meeting anyone halfway.

    You gone deaf or something? JJ asked when he’d caught up.

    I can hear you just fine, Milton said quietly, talking to JJ’s shoes, which were polished to a high gloss, as always.

    What the hell’s wrong with you?

    Milton didn’t answer.

    Did something happen at the comic book convention thing yesterday?

    Milton had gone to Javits Center the previous day with Steve, a friend of JJ’s. The guy was into Superman and Batman comics, whereas Milton preferred X-Men. But despite that difference, they’d had a great time visiting the booths and talking with the vendors as well as the other attendees.

    The Comic-Con was good, thanks. Milton shrugged and started walking again.

    What the f… JJ put a hand on Milton’s shoulder and turned him around. Talk to me.

     It’s nothing, Milton said, still addressing JJ’s shoes. I’m nothing.


    Milton wished he hadn’t added that last, because he knew his friend wouldn’t let something like that pass without comment.

    You ain’t nothing. JJ rested large, strong hands on Milton’s narrow and sloping shoulders, giving him a slight shake. What’s got you on such a downer? I thought you’d be pumped, what with spending the day with Steve all of yesterday and…everything.

    JJ and his girlfriend, Maggie, had tried to play matchmaker, almost pushing Steve onto Milton. In a way Milton had felt sorry for Steve, but the guy had been pretty sweet about it all, once he’d realized Milton wasn’t about to jump his bones and suck his face. Although, Milton had to admit, Steve had a really nice face, one he’d love to taste.

    It hadn’t hurt that Steve had put on the Clark Kent costume he’d worn at Halloween—suit pants, white unbuttoned shirt over a Superman tee, and a sexy-as-shit curl over his forehead. Yeah, Milton had so wanted to climb the guy’s broad chest and lay a big wet kiss on those wonderfully strong, firm-looking lips and…

    Earth to Milton.

    Uh, yesterday was good. It had been better than good.

    So why are you moping around the halls looking like someone’s just kicked your puppy? JJ’s infectious smile had the corners of Milton’s mouth turning up.

    Like I said, it’s nothing. Milton didn’t want to talk about it; he wished JJ would let it go.

    Hi, guys, Maggie said, coming up to the two of them and giving JJ a hug. Turning to Milton, she added, Did you have a good time with Steve yesterday?

    Milton rolled his eyes. Yes! he said, more loudly than he intended.

    A few of the kids nearby stopped their conversations and looked over at him. If there was one thing Milton hated, it was being the center of attention.

    Sorry, he said more quietly. I had a great time with Steve…yesterday.

    What’s that supposed to mean? Maggie asked, looking concerned.

    Milton slouched in resignation. He knew that, with Maggie and JJ acting as a team, they’d extract the truth out of him eventually, so he might as well save them the trouble of getting out the thumbscrews.

    This morning, Milton sighed. I was taking some books out of my locker, and a couple of assholes on the basketball team thought it’d be fun to stuff me into my locker.

    Who! Despite saying it softly, JJ still managed to put so much menace into the single word that it caused Milton to shudder.

    It’s okay. That wasn’t the—

    No, Milton, it isn’t okay, JJ interrupted. "You

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