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Futanari Fantasies
Futanari Fantasies
Futanari Fantasies
Ebook105 pages2 hours

Futanari Fantasies

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A Futanari is a woman. She sounds like a woman, she looks like a woman, she smells and tastes just like a women. She's just a woman with an extra appendage.

This Book is a collection of four stories that will blow your mind and ruin your pants they're so hot. 23,985 words of hot dominant Futanari action!

The Slow Seduction
Alison has a secret that she hasn't told her new boyfriend Kevin yet. She has a huge appendage. You wouldn't know it to look at her. Allie isn't a scruffy transvestite that couldn't pass as a woman in a darkened bar. Allie is a woman, all woman. Well, let's say 98% woman. The rest of her is appendage. All 10" of it.

Guessing that her new boyfriend might not be able to handle this naughty little secret right away Allie slowly seduces him until he's under her thumb. This is one Futanari who knows how to train her man. By the time sweet little Allie is done with him not only is he ready to pleasure her, swallow her and take all 10 inches but he's so turned on by her little humiliation games that he's forever putty in her girlish hands. 15,480 words

Honey, Your "thing" is Like Magic
Pete and his wife Becky have been big fans of pegging for years. Becky loves strapping it on and bending her husband over for a good long session at the end of her strap on. She loves it almost as much as her husband Pete does.

Becky is frustrated by the fact that they can't find a toy that will get her off as good as it gets Pete off. The couple decide to go shopping and look for a new toy. What they find is more they either of them could have dreamed.

A beautiful, mysterious Japanese woman and her sweet little female submissive offer the couple something that will change their lives, and Becky's anatomy, forever.
5,607 words

Coed With A "thing"
Tammy has a crush on her dorm mate Penny. She's never been into women and can't figure out why Penny has her so turned on.

Penny seems interested in Tammy but when it comes down to it she chickens out at the last second. Tammy's is determined to put the moves on her best friend. Little does she know the secret Penny has hidden from her.

Once Tammy finds out not only does she get what she wants but she gets more than she could have dreamed. Penny takes Tammy and then she takes charge!
2,859 words long

Release dateJan 1, 2017
Futanari Fantasies


I've been writing naughty stories since I discovered my Dad's dirty magazines at age 8. In fact I practically learned how to read from Penthouse Forum. Surprised the hell out of me when I was old enough to realize that all women weren't nymphos with huge boobs and that men didn't have nine inch dicks!After I got over that shock I decided to write stories that were a little more realistic. Most of them have their feet firmly planted on the ground. Some may only have a toe or two desperately scraping at reality. However you will find that they all make some kind of sense. There is some kind of story or plot that actually enhances the sex. To me you need that third element to make it really hot.Sometimes I call my stories erotica. Sometimes I think that term is to pompous and haughty so I prefer to call them naughty stories. Either way I put my heart and soul into them. I write what drives my own twisted little soul towards the little death.Come die with me. It's wonderful and the afterlife is completely catered.

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    Book preview

    Futanari Fantasies - Ardor

    An Book

    March 2013


    Published by

    Cover Illustration by Ardor

    Copyright (c) 2013 by Ardor

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. All people, places and events are fictitious. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Further more this ebook is meant for adults only. It contains sexually explicit material. Please do not allow minors access to material they are not old enough to understand.

    This book was written and published by the author. Please don’t pirate it. I’m not a huge corporation that can absorb losses. I’m one person who works hard and spends a lot of time and effort to write the best story that I can for my readers. If you give away my work or get it for free you are taking money out of my pocket; money that I use to support myself, and my writing. If you’ve received this book for free please go to and buy a copy so that I can continue to bring you more of my work.

    Thank you,


    Futanari Fantasies

    By Ardor

    Chapter 1

    The Slow Seduction

    My girlfriend Alison, if you could call a girl with a giant cock a girl, sat on the edge of her couch while I knelt on the floor between her legs and looked at her big, fat, cock.

    Come on baby, suck it. You know you want to, she said as she looked down at me with a smile.

    God help me I did. My mouth watered for her long, thick cock. I grabbed it firmly in one hand and pulled it down so that I could get my mouth around it. I brushed my lips over the head before taking it deep in my mouth. Allie moaned and rubbed the back of my head gently.

    So how did I, a normal heterosexual guy wind up with a futanrai, a real girl on a genetic level who just happens to have a huge cock, for a girlfriend?

    It just kind of happened. I mean, I didn’t know about her cock at first. I thought she was just a regular girl. Looking back on it now I can see how Allie got me ready for her. I should have known she was up to something from day one but she’s so sweet that I just didn’t see it coming, so to speak.

    We met about two months ago and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I screwed up my courage and said hello. Now, I’m not much of a pick up artist but something I said to her must have gone over well because we started dating right away.

    These were pretty much normal dates but at the end of each one we’d have these long hot make out sessions. They didn’t go farther than kissing at first. I had this feeling that she wanted to but she was holding back for some reason.

    I really liked her so I decided not to push too hard and let her come to me.

    A few make out sessions down the line she grabbed my hand, slipped it inside her blouse and planted it firmly on her left breast. I thought that was pretty much a green light for anything goes from there on but no, she wanted me to keep it above the waist.

    I have to admit I was a little disappointed but she had such an amazing pair of tits that I didn’t have much trouble enjoying myself with her. Not to mention that the bonus was a sudden eagerness in her to go down on me.

    The first few times were just regular blow jobs. Outside of being fantastic they were nothing at all out of the ordinary. Somewhere around the third or fourth time though she suddenly started playing with my asshole while she sucked on my cock.Nothing radical at first mind you. She just rubbed it gently as her lips flowed back and forth over the head of my cock. We didn’t talk about it but from the way I came it was obvious to both of us that I liked it.

    It didn’t stop there though. Would I have my current taste for girl cock if she did? No, of course not.

    She started out with normal blow jobs. At least what had become normal for us then. She’d use those incredible lips on the head of my cock while she gently rubbed my asshole. I still didn’t get to touch her below the waist but she could make me come so hard with her mouth that I was more than satisfied for the moment.

    Then, a few dates later, while she was going down on me, her finger suddenly disappeared from my asshole.

    I figure she just needed her hand for leverage or something. Her warm, wet mouth felt so good I certainly wasn’t going to complain.

    She let my cock slip out of her mouth and went back to work on just the head. Then I felt her finger return to my asshole. This time it was covered with something cool and slippery. I was going to say something but she just continued to gently rub her slippery finger around the outside of my asshole. It actually felt really nice. I came so hard that time it wasn’t even funny.

    So that then became our new normal. She’d suck on my cock and tease my ass with a slippery lube covered finger.

    She was so insidious, and patient, that I never stood a chance. I don’t even know how she managed it. I could never have been that patient.

    It paid off for her, of course, because when she moved her plan a step further I was ready for it. Hell, by then I was almost begging for it. What she had done up to that point had felt so good that I began to wonder what it would feel like if she pushed that finger all the way up inside me.

    The next time we fooled around I unknowingly helped her little plan right along.

    I had been playing with her tits while we made out on her couch. My pants were undone and she had my hard cock in her hand. Some women have a hard time giving a good hand job, not Allie. She knows how to stroke my cock in just the right way to turn me into a sweaty pile of desperation.

    Knowing what I know now it’s obvious how she got so good at it. She’s always had a cock of her own to practice on.

    So after fifteen minutes of kissing, playing with her tits and being jerked off I wasn’t going to do anything but cooperate when she stopped, pulled back, whipped off her shirt and bra

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