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After escaping a pirate ship and an unwanted betrothal to a French baron, Lady Adrianna Beechwood may well be safe on land but is alone with a band of smugglers running from the law in the wilds of Scotland.

Finally reunited with the love of her life, she is distressed to find a rugged Highland warrior has replaced the refined, stylish Drew Mackenzie she fell in love with in London.

With her betrothed’s men hot on her heels, she must flee with her Highlander, but will their love survive the troubles to come?

Release dateJan 5, 2017

H.C. Brown

H.C. Brown is a multi-published, multi-genre, bestselling, award-winning author.In 2016, she was delighted to be named Luminosity Publishing’s Bestselling Author of 2015.In 2015, she was delighted to be named Luminosity Publishing’s Bestselling Author of 2014.In 2015, Highlander in the Mist was placed 3rd in Historical and Rock ‘n’ Leather was placed 3rd GLBT in the Easychair Bookshop Competition.In 2015, Highlander in The Mist was nominated in The Romance Reviews 2015 Readers’ Awards.In 2011, she was delighted to receive nominations in three categories in the 2011 CAPA Awards: Favorite Author, Best GLBT Romance, and Best Science Fiction Romance.She was nominated for Best Historical M/M in the 2013, Goodreads Book of Year Awards.H.C writes about strong alpha male heroes and girl next door heroines in complex settings, and all her stories have happy endings.H.C. welcomes feedback from her readers.

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    Seduced - H.C. Brown


    The Mackenzie, Book Three

    H.C. Brown

    After escaping a pirate ship and an unwanted betrothal to a French baron, Lady Adrianna Beechwood may well be safe on land but is alone with a band of smugglers running from the law in the wilds of Scotland.

    Finally reunited with the love of her life, she is distressed to find a rugged Highland warrior has replaced the refined, stylish Drew Mackenzie she fell in love with in London.

    With her betrothed’s men hot on her heels, she must flee with her Highlander, but will their love survive the troubles to come?


    The Mackenzie, Book Three

    H.C. BROWN




    The Mackenzie, Book Three

    Copyright © November 2015 H.C. Brown

    ISBN: 978-1-910899-38-0

    Cover Art by Poppy Designs


    No part of this literary work may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


    Highlander, Drew Mackenzie's double life as the Mackenzie heir and the notorious, smuggler, Le Diable Noir, comes into jeopardy the moment he meets Lady Adrianna Beachwood. Disobeying her father’s warning to stay away, he devises an ingenious plan to meet her in secret by using his cousin, the respectable, Lord Rupert as a decoy. The romance is in full swing before fate intervenes, and hearing of his clan’s sudden illness, he returns to Scotland to find his clan at war.

    Drew’s father is on his deathbed and his godfather is trying to turn the clan against him. Clan Munroe is waging war and his clan is losing the battle. Sick and near starving Clan Mackenzie looked to Drew to save them. His plan to leave his smuggling days behind and marry Adrianna quickly becomes an impossible dream and he must return to his life as Le Diable Noir, to finance his clan.

    In London, alone and without the support of Lord Rupert, Lady Adrianna’s heartless father forces her into a betrothal with a French Baron known as The Murderer of Muzon. Unable to inform her father about her secret love affair with Drew Mackenzie, she has no option but to accept. In fear of her life, she writes to Lord Rupert to inform him of her situation and begs him to notify Drew of her impossible position and to ask him to help her escape.

    Time is running out and without word from Drew, Lady Adrianna reluctantly boards a pirate ship, The Black Turtle, and finds herself under the protection of the baron’s man of affairs in the form of the opium smoking deviate, Lord Moreau. In fear of her life or losing her honor from the threats of the unscrupulous Captain Jacques, she has little option but to wait in the hope Drew will find a way to rescue her.

    After receiving Lord Rupert’s letter, Drew plans a risky escape. He sends his brother Ian to join the crew then boards The Black Turtle as the masked Le Diable Noir and by using, Ian and the cover of darkness rescues Lady Adrianna.

    Safe on land and alone with a band of Highlanders in the middle of nowhere, Adrianna is distressed to find a rugged Highlander has replaced the refined, stylish Drew Mackenzie she fell in love with in London.

    Chapter One

    Adrianna hobbled from the small room in the castle ruins with one arm draped across Betty’s shoulder for support and gaped at Drew in astonishment. Dressed in a clean shirt with his plaid attached to one shoulder by an exquisite brooch and a glistening claymore on his back, and a short sword strapped to his waist, there could be no doubt of his position in the clan. Drew straightened to his full impressive height at her entrance and rested one hand on the gold handled dirk on his belt. He held an aura of respect and was defiantly not the vagabond barbarian he led her to believe.

    Her Highlander was indeed a chameleon, for before her stood a confident Highland warrior as did the tall, handsome man standing beside him. Drew’s gaze drifted over her and a glimpse of the man she met in London surfaced for a brief moment before his expression hardened to one of disinterest. An act for his clan no doubt.

    She glanced over the restless group of clansmen and all to a man glared back at her grim-faced. A shiver of apprehension slid down her spine. By the wave of Anglophobic hatred directed toward her, Drew had informed them of the trouble her presence would cause. The grunts and Gaelic mutterings combined with unusual hand gestures from the men clearly indicated their attitude toward her. To be sure, they would have preferred if the fever had taken her.

    Limping the short distance to stand before him and ignoring the less than welcoming manner of his men, she offered him the letter. She had detailed the reasons for escaping Lord Moreau and informed her father of her reasons to remain in Scotland without mention of Drew or her whereabouts. She had folded the paper neatly and placed her father’s direction in bold print on the front then sealed the missive with a crude blob of soot-streaked candle wax. I do hope this will set matters straight.

    As do I. Drew took the letter and broke the seal eyeing her with a steady confident gaze.

    She gaped at him in disbelief and grabbed at the paper in his hand but to no avail. At the twitch of a smile on his lips, indignation rose and she glared at him. Laird Mackenzie, I find it hard to believe you have the effrontery to examine a private note to my father.

    "Effrontery is it to keep ma clan safe or maybe I am too canny for ye, aye? Drew gave her such a look of disdain that she took a step backward. He grabbed her arm drawing her around to face him. Do ye really think I would be stupid enough to allow anyone with enough information to see us hanged, free reign to inform Lord Beachwood of our whereabouts, and destination? His gaze moved over her face assessing her. If ye are so against me reading the contents of your correspondence, ye must have something to hide."

    The group of men mumbled in agreement and indescribable dread fell over her. Swallowing her pride, she inclined her head in an attempt to exhibit calm and a regal manner. Then read on Laird Mackenzie, for there is nothing in that missive that you do not already know about me, I’m sure. She swallowed the lump in her throat. I do not intend to cause you or your clan trouble with the authorities. You have my word. Nevertheless, I do understand your clan’s hesitancy to believe an English woman.

    Such an attempt at bravado had not quelled the fear bubbling to the surface. Why had she written to her father and given her explanation for leaving The Black Turtle as one to search for true love and with the intention of finding a husband of her own choosing? If Drew read her note to the clan, they would without doubt believe she had designed her escape in an attempt to force him into a compromising position and would regard her with contempt. An English lady would not be a suitable match for their laird, especially one with King George as a godfather. She gazed at him from below her lashes and her heart pounded with the implications. She prayed he would not read the missive aloud. Her ears peeled in the fashion of St. Paul’s Cathedral at Easter, and she swallowed hard. Fisting her hands until the fingernails cut deep into her flesh, she stared into Drew’s eyes daring him to reveal their secret.

    Aye, if ye want ma protection and expect ma clan to lay down their lives for ye, then ye have to earn their trust. Drew unfolded the letter. He moved to a shaft of light to read the contents and raised both dark eyebrows. He folded the paper then turned to Dermot and thrust the document into his hands. Light a candle and seal this again. He strolled back to her and gave her a long considering stare. Verra well, lass. I thank ye, the letter will do nicely.

    The tightness in her chest relaxed and could breathe once more. Indeed, Drew’s disposition toward her had not changed to one of smug satisfaction or distaste. He gave no hint to his thoughts and had the ability to mask his feelings toward her, yet beneath his warrior persona lay the kind, gentle man who had cared for her overnight.

    Oh, you are very good at deception, Drew Mackenzie. I hope you have not deceived me as well. She lifted her chin and met his emerald gaze searching for the man who had stolen her heart. His attention had not moved from her and when his expression softened, the need to throw herself into his arms heated her cheeks. Empowered, she pressed her trembling legs together, and in an effort to appear nonchalant arranged her dark brown woolen skirt. He had insisted she must earn his clan’s trust and she would if it took the rest of her life. She inclined her head and offered him a hint of a smile. I thank you, Laird.

    Drew took the resealed letter from Dermot and handed it to one of his men. Ride like the wind and get this on the first mail coach to London. I will meet ye at the Glen Albyn Inn in two days. God’s speed. He slapped the man on the back then turned to her and indicated to the man at his side. May I present, ma brother James Mackenzie, kenned by most as Dubh Jamie.

    The man beside him stepped forward and bowed over her hand.

    Your servant, ma lady. Jamie met her gaze. I do hope the morning finds ye well rested and in better health?

    She smiled at this charismatic young man. Yes, I thank you for your concern, Mr. Mackenzie.

    The brush of his lips and scent of fresh air and heather sent images racing through her mind in a state of primordial chaos. Words fell from her mouth heedless of the consequences. "I

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