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Gardening With Water Puppies, An Unconventional Approach: Weather-izing the Lean-To
Gardening With Water Puppies, An Unconventional Approach: Weather-izing the Lean-To
Gardening With Water Puppies, An Unconventional Approach: Weather-izing the Lean-To
Ebook45 pages26 minutes

Gardening With Water Puppies, An Unconventional Approach: Weather-izing the Lean-To

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About this ebook

After putting so much effort into the design and construction of our aquaponoics garden, including the lean-to enclosure which protected my vertical grow towers, it was somewhat disappointing to discover that the doorway was not meeting our expectations after two years of existence. So a change was in order. After assessing what was needed to protect not only the crops within the vertical grow towers but the lean-to itself, we set about to re-construct the doorway of the lean-to. It was definitely an improvement over the previous flimsy doorway that I had originally designed, but it didn't quite meet Fort Knox specifications. It did, however, seem to tame the wild and unruly easterly and southerly winds that blew through afterward. We were so pleased with the functioning of the new doorway and the protection it afforded the area behind it, we decided to undertake a major re-do of the remainder of the lean-to, leaving its structural framework and one wall intact. After several days and a moderate amount of sweat-equity, we were very pleased with the outcome. This new doorway and the improved lean-to will offer improved protection to our crops and the structure itself, while still providing a suitable grow area within my aquaponics garden.

Release dateJan 5, 2017
Gardening With Water Puppies, An Unconventional Approach: Weather-izing the Lean-To

Water Puppy Wrangler

Water Puppy Wrangler is not my real name. I am a novice gardener and beginner aquapon, writing under the above pseudonym, who is interested in learning about and growing vegetables, herbs, and fruits for family and friends, while enjoying my water puppies. I offer my personal experiences in aquaponics gardening, as well as my adventures with my water puppies, in a narrative that will, hopefully, both inform and entertain. The intent of this eBook is not to present myself as any resemblance of an expert, nor my research or experiences as authoritative, but to relay what I have researched and learned, my decision process and subsequent actions, and how it all fared in a diary-like fashion.

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    Book preview

    Gardening With Water Puppies, An Unconventional Approach - Water Puppy Wrangler

    gardening with water puppies, an unconventional approach

    Weather-izing the Vertical Lean-to

    Water Puppy Wrangler

    Copyright © 2016 by Water Puppy Wrangler

    Smashwords Edition

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The eBook, including its images and photographs, may not be copied, re-sold, or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    The information contained within this publication explicitly describes the author’s own research, decision-making, design, and construction used by the author in the author's own experiences. No claim should be assumed or made that this information will be suitable for the reader. Each reader must determine the suitability of this information to his or her own situation and, thereby, assumes all risk and liability thereof.

    The following images and vectors as displayed on the front cover are courtesy of blowing cloud, groupings of brown leaves, and the brown hat.


    This eBook also would not have been possible without the support and construction savvy of the Power Tool King, nor without the editorial prowess of long-time friends who are kindred spirits and as nutty as we are. My sincerest thanks are extended to all.


    This eBook is also dedicated to the memory of my beloved parents who, unfortunately, are no longer able to offer their sage advice and support.


    This eBook is dedicated to our many finned water puppies and our four-legged one.


    Chapter 1 — A BRIEF LOOK BACK

    Looking Back

    Chapter 2 — A NEW DO

    An Entry Re-Do

    The Demolition

    - Measure Triangles Twice, Cut Once!

    - It's Not Your Mama's Door!

    - Sweat Equity Begins At the Door!



    The Verdict


    Walling Off the Lean-To

    The End Result

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