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The New Story about Life and Money: Shifting from "The Age of Money "to "The Age of Joy & Living"
The New Story about Life and Money: Shifting from "The Age of Money "to "The Age of Joy & Living"
The New Story about Life and Money: Shifting from "The Age of Money "to "The Age of Joy & Living"
Ebook111 pages2 hours

The New Story about Life and Money: Shifting from "The Age of Money "to "The Age of Joy & Living"

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About this ebook

Our lives are out of balance. Emotions such as fear and worry, greed and guilt have become our leaders and are throwing our personal worlds, society at large, and nature into disarray. The main contributor to this crisis is money - or better said: the way we think of and deal with money.
We have lost our connection to the real purpose of money and the energies behind it, and with that, we have lost our happiness and health. So how can we have it all: the money, the joy, and the good health? This is the central question of this book. To answer it, we have to open our minds and beliefs.
Only if we dare to move into the new can we step out of any negative situations in our lives and help others find purpose and joy. Based on his experience as a banker to the rich, Rafael Kasischke shows you how you can start that journey towards more inner and outer balance.
"Our awareness of life is limited. We are caught in old concepts, belief systems, and ideas. When we unlock our minds and see the world with new eyes, we can finally become healthy and content. The same applies to money." Rafael D. Kasischke
Release dateOct 4, 2018
The New Story about Life and Money: Shifting from "The Age of Money "to "The Age of Joy & Living"

Rafael D. Kasischke

Rafael war 40 Jahre für Deutsche und Schweizer Banken in Europa, Lateinamerika und USA tätig. Er hat Geld gelernt - von der Aussen- sowie Innenseite. Die Wahrnehmung dieser Materie seitens der Menschheit hat ihn von Kindesalter an fasziniert. Er lehrt diese Materie sowie die damit einhergehenden Gedanken und Gefühle heute in seiner Lebens- und Geld-Schule. Und er ist der Botschafter für eine neue Sichtweise mit dieser Materie und damit einen neuen Umgang - in der Welt. Dadurch bringt er Leichtigkeit und Freude den Menschen. Denn viele Menschen leiden unter Stress, Sorgen, Ängsten und Depressionen. Rafael kennt diese Themen aus eigener Erfahrung. Durch seinen inneren Wandel ist er zu einem fröhlichen, lebenslustigen Menschen geworden. Möchtest Du auch so werden?

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    Book preview

    The New Story about Life and Money - Rafael D. Kasischke

    This book is dedicated to my mother,

    in love and in gratitude that she gave birth to me.

    It is also dedicated to my grandmother,

    in love and in gratitude that she gave birth to my mother.

    And it is dedicated to my great-grandmother,

    in love and in gratitude that she gave birth

    to my grandmother.

    I bow to the fates of all three mothers.

    May LOVE and healing be your future.



    Chapter 1 The Richness Of Life

    Chapter 2 The Inner Wealth

    Chapter 3 The Money Flow

    Chapter 4 The Money Cycle

    Chapter 5 The Transformation

    Chapter 6 The Energy Of Money

    Chapter 7 The Abundance

    Chapter 8 Money Is Our Teacher

    Chapter 9 Love & Money

    Chapter 10 Forgiveness

    Chapter 11 Recognition & Reputation

    Chapter 12 The Letter To Money

    Chapter 13 The Money Tree

    Chapter 14 The Healing Projects

    Chapter 15 The Life Journey

    Chapter 16 The Essence Of Life

    Chapter 17 The Balance

    Chapter 18 The Wisdom

    In Closing: What We Have Learned

    About The Author


    "Everyone has the perfect gift to give the world – and if each of us

    is freed up to give the gift that is uniquely ours to give,

    the world will be in total harmony."

    Buckminster Fuller


    Today most people are deeply influenced and define their true worth by material values such as social position, monetary worth, external appearance, or personal possessions. That misrepresentation of the source of true worth creates cultures of accumulation, possessiveness, selfishness, and greed, and it is the root cause of conflict, exploitation, poverty, and tension in the world. True worth comes from realizing the dignity and value of the individual and of the sacredness or divine nature of human life. A person who really understands his or her own inherent worth and respects that of others will come to know that worth is not something assigned by external factors but instead comes from a source that is universal and external.


    I believe sustained changes in behavior don’t result from the outside. Real transformation emerges from deep inner shifts in awareness, which creates attitude shifts that affect the way we see a situation. When we see something with new eyes, we take different actions and create a different world.


    Many people are disorientated and emotionally unbalanced because our life is built on Money and on a material world instead of balancing the spiritual (immaterial) and material worlds. Because we focus on the material world and don't have an abundance mindset, we hoard our material assets. I assist people to get back their strength and power – to get healthy and wealthy (internally and externally) – by changing their perspective of Money and bringing their Money and life back into FLOW.

    Chapter 1 - The Richness Of Life

    Are you happy?

    I am happy! Why? Because

    I look at Money differently.

    I am not attached to Money and material wealth.

    I love outer wealth. But do I need to own everything?

    I am rich and full of abundance.

    I am getting my strength from my inner wealth.

    I am getting my laughter and happiness from my cheerful nature.

    I feel my heart and I like my passion.

    I am grateful for everything in my life.

    I have forgiven myself and my parents.

    I have learnt a lot about life and understand life now.

    I am FREE. And I feel free. I am a free Spirit.

    Are you free? Are you enjoying life?

    Life is wonderful! Life is rich! However many people – whether they are ultra-rich, affluent, or average earners – consider life to be difficult, poor, or a fight. Why? Because they are poor in their mind: in their thoughts and beliefs.

    Therefore, they are also poor in their outer life: their health, their fears around and obsession with Money, and their relationships.

    Our inner world is the mirror of our outer world.

    They complain about what they do not have instead of seeing what they have. Yet they have not seen the beauty of life, the essence of life, and the richness of life. Let us enjoy life! And let us bring abundance into our life!

    What are the funniest situations or stories in your life? What are the most beautiful love stories in your life? Write them down and share them with me!

    What is your ultimate desire in life? To be happy and healthy? Yes, I believe it is. However, there is something deeper. It is LOVE. The ultimate goal in life is love: unconditional love. Love that doesn't expect anything in return.

    And what hinders us to reach this ultimate goal? Our emotions, our thoughts, and our beliefs: our inner world.

    Our BELIEFS are governed by our mind, our experiences, our education and by science (left brain). Our EMOTIONS are our feelings, love, thoughts, and intuition (right brain). Both sides are not balanced and not connected.

    This is one reason for not being in a state of LOVE (unconditional love) and for not being happy. People are torn between beliefs and emotions – they go back and forth between the right and the left brain.

    Some of our beliefs have been with us for a long time.

    For example:

    I believe that I will get a good job if I study at university.

    I believe in our education system.


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